m5op_alpha.S (5505:90d6811d5ea6) m5op_alpha.S (5543:3af77710f397)
2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
7 * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

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45#define RET \
46 ret ($26)
48#define END(func) \
49 .end func
2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
7 * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

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45#define RET \
46 ret ($26)
48#define END(func) \
49 .end func
51#define SIMPLE_OP(_f, _o) \
52 LEAF(_f) \
53 _o; \
54 RET; \
51#define SIMPLE_OP(_f, _o) \
52 LEAF(_f) \
53 _o; \
54 RET; \
55 END(_f)
55 END(_f)
57#define ARM(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, arm_func)
57#define ARM(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, arm_func)
58#define QUIESCE INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiesce_func)
59#define QUIESCENS(r1) INST(m5_op, r1, 0, quiescens_func)
60#define QUIESCECYC(r1) INST(m5_op, r1, 0, quiescecycle_func)
61#define QUIESCETIME INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiescetime_func)
62#define M5EXIT(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, exit_func)
63#define INITPARAM(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, initparam_func)
64#define LOADSYMBOL(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, loadsymbol_func)
65#define RESET_STATS(r1, r2) INST(m5_op, r1, r2, resetstats_func)

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58#define QUIESCE INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiesce_func)
59#define QUIESCENS(r1) INST(m5_op, r1, 0, quiescens_func)
60#define QUIESCECYC(r1) INST(m5_op, r1, 0, quiescecycle_func)
61#define QUIESCETIME INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiescetime_func)
62#define M5EXIT(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, exit_func)
63#define INITPARAM(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, initparam_func)
64#define LOADSYMBOL(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, loadsymbol_func)
65#define RESET_STATS(r1, r2) INST(m5_op, r1, r2, resetstats_func)

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