< #include <dirent.h>
< #include <errno.h>
< #include <fcntl.h> // for host open() flags
< #include <string.h> // for memset()
< #include <sys/stat.h>
< #include <sys/types.h>
< #include <unistd.h>
> #include <inttypes.h>
< #include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
< #include "sim/syscall_emul.hh"
> #include "kern/operatingsystem.hh"
< class TranslatingPort;
< class Linux {
> class Linux : public OperatingSystem
> {
< typedef uint64_t size_t;
> /* typedef uint64_t size_t;
< typedef uint32_t gid_t;
> typedef uint32_t gid_t;*/
< #if NO_STAT64
< typedef struct stat hst_stat;
< typedef struct stat hst_stat64;
< #else
< typedef struct stat hst_stat ;
< typedef struct stat64 hst_stat64;
< #endif
< /// gets #defined to something else on some systems.
< struct tgt_stat {
> /// gets #defined to something else on some systems. This type
> /// can be specialized by architecture specific "Linux" classes
> typedef struct {
< };
> } tgt_stat;
< struct tgt_stat64 {
> typedef struct {
< uint64_t tgt_st_atime;
> uint64_t st_atimeX;
< uint64_t tgt_st_mtime;
> uint64_t st_mtimeX;
< uint64_t tgt_st_ctime;
> uint64_t st_ctimeX;
< };
> } tgt_stat64;
< /// Helper function to convert a host stat buffer to a target stat
< /// buffer. Also copies the target buffer out to the simulated
< /// memory space. Used by stat(), fstat(), and lstat().
< #if !NO_STAT64
< static void
< copyOutStatBuf(TranslatingPort *mem, Addr addr, hst_stat *host)
< {
< using namespace TheISA;
< TypedBufferArg<Linux::tgt_stat> tgt(addr);
< tgt->st_dev = htog(host->st_dev);
< tgt->st_ino = htog(host->st_ino);
< tgt->st_mode = htog(host->st_mode);
< tgt->st_nlink = htog(host->st_nlink);
< tgt->st_uid = htog(host->st_uid);
< tgt->st_gid = htog(host->st_gid);
< tgt->st_rdev = htog(host->st_rdev);
< tgt->st_size = htog(host->st_size);
< tgt->st_atimeX = htog(host->st_atime);
< tgt->st_mtimeX = htog(host->st_mtime);
< tgt->st_ctimeX = htog(host->st_ctime);
< tgt->st_blksize = htog(host->st_blksize);
< tgt->st_blocks = htog(host->st_blocks);
< tgt.copyOut(mem);
< }
< #else
< // Third version for bsd systems which no longer have any support for
< // the old stat() call and stat() is actually a stat64()
< static void
< copyOutStatBuf(TranslatingPort *mem, Addr addr, hst_stat64 *host)
< {
< using namespace TheISA;
< TypedBufferArg<Linux::tgt_stat> tgt(addr);
< tgt->st_dev = htog(host->st_dev);
< tgt->st_ino = htog(host->st_ino);
< tgt->st_mode = htog(host->st_mode);
< tgt->st_nlink = htog(host->st_nlink);
< tgt->st_uid = htog(host->st_uid);
< tgt->st_gid = htog(host->st_gid);
< tgt->st_rdev = htog(host->st_rdev);
< tgt->st_size = htog(host->st_size);
< tgt->st_atimeX = htog(host->st_atime);
< tgt->st_mtimeX = htog(host->st_mtime);
< tgt->st_ctimeX = htog(host->st_ctime);
< tgt->st_blksize = htog(host->st_blksize);
< tgt->st_blocks = htog(host->st_blocks);
< tgt.copyOut(mem);
< }
< #endif
< // Same for stat64
< static void
< copyOutStat64Buf(TranslatingPort *mem, int fd, Addr addr, hst_stat64 *host)
< {
< using namespace TheISA;
< TypedBufferArg<Linux::tgt_stat64> tgt(addr);
< // fd == 1 checks are because libc does some checks
< // that the stdout is interactive vs. a file
< // this makes it work on non-linux systems
< if (fd == 1)
< tgt->st_dev = htog((uint64_t)0xA);
< else
< tgt->st_dev = htog((uint64_t)host->st_dev);
< // XXX What about STAT64_HAS_BROKEN_ST_INO ???
< tgt->st_ino = htog((uint64_t)host->st_ino);
< if (fd == 1)
< tgt->st_rdev = htog((uint64_t)0x880d);
< else
< tgt->st_rdev = htog((uint64_t)host->st_rdev);
< tgt->st_size = htog((int64_t)host->st_size);
< tgt->st_blocks = htog((uint64_t)host->st_blocks);
< if (fd == 1)
< tgt->st_mode = htog((uint32_t)0x2190);
< else
< tgt->st_mode = htog((uint32_t)host->st_mode);
< tgt->st_uid = htog((uint32_t)host->st_uid);
< tgt->st_gid = htog((uint32_t)host->st_gid);
< tgt->st_blksize = htog((uint32_t)host->st_blksize);
< tgt->st_nlink = htog((uint32_t)host->st_nlink);
< tgt->tgt_st_atime = htog((uint64_t)host->st_atime);
< tgt->tgt_st_mtime = htog((uint64_t)host->st_mtime);
< tgt->tgt_st_ctime = htog((uint64_t)host->st_ctime);
< #if defined(STAT_HAVE_NSEC)
< tgt->st_atime_nsec = htog(host->st_atime_nsec);
< tgt->st_mtime_nsec = htog(host->st_mtime_nsec);
< tgt->st_ctime_nsec = htog(host->st_ctime_nsec);
< #else
< tgt->st_atime_nsec = 0;
< tgt->st_mtime_nsec = 0;
< tgt->st_ctime_nsec = 0;
< #endif
< tgt.copyOut(mem);
< }