README revision 10779
113481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comThis directory contains a connector that allows gem5 to be used as a 213481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comcomponent in SST (Structural Simulation Toolkit, More 313481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comspecifically, it creates a .so that wraps the libgem5_*.so library. At a 413481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comhigh level, this allows memory traffic to pass between the two simulators. 513481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comSST Links are roughly analogous to gem5 Ports, although Links do not have 613481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.coma notion of master and slave. This distinction is important to gem5, so 713481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comwhen connecting a gem5 CPU to an SST cache, an ExternalSlave must be used, 813481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comand similarly when connecting the memory side of SST cache to a gem5 port memory <-> I/O), an ExternalMaster must be used. 1113481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comThe connector handles the administrative aspects of gem5, simulation, shutdown) as well as translating 1313481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comSST's MemEvents into gem5 Packets and vice-versa. 1513481Sgiacomo.travaglini@arm.comStep-by-step instructions: 16 170. install SST and its dependencies 18 19Note: the Makefile assumes you installed from an SVN checkout, not a release. 20If you install a release, modify SST_VERSION at the top of the Makefile. 21 220b. set/append to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable the path where SST installed 23 its pkgconfig, if not in a system-wide location. 24 25Then from gem5 root: 26 271. build gem5 library: 28% scons build/ARM/ 29 30Note: if you would rather use a fast, debug, etc. variant instead, 31modify GEM5_LIB at the top of the Makefile. 32 332. build gem5 SST component: 34% make -C ext/sst 35 363. run SST like so: 37% sst --add-lib-path <path to ./ext/sst> <config script, e.g. ext/sst/*.py> 38 39=========== 40 41Note: if you want to use an arch other than ARM (not tested/supported), 42tweak the Makefile to get includes from that build directory instead. 43 44=========== 45 46This directory provides: 471. an SST "Component" for gem5; 482. a class that implements gem5's "ExternalMaster" interface to connect with 49 SST "Link"s exchanging "memEvents" 50 (sst/elements/memHierarchy stuff - caches, memories, etc.) 51 This lets gem5 receive packets from SST, as in 52 an SST LL$ (a master external to gem5) <-> I/O devices. 533. a class that implements gem5's "ExternalSlave" interface to connect with 54 SST "Link"s exchanging "memEvents" once again with the packet flow reversed: 55 gem5 CPU <-> SST L1 cache (a slave external to gem5) 564. an example configuration that uses both as follows: 57 gem5 CPUs 58 ^ 59 | [ExternalSlave] 60 v 61 SST cache hierarchy <-> SST memory 62 ^ 63 | [ExternalMaster] 64 v 65 gem5 I/O devices (terminal, disk, etc.) 66