< /** The StaticInst used by this BaseDynInst. */
< StaticInstPtr staticInst;
< StaticInstPtr macroop;
> union Result {
> uint64_t integer;
> double dbl;
> void set(uint64_t i) { integer = i; }
> void set(double d) { dbl = d; }
> void get(uint64_t& i) { i = integer; }
> void get(double& d) { d = dbl; }
> };
< ////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< //
< ////////////////////////////////////////////
< /** InstRecord that tracks this instructions. */
< Trace::InstRecord *traceData;
< void demapPage(Addr vaddr, uint64_t asn)
< {
< cpu->demapPage(vaddr, asn);
< }
< void demapInstPage(Addr vaddr, uint64_t asn)
< {
< cpu->demapPage(vaddr, asn);
< }
< void demapDataPage(Addr vaddr, uint64_t asn)
< {
< cpu->demapPage(vaddr, asn);
< }
< Fault readMem(Addr addr, uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags);
< Fault writeMem(uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
< Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res);
< /** Splits a request in two if it crosses a dcache block. */
< void splitRequest(RequestPtr req, RequestPtr &sreqLow,
< RequestPtr &sreqHigh);
< /** Initiate a DTB address translation. */
< void initiateTranslation(RequestPtr req, RequestPtr sreqLow,
< RequestPtr sreqHigh, uint64_t *res,
< BaseTLB::Mode mode);
< /** Finish a DTB address translation. */
< void finishTranslation(WholeTranslationState *state);
< /** True if the DTB address translation has started. */
< bool translationStarted;
< /** True if the DTB address translation has completed. */
< bool translationCompleted;
< /** True if this address was found to match a previous load and they issued
< * out of order. If that happend, then it's only a problem if an incoming
< * snoop invalidate modifies the line, in which case we need to squash.
< * If nothing modified the line the order doesn't matter.
< */
< bool possibleLoadViolation;
< /** True if the address hit a external snoop while sitting in the LSQ.
< * If this is true and a older instruction sees it, this instruction must
< * reexecute
< */
< bool hitExternalSnoop;
< /**
< * Returns true if the DTB address translation is being delayed due to a hw
< * page table walk.
< */
< bool isTranslationDelayed() const
< {
< return (translationStarted && !translationCompleted);
< }
< /**
< * Saved memory requests (needed when the DTB address translation is
< * delayed due to a hw page table walk).
< */
< RequestPtr savedReq;
< RequestPtr savedSreqLow;
< RequestPtr savedSreqHigh;
< // Need a copy of main request pointer to verify on writes.
< RequestPtr reqToVerify;
< /** @todo: Consider making this private. */
< public:
< /** The sequence number of the instruction. */
< InstSeqNum seqNum;
> protected:
< /** The status of this BaseDynInst. Several bits can be set. */
< std::bitset<NumStatus> status;
> enum Flags {
> TranslationStarted,
> TranslationCompleted,
> PossibleLoadViolation,
> HitExternalSnoop,
> EffAddrValid,
> RecordResult,
> Predicate,
> PredTaken,
> /** Whether or not the effective address calculation is completed.
> * @todo: Consider if this is necessary or not.
> */
> EACalcDone,
> IsUncacheable,
> ReqMade,
> MemOpDone,
> MaxFlags
> };
< /** The thread this instruction is from. */
< ThreadID threadNumber;
> public:
> /** The sequence number of the instruction. */
> InstSeqNum seqNum;
< /** data address space ID, for loads & stores. */
< short asid;
> /** The StaticInst used by this BaseDynInst. */
> StaticInstPtr staticInst;
< /** How many source registers are ready. */
< unsigned readyRegs;
< /** Pointer to the data for the memory access. */
< uint8_t *memData;
> /** InstRecord that tracks this instructions. */
> Trace::InstRecord *traceData;
< /** The effective virtual address (lds & stores only). */
< Addr effAddr;
> protected:
> /** The result of the instruction; assumes an instruction can have many
> * destination registers.
> */
> std::queue<Result> instResult;
< /** The size of the request */
< Addr effSize;
> /** PC state for this instruction. */
> TheISA::PCState pc;
< /** Is the effective virtual address valid. */
< bool effAddrValid;
> /* An amalgamation of a lot of boolean values into one */
> std::bitset<MaxFlags> instFlags;
> /** The status of this BaseDynInst. Several bits can be set. */
> std::bitset<NumStatus> status;
> /** Whether or not the source register is ready.
> * @todo: Not sure this should be here vs the derived class.
> */
> std::bitset<MaxInstSrcRegs> _readySrcRegIdx;
> public:
> /** The thread this instruction is from. */
> ThreadID threadNumber;
> /** Iterator pointing to this BaseDynInst in the list of all insts. */
> ListIt instListIt;
> ////////////////////// Branch Data ///////////////
> /** Predicted PC state after this instruction. */
> TheISA::PCState predPC;
> /** The Macroop if one exists */
> StaticInstPtr macroop;
> /** How many source registers are ready. */
> uint8_t readyRegs;
> public:
> /////////////////////// Load Store Data //////////////////////
> /** The effective virtual address (lds & stores only). */
> Addr effAddr;
< union Result {
< uint64_t integer;
< double dbl;
< void set(uint64_t i) { integer = i; }
< void set(double d) { dbl = d; }
< void get(uint64_t& i) { i = integer; }
< void get(double& d) { d = dbl; }
< };
> /** data address space ID, for loads & stores. */
> short asid;
< /** The result of the instruction; assumes an instruction can have many
< * destination registers.
< */
< std::queue<Result> instResult;
> /** The size of the request */
> uint8_t effSize;
< /** Records changes to result? */
< bool recordResult;
> /** Pointer to the data for the memory access. */
> uint8_t *memData;
< /** Did this instruction execute, or is it predicated false */
< bool predicate;
> /** Load queue index. */
> int16_t lqIdx;
< protected:
< /** PC state for this instruction. */
< TheISA::PCState pc;
> /** Store queue index. */
> int16_t sqIdx;
< /** Predicted PC state after this instruction. */
< TheISA::PCState predPC;
< /** If this is a branch that was predicted taken */
< bool predTaken;
> /////////////////////// TLB Miss //////////////////////
> /**
> * Saved memory requests (needed when the DTB address translation is
> * delayed due to a hw page table walk).
> */
> RequestPtr savedReq;
> RequestPtr savedSreqLow;
> RequestPtr savedSreqHigh;
< public:
> /////////////////////// Checker //////////////////////
> // Need a copy of main request pointer to verify on writes.
> RequestPtr reqToVerify;
< #ifdef DEBUG
< void dumpSNList();
< #endif
< /** Whether or not the source register is ready.
< * @todo: Not sure this should be here vs the derived class.
> private:
> /** Instruction effective address.
> * @todo: Consider if this is necessary or not.
< bool _readySrcRegIdx[MaxInstSrcRegs];
> Addr instEffAddr;
< /** Flattened register index of the source registers of this
< * instruction.
< */
< TheISA::RegIndex _flatSrcRegIdx[TheISA::MaxInstSrcRegs];
> /** Records changes to result? */
> void recordResult(bool f) { instFlags[RecordResult] = f; }
> /** Is the effective virtual address valid. */
> bool effAddrValid() const { return instFlags[EffAddrValid]; }
> /** Whether or not the memory operation is done. */
> bool memOpDone() const { return instFlags[MemOpDone]; }
> void memOpDone(bool f) { instFlags[MemOpDone] = f; }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> //
> ////////////////////////////////////////////
> void demapPage(Addr vaddr, uint64_t asn)
> {
> cpu->demapPage(vaddr, asn);
> }
> void demapInstPage(Addr vaddr, uint64_t asn)
> {
> cpu->demapPage(vaddr, asn);
> }
> void demapDataPage(Addr vaddr, uint64_t asn)
> {
> cpu->demapPage(vaddr, asn);
> }
> Fault readMem(Addr addr, uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags);
> Fault writeMem(uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
> Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res);
> /** Splits a request in two if it crosses a dcache block. */
> void splitRequest(RequestPtr req, RequestPtr &sreqLow,
> RequestPtr &sreqHigh);
> /** Initiate a DTB address translation. */
> void initiateTranslation(RequestPtr req, RequestPtr sreqLow,
> RequestPtr sreqHigh, uint64_t *res,
> BaseTLB::Mode mode);
> /** Finish a DTB address translation. */
> void finishTranslation(WholeTranslationState *state);
> /** True if the DTB address translation has started. */
> bool translationStarted() const { return instFlags[TranslationStarted]; }
> void translationStarted(bool f) { instFlags[TranslationStarted] = f; }
> /** True if the DTB address translation has completed. */
> bool translationCompleted() const { return instFlags[TranslationCompleted]; }
> void translationCompleted(bool f) { instFlags[TranslationCompleted] = f; }
> /** True if this address was found to match a previous load and they issued
> * out of order. If that happend, then it's only a problem if an incoming
> * snoop invalidate modifies the line, in which case we need to squash.
> * If nothing modified the line the order doesn't matter.
> */
> bool possibleLoadViolation() const { return instFlags[PossibleLoadViolation]; }
> void possibleLoadViolation(bool f) { instFlags[PossibleLoadViolation] = f; }
> /** True if the address hit a external snoop while sitting in the LSQ.
> * If this is true and a older instruction sees it, this instruction must
> * reexecute
> */
> bool hitExternalSnoop() const { return instFlags[HitExternalSnoop]; }
> void hitExternalSnoop(bool f) { instFlags[HitExternalSnoop] = f; }
> /**
> * Returns true if the DTB address translation is being delayed due to a hw
> * page table walk.
> */
> bool isTranslationDelayed() const
> {
> return (translationStarted() && !translationCompleted());
> }
> public:
> #ifdef DEBUG
> void dumpSNList();
> #endif
> assert(TheISA::MaxInstSrcRegs > idx);
< /** Returns the flattened register index of the i'th source register */
< TheISA::RegIndex flattenedSrcRegIdx(int idx) const
< {
< return _flatSrcRegIdx[idx];
< }
< /** Flattens a source architectural register index into a logical index.
< */
< void flattenSrcReg(int idx, TheISA::RegIndex flattened_src)
< {
< _flatSrcRegIdx[idx] = flattened_src;
< }
< return predTaken;
> return instFlags[PredTaken];
< predTaken = predicted_taken;
> instFlags[PredTaken] = predicted_taken;
< if (recordResult) {
> if (instFlags[RecordResult]) {
< return predicate;
> return instFlags[Predicate];
< predicate = val;
> instFlags[Predicate] = val;
< private:
< /** Instruction effective address.
< * @todo: Consider if this is necessary or not.
< */
< Addr instEffAddr;
< /** Whether or not the effective address calculation is completed.
< * @todo: Consider if this is necessary or not.
< */
< bool eaCalcDone;
< /** Is this instruction's memory access uncacheable. */
< bool isUncacheable;
< /** Has this instruction generated a memory request. */
< bool reqMade;
< void setEA(Addr &ea) { instEffAddr = ea; eaCalcDone = true; }
> void setEA(Addr &ea) { instEffAddr = ea; instFlags[EACalcDone] = true; }
< bool doneEACalc() { return eaCalcDone; }
> bool doneEACalc() { return instFlags[EACalcDone]; }
< /** Whether or not the memory operation is done. */
< bool memOpDone;
< bool uncacheable() { return isUncacheable; }
> bool uncacheable() { return instFlags[IsUncacheable]; }
< bool hasRequest() { return reqMade; }
> bool hasRequest() { return instFlags[ReqMade]; }
< public:
< /** Load queue index. */
< int16_t lqIdx;
< /** Store queue index. */
< int16_t sqIdx;
< /** Iterator pointing to this BaseDynInst in the list of all insts. */
< ListIt instListIt;
< reqMade = true;
> instFlags[ReqMade] = true;
< if (reqMade && translationStarted) {
> if (instFlags[ReqMade] && translationStarted()) {
< if (translationCompleted) {
> if (translationCompleted()) {
< effAddrValid = true;
> instFlags[EffAddrValid] = true;
< reqMade = true;
> instFlags[ReqMade] = true;
< if (reqMade && translationStarted) {
> if (instFlags[ReqMade] && translationStarted()) {
< if (fault == NoFault && translationCompleted) {
> if (fault == NoFault && translationCompleted()) {
< effAddrValid = true;
> instFlags[EffAddrValid] = true;
< translationStarted = true;
> translationStarted(true);
< if (!translationCompleted) {
> if (!translationCompleted()) {
< if (!translationCompleted) {
> if (!translationCompleted()) {
< if (state->isUncacheable())
< isUncacheable = true;
> instFlags[IsUncacheable] = state->isUncacheable();
< translationCompleted = true;
> translationCompleted(true);