> import CpuConfig
> class CpuCluster(SubSystem):
> def __init__(self, system, num_cpus, cpu_clock, cpu_voltage,
> cpu_type, l1i_type, l1d_type, wcache_type, l2_type):
> super(CpuCluster, self).__init__()
> self._cpu_type = cpu_type
> self._l1i_type = l1i_type
> self._l1d_type = l1d_type
> self._wcache_type = wcache_type
> self._l2_type = l2_type
> assert num_cpus > 0
> self.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain(voltage=cpu_voltage)
> self.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock=cpu_clock,
> voltage_domain=self.voltage_domain)
> self.cpus = [ self._cpu_type(cpu_id=system.numCpus() + idx,
> clk_domain=self.clk_domain)
> for idx in range(num_cpus) ]
> for cpu in self.cpus:
> cpu.createThreads()
> cpu.createInterruptController()
> cpu.socket_id = system.numCpuClusters()
> system.addCpuCluster(self, num_cpus)
> def requireCaches(self):
> return self._cpu_type.require_caches()
> def memoryMode(self):
> return self._cpu_type.memory_mode()
> def addL1(self):
> for cpu in self.cpus:
> l1i = None if self._l1i_type is None else self._l1i_type()
> l1d = None if self._l1d_type is None else self._l1d_type()
> iwc = None if self._wcache_type is None else self._wcache_type()
> dwc = None if self._wcache_type is None else self._wcache_type()
> cpu.addPrivateSplitL1Caches(l1i, l1d, iwc, dwc)
> def addL2(self, clk_domain):
> if self._l2_type is None:
> return
> self.toL2Bus = L2XBar(width=64, clk_domain=clk_domain)
> self.l2 = self._l2_type()
> for cpu in self.cpus:
> cpu.connectAllPorts(self.toL2Bus)
> self.toL2Bus.master = self.l2.cpu_side
> def connectMemSide(self, bus):
> bus.slave
> try:
> self.l2.mem_side = bus.slave
> except AttributeError:
> for cpu in self.cpus:
> cpu.connectAllPorts(bus)
> class AtomicCluster(CpuCluster):
> def __init__(self, system, num_cpus, cpu_clock, cpu_voltage="1.0V"):
> cpu_config = [ CpuConfig.get("atomic"), None, None, None, None ]
> super(AtomicCluster, self).__init__(system, num_cpus, cpu_clock,
> cpu_voltage, *cpu_config)
> def addL1(self):
> pass
< voltage_domain = VoltageDomain(voltage="1.0V")
< clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock="1GHz",
< voltage_domain=Parent.voltage_domain)
> def __init__(self, **kwargs):
> super(SimpleSystem, self).__init__(**kwargs)
< realview = VExpress_GEM5_V1()
> self.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain(voltage="1.0V")
> self.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock="1GHz",
> voltage_domain=Parent.voltage_domain)
< gic_cpu_addr = realview.gic.cpu_addr
< flags_addr = realview.realview_io.pio_addr + 0x30
> self.realview = VExpress_GEM5_V1()
< membus = MemBus()
> self.gic_cpu_addr = self.realview.gic.cpu_addr
> self.flags_addr = self.realview.realview_io.pio_addr + 0x30
< intrctrl = IntrControl()
< terminal = Terminal()
< vncserver = VncServer()
> self.membus = MemBus()
< iobus = IOXBar()
< # CPUs->PIO
< iobridge = Bridge(delay='50ns')
< # Device DMA -> MEM
< dmabridge = Bridge(delay='50ns', ranges=realview._mem_regions)
> self.intrctrl = IntrControl()
> self.terminal = Terminal()
> self.vncserver = VncServer()
< _pci_devices = 0
< _clusters = []
< _cpus = []
> self.iobus = IOXBar()
> # CPUs->PIO
> self.iobridge = Bridge(delay='50ns')
> # Device DMA -> MEM
> self.dmabridge = Bridge(delay='50ns',
> ranges=self.realview._mem_regions)
> self._pci_devices = 0
> self._clusters = []
> self._num_cpus = 0
> def numCpuClusters(self):
> return len(self._clusters)
> def addCpuCluster(self, cpu_cluster, num_cpus):
> assert cpu_cluster not in self._clusters
> assert num_cpus > 0
> self._clusters.append(cpu_cluster)
> self._num_cpus += num_cpus
> def numCpus(self):
> return self._num_cpus
> def addCaches(self, need_caches, last_cache_level):
> if not need_caches:
> # connect each cluster to the memory hierarchy
> for cluster in self._clusters:
> cluster.connectMemSide(self.membus)
> return
> cluster_mem_bus = self.membus
> assert last_cache_level >= 1 and last_cache_level <= 3
> for cluster in self._clusters:
> cluster.addL1()
> if last_cache_level > 1:
> for cluster in self._clusters:
> cluster.addL2(cluster.clk_domain)
> if last_cache_level > 2:
> max_clock_cluster = max(self._clusters,
> key=lambda c: c.clk_domain.clock[0])
> self.l3 = L3(clk_domain=max_clock_cluster.clk_domain)
> self.toL3Bus = L2XBar(width=64)
> self.toL3Bus.master = self.l3.cpu_side
> self.l3.mem_side = self.membus.slave
> cluster_mem_bus = self.toL3Bus
> # connect each cluster to the memory hierarchy
> for cluster in self._clusters:
> cluster.connectMemSide(cluster_mem_bus)