custom.rst revision 12391
1Custom type casters
4In very rare cases, applications may require custom type casters that cannot be
5expressed using the abstractions provided by pybind11, thus requiring raw
6Python C API calls. This is fairly advanced usage and should only be pursued by
7experts who are familiar with the intricacies of Python reference counting.
9The following snippets demonstrate how this works for a very simple ``inty``
10type that that should be convertible from Python types that provide a
11``__int__(self)`` method.
13.. code-block:: cpp
15    struct inty { long long_value; };
17    void print(inty s) {
18        std::cout << s.long_value << std::endl;
19    }
21The following Python snippet demonstrates the intended usage from the Python side:
23.. code-block:: python
25    class A:
26        def __int__(self):
27            return 123
29    from example import print
30    print(A())
32To register the necessary conversion routines, it is necessary to add
33a partial overload to the ``pybind11::detail::type_caster<T>`` template.
34Although this is an implementation detail, adding partial overloads to this
35type is explicitly allowed.
37.. code-block:: cpp
39    namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
40        template <> struct type_caster<inty> {
41        public:
42            /**
43             * This macro establishes the name 'inty' in
44             * function signatures and declares a local variable
45             * 'value' of type inty
46             */
47            PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(inty, _("inty"));
49            /**
50             * Conversion part 1 (Python->C++): convert a PyObject into a inty
51             * instance or return false upon failure. The second argument
52             * indicates whether implicit conversions should be applied.
53             */
54            bool load(handle src, bool) {
55                /* Extract PyObject from handle */
56                PyObject *source = src.ptr();
57                /* Try converting into a Python integer value */
58                PyObject *tmp = PyNumber_Long(source);
59                if (!tmp)
60                    return false;
61                /* Now try to convert into a C++ int */
62                value.long_value = PyLong_AsLong(tmp);
63                Py_DECREF(tmp);
64                /* Ensure return code was OK (to avoid out-of-range errors etc) */
65                return !(value.long_value == -1 && !PyErr_Occurred());
66            }
68            /**
69             * Conversion part 2 (C++ -> Python): convert an inty instance into
70             * a Python object. The second and third arguments are used to
71             * indicate the return value policy and parent object (for
72             * ``return_value_policy::reference_internal``) and are generally
73             * ignored by implicit casters.
74             */
75            static handle cast(inty src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle /* parent */) {
76                return PyLong_FromLong(src.long_value);
77            }
78        };
79    }} // namespace pybind11::detail
81.. note::
83    A ``type_caster<T>`` defined with ``PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(T, ...)`` requires
84    that ``T`` is default-constructible (``value`` is first default constructed
85    and then ``load()`` assigns to it).
87.. warning::
89    When using custom type casters, it's important to declare them consistently
90    in every compilation unit of the Python extension module. Otherwise,
91    undefined behavior can ensue.