> # Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited
> # All rights reserved.
> #
> # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
> # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
> # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
> # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
> # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
> # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
> # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
> # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
> #
> # Andreas Hansson
> # This example script stress tests the memory system by creating false
> # sharing in a tree topology. At the bottom of the tree is a shared
> # memory, and then at each level a number of testers are attached,
> # along with a number of caches that them selves fan out to subtrees
> # of testers and caches. Thus, it is possible to create a system with
> # arbitrarily deep cache hierarchies, sharing or no sharing of caches,
> # and testers not only at the L1s, but also at the L2s, L3s etc.
< # The "tree" specification is a colon-separated list of one or more
< # integers. The first integer is the number of caches/testers
< # connected directly to main memory. The last integer in the list is
< # the number of testers associated with the uppermost level of memory
< # (L1 cache, if there are caches, or main memory if no caches). Thus
< # if there is only one integer, there are no caches, and the integer
< # specifies the number of testers connected directly to main memory.
< # The other integers (if any) specify the number of caches at each
< # level of the hierarchy between.
< #
< # Examples:
< #
< # "2:1" Two caches connected to memory with a single tester behind each
< # (single-level hierarchy, two testers total)
< #
< # "2:2:1" Two-level hierarchy, 2 L1s behind each of 2 L2s, 4 testers total
< #
< parser.add_option("-t", "--treespec", type="string", default="8:1",
< help="Colon-separated multilevel tree specification, "
> # The tree specification consists of two colon-separated lists of one
> # or more integers, one for the caches, and one for the testers. The
> # first integer is the number of caches/testers closest to main
> # memory. Each cache then fans out to a subtree. The last integer in
> # the list is the number of caches/testers associated with the
> # uppermost level of memory. The other integers (if any) specify the
> # number of caches/testers connected at each level of the crossbar
> # hierarchy. The tester string should have one element more than the
> # cache string as there should always be testers attached to the
> # uppermost caches.
> parser.add_option("-c", "--caches", type="string", default="2:2:1",
> help="Colon-separated cache hierarchy specification, "
< parser.add_option("--force-bus", action="store_true",
< help="Use bus between levels even with single cache")
> parser.add_option("-t", "--testers", type="string", default="1:1:0:2",
> help="Colon-separated tester hierarchy specification, "
> "see script comments for details "
> "[default: %default]")
< parser.add_option("--progress", type="int", default=1000,
> parser.add_option("--progress", type="int", default=10000,
> # Start by partins the command line options and do some basic sanity
> # checking
< treespec = [int(x) for x in options.treespec.split(':')]
< numtesters = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, treespec)
> cachespec = [int(x) for x in options.caches.split(':')]
> testerspec = [int(x) for x in options.testers.split(':')]
< print "Error parsing treespec option"
> print "Error: Unable to parse caches or testers option"
> if len(cachespec) < 1:
> print "Error: Must have at least one level of caches"
> sys.exit(1)
> if len(cachespec) != len(testerspec) - 1:
> print "Error: Testers must have one element more than caches"
> sys.exit(1)
> if testerspec[-1] == 0:
> print "Error: Must have testers at the uppermost level"
> sys.exit(1)
> for t in testerspec:
> if t < 0:
> print "Error: Cannot have a negative number of testers"
> sys.exit(1)
> for c in cachespec:
> if c < 1:
> print "Error: Must have 1 or more caches at each level"
> sys.exit(1)
> # Determine the tester multiplier for each level as the string
> # elements are per subsystem and it fans out
> multiplier = [1]
> for c in cachespec:
> if c < 1:
> print "Error: Must have at least one cache per level"
> multiplier.append(multiplier[-1] * c)
> numtesters = 0
> for t, m in zip(testerspec, multiplier):
> numtesters += t * m
< if len(treespec) < 1:
< print "Error parsing treespec"
< sys.exit(1)
< # define prototype L1 cache
> # Define a prototype L1 cache that we scale for all successive levels
< tgts_per_mshr = 8)
> tgts_per_mshr = 8, is_top_level = True)
< # build a list of prototypes, one for each level of treespec, starting
< # at the end (last entry is tester objects)
< prototypes = [ MemTest(max_loads=options.maxloads,
< percent_functional=options.functional,
< percent_uncacheable=options.uncacheable,
< progress_interval=options.progress) ]
> cache_proto = [proto_l1]
< # next comes L1 cache, if any
< if len(treespec) > 1:
< prototypes.insert(0, proto_l1)
< # now add additional cache levels (if any) by scaling L1 params
< for scale in treespec[:-2]:
< # clone previous level and update params
< prev = prototypes[0]
> # Now add additional cache levels (if any) by scaling L1 params, the
> # first element is Ln, and the last element L1
> for scale in cachespec[:-1]:
> # Clone previous level and update params
> prev = cache_proto[0]
< prototypes.insert(0, next)
> next.is_top_level = False
> cache_proto.insert(0, next)
< # system simulated
< system = System(physmem = SimpleMemory(latency = "100ns"),
> # Make a prototype for the tester to be used throughout
> proto_tester = MemTest(max_loads = options.maxloads,
> percent_functional = options.functional,
> percent_uncacheable = options.uncacheable,
> progress_interval = options.progress)
> # Set up the system along with a simple memory and reference memory
> system = System(physmem = SimpleMemory(),
< def make_level(spec, prototypes, attach_obj, attach_port):
< fanout = spec[0]
< parent = attach_obj # use attach obj as config parent too
< if len(spec) > 1 and (fanout > 1 or options.force_bus):
< port = getattr(attach_obj, attach_port)
< new_bus = CoherentXBar(width=16)
< if (port.role == 'MASTER'):
< new_bus.slave = port
< attach_port = "master"
< else:
< new_bus.master = port
< attach_port = "slave"
< parent.cpu_side_bus = new_bus
< attach_obj = new_bus
< objs = [prototypes[0]() for i in xrange(fanout)]
< if len(spec) > 1:
< # we just built caches, more levels to go
< parent.cache = objs
< for cache in objs:
< cache.mem_side = getattr(attach_obj, attach_port)
< make_level(spec[1:], prototypes[1:], cache, "cpu_side")
> # For each level, track the next subsys index to use
> next_subsys_index = [0] * (len(cachespec) + 1)
> # Recursive function to create a sub-tree of the cache and tester
> # hierarchy
> def make_cache_level(ncaches, prototypes, level, next_cache):
> global next_subsys_index, proto_l1, testerspec, proto_tester
> index = next_subsys_index[level]
> next_subsys_index[level] += 1
> # Create a subsystem to contain the crossbar and caches, and
> # any testers
> subsys = SubSystem()
> setattr(system, 'l%dsubsys%d' % (level, index), subsys)
> # The levels are indexing backwards through the list
> ntesters = testerspec[len(cachespec) - level]
> # Scale the progress threshold as testers higher up in the tree
> # (smaller level) get a smaller portion of the overall bandwidth,
> # and also make the interval of packet injection longer for the
> # testers closer to the memory (larger level) to prevent them
> # hogging all the bandwidth
> limit = (len(cachespec) - level + 1) * 10000000
> testers = [proto_tester(interval = 10 * (level * level + 1),
> progress_check = limit) \
> for i in xrange(ntesters)]
> if ntesters:
> subsys.tester = testers
> if level != 0:
> # Create a crossbar and add it to the subsystem, note that
> # we do this even with a single element on this level
> xbar = CoherentXBar(width = 32)
> subsys.xbar = xbar
> if next_cache:
> xbar.master = next_cache.cpu_side
> # Create and connect the caches, both the ones fanning out
> # to create the tree, and the ones used to connect testers
> # on this level
> tree_caches = [prototypes[0]() for i in xrange(ncaches[0])]
> tester_caches = [proto_l1() for i in xrange(ntesters)]
> subsys.cache = tester_caches + tree_caches
> for cache in tree_caches:
> cache.mem_side = xbar.slave
> make_cache_level(ncaches[1:], prototypes[1:], level - 1, cache)
> for tester, cache in zip(testers, tester_caches):
> tester.port = cache.cpu_side
> cache.mem_side = xbar.slave
< # we just built the MemTest objects
< parent.cpu = objs
< for t in objs:
< t.port = getattr(attach_obj, attach_port)
> if not next_cache:
> print "Error: No next-level cache at top level"
> sys.exit(1)
< make_level(treespec, prototypes, system.physmem, "port")
> if ntesters > 1:
> # Create a crossbar and add it to the subsystem
> xbar = CoherentXBar(width = 32)
> subsys.xbar = xbar
> xbar.master = next_cache.cpu_side
> for tester in testers:
> tester.port = xbar.slave
> else:
> # Single tester
> testers[0].port = next_cache.cpu_side
< # -----------------------
< # run simulation
< # -----------------------
> # Top level call to create the cache hierarchy, bottom up
> make_cache_level(cachespec, cache_proto, len(cachespec), None)
< root = Root( full_system = False, system = system )
> # Connect the lowest level crossbar to the memory
> last_subsys = getattr(system, 'l%dsubsys0' % len(cachespec))
> last_subsys.xbar.master = system.physmem.port
> root = Root(full_system = False, system = system)
< root.system.system_port = root.system.physmem.cpu_side_bus.slave
> root.system.system_port = last_subsys.xbar.slave
< # Not much point in this being higher than the L1 latency
< m5.ticks.setGlobalFrequency('1ns')
< # instantiate configuration
> # Instantiate configuration
< # simulate until program terminates
> # Simulate until program terminates