revision 12805:3c900ca6be0a Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited All rights reserved. The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual property including but not limited to intellectual property relating to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan Copyright (c) 2010-20013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Copyright (c) 2013 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Authors: Steve Reinhardt          Nathan Binkert          Andreas Hansson          Andreas Sandberg
463898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom __future__ import print_function
483898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.eduimport sys
493898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom types import FunctionType, MethodType, ModuleType
503898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom functools import wraps
513898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.eduimport inspect
533898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.eduimport m5
543898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom m5.util import *
553898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom m5.util.pybind import * Use the pyfdt and not the helper class, because the fdthelper relies on the SimObject definition
583898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom m5.ext.pyfdt import pyfdt Have to import params up top since Param is referenced on initial load (when SimObject class references Param to create a class variable, the 'name' param)...
633898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom m5.params import * There are a few things we need that aren't in params.__all__ since normal users don't need them
663898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom m5.params import ParamDesc, VectorParamDesc, \     isNullPointer, SimObjectVector, Port
693898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom m5.proxy import *
703898Ssaidi@eecs.umich.edufrom m5.proxy import isproxy
74# M5 Python Configuration Utility
76# The basic idea is to write simple Python programs that build Python
77# objects corresponding to M5 SimObjects for the desired simulation
78# configuration.  For now, the Python emits a .ini file that can be
79# parsed by M5.  In the future, some tighter integration between M5
80# and the Python interpreter may allow bypassing the .ini file.
82# Each SimObject class in M5 is represented by a Python class with the
83# same name.  The Python inheritance tree mirrors the M5 C++ tree
84# (e.g., SimpleCPU derives from BaseCPU in both cases, and all
85# SimObjects inherit from a single SimObject base class).  To specify
86# an instance of an M5 SimObject in a configuration, the user simply
87# instantiates the corresponding Python object.  The parameters for
88# that SimObject are given by assigning to attributes of the Python
89# object, either using keyword assignment in the constructor or in
90# separate assignment statements.  For example:
92# cache = BaseCache(size='64KB')
93# cache.hit_latency = 3
94# cache.assoc = 8
96# The magic lies in the mapping of the Python attributes for SimObject
97# classes to the actual SimObject parameter specifications.  This
98# allows parameter validity checking in the Python code.  Continuing
99# the example above, the statements "cache.blurfl=3" or
100# "cache.assoc='hello'" would both result in runtime errors in Python,
101# since the BaseCache object has no 'blurfl' parameter and the 'assoc'
102# parameter requires an integer, respectively.  This magic is done
103# primarily by overriding the special __setattr__ method that controls
104# assignment to object attributes.
106# Once a set of Python objects have been instantiated in a hierarchy,
107# calling 'instantiate(obj)' (where obj is the root of the hierarchy)
108# will generate a .ini file.
112# list of all SimObject classes
113allClasses = {}
115# dict to look up SimObjects based on path
116instanceDict = {}
118# Did any of the SimObjects lack a header file?
119noCxxHeader = False
121def public_value(key, value):
122    return key.startswith('_') or \
123               isinstance(value, (FunctionType, MethodType, ModuleType,
124                                  classmethod, type))
126def createCxxConfigDirectoryEntryFile(code, name, simobj, is_header):
127    entry_class = 'CxxConfigDirectoryEntry_%s' % name
128    param_class = '%sCxxConfigParams' % name
130    code('#include "params/%s.hh"' % name)
132    if not is_header:
133        for param in simobj._params.values():
134            if isSimObjectClass(param.ptype):
135                code('#include "%s"' % param.ptype._value_dict['cxx_header'])
136                code('#include "params/%s.hh"' % param.ptype.__name__)
137            else:
138                param.ptype.cxx_ini_predecls(code)
140    if is_header:
141        member_prefix = ''
142        end_of_decl = ';'
143        code('#include "sim/cxx_config.hh"')
144        code()
145        code('class ${param_class} : public CxxConfigParams,'
146            ' public ${name}Params')
147        code('{')
148        code('  private:')
149        code.indent()
150        code('class DirectoryEntry : public CxxConfigDirectoryEntry')
151        code('{')
152        code('  public:')
153        code.indent()
154        code('DirectoryEntry();');
155        code()
156        code('CxxConfigParams *makeParamsObject() const')
157        code('{ return new ${param_class}; }')
158        code.dedent()
159        code('};')
160        code()
161        code.dedent()
162        code('  public:')
163        code.indent()
164    else:
165        member_prefix = '%s::' % param_class
166        end_of_decl = ''
167        code('#include "%s"' % simobj._value_dict['cxx_header'])
168        code('#include "base/str.hh"')
169        code('#include "cxx_config/${name}.hh"')
171        if simobj._ports.values() != []:
172            code('#include "mem/mem_object.hh"')
173            code('#include "mem/port.hh"')
175        code()
176        code('${member_prefix}DirectoryEntry::DirectoryEntry()');
177        code('{')
179        def cxx_bool(b):
180            return 'true' if b else 'false'
182        code.indent()
183        for param in simobj._params.values():
184            is_vector = isinstance(param, m5.params.VectorParamDesc)
185            is_simobj = issubclass(param.ptype, m5.SimObject.SimObject)
187            code('parameters["%s"] = new ParamDesc("%s", %s, %s);' %
188                (,, cxx_bool(is_vector),
189                cxx_bool(is_simobj)));
191        for port in simobj._ports.values():
192            is_vector = isinstance(port, m5.params.VectorPort)
193            is_master = port.role == 'MASTER'
195            code('ports["%s"] = new PortDesc("%s", %s, %s);' %
196                (,, cxx_bool(is_vector),
197                cxx_bool(is_master)))
199        code.dedent()
200        code('}')
201        code()
203    code('bool ${member_prefix}setSimObject(const std::string &name,')
204    code('    SimObject *simObject)${end_of_decl}')
206    if not is_header:
207        code('{')
208        code.indent()
209        code('bool ret = true;')
210        code()
211        code('if (false) {')
212        for param in simobj._params.values():
213            is_vector = isinstance(param, m5.params.VectorParamDesc)
214            is_simobj = issubclass(param.ptype, m5.SimObject.SimObject)
216            if is_simobj and not is_vector:
217                code('} else if (name == "${{}}") {')
218                code.indent()
219                code('this->${{}} = '
220                    'dynamic_cast<${{param.ptype.cxx_type}}>(simObject);')
221                code('if (simObject && !this->${{}})')
222                code('   ret = false;')
223                code.dedent()
224        code('} else {')
225        code('    ret = false;')
226        code('}')
227        code()
228        code('return ret;')
229        code.dedent()
230        code('}')
232    code()
233    code('bool ${member_prefix}setSimObjectVector('
234        'const std::string &name,')
235    code('    const std::vector<SimObject *> &simObjects)${end_of_decl}')
237    if not is_header:
238        code('{')
239        code.indent()
240        code('bool ret = true;')
241        code()
242        code('if (false) {')
243        for param in simobj._params.values():
244            is_vector = isinstance(param, m5.params.VectorParamDesc)
245            is_simobj = issubclass(param.ptype, m5.SimObject.SimObject)
247            if is_simobj and is_vector:
248                code('} else if (name == "${{}}") {')
249                code.indent()
250                code('this->${{}}.clear();')
251                code('for (auto i = simObjects.begin(); '
252                    'ret && i != simObjects.end(); i ++)')
253                code('{')
254                code.indent()
255                code('${{param.ptype.cxx_type}} object = '
256                    'dynamic_cast<${{param.ptype.cxx_type}}>(*i);')
257                code('if (*i && !object)')
258                code('    ret = false;')
259                code('else')
260                code('    this->${{}}.push_back(object);')
261                code.dedent()
262                code('}')
263                code.dedent()
264        code('} else {')
265        code('    ret = false;')
266        code('}')
267        code()
268        code('return ret;')
269        code.dedent()
270        code('}')
272    code()
273    code('void ${member_prefix}setName(const std::string &name_)'
274        '${end_of_decl}')
276    if not is_header:
277        code('{')
278        code.indent()
279        code('this->name = name_;')
280        code.dedent()
281        code('}')
283    if is_header:
284        code('const std::string &${member_prefix}getName()')
285        code('{ return this->name; }')
287    code()
288    code('bool ${member_prefix}setParam(const std::string &name,')
289    code('    const std::string &value, const Flags flags)${end_of_decl}')
291    if not is_header:
292        code('{')
293        code.indent()
294        code('bool ret = true;')
295        code()
296        code('if (false) {')
297        for param in simobj._params.values():
298            is_vector = isinstance(param, m5.params.VectorParamDesc)
299            is_simobj = issubclass(param.ptype, m5.SimObject.SimObject)
301            if not is_simobj and not is_vector:
302                code('} else if (name == "${{}}") {')
303                code.indent()
304                param.ptype.cxx_ini_parse(code,
305                    'value', 'this->%s' %, 'ret =')
306                code.dedent()
307        code('} else {')
308        code('    ret = false;')
309        code('}')
310        code()
311        code('return ret;')
312        code.dedent()
313        code('}')
315    code()
316    code('bool ${member_prefix}setParamVector('
317        'const std::string &name,')
318    code('    const std::vector<std::string> &values,')
319    code('    const Flags flags)${end_of_decl}')
321    if not is_header:
322        code('{')
323        code.indent()
324        code('bool ret = true;')
325        code()
326        code('if (false) {')
327        for param in simobj._params.values():
328            is_vector = isinstance(param, m5.params.VectorParamDesc)
329            is_simobj = issubclass(param.ptype, m5.SimObject.SimObject)
331            if not is_simobj and is_vector:
332                code('} else if (name == "${{}}") {')
333                code.indent()
334                code('${{}}.clear();')
335                code('for (auto i = values.begin(); '
336                    'ret && i != values.end(); i ++)')
337                code('{')
338                code.indent()
339                code('${{param.ptype.cxx_type}} elem;')
340                param.ptype.cxx_ini_parse(code,
341                    '*i', 'elem', 'ret =')
342                code('if (ret)')
343                code('    this->${{}}.push_back(elem);')
344                code.dedent()
345                code('}')
346                code.dedent()
347        code('} else {')
348        code('    ret = false;')
349        code('}')
350        code()
351        code('return ret;')
352        code.dedent()
353        code('}')
355    code()
356    code('bool ${member_prefix}setPortConnectionCount('
357        'const std::string &name,')
358    code('    unsigned int count)${end_of_decl}')
360    if not is_header:
361        code('{')
362        code.indent()
363        code('bool ret = true;')
364        code()
365        code('if (false)')
366        code('    ;')
367        for port in simobj._ports.values():
368            code('else if (name == "${{}}")')
369            code('    this->port_${{}}_connection_count = count;')
370        code('else')
371        code('    ret = false;')
372        code()
373        code('return ret;')
374        code.dedent()
375        code('}')
377    code()
378    code('SimObject *${member_prefix}simObjectCreate()${end_of_decl}')
380    if not is_header:
381        code('{')
382        if hasattr(simobj, 'abstract') and simobj.abstract:
383            code('    return NULL;')
384        else:
385            code('    return this->create();')
386        code('}')
388    if is_header:
389        code()
390        code('static CxxConfigDirectoryEntry'
391            ' *${member_prefix}makeDirectoryEntry()')
392        code('{ return new DirectoryEntry; }')
394    if is_header:
395        code.dedent()
396        code('};')
398# The metaclass for SimObject.  This class controls how new classes
399# that derive from SimObject are instantiated, and provides inherited
400# class behavior (just like a class controls how instances of that
401# class are instantiated, and provides inherited instance behavior).
402class MetaSimObject(type):
403    # Attributes that can be set only at initialization time
404    init_keywords = {
405        'abstract' : bool,
406        'cxx_class' : str,
407        'cxx_type' : str,
408        'cxx_header' : str,
409        'type' : str,
410        'cxx_base' : (str, type(None)),
411        'cxx_extra_bases' : list,
412        'cxx_exports' : list,
413        'cxx_param_exports' : list,
414    }
415    # Attributes that can be set any time
416    keywords = { 'check' : FunctionType }
418    # __new__ is called before __init__, and is where the statements
419    # in the body of the class definition get loaded into the class's
420    # __dict__.  We intercept this to filter out parameter & port assignments
421    # and only allow "private" attributes to be passed to the base
422    # __new__ (starting with underscore).
423    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dict):
424        assert name not in allClasses, "SimObject %s already present" % name
426        # Copy "private" attributes, functions, and classes to the
427        # official dict.  Everything else goes in _init_dict to be
428        # filtered in __init__.
429        cls_dict = {}
430        value_dict = {}
431        cxx_exports = []
432        for key,val in dict.items():
433            try:
434                cxx_exports.append(getattr(val, "__pybind"))
435            except AttributeError:
436                pass
438            if public_value(key, val):
439                cls_dict[key] = val
440            else:
441                # must be a param/port setting
442                value_dict[key] = val
443        if 'abstract' not in value_dict:
444            value_dict['abstract'] = False
445        if 'cxx_extra_bases' not in value_dict:
446            value_dict['cxx_extra_bases'] = []
447        if 'cxx_exports' not in value_dict:
448            value_dict['cxx_exports'] = cxx_exports
449        else:
450            value_dict['cxx_exports'] += cxx_exports
451        if 'cxx_param_exports' not in value_dict:
452            value_dict['cxx_param_exports'] = []
453        cls_dict['_value_dict'] = value_dict
454        cls = super(MetaSimObject, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, cls_dict)
455        if 'type' in value_dict:
456            allClasses[name] = cls
457        return cls
459    # subclass initialization
460    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
461        # calls type.__init__()... I think that's a no-op, but leave
462        # it here just in case it's not.
463        super(MetaSimObject, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
465        # initialize required attributes
467        # class-only attributes
468        cls._params = multidict() # param descriptions
469        cls._ports = multidict()  # port descriptions
471        # class or instance attributes
472        cls._values = multidict()   # param values
473        cls._hr_values = multidict() # human readable param values
474        cls._children = multidict() # SimObject children
475        cls._port_refs = multidict() # port ref objects
476        cls._instantiated = False # really instantiated, cloned, or subclassed
478        # We don't support multiple inheritance of sim objects.  If you want
479        # to, you must fix multidict to deal with it properly. Non sim-objects
480        # are ok, though
481        bTotal = 0
482        for c in bases:
483            if isinstance(c, MetaSimObject):
484                bTotal += 1
485            if bTotal > 1:
486                raise TypeError, \
487                      "SimObjects do not support multiple inheritance"
489        base = bases[0]
491        # Set up general inheritance via multidicts.  A subclass will
492        # inherit all its settings from the base class.  The only time
493        # the following is not true is when we define the SimObject
494        # class itself (in which case the multidicts have no parent).
495        if isinstance(base, MetaSimObject):
496            cls._base = base
497            cls._params.parent = base._params
498            cls._ports.parent = base._ports
499            cls._values.parent = base._values
500            cls._hr_values.parent = base._hr_values
501            cls._children.parent = base._children
502            cls._port_refs.parent = base._port_refs
503            # mark base as having been subclassed
504            base._instantiated = True
505        else:
506            cls._base = None
508        # default keyword values
509        if 'type' in cls._value_dict:
510            if 'cxx_class' not in cls._value_dict:
511                cls._value_dict['cxx_class'] = cls._value_dict['type']
513            cls._value_dict['cxx_type'] = '%s *' % cls._value_dict['cxx_class']
515            if 'cxx_header' not in cls._value_dict:
516                global noCxxHeader
517                noCxxHeader = True
518                warn("No header file specified for SimObject: %s", name)
520        # Now process the _value_dict items.  They could be defining
521        # new (or overriding existing) parameters or ports, setting
522        # class keywords (e.g., 'abstract'), or setting parameter
523        # values or port bindings.  The first 3 can only be set when
524        # the class is defined, so we handle them here.  The others
525        # can be set later too, so just emulate that by calling
526        # setattr().
527        for key,val in cls._value_dict.items():
528            # param descriptions
529            if isinstance(val, ParamDesc):
530                cls._new_param(key, val)
532            # port objects
533            elif isinstance(val, Port):
534                cls._new_port(key, val)
536            # init-time-only keywords
537            elif cls.init_keywords.has_key(key):
538                cls._set_keyword(key, val, cls.init_keywords[key])
540            # default: use normal path (ends up in __setattr__)
541            else:
542                setattr(cls, key, val)
544    def _set_keyword(cls, keyword, val, kwtype):
545        if not isinstance(val, kwtype):
546            raise TypeError, 'keyword %s has bad type %s (expecting %s)' % \
547                  (keyword, type(val), kwtype)
548        if isinstance(val, FunctionType):
549            val = classmethod(val)
550        type.__setattr__(cls, keyword, val)
552    def _new_param(cls, name, pdesc):
553        # each param desc should be uniquely assigned to one variable
554        assert(not hasattr(pdesc, 'name'))
555 = name
556        cls._params[name] = pdesc
557        if hasattr(pdesc, 'default'):
558            cls._set_param(name, pdesc.default, pdesc)
560    def _set_param(cls, name, value, param):
561        assert( == name)
562        try:
563            hr_value = value
564            value = param.convert(value)
565        except Exception, e:
566            msg = "%s\nError setting param %s.%s to %s\n" % \
567                  (e, cls.__name__, name, value)
568            e.args = (msg, )
569            raise
570        cls._values[name] = value
571        # if param value is a SimObject, make it a child too, so that
572        # it gets cloned properly when the class is instantiated
573        if isSimObjectOrVector(value) and not value.has_parent():
574            cls._add_cls_child(name, value)
575        # update human-readable values of the param if it has a literal
576        # value and is not an object or proxy.
577        if not (isSimObjectOrVector(value) or\
578                isinstance(value, m5.proxy.BaseProxy)):
579            cls._hr_values[name] = hr_value
581    def _add_cls_child(cls, name, child):
582        # It's a little funky to have a class as a parent, but these
583        # objects should never be instantiated (only cloned, which
584        # clears the parent pointer), and this makes it clear that the
585        # object is not an orphan and can provide better error
586        # messages.
587        child.set_parent(cls, name)
588        if not isNullPointer(child):
589            cls._children[name] = child
591    def _new_port(cls, name, port):
592        # each port should be uniquely assigned to one variable
593        assert(not hasattr(port, 'name'))
594 = name
595        cls._ports[name] = port
597    # same as _get_port_ref, effectively, but for classes
598    def _cls_get_port_ref(cls, attr):
599        # Return reference that can be assigned to another port
600        # via __setattr__.  There is only ever one reference
601        # object per port, but we create them lazily here.
602        ref = cls._port_refs.get(attr)
603        if not ref:
604            ref = cls._ports[attr].makeRef(cls)
605            cls._port_refs[attr] = ref
606        return ref
608    # Set attribute (called on foo.attr = value when foo is an
609    # instance of class cls).
610    def __setattr__(cls, attr, value):
611        # normal processing for private attributes
612        if public_value(attr, value):
613            type.__setattr__(cls, attr, value)
614            return
616        if cls.keywords.has_key(attr):
617            cls._set_keyword(attr, value, cls.keywords[attr])
618            return
620        if cls._ports.has_key(attr):
621            cls._cls_get_port_ref(attr).connect(value)
622            return
624        if isSimObjectOrSequence(value) and cls._instantiated:
625            raise RuntimeError, \
626                  "cannot set SimObject parameter '%s' after\n" \
627                  "    class %s has been instantiated or subclassed" \
628                  % (attr, cls.__name__)
630        # check for param
631        param = cls._params.get(attr)
632        if param:
633            cls._set_param(attr, value, param)
634            return
636        if isSimObjectOrSequence(value):
637            # If RHS is a SimObject, it's an implicit child assignment.
638            cls._add_cls_child(attr, coerceSimObjectOrVector(value))
639            return
641        # no valid assignment... raise exception
642        raise AttributeError, \
643              "Class %s has no parameter \'%s\'" % (cls.__name__, attr)
645    def __getattr__(cls, attr):
646        if attr == 'cxx_class_path':
647            return cls.cxx_class.split('::')
649        if attr == 'cxx_class_name':
650            return cls.cxx_class_path[-1]
652        if attr == 'cxx_namespaces':
653            return cls.cxx_class_path[:-1]
655        if cls._values.has_key(attr):
656            return cls._values[attr]
658        if cls._children.has_key(attr):
659            return cls._children[attr]
661        raise AttributeError, \
662              "object '%s' has no attribute '%s'" % (cls.__name__, attr)
664    def __str__(cls):
665        return cls.__name__
667    # See ParamValue.cxx_predecls for description.
668    def cxx_predecls(cls, code):
669        code('#include "params/$cls.hh"')
671    def pybind_predecls(cls, code):
672        code('#include "${{cls.cxx_header}}"')
674    def pybind_decl(cls, code):
675        class_path = cls.cxx_class.split('::')
676        namespaces, classname = class_path[:-1], class_path[-1]
677        py_class_name = '_COLONS_'.join(class_path) if namespaces else \
678                        classname;
680        # The 'local' attribute restricts us to the params declared in
681        # the object itself, not including inherited params (which
682        # will also be inherited from the base class's param struct
683        # here). Sort the params based on their key
684        params = map(lambda (k, v): v, sorted(cls._params.local.items()))
685        ports = cls._ports.local
687        code('''#include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
688#include "pybind11/stl.h"
690#include "params/$cls.hh"
691#include "python/pybind11/core.hh"
692#include "sim/init.hh"
693#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
695#include "${{cls.cxx_header}}"
699        for param in params:
700            param.pybind_predecls(code)
702        code('''namespace py = pybind11;
704static void
705module_init(py::module &m_internal)
707    py::module m = m_internal.def_submodule("param_${cls}");
709        code.indent()
710        if cls._base:
711            code('py::class_<${cls}Params, ${{cls._base.type}}Params, ' \
712                 'std::unique_ptr<${{cls}}Params, py::nodelete>>(' \
713                 'm, "${cls}Params")')
714        else:
715            code('py::class_<${cls}Params, ' \
716                 'std::unique_ptr<${cls}Params, py::nodelete>>(' \
717                 'm, "${cls}Params")')
719        code.indent()
720        if not hasattr(cls, 'abstract') or not cls.abstract:
721            code('.def(py::init<>())')
722            code('.def("create", &${cls}Params::create)')
724        param_exports = cls.cxx_param_exports + [
725            PyBindProperty(k)
726            for k, v in sorted(cls._params.local.items())
727        ] + [
728            PyBindProperty("port_%s_connection_count" %
729            for port in ports.itervalues()
730        ]
731        for exp in param_exports:
732            exp.export(code, "%sParams" % cls)
734        code(';')
735        code()
736        code.dedent()
738        bases = []
739        if 'cxx_base' in cls._value_dict:
740            # If the c++ base class implied by python inheritance was
741            # overridden, use that value.
742            if cls.cxx_base:
743                bases.append(cls.cxx_base)
744        elif cls._base:
745            # If not and if there was a SimObject base, use its c++ class
746            # as this class' base.
747            bases.append(cls._base.cxx_class)
748        # Add in any extra bases that were requested.
749        bases.extend(cls.cxx_extra_bases)
751        if bases:
752            base_str = ", ".join(bases)
753            code('py::class_<${{cls.cxx_class}}, ${base_str}, ' \
754                 'std::unique_ptr<${{cls.cxx_class}}, py::nodelete>>(' \
755                 'm, "${py_class_name}")')
756        else:
757            code('py::class_<${{cls.cxx_class}}, ' \
758                 'std::unique_ptr<${{cls.cxx_class}}, py::nodelete>>(' \
759                 'm, "${py_class_name}")')
760        code.indent()
761        for exp in cls.cxx_exports:
762            exp.export(code, cls.cxx_class)
763        code(';')
764        code.dedent()
765        code()
766        code.dedent()
767        code('}')
768        code()
769        code('static EmbeddedPyBind embed_obj("${0}", module_init, "${1}");',
770             cls, cls._base.type if cls._base else "")
773    # Generate the C++ declaration (.hh file) for this SimObject's
774    # param struct.  Called from src/SConscript.
775    def cxx_param_decl(cls, code):
776        # The 'local' attribute restricts us to the params declared in
777        # the object itself, not including inherited params (which
778        # will also be inherited from the base class's param struct
779        # here). Sort the params based on their key
780        params = map(lambda (k, v): v, sorted(cls._params.local.items()))
781        ports = cls._ports.local
782        try:
783            ptypes = [p.ptype for p in params]
784        except:
785            print(cls, p, p.ptype_str)
786            print(params)
787            raise
789        class_path = cls._value_dict['cxx_class'].split('::')
791        code('''\
792#ifndef __PARAMS__${cls}__
793#define __PARAMS__${cls}__
798        # The base SimObject has a couple of params that get
799        # automatically set from Python without being declared through
800        # the normal Param mechanism; we slip them in here (needed
801        # predecls now, actual declarations below)
802        if cls == SimObject:
803            code('''#include <string>''')
805        # A forward class declaration is sufficient since we are just
806        # declaring a pointer.
807        for ns in class_path[:-1]:
808            code('namespace $ns {')
809        code('class $0;', class_path[-1])
810        for ns in reversed(class_path[:-1]):
811            code('} // namespace $ns')
812        code()
814        for param in params:
815            param.cxx_predecls(code)
816        for port in ports.itervalues():
817            port.cxx_predecls(code)
818        code()
820        if cls._base:
821            code('#include "params/${{cls._base.type}}.hh"')
822            code()
824        for ptype in ptypes:
825            if issubclass(ptype, Enum):
826                code('#include "enums/${{ptype.__name__}}.hh"')
827                code()
829        # now generate the actual param struct
830        code("struct ${cls}Params")
831        if cls._base:
832            code("    : public ${{cls._base.type}}Params")
833        code("{")
834        if not hasattr(cls, 'abstract') or not cls.abstract:
835            if 'type' in cls.__dict__:
836                code("    ${{cls.cxx_type}} create();")
838        code.indent()
839        if cls == SimObject:
840            code('''
841    SimObjectParams() {}
842    virtual ~SimObjectParams() {}
844    std::string name;
845            ''')
847        for param in params:
848            param.cxx_decl(code)
849        for port in ports.itervalues():
850            port.cxx_decl(code)
852        code.dedent()
853        code('};')
855        code()
856        code('#endif // __PARAMS__${cls}__')
857        return code
859    # Generate the C++ declaration/definition files for this SimObject's
860    # param struct to allow C++ initialisation
861    def cxx_config_param_file(cls, code, is_header):
862        createCxxConfigDirectoryEntryFile(code, cls.__name__, cls, is_header)
863        return code
865# This *temporary* definition is required to support calls from the
866# SimObject class definition to the MetaSimObject methods (in
867# particular _set_param, which gets called for parameters with default
868# values defined on the SimObject class itself).  It will get
869# overridden by the permanent definition (which requires that
870# SimObject be defined) lower in this file.
871def isSimObjectOrVector(value):
872    return False
874def cxxMethod(*args, **kwargs):
875    """Decorator to export C++ functions to Python"""
877    def decorate(func):
878        name = func.func_name
879        override = kwargs.get("override", False)
880        cxx_name = kwargs.get("cxx_name", name)
882        args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
883        if varargs or keywords:
884            raise ValueError("Wrapped methods must not contain variable " \
885                             "arguments")
887        # Create tuples of (argument, default)
888        if defaults:
889            args = args[:-len(defaults)] + zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults)
890        # Don't include self in the argument list to PyBind
891        args = args[1:]
894        @wraps(func)
895        def cxx_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
896            ccobj = self.getCCObject()
897            return getattr(ccobj, name)(*args, **kwargs)
899        @wraps(func)
900        def py_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
901            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
903        f = py_call if override else cxx_call
904        f.__pybind = PyBindMethod(name, cxx_name=cxx_name, args=args)
906        return f
908    if len(args) == 0:
909        return decorate
910    elif len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0:
911        return decorate(*args)
912    else:
913        raise TypeError("One argument and no kwargs, or only kwargs expected")
915# This class holds information about each simobject parameter
916# that should be displayed on the command line for use in the
917# configuration system.
918class ParamInfo(object):
919  def __init__(self, type, desc, type_str, example, default_val, access_str):
920    self.type = type
921    self.desc = desc
922    self.type_str = type_str
923    self.example_str = example
924    self.default_val = default_val
925    # The string representation used to access this param through python.
926    # The method to access this parameter presented on the command line may
927    # be different, so this needs to be stored for later use.
928    self.access_str = access_str
929    self.created = True
931  # Make it so we can only set attributes at initialization time
932  # and effectively make this a const object.
933  def __setattr__(self, name, value):
934    if not "created" in self.__dict__:
935      self.__dict__[name] = value
937# The SimObject class is the root of the special hierarchy.  Most of
938# the code in this class deals with the configuration hierarchy itself
939# (parent/child node relationships).
940class SimObject(object):
941    # Specify metaclass.  Any class inheriting from SimObject will
942    # get this metaclass.
943    __metaclass__ = MetaSimObject
944    type = 'SimObject'
945    abstract = True
947    cxx_header = "sim/sim_object.hh"
948    cxx_extra_bases = [ "Drainable", "Serializable" ]
949    eventq_index = Param.UInt32(Parent.eventq_index, "Event Queue Index")
951    cxx_exports = [
952        PyBindMethod("init"),
953        PyBindMethod("initState"),
954        PyBindMethod("memInvalidate"),
955        PyBindMethod("memWriteback"),
956        PyBindMethod("regStats"),
957        PyBindMethod("resetStats"),
958        PyBindMethod("regProbePoints"),
959        PyBindMethod("regProbeListeners"),
960        PyBindMethod("startup"),
961    ]
963    cxx_param_exports = [
964        PyBindProperty("name"),
965    ]
967    @cxxMethod
968    def loadState(self, cp):
969        """Load SimObject state from a checkpoint"""
970        pass
972    # Returns a dict of all the option strings that can be
973    # generated as command line options for this simobject instance
974    # by tracing all reachable params in the top level instance and
975    # any children it contains.
976    def enumerateParams(self, flags_dict = {},
977                        cmd_line_str = "", access_str = ""):
978        if hasattr(self, "_paramEnumed"):
979            print("Cycle detected enumerating params")
980        else:
981            self._paramEnumed = True
982            # Scan the children first to pick up all the objects in this SimObj
983            for keys in self._children:
984                child = self._children[keys]
985                next_cmdline_str = cmd_line_str + keys
986                next_access_str = access_str + keys
987                if not isSimObjectVector(child):
988                    next_cmdline_str = next_cmdline_str + "."
989                    next_access_str = next_access_str + "."
990                flags_dict = child.enumerateParams(flags_dict,
991                                                   next_cmdline_str,
992                                                   next_access_str)
994            # Go through the simple params in the simobject in this level
995            # of the simobject hierarchy and save information about the
996            # parameter to be used for generating and processing command line
997            # options to the simulator to set these parameters.
998            for keys,values in self._params.items():
999                if values.isCmdLineSettable():
1000                    type_str = ''
1001                    ex_str = values.example_str()
1002                    ptype = None
1003                    if isinstance(values, VectorParamDesc):
1004                        type_str = 'Vector_%s' % values.ptype_str
1005                        ptype = values
1006                    else:
1007                        type_str = '%s' % values.ptype_str
1008                        ptype = values.ptype
1010                    if keys in self._hr_values\
1011                       and keys in self._values\
1012                       and not isinstance(self._values[keys],
1013                                          m5.proxy.BaseProxy):
1014                        cmd_str = cmd_line_str + keys
1015                        acc_str = access_str + keys
1016                        flags_dict[cmd_str] = ParamInfo(ptype,
1017                                    self._params[keys].desc, type_str, ex_str,
1018                                    values.pretty_print(self._hr_values[keys]),
1019                                    acc_str)
1020                    elif not keys in self._hr_values\
1021                         and not keys in self._values:
1022                        # Empty param
1023                        cmd_str = cmd_line_str + keys
1024                        acc_str = access_str + keys
1025                        flags_dict[cmd_str] = ParamInfo(ptype,
1026                                    self._params[keys].desc,
1027                                    type_str, ex_str, '', acc_str)
1029        return flags_dict
1031    # Initialize new instance.  For objects with SimObject-valued
1032    # children, we need to recursively clone the classes represented
1033    # by those param values as well in a consistent "deep copy"-style
1034    # fashion.  That is, we want to make sure that each instance is
1035    # cloned only once, and that if there are multiple references to
1036    # the same original object, we end up with the corresponding
1037    # cloned references all pointing to the same cloned instance.
1038    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
1039        ancestor = kwargs.get('_ancestor')
1040        memo_dict = kwargs.get('_memo')
1041        if memo_dict is None:
1042            # prepare to memoize any recursively instantiated objects
1043            memo_dict = {}
1044        elif ancestor:
1045            # memoize me now to avoid problems with recursive calls
1046            memo_dict[ancestor] = self
1048        if not ancestor:
1049            ancestor = self.__class__
1050        ancestor._instantiated = True
1052        # initialize required attributes
1053        self._parent = None
1054        self._name = None
1055        self._ccObject = None  # pointer to C++ object
1056        self._ccParams = None
1057        self._instantiated = False # really "cloned"
1059        # Clone children specified at class level.  No need for a
1060        # multidict here since we will be cloning everything.
1061        # Do children before parameter values so that children that
1062        # are also param values get cloned properly.
1063        self._children = {}
1064        for key,val in ancestor._children.iteritems():
1065            self.add_child(key, val(_memo=memo_dict))
1067        # Inherit parameter values from class using multidict so
1068        # individual value settings can be overridden but we still
1069        # inherit late changes to non-overridden class values.
1070        self._values = multidict(ancestor._values)
1071        self._hr_values = multidict(ancestor._hr_values)
1072        # clone SimObject-valued parameters
1073        for key,val in ancestor._values.iteritems():
1074            val = tryAsSimObjectOrVector(val)
1075            if val is not None:
1076                self._values[key] = val(_memo=memo_dict)
1078        # clone port references.  no need to use a multidict here
1079        # since we will be creating new references for all ports.
1080        self._port_refs = {}
1081        for key,val in ancestor._port_refs.iteritems():
1082            self._port_refs[key] = val.clone(self, memo_dict)
1083        # apply attribute assignments from keyword args, if any
1084        for key,val in kwargs.iteritems():
1085            setattr(self, key, val)
1087    # "Clone" the current instance by creating another instance of
1088    # this instance's class, but that inherits its parameter values
1089    # and port mappings from the current instance.  If we're in a
1090    # "deep copy" recursive clone, check the _memo dict to see if
1091    # we've already cloned this instance.
1092    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
1093        memo_dict = kwargs.get('_memo')
1094        if memo_dict is None:
1095            # no memo_dict: must be top-level clone operation.
1096            # this is only allowed at the root of a hierarchy
1097            if self._parent:
1098                raise RuntimeError, "attempt to clone object %s " \
1099                      "not at the root of a tree (parent = %s)" \
1100                      % (self, self._parent)
1101            # create a new dict and use that.
1102            memo_dict = {}
1103            kwargs['_memo'] = memo_dict
1104        elif memo_dict.has_key(self):
1105            # clone already done & memoized
1106            return memo_dict[self]
1107        return self.__class__(_ancestor = self, **kwargs)
1109    def _get_port_ref(self, attr):
1110        # Return reference that can be assigned to another port
1111        # via __setattr__.  There is only ever one reference
1112        # object per port, but we create them lazily here.
1113        ref = self._port_refs.get(attr)
1114        if ref == None:
1115            ref = self._ports[attr].makeRef(self)
1116            self._port_refs[attr] = ref
1117        return ref
1119    def __getattr__(self, attr):
1120        if self._ports.has_key(attr):
1121            return self._get_port_ref(attr)
1123        if self._values.has_key(attr):
1124            return self._values[attr]
1126        if self._children.has_key(attr):
1127            return self._children[attr]
1129        # If the attribute exists on the C++ object, transparently
1130        # forward the reference there.  This is typically used for
1131        # methods exported to Python (e.g., init(), and startup())
1132        if self._ccObject and hasattr(self._ccObject, attr):
1133            return getattr(self._ccObject, attr)
1135        err_string = "object '%s' has no attribute '%s'" \
1136              % (self.__class__.__name__, attr)
1138        if not self._ccObject:
1139            err_string += "\n  (C++ object is not yet constructed," \
1140                          " so wrapped C++ methods are unavailable.)"
1142        raise AttributeError, err_string
1144    # Set attribute (called on foo.attr = value when foo is an
1145    # instance of class cls).
1146    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
1147        # normal processing for private attributes
1148        if attr.startswith('_'):
1149            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
1150            return
1152        if self._ports.has_key(attr):
1153            # set up port connection
1154            self._get_port_ref(attr).connect(value)
1155            return
1157        param = self._params.get(attr)
1158        if param:
1159            try:
1160                hr_value = value
1161                value = param.convert(value)
1162            except Exception, e:
1163                msg = "%s\nError setting param %s.%s to %s\n" % \
1164                      (e, self.__class__.__name__, attr, value)
1165                e.args = (msg, )
1166                raise
1167            self._values[attr] = value
1168            # implicitly parent unparented objects assigned as params
1169            if isSimObjectOrVector(value) and not value.has_parent():
1170                self.add_child(attr, value)
1171            # set the human-readable value dict if this is a param
1172            # with a literal value and is not being set as an object
1173            # or proxy.
1174            if not (isSimObjectOrVector(value) or\
1175                    isinstance(value, m5.proxy.BaseProxy)):
1176                self._hr_values[attr] = hr_value
1178            return
1180        # if RHS is a SimObject, it's an implicit child assignment
1181        if isSimObjectOrSequence(value):
1182            self.add_child(attr, value)
1183            return
1185        # no valid assignment... raise exception
1186        raise AttributeError, "Class %s has no parameter %s" \
1187              % (self.__class__.__name__, attr)
1190    # this hack allows tacking a '[0]' onto parameters that may or may
1191    # not be vectors, and always getting the first element (e.g. cpus)
1192    def __getitem__(self, key):
1193        if key == 0:
1194            return self
1195        raise IndexError, "Non-zero index '%s' to SimObject" % key
1197    # this hack allows us to iterate over a SimObject that may
1198    # not be a vector, so we can call a loop over it and get just one
1199    # element.
1200    def __len__(self):
1201        return 1
1203    # Also implemented by SimObjectVector
1204    def clear_parent(self, old_parent):
1205        assert self._parent is old_parent
1206        self._parent = None
1208    # Also implemented by SimObjectVector
1209    def set_parent(self, parent, name):
1210        self._parent = parent
1211        self._name = name
1213    # Return parent object of this SimObject, not implemented by
1214    # SimObjectVector because the elements in a SimObjectVector may not share
1215    # the same parent
1216    def get_parent(self):
1217        return self._parent
1219    # Also implemented by SimObjectVector
1220    def get_name(self):
1221        return self._name
1223    # Also implemented by SimObjectVector
1224    def has_parent(self):
1225        return self._parent is not None
1227    # clear out child with given name. This code is not likely to be exercised.
1228    # See comment in add_child.
1229    def clear_child(self, name):
1230        child = self._children[name]
1231        child.clear_parent(self)
1232        del self._children[name]
1234    # Add a new child to this object.
1235    def add_child(self, name, child):
1236        child = coerceSimObjectOrVector(child)
1237        if child.has_parent():
1238            warn("add_child('%s'): child '%s' already has parent", name,
1239                child.get_name())
1240        if self._children.has_key(name):
1241            # This code path had an undiscovered bug that would make it fail
1242            # at runtime. It had been here for a long time and was only
1243            # exposed by a buggy script. Changes here will probably not be
1244            # exercised without specialized testing.
1245            self.clear_child(name)
1246        child.set_parent(self, name)
1247        if not isNullPointer(child):
1248            self._children[name] = child
1250    # Take SimObject-valued parameters that haven't been explicitly
1251    # assigned as children and make them children of the object that
1252    # they were assigned to as a parameter value.  This guarantees
1253    # that when we instantiate all the parameter objects we're still
1254    # inside the configuration hierarchy.
1255    def adoptOrphanParams(self):
1256        for key,val in self._values.iteritems():
1257            if not isSimObjectVector(val) and isSimObjectSequence(val):
1258                # need to convert raw SimObject sequences to
1259                # SimObjectVector class so we can call has_parent()
1260                val = SimObjectVector(val)
1261                self._values[key] = val
1262            if isSimObjectOrVector(val) and not val.has_parent():
1263                warn("%s adopting orphan SimObject param '%s'", self, key)
1264                self.add_child(key, val)
1266    def path(self):
1267        if not self._parent:
1268            return '<orphan %s>' % self.__class__
1269        elif isinstance(self._parent, MetaSimObject):
1270            return str(self.__class__)
1272        ppath = self._parent.path()
1273        if ppath == 'root':
1274            return self._name
1275        return ppath + "." + self._name
1277    def __str__(self):
1278        return self.path()
1280    def config_value(self):
1281        return self.path()
1283    def ini_str(self):
1284        return self.path()
1286    def find_any(self, ptype):
1287        if isinstance(self, ptype):
1288            return self, True
1290        found_obj = None
1291        for child in self._children.itervalues():
1292            visited = False
1293            if hasattr(child, '_visited'):
1294              visited = getattr(child, '_visited')
1296            if isinstance(child, ptype) and not visited:
1297                if found_obj != None and child != found_obj:
1298                    raise AttributeError, \
1299                          'parent.any matched more than one: %s %s' % \
1300                          (found_obj.path, child.path)
1301                found_obj = child
1302        # search param space
1303        for pname,pdesc in self._params.iteritems():
1304            if issubclass(pdesc.ptype, ptype):
1305                match_obj = self._values[pname]
1306                if found_obj != None and found_obj != match_obj:
1307                    raise AttributeError, \
1308                          'parent.any matched more than one: %s and %s' % \
1309                          (found_obj.path, match_obj.path)
1310                found_obj = match_obj
1311        return found_obj, found_obj != None
1313    def find_all(self, ptype):
1314        all = {}
1315        # search children
1316        for child in self._children.itervalues():
1317            # a child could be a list, so ensure we visit each item
1318            if isinstance(child, list):
1319                children = child
1320            else:
1321                children = [child]
1323            for child in children:
1324                if isinstance(child, ptype) and not isproxy(child) and \
1325                        not isNullPointer(child):
1326                    all[child] = True
1327                if isSimObject(child):
1328                    # also add results from the child itself
1329                    child_all, done = child.find_all(ptype)
1330                    all.update(dict(zip(child_all, [done] * len(child_all))))
1331        # search param space
1332        for pname,pdesc in self._params.iteritems():
1333            if issubclass(pdesc.ptype, ptype):
1334                match_obj = self._values[pname]
1335                if not isproxy(match_obj) and not isNullPointer(match_obj):
1336                    all[match_obj] = True
1337        # Also make sure to sort the keys based on the objects' path to
1338        # ensure that the order is the same on all hosts
1339        return sorted(all.keys(), key = lambda o: o.path()), True
1341    def unproxy(self, base):
1342        return self
1344    def unproxyParams(self):
1345        for param in self._params.iterkeys():
1346            value = self._values.get(param)
1347            if value != None and isproxy(value):
1348                try:
1349                    value = value.unproxy(self)
1350                except:
1351                    print("Error in unproxying param '%s' of %s" %
1352                          (param, self.path()))
1353                    raise
1354                setattr(self, param, value)
1356        # Unproxy ports in sorted order so that 'append' operations on
1357        # vector ports are done in a deterministic fashion.
1358        port_names = self._ports.keys()
1359        port_names.sort()
1360        for port_name in port_names:
1361            port = self._port_refs.get(port_name)
1362            if port != None:
1363                port.unproxy(self)
1365    def print_ini(self, ini_file):
1366        print('[' + self.path() + ']', file=ini_file)    # .ini section header
1368        instanceDict[self.path()] = self
1370        if hasattr(self, 'type'):
1371            print('type=%s' % self.type, file=ini_file)
1373        if len(self._children.keys()):
1374            print('children=%s' %
1375                  ' '.join(self._children[n].get_name()
1376                           for n in sorted(self._children.keys())),
1377                  file=ini_file)
1379        for param in sorted(self._params.keys()):
1380            value = self._values.get(param)
1381            if value != None:
1382                print('%s=%s' % (param, self._values[param].ini_str()),
1383                      file=ini_file)
1385        for port_name in sorted(self._ports.keys()):
1386            port = self._port_refs.get(port_name, None)
1387            if port != None:
1388                print('%s=%s' % (port_name, port.ini_str()), file=ini_file)
1390        print(file=ini_file)        # blank line between objects
1392    # generate a tree of dictionaries expressing all the parameters in the
1393    # instantiated system for use by scripts that want to do power, thermal
1394    # visualization, and other similar tasks
1395    def get_config_as_dict(self):
1396        d = attrdict()
1397        if hasattr(self, 'type'):
1398            d.type = self.type
1399        if hasattr(self, 'cxx_class'):
1400            d.cxx_class = self.cxx_class
1401        # Add the name and path of this object to be able to link to
1402        # the stats
1403 = self.get_name()
1404        d.path = self.path()
1406        for param in sorted(self._params.keys()):
1407            value = self._values.get(param)
1408            if value != None:
1409                d[param] = value.config_value()
1411        for n in sorted(self._children.keys()):
1412            child = self._children[n]
1413            # Use the name of the attribute (and not get_name()) as
1414            # the key in the JSON dictionary to capture the hierarchy
1415            # in the Python code that assembled this system
1416            d[n] = child.get_config_as_dict()
1418        for port_name in sorted(self._ports.keys()):
1419            port = self._port_refs.get(port_name, None)
1420            if port != None:
1421                # Represent each port with a dictionary containing the
1422                # prominent attributes
1423                d[port_name] = port.get_config_as_dict()
1425        return d
1427    def getCCParams(self):
1428        if self._ccParams:
1429            return self._ccParams
1431        cc_params_struct = getattr(m5.internal.params, '%sParams' % self.type)
1432        cc_params = cc_params_struct()
1433 = str(self)
1435        param_names = self._params.keys()
1436        param_names.sort()
1437        for param in param_names:
1438            value = self._values.get(param)
1439            if value is None:
1440                fatal("%s.%s without default or user set value",
1441                      self.path(), param)
1443            value = value.getValue()
1444            if isinstance(self._params[param], VectorParamDesc):
1445                assert isinstance(value, list)
1446                vec = getattr(cc_params, param)
1447                assert not len(vec)
1448                # Some types are exposed as opaque types. They support
1449                # the append operation unlike the automatically
1450                # wrapped types.
1451                if isinstance(vec, list):
1452                    setattr(cc_params, param, list(value))
1453                else:
1454                    for v in value:
1455                        getattr(cc_params, param).append(v)
1456            else:
1457                setattr(cc_params, param, value)
1459        port_names = self._ports.keys()
1460        port_names.sort()
1461        for port_name in port_names:
1462            port = self._port_refs.get(port_name, None)
1463            if port != None:
1464                port_count = len(port)
1465            else:
1466                port_count = 0
1467            setattr(cc_params, 'port_' + port_name + '_connection_count',
1468                    port_count)
1469        self._ccParams = cc_params
1470        return self._ccParams
1472    # Get C++ object corresponding to this object, calling C++ if
1473    # necessary to construct it.  Does *not* recursively create
1474    # children.
1475    def getCCObject(self):
1476        if not self._ccObject:
1477            # Make sure this object is in the configuration hierarchy
1478            if not self._parent and not isRoot(self):
1479                raise RuntimeError, "Attempt to instantiate orphan node"
1480            # Cycles in the configuration hierarchy are not supported. This
1481            # will catch the resulting recursion and stop.
1482            self._ccObject = -1
1483            if not self.abstract:
1484                params = self.getCCParams()
1485                self._ccObject = params.create()
1486        elif self._ccObject == -1:
1487            raise RuntimeError, "%s: Cycle found in configuration hierarchy." \
1488                  % self.path()
1489        return self._ccObject
1491    def descendants(self):
1492        yield self
1493        # The order of the dict is implementation dependent, so sort
1494        # it based on the key (name) to ensure the order is the same
1495        # on all hosts
1496        for (name, child) in sorted(self._children.iteritems()):
1497            for obj in child.descendants():
1498                yield obj
1500    # Call C++ to create C++ object corresponding to this object
1501    def createCCObject(self):
1502        self.getCCParams()
1503        self.getCCObject() # force creation
1505    def getValue(self):
1506        return self.getCCObject()
1508    # Create C++ port connections corresponding to the connections in
1509    # _port_refs
1510    def connectPorts(self):
1511        # Sort the ports based on their attribute name to ensure the
1512        # order is the same on all hosts
1513        for (attr, portRef) in sorted(self._port_refs.iteritems()):
1514            portRef.ccConnect()
1516    # Default function for generating the device structure.
1517    # Can be overloaded by the inheriting class
1518    def generateDeviceTree(self, state):
1519        return # return without yielding anything
1520        yield  # make this function a (null) generator
1522    def recurseDeviceTree(self, state):
1523        for child in self._children.itervalues():
1524            for item in child: # For looping over SimObjectVectors
1525                for dt in item.generateDeviceTree(state):
1526                    yield dt
1528# Function to provide to C++ so it can look up instances based on paths
1529def resolveSimObject(name):
1530    obj = instanceDict[name]
1531    return obj.getCCObject()
1533def isSimObject(value):
1534    return isinstance(value, SimObject)
1536def isSimObjectClass(value):
1537    return issubclass(value, SimObject)
1539def isSimObjectVector(value):
1540    return isinstance(value, SimObjectVector)
1542def isSimObjectSequence(value):
1543    if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) or len(value) == 0:
1544        return False
1546    for val in value:
1547        if not isNullPointer(val) and not isSimObject(val):
1548            return False
1550    return True
1552def isSimObjectOrSequence(value):
1553    return isSimObject(value) or isSimObjectSequence(value)
1555def isRoot(obj):
1556    from m5.objects import Root
1557    return obj and obj is Root.getInstance()
1559def isSimObjectOrVector(value):
1560    return isSimObject(value) or isSimObjectVector(value)
1562def tryAsSimObjectOrVector(value):
1563    if isSimObjectOrVector(value):
1564        return value
1565    if isSimObjectSequence(value):
1566        return SimObjectVector(value)
1567    return None
1569def coerceSimObjectOrVector(value):
1570    value = tryAsSimObjectOrVector(value)
1571    if value is None:
1572        raise TypeError, "SimObject or SimObjectVector expected"
1573    return value
1575baseClasses = allClasses.copy()
1576baseInstances = instanceDict.copy()
1578def clear():
1579    global allClasses, instanceDict, noCxxHeader
1581    allClasses = baseClasses.copy()
1582    instanceDict = baseInstances.copy()
1583    noCxxHeader = False
1585# __all__ defines the list of symbols that get exported when
1586# 'from config import *' is invoked.  Try to keep this reasonably
1587# short to avoid polluting other namespaces.
1588__all__ = [
1589    'SimObject',
1590    'cxxMethod',
1591    'PyBindMethod',
1592    'PyBindProperty',