1def upgrader(cpt):
2    """
3    Update the checkpoint to support initial SVE implemtation.
4    The updater is taking the following steps.
6    1) Set isa.haveSVE to false
7    2) Set isa.sveVL to 1
8    3) Add SVE misc registers in the checkpoint
9    """
10    if cpt.get('root','isa') == 'arm':
11        for sec in cpt.sections():
12            import re
13            # Search for all ISA sections
14            if re.search('.*sys.*\.cpu.*\.isa$', sec):
16                # haveSVE = false
17                cpt.set(sec, 'haveSVE', 'false')
19                # sveVL (sve Vector Length in quadword) = 1
20                # (This is a dummy value since haveSVE is set to false)
21                cpt.set(sec, 'sveVL', '1')
23                # Updating SVE misc registers (dummy values)
24                mr = cpt.get(sec, 'miscRegs').split()
25                if len(mr) == 820:
26                    print "MISCREG_SVE registers already seems to be inserted."
27                else:
28                    # Replace MISCREG_FREESLOT_1 with MISCREG_ID_AA64ZFR0_EL1
29                    mr[-1] = 0;
31                    mr.append(0); # Add dummy value for MISCREG_ZCR_EL3
32                    mr.append(0); # Add dummy value for MISCREG_ZCR_EL2
33                    mr.append(0); # Add dummy value for MISCREG_ZCR_EL12
34                    mr.append(0); # Add dummy value for MISCREG_ZCR_EL1
35                    cpt.set(sec, 'miscRegs', ' '.join(str(x) for x in mr))
37legacy_version = 15