111570SCurtis.Dunham@arm.comRedirecting stdout to build/SPARC/tests/opt/quick/se/40.m5threads-test-atomic/sparc/linux/o3-timing-mp/simout
211570SCurtis.Dunham@arm.comRedirecting stderr to build/SPARC/tests/opt/quick/se/40.m5threads-test-atomic/sparc/linux/o3-timing-mp/simerr
38347SN/Agem5 Simulator System.  http://gem5.org
48347SN/Agem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.
611960Sgabeblack@google.comgem5 compiled Mar 29 2017 21:12:17
711960Sgabeblack@google.comgem5 started Mar 29 2017 21:12:27
811960Sgabeblack@google.comgem5 executing on gabeblack-desktop.mtv.corp.google.com, pid 42630
911956Sgabeblack@google.comcommand line: /usr/local/google/home/gabeblack/gem5/gem5-public/build/SPARC/gem5.opt -d build/SPARC/tests/opt/quick/se/40.m5threads-test-atomic/sparc/linux/o3-timing-mp --stats-file 'text://stats.txt?desc=False' -re /usr/local/google/home/gabeblack/gem5/gem5-public/tests/testing/../run.py quick/se/40.m5threads-test-atomic/sparc/linux/o3-timing-mp
116112SN/AGlobal frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
126112SN/AInit done
1310798Ssteve.reinhardt@amd.com[Iteration 1, Thread 1] Got lock
1410798Ssteve.reinhardt@amd.com[Iteration 1, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=1
1511956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 1, Thread 3] Got lock
1611956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 1, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=1, now next=3
1711731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 1, Thread 2] Got lock
1811956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 1, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=2
196112SN/AIteration 1 completed
2011731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 2, Thread 3] Got lock
2111731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 2, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=3
2211103Snilay@cs.wisc.edu[Iteration 2, Thread 2] Got lock
2311731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 2, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=2
2411680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 2, Thread 1] Got lock
2511731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 2, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=1
266112SN/AIteration 2 completed
2710900Snilay@cs.wisc.edu[Iteration 3, Thread 2] Got lock
2811956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 3, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=2
2911731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 3, Thread 3] Got lock
3011731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 3, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=3
3111956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 3, Thread 1] Got lock
3211956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 3, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=1
336112SN/AIteration 3 completed
3411956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 4, Thread 1] Got lock
3511956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 4, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=1
3611731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 4, Thread 3] Got lock
3711956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 4, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=1, now next=3
3811680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 4, Thread 2] Got lock
3911731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 4, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=2
406112SN/AIteration 4 completed
4111731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 5, Thread 1] Got lock
4211731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 5, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=1
4311680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 5, Thread 2] Got lock
4411731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 5, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=1, now next=2
4511570SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 5, Thread 3] Got lock
4611731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 5, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=3
476112SN/AIteration 5 completed
4811680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 6, Thread 3] Got lock
4911680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 6, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=3
5011956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 6, Thread 2] Got lock
5111956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 6, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=2
5211680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 6, Thread 1] Got lock
5311956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 6, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=1
546112SN/AIteration 6 completed
5511956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 7, Thread 3] Got lock
5611956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 7, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=3
5711731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 7, Thread 2] Got lock
5811956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 7, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=2
5911680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 7, Thread 1] Got lock
6011731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 7, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=1
616112SN/AIteration 7 completed
6211570SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 8, Thread 3] Got lock
6311731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 8, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=3
6411103Snilay@cs.wisc.edu[Iteration 8, Thread 2] Got lock
6511680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 8, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=2
6611731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 8, Thread 1] Got lock
6711731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 8, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=1
686112SN/AIteration 8 completed
6911731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 9, Thread 1] Got lock
7011731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 9, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=1
7111956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 9, Thread 2] Got lock
7211956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 9, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=1, now next=2
7311731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 9, Thread 3] Got lock
7411956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 9, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=3
756112SN/AIteration 9 completed
7611956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 10, Thread 3] Got lock
7711956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 10, Thread 3] Critical section done, previously next=0, now next=3
7811731Sjason@lowepower.com[Iteration 10, Thread 2] Got lock
7911956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 10, Thread 2] Critical section done, previously next=3, now next=2
8011680SCurtis.Dunham@arm.com[Iteration 10, Thread 1] Got lock
8111956Sgabeblack@google.com[Iteration 10, Thread 1] Critical section done, previously next=2, now next=1
826112SN/AIteration 10 completed
836112SN/APASSED :-)
8411960Sgabeblack@google.comExiting @ tick 126524000 because exiting with last active thread context