README.PORT revision 12027
1Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 13:23:11 -0800
2From: "" <>
4>[What's needed to get `qt' on an i860-based machine?]
6Almost certainly "some assembly required" (pun accepted).
8To write a cswap port, you need to understand the context switching
9model.  Turn to figure 2 in the QT TR.  Here's about what the assembly
10code looks like to implement that:
12	qt_cswap:
13		adjust stack pointer
14		save callee-save registers on to old's stack
15		argument register <- old sp
16		sp <- new sp
17		(*helper)(args...)
18		restore callee-save registers from new's stack
19		unadjust stack pointer
20		return
22Once more in slow motion:
24	- `old' thread calls context switch routine (new, a0, a1, h)
25	- cswap routine saves registers that have useful values
26	- cswap routine switches to new stack
27	- cswap routine calls helper function (*h)(old, a0, a1)
28	- when helper returns, cswap routine restores registers
29	  that were saved the last time `new' was suspended
30	- cswap routine returns to whatever `new' routine called the
31	  context switch routine
33There's a few tricks here.  First, how do you start a thread running
34for the very first time?  Answer is: fake some stuff on the stack
35so it *looks* like it was called from the middle of some routine.
36When the new thread is restarted, it is treated like any other
37thread.  It just so happens that it's never really run before, but
38you can't tell that because the saved state makes it look like like
39it's been run.  The return pc is set to point at a little stub of
40assembly code that loads up registers with the right values and
41then calls `only'.
43Second, I advise you to forget about varargs routines (at least
44until you get single-arg routines up and running).
46Third, on most machines `qt_abort' is the same as `qt_cswap' except
47that it need not save any callee-save registers.
49Fourth, `qt_cswap' needs to save and restore any floating-point
50registers that are callee-save (see your processor handbook).  On
51some machines, *no* floating-point registers are callee-save, so
52`qt_cswap' is exactly the same as the integer-only cswap routine.
54I suggest staring at the MIPS code for a few minutes.  It's "mostly"
55generic RISC code, so it gets a lot of the flavor across without
56getting too bogged down in little nitty details.
60Now for a bit more detail:  The stack is laid out to hold callee-save
61registers.  On many machines, I implemented fp cswap as save fp
62regs, call integer cswap, and when integer cswap returns (when the
63thread wakes up again), restore fp regs.
65For thread startup, I figure out some callee-save registers that
66I use to hold parameters to the startup routine (`only').  When
67the thread is being started it doesn't have any saved registers
68that need to be restored, but I go ahead and let the integer context
69switch routine restore some registers then "return" to the stub
70code.  The stub code then copies the "callee save" registers to
71argument registers and calls the startup routine.  That keeps the
72stub code pretty darn simple.
74For each machine I need to know the machine's procedure calling
75convention before I write a port.  I figure out how many callee-save
76registers are there and allocate enough stack space for those
77registers.  I also figure out how parameters are passed, since I
78will need to call the helper function.  On most RISC machines, I
79just need to put the old sp in the 0'th arg register and then call
80indirect through the 3rd arg register; the 1st and 2nd arg registers
81are already set up correctly.  Likewise, I don't touch the return
82value register between the helper's return and the context switch
83routine's return.
85I have a bunch of macros set up to do the stack initialization.
86The easiest way to debug this stuff is to go ahead and write a C
87routine to do stack initialization.  Once you're happy with it you
88can turn it in to a macro.
90In general there's a lot of ugly macros, but most of them do simple
91things like return constants, etc.  Any time you're looking at it
92and it looks confusing you just need to remember "this is actually
93simple code, the only tricky thing is calling the helper between
94the stack switch and the new thread's register restore."
97You will almost certainly need to write the assembly code fragment
98that starts a thread.  You might be able to do a lot of the context
99switch code with `setjmp' and `longjmp', if they *happen* to have
100the "right" implementation.  But getting all the details right (the
101helper can return a value to the new thread's cswap routine caller)
102is probaby trickier than writing code that does the minimum and
103thus doesn't have any extra instructions (or generality) to cause
106I don't know of any ports besides those included with the source
107code distribution.   If you send me a port I will hapily add it to
108the distribution.
110Let me know as you have questions and/or comments.
112	;-D on  ( Now *that*'s a switch... )  Pardo