> #include "arch/interrupts.hh"
> #endif
< /** The next cycle the CPU should be scheduled, given a cache
< * access or quiesce event returning on this cycle. This function
< * may return curTick if the CPU should run on the current cycle.
< */
< Tick nextCycle();
< /** The next cycle the CPU should be scheduled, given a cache
< * access or quiesce event returning on the given Tick. This
< * function may return curTick if the CPU should run on the
< * current cycle.
< * @param begin_tick The tick that the event is completing on.
< */
< Tick nextCycle(Tick begin_tick);
< uint64_t interrupts[TheISA::NumInterruptLevels];
< uint64_t intstatus;
> // uint64_t interrupts[TheISA::NumInterruptLevels];
> // uint64_t intstatus;
> TheISA::Interrupts interrupts;
< if (int_num > TheISA::NumInterruptLevels)
< panic("int_num out of bounds\n");
< return interrupts[int_num] != 0;
> return interrupts.check_interrupt(int_num);
< bool check_interrupts() const { return intstatus != 0; }
< uint64_t intr_status() const { return intstatus; }
> bool check_interrupts() const { return interrupts.check_interrupts(); }
> //uint64_t intr_status() const { return interrupts.intr_status(); }