revision 1606
1# metric prefixes
2exa  = 1.0e18
3peta = 1.0e15
4tera = 1.0e12
5giga = 1.0e9
6mega = 1.0e6
7kilo = 1.0e3
9milli = 1.0e-3
10micro = 1.0e-6
11nano  = 1.0e-9
12pico  = 1.0e-12
13femto = 1.0e-15
14atto  = 1.0e-18
16# power of 2 prefixes
17kibi = 1024
18mebi = kibi * 1024
19gibi = mebi * 1024
20tebi = gibi * 1024
21pebi = tebi * 1024
22exbi = pebi * 1024
24# memory size configuration stuff
25def toFloat(value):
26    if not isinstance(value, str):
27        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
29    if value.endswith('Ei'):
30        return float(value[:-2]) * exbi
31    elif value.endswith('Pi'):
32        return float(value[:-2]) * pebi
33    elif value.endswith('Ti'):
34        return float(value[:-2]) * tebi
35    elif value.endswith('Gi'):
36        return float(value[:-2]) * gibi
37    elif value.endswith('Mi'):
38        return float(value[:-2]) * mebi
39    elif value.endswith('ki'):
40        return float(value[:-2]) * kibi
41    elif value.endswith('E'):
42        return float(value[:-1]) * exa
43    elif value.endswith('P'):
44        return float(value[:-1]) * peta
45    elif value.endswith('T'):
46        return float(value[:-1]) * tera
47    elif value.endswith('G'):
48        return float(value[:-1]) * giga
49    elif value.endswith('M'):
50        return float(value[:-1]) * mega
51    elif value.endswith('k'):
52        return float(value[:-1]) * kilo
53    elif value.endswith('m'):
54        return float(value[:-1]) * milli
55    elif value.endswith('u'):
56        return float(value[:-1]) * micro
57    elif value.endswith('n'):
58        return float(value[:-1]) * nano
59    elif value.endswith('p'):
60        return float(value[:-1]) * pico
61    elif value.endswith('f'):
62        return float(value[:-1]) * femto
63    else:
64        return float(value)
66def toLong(value):
67    value = toFloat(value)
68    result = int(value)
69    if value != result:
70        raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to long" % value
72    return result
74def toInteger(value):
75    value = toFloat(value)
76    result = int(value)
77    if value != result:
78        raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to integer" % value
80    return result
82def toBool(value):
83    if not isinstance(value, str):
84        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
86    value = value.lower()
87    if value == "true" or value == "t" or value == "yes" or value == "y":
88        return True
89    elif value == "false" or value == "f" or value == "no" or value == "n":
90        return False
92    raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to bool" % value
94def toFrequency(value):
95    if not isinstance(value, str):
96        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
98    if value.endswith('THz'):
99        return float(value[:-3]) * tera
100    elif value.endswith('GHz'):
101        return float(value[:-3]) * giga
102    elif value.endswith('MHz'):
103        return float(value[:-3]) * mega
104    elif value.endswith('kHz'):
105        return float(value[:-3]) * kilo
106    elif value.endswith('Hz'):
107        return float(value[:-2])
109    raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to frequency" % value
111def toLatency(value):
112    if not isinstance(value, str):
113        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
115    if value.endswith('ps'):
116        return float(value[:-2]) * pico
117    elif value.endswith('ns'):
118        return float(value[:-2]) * nano
119    elif value.endswith('us'):
120        return float(value[:-2]) * micro
121    elif value.endswith('ms'):
122        return float(value[:-2]) * milli
123    elif value.endswith('s'):
124        return float(value[:-1])
126    raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to latency" % value
128def toClockPeriod(value):
129    """result is a clock period"""
131    if not isinstance(value, str):
132        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
134    try:
135        val = toFrequency(value)
136        if val != 0:
137            val = 1 / val
138        return val
139    except ValueError:
140        pass
142    try:
143        val = toLatency(value)
144        return val
145    except ValueError:
146        pass
148    raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to clock period" % value
151def toNetworkBandwidth(value):
152    if not isinstance(value, str):
153        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
155    if value.endswith('Tbps'):
156        return float(value[:-3]) * tera
157    elif value.endswith('Gbps'):
158        return float(value[:-3]) * giga
159    elif value.endswith('Mbps'):
160        return float(value[:-3]) * mega
161    elif value.endswith('kbps'):
162        return float(value[:-3]) * kilo
163    elif value.endswith('bps'):
164        return float(value[:-2])
165    else:
166        return float(value)
168    raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to network bandwidth" % value
170def toMemoryBandwidth(value):
171    if not isinstance(value, str):
172        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
174    if value.endswith('PB/s'):
175        return float(value[:-4]) * pebi
176    elif value.endswith('TB/s'):
177        return float(value[:-4]) * tebi
178    elif value.endswith('GB/s'):
179        return float(value[:-4]) * gibi
180    elif value.endswith('MB/s'):
181        return float(value[:-4]) * mebi
182    elif value.endswith('kB/s'):
183        return float(value[:-4]) * kibi
184    elif value.endswith('B/s'):
185        return float(value[:-3])
187    raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to memory bandwidth" % value
189def toMemorySize(value):
190    if not isinstance(value, str):
191        raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
193    if value.endswith('PB'):
194        return float(value[:-2]) * pebi
195    elif value.endswith('TB'):
196        return float(value[:-2]) * tebi
197    elif value.endswith('GB'):
198        return float(value[:-2]) * gibi
199    elif value.endswith('MB'):
200        return float(value[:-2]) * mebi
201    elif value.endswith('kB'):
202        return float(value[:-2]) * kibi
203    elif value.endswith('B'):
204        return float(value[:-1])
206    raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to memory size" % value