< //@todo Make Accesor functions, make these private.
< public:
< /** Constructor, needs a bool to signify if it is/isn't Cpu Request. */
< Request(bool isCpu);
< /** reset the request to it's initial state so it can be reused.*/
< void resetAll(bool isCpu);
< /** reset the request's addrs times, etc, so but not everything to same
< * time. */
< void resetMin();
< //First non-cpu request fields
< /** The physical address of the request. */
> /**
> * The physical address of the request. Valid only if validPaddr
> * is set. */
< /** Wether or not paddr is valid (has been written yet). */
< bool validPaddr;
< /** The size of the request. */
> /**
> * The size of the request. This field must be set when vaddr or
> * paddr is written via setVirt() or setPhys(), so it is always
> * valid as long as one of the address fields is valid. */
< /** Wether or not size is valid (has been written yet). */
< bool validSize;
< /** The time this request was started. Used to calculate latencies. */
< Tick time;
< /** Wether or not time is valid (has been written yet). */
< bool validTime;
< /** Destination address if this is a block copy. */
< Addr copyDest;
< /** Wether or not copyDest is valid (has been written yet). */
< bool validCopyDest;
< //Accsesors for non-cpu request fields
< public:
< /** Accesor for paddr. */
< Addr getPaddr();
< /** Accesor for paddr. */
< void setPaddr(Addr _paddr);
> /**
> * The time this request was started. Used to calculate
> * latencies. This field is set to curTick any time paddr or vaddr
> * is written. */
> Tick time;
< /** Accesor for size. */
< int getSize();
< /** Accesor for size. */
< void setSize(int _size);
< /** Accesor for time. */
< Tick getTime();
< /** Accesor for time. */
< void setTime(Tick _time);
< /** Accesor for copy dest. */
< Addr getCopyDest();
< /** Accesor for copy dest. */
< void setCopyDest(Addr _copyDest);
< /** Accesor for flags. */
< uint32_t getFlags();
< /** Accesor for paddr. */
< void setFlags(uint32_t _flags);
< //Now cpu-request fields
< private:
< /** Bool to signify if this is a cpuRequest. */
< bool cpuReq;
> /** The address space ID. */
> int asid;
< /** Wether or not the vaddr is valid. */
< bool validVaddr;
< /** The address space ID. */
< int asid;
< /** Wether or not the asid is valid. */
< bool validAsid;
< /** Wether or not the sc result is valid. */
< bool validScResult;
< /** The cpu number for statistics. */
> /** The cpu number (for statistics, typically). */
< /** Wether or not the cpu number is valid. */
< bool validCpuNum;
< /** The requesting thread id. */
> /** The requesting thread id (for statistics, typically). */
< /** Wether or not the thread id is valid. */
< bool validThreadNum;
< /** Wether or not the pc is valid. */
> /** Whether or not paddr is valid (has been written yet). */
> bool validPaddr;
> /** Whether or not the asid & vaddr are valid. */
> bool validAsidVaddr;
> /** Whether or not the sc result is valid. */
> bool validScResult;
> /** Whether or not the cpu number & thread ID are valid. */
> bool validCpuAndThreadNums;
> /** Whether or not the pc is valid. */
< //Accessor Functions for cpu request fields
< /** Accesor function to determine if this is a cpu request or not.*/
< bool isCpuRequest();
> /** Minimal constructor. No fields are initialized. */
> Request()
> : validPaddr(false), validAsidVaddr(false),
> validScResult(false), validCpuAndThreadNums(false), validPC(false)
> {}
< /** Accesor function for vaddr.*/
< Addr getVaddr();
< /** Accesor function for vaddr.*/
< void setVaddr(Addr _vaddr);
> /**
> * Constructor for physical (e.g. device) requests. Initializes
> * just physical address, size, flags, and timestamp (to curTick).
> * These fields are adequate to perform a request. */
> Request(Addr _paddr, int _size, int _flags)
> : validCpuAndThreadNums(false)
> { setPhys(_paddr, _size, _flags); }
< /** Accesor function for asid.*/
< int getAsid();
< /** Accesor function for asid.*/
< void setAsid(int _asid);
> /**
> * Set up CPU and thread numbers. */
> void setThreadContext(int _cpuNum, int _threadNum)
> {
> cpuNum = _cpuNum;
> threadNum = _threadNum;
> validCpuAndThreadNums = true;
> }
< /** Accesor function for store conditional return value.*/
< uint64_t getScResult();
< /** Accesor function for store conditional return value.*/
< void setScResult(uint64_t _scResult);
> /**
> * Set up a physical (e.g. device) request in a previously
> * allocated Request object. */
> void setPhys(Addr _paddr, int _size, int _flags)
> {
> paddr = _paddr;
> size = _size;
> flags = _flags;
> time = curTick;
> validPaddr = true;
> validAsidVaddr = false;
> validPC = false;
> validScResult = false;
> }
< /** Accesor function for cpu number.*/
< int getCpuNum();
< /** Accesor function for cpu number.*/
< void setCpuNum(int _cpuNum);
> /**
> * Set up a virtual (e.g., CPU) request in a previously
> * allocated Request object. */
> void setVirt(int _asid, Addr _vaddr, int _size, int _flags, Addr _pc)
> {
> asid = _asid;
> vaddr = _vaddr;
> size = _size;
> flags = _flags;
> pc = _pc;
> time = curTick;
> validPaddr = false;
> validAsidVaddr = true;
> validPC = true;
> validScResult = false;
> }
< /** Accesor function for thread number.*/
< int getThreadNum();
< /** Accesor function for thread number.*/
< void setThreadNum(int _threadNum);
> /** Set just the physical address. This should only be used to
> * record the result of a translation, and thus the vaddr must be
> * valid before this method is called. Otherwise, use setPhys()
> * to guarantee that the size and flags are also set.
> */
> void setPaddr(Addr _paddr)
> {
> assert(validAsidVaddr);
> paddr = _paddr;
> validPaddr = true;
> }
< /** Accesor function for pc.*/
< Addr getPC();
< /** Accesor function for pc.*/
< void setPC(Addr _pc);
> /** Accessor for paddr. */
> Addr getPaddr() { assert(validPaddr); return paddr; }
> /** Accessor for size. */
> int getSize() { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); return size; }
> /** Accessor for time. */
> Tick getTime() { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); return time; }
> /** Accessor for flags. */
> uint32_t getFlags() { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); return flags; }
> /** Accessor for paddr. */
> void setFlags(uint32_t _flags)
> { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); flags = _flags; }
> /** Accessor function for vaddr.*/
> Addr getVaddr() { assert(validAsidVaddr); return vaddr; }
> /** Accessor function for asid.*/
> int getAsid() { assert(validAsidVaddr); return asid; }
> /** Accessor function for store conditional return value.*/
> uint64_t getScResult() { assert(validScResult); return scResult; }
> /** Accessor function for store conditional return value.*/
> void setScResult(uint64_t _scResult)
> { scResult = _scResult; validScResult = true; }
> /** Accessor function for cpu number.*/
> int getCpuNum() { assert(validCpuAndThreadNums); return cpuNum; }
> /** Accessor function for thread number.*/
> int getThreadNum() { assert(validCpuAndThreadNums); return threadNum; }
> /** Accessor function for pc.*/
> Addr getPC() { assert(validPC); return pc; }