2 * Copyright (c) 2012-2013,2017-2018 ARM Limited
3 * All rights reserved
4 *
5 * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
6 * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
7 * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
8 * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software

--- 306 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

316 /**
317 * The size of the request. This field must be set when vaddr or
318 * paddr is written via setVirt() or setPhys(), so it is always
319 * valid as long as one of the address fields is valid.
320 */
321 unsigned _size;
323 /** Byte-enable mask for writes. */
324 std::vector<bool> _byteEnable;
326 /** The requestor ID which is unique in the system for all ports
327 * that are capable of issuing a transaction
328 */
329 MasterID _masterId;
331 /** Flag structure for the request. */
332 Flags _flags;

--- 231 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

565 _paddr = paddr;
566 privateFlags.set(VALID_PADDR);
567 }
569 /**
570 * Generate two requests as if this request had been split into two
571 * pieces. The original request can't have been translated already.
572 */
573 // TODO: this function is still required by TimingSimpleCPU - should be
574 // removed once TimingSimpleCPU will support arbitrarily long multi-line
575 // mem. accesses
576 void splitOnVaddr(Addr split_addr, RequestPtr &req1, RequestPtr &req2)
577 {
578 assert(privateFlags.isSet(VALID_VADDR));
579 assert(privateFlags.noneSet(VALID_PADDR));
580 assert(split_addr > _vaddr && split_addr < _vaddr + _size);
581 req1 = std::make_shared<Request>(*this);
582 req2 = std::make_shared<Request>(*this);
583 req1->_size = split_addr - _vaddr;
584 req2->_vaddr = split_addr;
585 req2->_size = _size - req1->_size;
586 if (!_byteEnable.empty()) {
587 req1->_byteEnable = std::vector<bool>(
588 _byteEnable.begin(),
589 _byteEnable.begin() + req1->_size);
590 req2->_byteEnable = std::vector<bool>(
591 _byteEnable.begin() + req1->_size,
592 _byteEnable.end());
593 }
594 }
596 /**
597 * Accessor for paddr.
598 */
599 bool
600 hasPaddr() const
601 {

--- 35 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

638 unsigned
639 getSize() const
640 {
641 assert(privateFlags.isSet(VALID_SIZE));
642 return _size;
643 }
645 const std::vector<bool>&
646 getByteEnable() const
647 {
648 return _byteEnable;
649 }
651 void
652 setByteEnable(const std::vector<bool>& be)
653 {
654 assert(be.empty() || be.size() == _size);
655 _byteEnable = be;
656 }
658 /** Accessor for time. */
659 Tick
660 time() const
661 {
662 assert(privateFlags.isSet(VALID_PADDR|VALID_VADDR));
663 return _time;
664 }

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