stack_dist_calc.hh revision 10995:a114e2712642* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Kanishk Sugand *          Andreas Hansson */ __MEM_STACK_DIST_CALC_HH__ __MEM_STACK_DIST_CALC_HH__ <limits> <map> <vector> "base/types.hh"**  * The stack distance calculator is a passive object that merely  * observes the addresses pass to it. It calculates stack distances
53  * of incoming addresses based on the partial sum hierarchy tree
54  * algorithm described by Alamasi et al.
55  *
56  *
57  * A tree structure is maintained and updated at each transaction
58  * (unique or non-unique). The tree is implemented as an STL vector
59  * with layers of the form <map> Each layer in this tree is an
60  * ordered map <uint64_t, Node*>. Nodes are structs which take form
61  * of leaf, intermediate and root nodes. For example, in a tree with 3
62  * layers, tree[0][5] gives a leaf node pointer for key=5 tree[1][1]
63  * gives an intermediate node pointer for key=1 tree[2][0] gives the
64  * root node in the tree.
65  *
66  * At every transaction a hash-map (aiMap) is looked up to check if
67  * the address was already encountered before. Based on this lookup a
68  * transaction can be termed as unique or non-unique.
69  *
70  * In addition to the normal stack distance calculation, a feature to
71  * mark an old node in the tree is added. This is useful if it is
72  * required to see the reuse pattern. For example, BackInvalidates
73  * from a lower level (e.g. membus to L2), can be marked (isMarked
74  * flag of Node set to True). Then later if this same address is
75  * accessed (by L1), the value of the isMarked flag would be
76  * True. This would give some insight on how the BackInvalidates
77  * policy of the lower level affect the read/write accesses in an
78  * application.
79  *
80  * There are two functions provided to interface with the calculator:
81  * 1. pair<uint64_t, bool> calcStackDistAndUpdate(Addr r_address,
82  *                                                bool addNewNode)
83  * At every unique transaction a new leaf node is added at tree[0](leaf layer)
84  * and linked to the layer above (if addNewNode is True). The sums of all
85  * the intermediate nodes is updated till the root. The stack-distance is
86  * returned as a Constant representing INFINITY.
87  *
88  * At every non-unique transaction the tree is traversed from the
89  * leaf at the returned index to the root, the old node is deleted
90  * from the tree, and the sums (to the right are collected) and
91  * decremented. The collected sum represets the stack distance of the
92  * found node. If this node was marked then a bool flag set to True
93  * is returned with the stack_distance. During this operation a node
94  * is discarded at the leaf layer always. Moreover during the
95  * traversal upwards using the updateSum() method, if an intermediate
96  * node is found with no children connected to it, then that is
97  * discarded too.
98  *
99  * The return value of this function is a pair representing the
100  * stack_distance and the value of the marked flag.
101  *
102  * 2. pair<uint64_t , bool> calcStackDist(Addr r_address, bool mark)
103  * This is a stripped down version of the above function which is used to
104  * just inspect the tree, and mark a leaf node (if mark flag is set). The
105  * functionality to add a new node is removed.
106  *
107  * At every unique transaction the stack-distance is returned as a constant
108  * representing INFINITY.
109  *
110  * At every non-unique transaction the tree is traversed from the
111  * leaf at the returned index to the root, and the sums (to the right)
112  * are collected. The collected sum represets the stack distance of
113  * the found node.
114  *
115  * This function does NOT Modify the stack. (No node is added or
116  * deleted).  It is just used to mark a node already created and get
117  * its stack distance.
118  *
119  * The return value of this function is a pair representing the stack
120  * distance and the value of the marked flag.
121  *
122  * The table below depicts the usage of the Algorithm using the functions:
123  * pair<uint64_t Stack_dist, bool isMarked> calcStackDistAndUpdate
124  *                                      (Addr r_address, bool addNewNode)
125  * pair<uint64_t Stack_dist, bool isMarked> calcStackDist
126  *                                              (Addr r_address, bool mark)
127  *
128  * |   Function           |   Arguments   |Return Val |Use For|
129  * |calcStackDistAndUpdate|r_address, True|I/SD,False |A,GD,GM|
130  * |calcStackDistAndUpdate|r_address,False|SD,prevMark|D,GD,GM|
131  * |calcStackDist         |r_address,False|SD,prevMark|  GD,GM|
132  * |calcStackDist         |r_address, True|SD,prevMark|  GD,GM|
133  *
134  * (*A: Allocate an address in stack, if old entry present then it is deleted,
135  *  *U: Delete old-address from stack, no new entry is added
136  *  *GD: Get-Stack distance of an address,
137  *  *GM: Get value of Mark flag, indicates if that address has been touched
138  *                                                                  before,
139  *  *I: stack-distance = infinity,
140  *  *SD: Stack Distance
141  *  *r_address: address to be added, *prevMark: value of isMarked flag
142  *                                                              of the Node)
143  *
144  * Invalidates refer to a type of packet that removes something from
145  * a cache, either autonoumously (due-to cache's own replacement
146  * policy), or snoops from other caches which invalidate something
147  * inside our cache.
148  *
149  * Usage            |   Function to use    |Typical Use           |
150  * Add new entry    |calcStackDistAndUpdate|Read/Write Allocate   |
151  * Delete Old Entry |calcStackDistAndUpdate|Writebacks/Cleanevicts|
152  * Dist.of Old entry|calcStackDist         |Cleanevicts/Invalidate|
153  *
154  * Node Balancing: The tree structure is maintained by an
155  * updateTree() operation called when an intermediate node is
156  * required. The update operation is roughly categorized as a root
157  * update or intermediate layer update. When number of leaf nodes
158  * grow over a power of 2 then a new layer is added at the top of the
159  * tree and a new root node is initialized. The old node at the lower
160  * layer is connected to this.  In an intermediate node update
161  * operation a new intermediate node is added to the required layer.
162  *
163  * Debugging: Debugging can be enabled by setting the verifyStack flag
164  * true. Debugging is implemented using a dummy stack that behaves in
165  * a naive way, using STL vectors (i.e each unique address is pushed
166  * on the top of an STL vector stack, and SD is returned as
167  * Infinity. If a non unique address is encountered then the previous
168  * entry in the STL vector is removed, all the entities above it are
169  * pushed down, and the address is pushed at the top of the stack).
170  *
171  * A printStack(int numOfEntitiesToPrint) is provided to print top n entities
172  * in both (tree and STL based dummy stack).
173  */
174class StackDistCalc
177  private:
179    struct Node;
181    typedef std::map<uint64_t, Node*> IndexNodeMap;
182    typedef std::map<Addr, uint64_t> AddressIndexMap;
183    typedef std::vector<IndexNodeMap> TreeType;
185    /**
186     * Gets sum from the node upwards recursively till the root.  This
187     * function is called first by getSumsLeavesToRoot, and then
188     * recursively calls itself.
189     *
190     * @param node pointer to the node which is updated
191     * @param from_left variable which says that the request arrived
192     *        from the left
193     * @param sum_from_below Sum of left and right children below
194     * @param level level in the tree the calling node is located
195     * @param stack_dist stack distance of the node below
196     * @return The stack distance of the current address.
197     *
198     */
199    uint64_t getSum(Node* node, bool from_left, uint64_t sum_from_below,
200                    uint64_t stack_dist, uint64_t level) const;
202    /**
203     * Gets the sum from the leaf node specified. This function
204     * is called by calcStackDist.
205     *
206     * @param node pointer to the node which is updated
207     * @return The stack distance of the current address.
208     *
209     */
210    uint64_t getSumsLeavesToRoot(Node* node) const;
212    /**
213     * Updates the nodes upwards recursively till the root.
214     * This function is first called by updateSumsLeavesToRoot,
215     * and then it recursively calls itself.
216     *
217     * @param node pointer to the node which is updated
218     * @param from_left variable which says that the request arrived
219     * from the left
220     * @param sum_from_below Sum of left and right children below
221     * @param level level in the tree the calling node is located
222     * @param stack_dist stack distance of the node below
223     * @param discard_node whether the calling node was discarded or not
224     * @return The stack distance of the current address.
225     *
226     */
227    uint64_t updateSum(Node* node,
228                       bool from_left, uint64_t sum_from_below, uint64_t level,
229                       uint64_t stack_dist, bool discard_node);
231    /**
232     * Updates the leaf nodes and nodes above. This function is
233     * called by the calcStackDistAndUpdate.
234     *
235     * @param node pointer to the node which is updated
236     * @param is_new_leaf is true if this is a newly added node
237     * @return The stack distance of the current address.
238     *
239     */
240    uint64_t updateSumsLeavesToRoot(Node* node, bool is_new_leaf);
242    /**
243     * updateTree is a tree balancing operation, which maintains the
244     * binary tree structure.
245     * This method is called whenever index%2 == 0 (i.e. every
246     * alternate cycle) The two main operation are :
247     * OP1. Moving the root node one layer up if index counter
248     *       crosses power of 2
249     * OP2. Addition of intermediate nodes as and when required
250     *      and linking them to their parents in the layer above.
251     */
252    void updateTree();
254    /**
255     * This method is used for verification purposes
256     * It recursively traverses upwards from the given node till
257     * the root to check if the ultimate parent node (root-node) points
258     * to null.
259     *
260     * @param node pointer to the node whose sanity is being checked
261     * @param level the level at which this node is located in the tree
262     *
263     */
264    void sanityCheckTree(const Node* node, uint64_t level = 0) const;
266    /**
267     * Return the counter for address accesses (unique and
268     * non-unique). This is further used to dump stats at
269     * regular intervals.
270     *
271     * @return The stack distance of the current address.
272     */
273    uint64_t getIndex() const { return index; }
275    /**
276     * Query depth of the tree (tree[0] represents leaf layer while
277     * tree[treeDepth] represents the root layer, all layers in
278     * between contain intermediate nodes)
279     *
280     * @return Tree depth
281     */
282    uint64_t getTreeDepth() const { return tree.size() - 1; }
284    /**
285     * Print the last n items on the stack.
286     * This method prints top n entries in the tree based implementation as
287     * well as dummy stack.
288     * @param n Number of entries to print
289     */
290    void printStack(int n = 5) const;
292    /**
293     * This is an alternative implementation of the stack-distance
294     * in a naive way. It uses simple STL vector to represent the stack.
295     * It can be used in parallel for debugging purposes.
296     * It is 10x slower than the tree based implemenation.
297     *
298     * @param r_address The current address to process
299     * @param update_stack Flag to indicate if stack should be updated
300     * @return  Stack distance which is calculated by this alternative
301     * implementation
302     *
303     */
304    uint64_t verifyStackDist(const Addr r_address,
305                             bool update_stack = false);
307  public:
308    StackDistCalc(bool verify_stack = false);
310    ~StackDistCalc();
312    /**
313     * A convenient way of refering to infinity.
314     */
315    static constexpr uint64_t Infinity = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
318    /**
319     * Process the given address. If Mark is true then set the
320     * mark flag of the leaf node.
321     * This function returns the stack distance of the incoming
322     * address and the previous status of the mark flag.
323     *
324     * @param r_address The current address to process
325     * @param mark set the mark flag for the address.
326     * @return The stack distance of the current address and the mark flag.
327     */
328    std::pair<uint64_t, bool> calcStackDist(const Addr r_address,
329                                            bool mark = false);
331    /**
332     * Process the given address:
333     *  - Lookup the tree for the given address
334     *  - delete old node if found in tree
335     *  - add a new node (if addNewNode flag is set)
336     * This function returns the stack distance of the incoming
337     * address and the status of the mark flag.
338     *
339     * @param r_address The current address to process
340     * @param addNewNode If true, a new node is added to the tree
341     * @return The stack distance of the current address and the mark flag.
342     */
343    std::pair<uint64_t, bool> calcStackDistAndUpdate(const Addr r_address,
344                                                     bool addNewNode = true);
346  private:
348    /**
349     * Node which takes form of Leaf, INode or Root
350     */
351    struct Node{
352        // Sum of the left children
353        uint64_t sumLeft;
355        // Sum of the right children
356        uint64_t sumRight;
358        // Flag to indicate that sumLeft has gone from non-zero value to 0
359        bool discardLeft;
361        // Flag to indicate that sumRight has gone from non-zero value to 0
362        bool discardRight;
364        // Index of the current element in the Map
365        uint64_t nodeIndex;
367        // Pointer to the parent
368        Node* parent;
370        // Flag to mark the node as the right/left child
371        bool isLeftNode;
373        /**
374         * Flag to indicate if this address is marked. Used in case
375         * where stack distance of a touched address is required.
376         */
377        bool isMarked;
379        /**
380         * The discard flags are false by default they become true if
381         * the node is reached again in a future lookup.
382         */
383        Node() : sumLeft(0), sumRight(0), discardLeft(false),
384                 discardRight(false), nodeIndex(0),
385                 parent(nullptr), isLeftNode(true), isMarked(false)
386        { }
387    };
389    /**
390     * Internal counter for address accesses (unique and non-unique)
391     * This counter increments everytime the calcStackDist() method is
392     * called. This counter is used as a key for the hash- map at the
393     * leaf layer. Practically at every call to the calculator this
394     * counter is incremented and a new leaf node is added in the tree
395     * at the leaf layer using this counter value as the key.
396     */
397    uint64_t index;
399    // Binary tree of partial sums
400    TreeType tree;
402    // Hash map which returns last seen index of each address
403    AddressIndexMap aiMap;
405    // Keeps count of number of the next unique index for each
406    // level in the tree
407    std::vector<uint64_t> nextIndex;
409    // Dummy Stack for verification
410    std::vector<uint64_t> stack;
412    // Flag to enable verification of stack. (Slows down the simulation)
413    const bool verifyStack;
417#endif //__STACK_DIST_CALC_HH__