> *
> * @note CPU models should normally overload the serializeThread()
> * method instead of the serialize() method as this provides a
> * uniform data format for all CPU models and promotes better code
> * reuse.
> *
> *
> * @note CPU models should normally overload the
> * unserializeThread() method instead of the unserialize() method
> * as this provides a uniform data format for all CPU models and
> * promotes better code reuse.
< * @param section The section name of this object
> * @param section The section name of this object.
> * Serialize a single thread.
> *
> * @param os The stream to serialize to.
> * @param tid ID of the current thread.
> */
> virtual void serializeThread(std::ostream &os, ThreadID tid) {};
> /**
> * Unserialize one thread.
> *
> * @param cp The checkpoint use.
> * @param section The section name of this thread.
> * @param tid ID of the current thread.
> */
> virtual void unserializeThread(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string &section,
> ThreadID tid) {};
> /**