1/* mips.s -- assembly support. */
4 * QuickThreads -- Threads-building toolkit.
5 * Copyright (c) 1993 by David Keppel
6 *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
8 * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
9 * granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this notice
10 * appear in all copies.  This software is provided as a
11 * proof-of-concept and for demonstration purposes; there is no
12 * representation about the suitability of this software for any
13 * purpose.
14 */
16/* Callee-save $16-$23, $30-$31.
17 *
18 * $25 is used as a procedure value pointer, used to discover constants
19 * in a callee.  Thus, each caller here sets $25 before the call.
20 *
21 * On startup, restore regs so retpc === call to a function to start.
22 * We're going to call a function ($4) from within this routine.
23 * We're passing 3 args, therefore need to allocate 12 extra bytes on
24 * the stack for a save area.  The start routine needs a like 16-byte
25 * save area.  Must be doubleword aligned (_mips r3000 risc
26 * architecture_, gerry kane, pg d-23).
27 */
30 * Modified by Assar Westerlund <assar@sics.se> to support Irix 5.x
31 * calling conventions for dynamically-linked code.
32 */
34	/* Make this position-independent code. */
35	.option pic2
37	.globl qt_block
38	.globl qt_blocki
39	.globl qt_abort
40	.globl qt_start
41	.globl qt_vstart
43	/*
44	** $4: ptr to function to call once curr is suspended
45	**	and control is on $7's stack.
46	** $5: 1'th arg to $4.
47	** $6: 2'th arg to $4
48	** $7: sp of thread to suspend.
49	**
50	** Totally gross hack: The MIPS calling convention reserves
51	** 4 words on the stack for a0..a3.  This routine "ought" to
52	** allocate space for callee-save registers plus 4 words for
53	** the helper function, but instead we use the 4 words
54	** provided by the function that called us (we don't need to
55	** save our argument registers).  So what *appears* to be
56	** allocating only 40 bytes is actually allocating 56, by
57	** using the caller's 16 bytes.
58	**
59	** The helper routine returns a value that is passed on as the
60	** return value from the blocking routine.  Since we don't
61	** touch $2 between the helper's return and the end of
62	** function, we get this behavior for free.
63	*/
65	sub $sp,$sp,40		/* Allocate reg save space. */
66	sw $16, 0+16($sp)
67	sw $17, 4+16($sp)
68	sw $18, 8+16($sp)
69	sw $19,12+16($sp)
70	sw $20,16+16($sp)
71	sw $21,20+16($sp)
72	sw $22,24+16($sp)
73	sw $23,28+16($sp)
74	sw $30,32+16($sp)
75	sw $31,36+16($sp)
76	add $2, $sp,$0		/* $2 <= old sp to pass to func@$4. */
78	add $sp, $7,$0		/* $sp <= new sp. */
79	.set noreorder
80	add $25, $4,$0		/* Set helper function procedure value. */
81	jal $31,$25		/* Call helper func@$4 . */
82	add $4, $2,$0		/* $a0 <= pass old sp as a parameter. */
83	.set reorder
84	lw $31,36+16($sp)	/* Restore callee-save regs... */
85	lw $30,32+16($sp)
86	lw $23,28+16($sp)
87	lw $22,24+16($sp)
88	lw $21,20+16($sp)
89	lw $20,16+16($sp)
90	lw $19,12+16($sp)
91	lw $18, 8+16($sp)
92	lw $17, 4+16($sp)
93	lw $16, 0+16($sp)	/* Restore callee-save */
95	add $sp,$sp,40		/* Deallocate reg save space. */
96	j $31			/* Return to caller. */
98	/*
99	** Non-varargs thread startup.
100	** Note: originally, 56 bytes were allocated on the stack.
101	** The thread restore routine (_blocki/_abort) removed 40
102	** of them, which means there is still 16 bytes for the
103	** argument area required by the MIPS calling convention.
104	*/
106	add $4, $16,$0		/* Load up user function pu. */
107	add $5, $17,$0		/* ... user function pt. */
108	add $6, $18,$0		/* ... user function userf. */
109	add $25, $19,$0		/* Set `only' procedure value. */
110	jal $31,$25		/* Call `only'. */
111	la $25,qt_error		/* Set `qt_error' procedure value. */
112	j $25
115	/*
116	** Save calle-save floating-point regs $f20-$f30
117	** See comment in `qt_block' about calling conventinos and
118	** reserved space.  Use the same trick here, but here we
119	** actually have to allocate all the bytes since we have to
120	** leave 4 words leftover for `qt_blocki'.
121	**
122	** Return value from `qt_block' is the same as the return from
123	** `qt_blocki'.  We get that for free since we don't touch $2
124	** between the return from `qt_blocki' and the return from
125	** `qt_block'.
126	*/
128	sub $sp, $sp,56		/* 6 8-byte regs, saved ret pc, aligned. */
129	swc1 $f20,  0+16($sp)
130	swc1 $f22,  8+16($sp)
131	swc1 $f24, 16+16($sp)
132	swc1 $f26, 24+16($sp)
133	swc1 $f28, 32+16($sp)
134	swc1 $f30, 40+16($sp)
135	sw $31, 48+16($sp)
136	jal qt_blocki
137	lwc1 $f20,  0+16($sp)
138	lwc1 $f22,  8+16($sp)
139	lwc1 $f24, 16+16($sp)
140	lwc1 $f26, 24+16($sp)
141	lwc1 $f28, 32+16($sp)
142	lwc1 $f30, 40+16($sp)
143	lw $31, 48+16($sp)
144	add $sp, $sp,56
145	j $31
148	/*
149	** First, call `startup' with the `pt' argument.
150	**
151	** Next, call the user's function with all arguments.
152	** Note that we don't know whether args were passed in
153	** integer regs, fp regs, or on the stack (See Gerry Kane
154	** "MIPS R2000 RISC Architecture" pg D-22), so we reload
155	** all the registers, possibly with garbage arguments.
156	**
157	** Finally, call `cleanup' with the `pt' argument and with
158	** the return value from the user's function.  It is an error
159	** for `cleanup' to return.
160	*/
162	add $4, $17,$0		/* `pt' is arg0 to `startup'. */
163	add $25, $18,$0		/* Set `startup' procedure value. */
164	jal $31, $25		/* Call `startup'. */
166	add $sp, $sp,16		/* Free extra save space. */
167	lw $4,  0($sp)		/* Load up args. */
168	lw $5,  4($sp)
169	lw $6,  8($sp)
170	lw $7, 12($sp)
171	lwc1 $f12, 0($sp)	/* Load up fp args. */
172	lwc1 $f14, 8($sp)
173	add $25, $19,$0		/* Set `userf' procedure value. */
174	jal $31,$25		/* Call `userf'. */
176	add $4, $17,$0		/* `pt' is arg0 to `cleanup'. */
177	add $5, $2,$0		/* Ret. val is arg1 to `cleanup'. */
178	add $25, $16,$0		/* Set `cleanup' procedure value. */
179	jal $31, $25		/* Call `cleanup'. */
181	la $25,qt_error		/* Set `qt_error' procedure value. */
182	j $25