testall.py revision 13709
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21Python Script to test Endianness Conversion Functions for OSCI TLM-2
23There is a simple testbench programme in C++ which runs a single
24transaction through a single conversion function, to a simple target
25memory and back.  This script will run the testbench many times and test for
26- incomplete execution, seg-faults, etc
27- distributability of conversion function: each transaction should have
28the same effect on initiator/target memory as a set of smaller transactions
29that sum to it
30- equivalence: all conversion functions should have the same functional
31effect as each other
33The approach is to provide the initial state of the initiator and
34target memory (as strings) and to capture their final states, so that
35only the effect of the transaction on the data buffers is measured.
37Script works out for itself which conversion functions are legal for a
38given transaction and applies all of them.  Note that where data is
39wider than bus, only one conversion function is legal and testing is
40somewhat limited.
42Testing space (select a transaction at random from the space):
43- with and without byte-enables (generated at random for each data word
44and can be all-zero)
45- data widths of (1,2,4,8,16)
46- bus widths of (1,2,4,8,16), lower priority for those smaller than data
48- transaction lengths of (1..32) x data width, higher probability for
49lower values
50- base address (0..1023) at bus_width steps
51- offset address (0..bus width) with a higher priority for 0
52- address in initiator buffer uniform random
53- read or write
54- byte-enable length may be smaller than transasction length
55- may be a streaming burst
57Transaction breakdown
58- individual words (always)
59- one random breakdown with each segment containing between 1 and N-1
60words, where N is the length in words
61- one breakdown with two segments interleaved, using (additional) byte
62enables to suppress the part where the other segment is active
64Data buffer definition:  starts at 0, randomly filled
65with lower case letters and numbers.  Size 2 kB.  Addresses are limited to
661 kB.
70import random
71import string
74class transaction:
75  """ contains read_not_write, address, length, byte_enable,
76      bus_width, data_width, data_pointer, stream_width """
77  def __init__(self, **a):  self.__dict__ = a
78  def __str__(self):
79    if self.read_not_write:  a = "R: "
80    else:  a = "W: "
81    a += "addr = %d, len = %d, bus = %d, word = %d, data = %d" % \
82      (self.address, self.length, self.bus_width, self.data_width, \
83       self.data_pointer)
84    if self.byte_enable:  a += ", be = " + self.byte_enable
85    else:  a += ", be = x"
86    a += ", sw = %d" % (self.stream_width)
87    return a
90def txn_generator(nr):
91  pr_read = 0.5
92  pr_byte_enable = 0.5
93  pr_enabled = 0.5
94  bus_widths = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
95  data_widths = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] + [1, 2, 4, 8] + [1, 2, 4] + [1, 2]
96  lengths = list(range(1,33)) + list(range(1,17)) + list(range(1,9)) + list(range(1,5)) + list(range(1,3))
97  pr_short_be = 0.2
98  pr_stream = 0.1
99  nr_generated = 0
100  while nr_generated < nr:
101    # create a random transaction
102    bus_width = random.choice(bus_widths)
103    while True:
104      data_width = random.choice(data_widths)
105      if data_width <= bus_width:  break
106      if random.random() < 0.25:  break
107    length = random.choice(lengths)
108    addr_base = random.choice(list(range(0,1024,bus_width)))
109    addr_offset = random.choice(list(range(bus_width))+[0]*(bus_width/2))
110    txn = transaction(
111      bus_width = bus_width,
112      data_width = data_width,
113      read_not_write = random.random() < pr_read,
114      length = length * data_width,
115      address = addr_base + addr_offset,
116      byte_enable = False,
117      stream_width = length * data_width,
118      data_pointer = random.randint(0,1023)
119    )
120    if random.random() < pr_byte_enable:
121      belen = length
122      if random.random() < pr_short_be:
123        belen = min(random.choice(lengths), length)
124      bep = ["0" * data_width, "1" * data_width]
125      txn.byte_enable = "".join([random.choice(bep) for x in range(belen)])
126    if random.random() < pr_stream and length > 1:
127      strlen = length
128      while True:
129        strlen -= 1
130        if strlen == 1 or \
131          (random.random() < 0.5 and (length/strlen)*strlen == length):
132          break
133      txn.stream_width = strlen * data_width
134    nr_generated += 1
135    yield txn
137# test code for transaction generator
138if False:
139  for t in txn_generator(20):
140    print t
141  raise Exception
142# end test code
145class memory_state_cl:
146  buffer_size = 2048
147  repeats = 10 * buffer_size / 36
148  population = (string.lowercase + string.digits) * repeats
149  def __init__(self):
150    self.initiator = "".join(
151      random.sample(memory_state_cl.population, memory_state_cl.buffer_size))
152    self.target =  "".join(
153      random.sample(memory_state_cl.population, memory_state_cl.buffer_size))
154  def copy(self):
155    r = memory_state_cl()
156    r.initiator = self.initiator
157    r.target = self.target
158    return r
159  def __eq__(self, golden):
160    return self.initiator==golden.initiator and self.target==golden.target
161  def __ne__(self, golden):
162    return self.initiator!=golden.initiator or self.target!=golden.target
163  def __str__(self):
164    return "initiator = " + self.initiator + "\n" + "target = " + self.target
167# all fragmentation generators
168def __FRAG__null(txn):
169  yield txn
171def __FRAG__word(txn):
172  curr_address = txn.address
173  reset_address = curr_address + txn.stream_width
174  if txn.byte_enable:
175    full_byte_enable = txn.byte_enable * (1+txn.length/len(txn.byte_enable))
176  be_pos = 0
177  d_pos = txn.data_pointer
178  end = txn.length + d_pos
179  while d_pos < end:
180    new_txn = transaction(
181      bus_width = txn.bus_width,
182      data_width = txn.data_width,
183      read_not_write = txn.read_not_write,
184      length = txn.data_width,
185      address = curr_address,
186      byte_enable = False,
187      stream_width = txn.data_width,
188      data_pointer = d_pos
189    )
190    curr_address += txn.data_width
191    if curr_address == reset_address:  curr_address = txn.address
192    d_pos += txn.data_width
193    if txn.byte_enable:
194      new_txn.byte_enable = full_byte_enable[be_pos:be_pos+txn.data_width]
195      be_pos += txn.data_width
196    yield new_txn
198def __FRAG__stream(txn):
199  if txn.byte_enable:
200    full_byte_enable = txn.byte_enable * (1+txn.length/len(txn.byte_enable))
201  be_pos = 0
202  bytes_done = 0
203  while bytes_done < txn.length:
204    new_txn = transaction(
205      bus_width = txn.bus_width,
206      data_width = txn.data_width,
207      read_not_write = txn.read_not_write,
208      length = txn.stream_width,
209      address = txn.address,
210      byte_enable = False,
211      stream_width = txn.stream_width,
212      data_pointer = bytes_done + txn.data_pointer
213    )
214    if txn.byte_enable:
215      new_txn.byte_enable = full_byte_enable[be_pos:be_pos+txn.stream_width]
216      be_pos += txn.stream_width
217    yield new_txn
218    bytes_done += txn.stream_width
220def __FRAG__random(stream_txn):
221  for txn in __FRAG__stream(stream_txn):
222    # txn has full byte enables and no stream feature guaranteed
223    pr_nofrag = 0.5
224    end_address = txn.address + txn.length
225    curr_address = txn.address
226    be_pos = 0
227    d_pos = txn.data_pointer
228    while curr_address < end_address:
229      new_txn = transaction(
230        bus_width = txn.bus_width,
231        data_width = txn.data_width,
232        read_not_write = txn.read_not_write,
233        length = txn.data_width,
234        address = curr_address,
235        byte_enable = txn.byte_enable,
236        stream_width = txn.data_width,
237        data_pointer = d_pos
238      )
239      curr_address += txn.data_width
240      d_pos += txn.data_width
241      if txn.byte_enable:
242        new_txn.byte_enable = txn.byte_enable[be_pos:be_pos+txn.data_width]
243        be_pos += txn.data_width
244      while random.random() < pr_nofrag and curr_address < end_address:
245        new_txn.length += txn.data_width
246        new_txn.stream_width += txn.data_width
247        curr_address += txn.data_width
248        d_pos += txn.data_width
249        if txn.byte_enable:
250          new_txn.byte_enable += txn.byte_enable[be_pos:be_pos+txn.data_width]
251          be_pos += txn.data_width
252      yield new_txn
254def __FRAG__randinterleave(stream_txn):
255  for txn in __FRAG__stream(stream_txn):
256    # txn has full byte enables and no stream feature guaranteed
257    pr_frag = 0.5
258    txns = [ transaction(
259      bus_width = txn.bus_width,
260      data_width = txn.data_width,
261      read_not_write = txn.read_not_write,
262      length = txn.length,
263      address = txn.address,
264      byte_enable = "",
265      stream_width = txn.length,
266      data_pointer = txn.data_pointer
267    ), transaction(
268      bus_width = txn.bus_width,
269      data_width = txn.data_width,
270      read_not_write = txn.read_not_write,
271      length = txn.length,
272      address = txn.address,
273      byte_enable = "",
274      stream_width = txn.length,
275      data_pointer = txn.data_pointer
276    ) ]
277    curr = 0
278    be_pos = 0
279    on = "1" * txn.data_width
280    off = "0" * txn.data_width
281    while be_pos < txn.length:
282      if txn.byte_enable:  bew = txn.byte_enable[be_pos:be_pos+txn.data_width]
283      else:  bew = on
284      txns[curr].byte_enable += bew
285      txns[1-curr].byte_enable += off
286      be_pos += txn.data_width
287      if random.random() < pr_frag:  curr = 1-curr
288    yield txns[0]
289    yield txns[1]
291fragmenters = [globals()[n] for n in globals().keys() if n[:8]=="__FRAG__"]
293# test code for fragmenters
294if False:
295  for t in txn_generator(1):
296    print t
297    print
298    for u in fragmenters[4](t):
299      print u
300  raise Exception
301# end test code
304# conversion functions are determined by an index (shared with C++) and
305# a function that tests if they can be applied to a transaction
306def __CHCK__generic(txn):
307  __CHCK__generic.nr = 0
308  return True
310def __CHCK__word(txn):
311  __CHCK__word.nr = 1
312  if txn.data_width > txn.bus_width:  return False
313  if txn.stream_width < txn.length:  return False
314  if txn.byte_enable and len(txn.byte_enable) < txn.length:  return False
315  return True
317def __CHCK__aligned(txn):
318  __CHCK__aligned.nr = 2
319  if txn.data_width > txn.bus_width:  return False
320  if txn.stream_width < txn.length:  return False
321  if txn.byte_enable and len(txn.byte_enable) < txn.length:  return False
322  base_addr = txn.address / txn.bus_width
323  if base_addr * txn.bus_width != txn.address:  return False
324  nr_bus_words = txn.length / txn.bus_width
325  if nr_bus_words * txn.bus_width != txn.length:  return False
326  return True
328def __CHCK__single(txn):
329  __CHCK__single.nr = 3
330  if txn.length != txn.data_width:  return False
331  base_addr = txn.address / txn.bus_width
332  end_base_addr = (txn.address + txn.length - 1) / txn.bus_width
333  if base_addr != end_base_addr:  return False
334  return True
336def __CHCK__local_single(txn):
337  __CHCK__local_single.nr = 4
338  if txn.length != txn.data_width:  return False
339  return True
341all_converters = [globals()[n] for n in globals().keys() if n[:8]=="__CHCK__"]
342for x in all_converters:  x.usage = 0
345class TesterFailure(Exception):  pass
346class SystemCFailure(Exception):  pass
347class ConverterDifference(Exception):  pass
348class FragmenterDifference(Exception):  pass
350from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
352# test a single fragment in multiple ways
353def test_a_fragment(f, ms):
354  # f is the (fragment of a) transaction
355  # ms is the memory state to use at start of test
357  # run the same fragment through all applicable conversion functions
358  # and check they all do the same thing
359  # use the same sub-process for all of them
361  # build complete stdin
362  convs = [c for c in all_converters if c(f)]
363  if len(convs) == 0:  raise TesterFailure(f.str())
364  txtin = "\n".join(
365    [("%s\n%s\nconverter = %d\n" % (f, ms, c.nr)) for c in convs])
367  # run and get stdout
368  txtout = "no output"
369  try:
370    sp = Popen("../build-unix/test_endian_conv.exe", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
371    txtout = sp.communicate(txtin)[0]
372    tmp = txtout.splitlines()
373    initiators = [l.split()[-1] for l in tmp if l[:14] == "  initiator = "]
374    targets = [l.split()[-1] for l in tmp if l[:11] == "  target = "]
375  except:
376    raise SystemCFailure("\n" + txtin + txtout)
377  if sp.returncode != 0:  raise SystemCFailure("\n" + txtin + txtout)
378  if len(initiators) != len(convs):  raise SystemCFailure("\n" + txtin + txtout)
379  if len(targets) != len(convs):  raise SystemCFailure("\n" + txtin + txtout)
380  for c in convs:  c.usage += 1
382  ms_out = memory_state_cl()
383  ms_out.initiator = initiators[0]
384  ms_out.target = targets[0]
385  for i in range(1,len(convs)):
386    if initiators[i]!=ms_out.initiator or targets[i]!=ms_out.target:
387      raise ConverterDifference("""
389start memory:
391converter = %d
392golden memory:
394actual memory:
395%s""" % (f, ms, i, golden_ms, ms_out))
397  return ms_out
400# main loop
402from sys import argv
404print "Testing Endianness Conversion Functions"
405print "March 2008"
406print "OSCI TLM-2"
408try:  nr_txns_to_test = int(argv[1])
410  print "No command line input for number of tests, using default"
411  nr_txns_to_test = 1000
413print "Number to test:", nr_txns_to_test
415# generate and test a number of transactions
416for txn in txn_generator(nr_txns_to_test):
418  # each transaction has a random initial memory state
419  initial_memory = memory_state_cl()
421  # iterate over all defined fragmentation functions
422  first_time = True
423  for fragmenter in fragmenters:
425    # all versions of the transaction start in the same place
426    memory_state = initial_memory.copy()
428    # now iterate over the fragments of the transaction, accumulating
429    # the memory state
430    for partial_txn in fragmenter(txn):
431      memory_state = test_a_fragment(partial_txn, memory_state)
433    if first_time:
434      golden_memory_state = memory_state.copy()
435      first_time = False
436    else:
437      if memory_state != golden_memory_state:  raise FragmenterDifference("""
438fragmenter: %s
441start memory:
443golden memory:
445actual memory:
446%s""" % (fragmenter, txn, initial_memory, golden_memory_state, memory_state))
448  print ".",
452print "Conversion functions usage frequency:"
453for c in all_converters:
454  print c.nr, c.__name__, c.usage