AbstractController.hh (9465:4ae4f3f4b870) AbstractController.hh (9496:28d88a0fda74)
2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
7 * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

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46class MessageBuffer;
47class Network;
49class AbstractController : public ClockedObject, public Consumer
51 public:
52 typedef RubyControllerParams Params;
53 AbstractController(const Params *p);
2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
7 * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

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46class MessageBuffer;
47class Network;
49class AbstractController : public ClockedObject, public Consumer
51 public:
52 typedef RubyControllerParams Params;
53 AbstractController(const Params *p);
54 void init();
54 const Params *params() const { return (const Params *)_params; }
55 virtual MessageBuffer* getMandatoryQueue() const = 0;
56 virtual const int & getVersion() const = 0;
57 virtual const std::string toString() const = 0; // returns text version of
58 // controller type
59 virtual const std::string getName() const = 0; // return instance name
60 virtual void blockOnQueue(Address, MessageBuffer*) = 0;
61 virtual void unblock(Address) = 0;

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79 //! The return value indicates the number of messages written with the
80 //! data from the packet.
81 virtual uint32_t functionalWriteBuffers(PacketPtr&) = 0;
83 //! Function for enqueuing a prefetch request
84 virtual void enqueuePrefetch(const Address&, const RubyRequestType&)
85 { fatal("Prefetches not implemented!");}
55 const Params *params() const { return (const Params *)_params; }
56 virtual MessageBuffer* getMandatoryQueue() const = 0;
57 virtual const int & getVersion() const = 0;
58 virtual const std::string toString() const = 0; // returns text version of
59 // controller type
60 virtual const std::string getName() const = 0; // return instance name
61 virtual void blockOnQueue(Address, MessageBuffer*) = 0;
62 virtual void unblock(Address) = 0;

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80 //! The return value indicates the number of messages written with the
81 //! data from the packet.
82 virtual uint32_t functionalWriteBuffers(PacketPtr&) = 0;
84 //! Function for enqueuing a prefetch request
85 virtual void enqueuePrefetch(const Address&, const RubyRequestType&)
86 { fatal("Prefetches not implemented!");}
88 public:
89 MachineID getMachineID() const { return m_machineID; }
90 uint64_t getFullyBusyCycles() const { return m_fully_busy_cycles; }
91 uint64_t getRequestCount() const { return m_request_count; }
92 const std::map<std::string, uint64_t>& getRequestProfileMap() const
93 { return m_requestProfileMap; }
87 protected:
95 protected:
96 //! Profiles original cache requests including PUTs
97 void profileRequest(const std::string &request);
99 protected:
88 int m_transitions_per_cycle;
89 int m_buffer_size;
90 int m_recycle_latency;
91 std::string m_name;
100 int m_transitions_per_cycle;
101 int m_buffer_size;
102 int m_recycle_latency;
103 std::string m_name;
92 std::map<std::string, std::string> m_cfg;
93 NodeID m_version;
94 Network* m_net_ptr;
95 MachineID m_machineID;
96 bool m_is_blocking;
97 std::map<Address, MessageBuffer*> m_block_map;
98 typedef std::vector<MessageBuffer*> MsgVecType;
99 typedef std::map< Address, MsgVecType* > WaitingBufType;
100 WaitingBufType m_waiting_buffers;
101 int m_max_in_port_rank;
102 int m_cur_in_port_rank;
103 int m_number_of_TBEs;
104 NodeID m_version;
105 Network* m_net_ptr;
106 MachineID m_machineID;
107 bool m_is_blocking;
108 std::map<Address, MessageBuffer*> m_block_map;
109 typedef std::vector<MessageBuffer*> MsgVecType;
110 typedef std::map< Address, MsgVecType* > WaitingBufType;
111 WaitingBufType m_waiting_buffers;
112 int m_max_in_port_rank;
113 int m_cur_in_port_rank;
114 int m_number_of_TBEs;
116 //! Counter for the number of cycles when the transitions carried out
117 //! were equal to the maximum allowed
118 uint64_t m_fully_busy_cycles;
120 //! Map for couting requests of different types. The controller should
121 //! call requisite function for updating the count.
122 std::map<std::string, uint64_t> m_requestProfileMap;
123 uint64_t m_request_count;