decoder.isa revision 3042:aad81cbda3d7
1// Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
2// All rights reserved.
4// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
6// met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
8// redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
9// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
10// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
11// neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
12// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
13// this software without specific prior written permission.
27// Authors: Ali Saidi
28//          Gabe Black
29//          Steve Reinhardt
33// The actual decoder specification
36decode OP default Unknown::unknown()
38    0x0: decode OP2
39    {
40        //Throw an illegal instruction acception
41        0x0: Trap::illtrap({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
42        format BranchN
43        {
44            0x1: decode BPCC
45            {
46                0x0: bpcci(19, {{
47                    if(passesCondition(Ccr<3:0>, COND2))
48                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
49                    else
50                        handle_annul
51                }});
52                0x2: bpccx(19, {{
53                    if(passesCondition(Ccr<7:4>, COND2))
54                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
55                    else
56                        handle_annul
57                }});
58            }
59            0x2: bicc(22, {{
60                if(passesCondition(Ccr<3:0>, COND2))
61                    NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
62                else
63                    handle_annul
64            }});
65        }
66        0x3: decode RCOND2
67        {
68            format BranchSplit
69            {
70                0x1: bpreq({{
71                    if(Rs1.sdw == 0)
72                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
73                    else
74                        handle_annul
75                }});
76                0x2: bprle({{
77                    if(Rs1.sdw <= 0)
78                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
79                    else
80                        handle_annul
81                }});
82                0x3: bprl({{
83                    if(Rs1.sdw < 0)
84                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
85                    else
86                        handle_annul
87                }});
88                0x5: bprne({{
89                    if(Rs1.sdw != 0)
90                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
91                    else
92                        handle_annul
93                }});
94                0x6: bprg({{
95                    if(Rs1.sdw > 0)
96                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
97                    else
98                        handle_annul
99                }});
100                0x7: bprge({{
101                    if(Rs1.sdw >= 0)
102                        NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
103                    else
104                        handle_annul
105                }});
106            }
107        }
108        //SETHI (or NOP if rd == 0 and imm == 0)
109        0x4: SetHi::sethi({{Rd.udw = imm;}});
110        0x5: Trap::fbpfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
111        0x6: Trap::fbfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
112    }
113    0x1: BranchN::call(30, {{
114            R15 = xc->readPC();
115            NNPC = R15 + disp;
116    }});
117    0x2: decode OP3 {
118        format IntOp {
119            0x00: add({{Rd = Rs1.sdw + Rs2_or_imm13;}});
120            0x01: and({{Rd = Rs1.sdw & Rs2_or_imm13;}});
121            0x02: or({{Rd = Rs1.sdw | Rs2_or_imm13;}});
122            0x03: xor({{Rd = Rs1.sdw ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
123            0x04: sub({{Rd = Rs1.sdw - Rs2_or_imm13;}});
124            0x05: andn({{Rd = Rs1.sdw & ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
125            0x06: orn({{Rd = Rs1.sdw | ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
126            0x07: xnor({{Rd = ~(Rs1.sdw ^ Rs2_or_imm13);}});
127            0x08: addc({{Rd = Rs1.sdw + Rs2_or_imm13 + Ccr<0:0>;}});
128            0x09: mulx({{Rd = Rs1.sdw * Rs2_or_imm13;}});
129            0x0A: umul({{
130                Rd = Rs1.udw<31:0> * Rs2_or_imm13<31:0>;
131                Y = Rd<63:32>;
132            }});
133            0x0B: smul({{
134                Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw<31:0> * Rs2_or_imm13<31:0>;
135                Y = Rd.sdw;
136            }});
137            0x0C: subc({{Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw + (~Rs2_or_imm13) + 1 - Ccr<0:0>}});
138            0x0D: udivx({{
139                if(Rs2_or_imm13 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
140                else Rd.udw = Rs1.udw / Rs2_or_imm13;
141            }});
142            0x0E: udiv({{
143                if(Rs2_or_imm13 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
144                else
145                {
146                    Rd.udw = ((Y << 32) | Rs1.udw<31:0>) / Rs2_or_imm13;
147                    if(Rd.udw >> 32 != 0)
148                        Rd.udw = 0xFFFFFFFF;
149                }
150            }});
151            0x0F: sdiv({{
152                if(Rs2_or_imm13.sdw == 0)
153                    fault = new DivisionByZero;
154                else
155                {
156                    Rd.udw = ((int64_t)((Y << 32) | Rs1.sdw<31:0>)) / Rs2_or_imm13.sdw;
157                    if(Rd.udw<63:31> != 0)
158                        Rd.udw = 0x7FFFFFFF;
159                    else if(Rd.udw<63:> && Rd.udw<62:31> != 0xFFFFFFFF)
160                        Rd.udw = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL;
161                }
162            }});
163        }
164        format IntOpCc {
165            0x10: addcc({{
166                int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
167                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;}},
168                {{(Rs1<31:0> + val2<31:0>)<32:>}},
169                {{Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
170                {{(Rs1<63:1> + val2<63:1> + (Rs1 & val2)<0:>)<63:>}},
171                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
172            );
173            0x11: IntOpCcRes::andcc({{Rd = Rs1 & Rs2_or_imm13;}});
174            0x12: IntOpCcRes::orcc({{Rd = Rs1 | Rs2_or_imm13;}});
175            0x13: IntOpCcRes::xorcc({{Rd = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
176            0x14: subcc({{
177                int64_t val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
178                Rd = Rs1 - val2;}},
179                {{(~(Rs1<31:0> + (~val2)<31:0> + 1))<32:>}},
180                {{(Rs1<31:> != val2<31:>) && (Rs1<31:> != Rd<31:>)}},
181                {{(~(Rs1<63:1> + (~val2)<63:1> +
182                    (Rs1 | ~val2)<0:>))<63:>}},
183                {{Rs1<63:> != val2<63:> && Rs1<63:> != Rd<63:>}}
184            );
185            0x15: IntOpCcRes::andncc({{Rd = Rs1 & ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
186            0x16: IntOpCcRes::orncc({{Rd = Rs1 | ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
187            0x17: IntOpCcRes::xnorcc({{Rd = ~(Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);}});
188            0x18: addccc({{
189                int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
190                int64_t carryin = Ccr<0:0>;
191                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2 + carryin;}},
192                {{(Rs1<31:0> + val2<31:0> + carryin)<32:>}},
193                {{Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
194                {{(Rs1<63:1> + val2<63:1> +
195                    ((Rs1 & val2) | (carryin & (Rs1 | val2)))<0:>)<63:>}},
196                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
197            );
198            0x1A: umulcc({{
199                uint64_t resTemp;
200                Rd = resTemp = Rs1.udw<31:0> * Rs2_or_imm13.udw<31:0>;
201                Y = resTemp<63:32>;}},
202                {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});
203            0x1B: smulcc({{
204                int64_t resTemp;
205                Rd = resTemp = Rs1.sdw<31:0> * Rs2_or_imm13.sdw<31:0>;
206                Y = resTemp<63:32>;}},
207                {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});
208            0x1C: subccc({{
209                int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
210                int64_t carryin = Ccr<0:0>;
211                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + ~val2 + 1 - carryin;}},
212                {{(~((Rs1<31:0> + (~(val2 + carryin))<31:0> + 1))<32:>)}},
213                {{Rs1<31:> != val2<31:> && Rs1<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
214                {{(~((Rs1<63:1> + (~(val2 + carryin))<63:1>) + (Rs1<0:> + (~(val2+carryin))<0:> + 1)<63:1>))<63:>}},
215                {{Rs1<63:> != val2<63:> && Rs1<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
216            );
217            0x1D: udivxcc({{
218                if(Rs2_or_imm13.udw == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
219                else Rd = Rs1.udw / Rs2_or_imm13.udw;}}
220                ,{{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});
221            0x1E: udivcc({{
222                uint32_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13.udw;
223                int32_t overflow = 0;
224                if(val2 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
225                else
226                {
227                    resTemp = (uint64_t)((Y << 32) | Rs1.udw<31:0>) / val2;
228                    overflow = (resTemp<63:32> != 0);
229                    if(overflow) Rd = resTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
230                    else Rd = resTemp;
231                } }},
232                {{0}},
233                {{overflow}},
234                {{0}},
235                {{0}}
236            );
237            0x1F: sdivcc({{
238                int64_t val2 = Rs2_or_imm13.sdw<31:0>;
239                bool overflow = false, underflow = false;
240                if(val2 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
241                else
242                {
243                    Rd = (int64_t)((Y << 32) | Rs1.sdw<31:0>) / val2;
244                    overflow = (Rd<63:31> != 0);
245                    underflow = (Rd<63:> && Rd<62:31> != 0xFFFFFFFF);
246                    if(overflow) Rd = 0x7FFFFFFF;
247                    else if(underflow) Rd = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL;
248                } }},
249                {{0}},
250                {{overflow || underflow}},
251                {{0}},
252                {{0}}
253            );
254            0x20: taddcc({{
255                int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
256                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
257                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);}},
258                {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
259                {{overflow}},
260                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
261                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
262            );
263            0x21: tsubcc({{
264                int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
265                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
266                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);}},
267                {{(Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31}},
268                {{overflow}},
269                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
270                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
271            );
272            0x22: taddcctv({{
273                int64_t val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
274                Rd = Rs1 + val2;
275                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> ||
276                        (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != Rd<31:>);
277                if(overflow) fault = new TagOverflow;}},
278                {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
279                {{overflow}},
280                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
281                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != Rd<63:>}}
282            );
283            0x23: tsubcctv({{
284                int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
285                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
286                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);
287                if(overflow) fault = new TagOverflow;}},
288                {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
289                {{overflow}},
290                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
291                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
292            );
293            0x24: mulscc({{
294                int64_t resTemp, multiplicand = Rs2_or_imm13;
295                int32_t multiplier = Rs1<31:0>;
296                int32_t savedLSB = Rs1<0:>;
297                multiplier = multiplier<31:1> |
298                    ((Ccr<3:3>
299                    ^ Ccr<1:1>) << 32);
300                if(!Y<0:>)
301                    multiplicand = 0;
302                Rd = resTemp = multiplicand + multiplier;
303                Y = Y<31:1> | (savedLSB << 31);}},
304                {{((multiplicand & 0xFFFFFFFF + multiplier & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
305                {{multiplicand<31:> == multiplier<31:> && multiplier<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
306                {{((multiplicand >> 1) + (multiplier >> 1) + (multiplicand & multiplier & 0x1))<63:>}},
307                {{multiplicand<63:> == multiplier<63:> && multiplier<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
308            );
309        }
310        format IntOp
311        {
312            0x25: decode X {
313                0x0: sll({{Rd = Rs1 << (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}});
314                0x1: sllx({{Rd = Rs1 << (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});
315            }
316            0x26: decode X {
317                0x0: srl({{Rd = Rs1.uw >> (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}});
318                0x1: srlx({{Rd = Rs1.udw >> (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});
319            }
320            0x27: decode X {
321                0x0: sra({{Rd = Rs1.sw >> (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}});
322                0x1: srax({{Rd = Rs1.sdw >> (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});
323            }
324            // XXX might want a format rdipr thing here
325            0x28: decode RS1 {
326                0xF: decode I {
327                    0x0: Nop::stbar({{/*stuff*/}});
328                    0x1: Nop::membar({{/*stuff*/}});
329                }
330                default: rdasr({{
331                Rd = xc->readMiscRegWithEffect(RS1 + AsrStart, fault);
332                }});
333            }
334            0x29: HPriv::rdhpr({{
335                // XXX Need to protect with format that traps non-priv/priv
336                // access
337                Rd = xc->readMiscRegWithEffect(RS1 + HprStart, fault);
338            }});
339            0x2A: Priv::rdpr({{
340                // XXX Need to protect with format that traps non-priv
341                // access
342                Rd = xc->readMiscRegWithEffect(RS1 + PrStart, fault);
343            }});
344            0x2B: BasicOperate::flushw({{
345                if(NWindows - 2 - Cansave == 0)
346                {
347                    if(Otherwin)
348                        fault = new SpillNOther(Wstate<5:3>);
349                    else
350                        fault = new SpillNNormal(Wstate<2:0>);
351                }
352            }});
353            0x2C: decode MOVCC3
354            {
355                0x0: Trap::movccfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
356                0x1: decode CC
357                {
358                    0x0: movcci({{
359                        if(passesCondition(Ccr<3:0>, COND4))
360                            Rd = Rs2_or_imm11;
361                        else
362                            Rd = Rd;
363                    }});
364                    0x2: movccx({{
365                        if(passesCondition(Ccr<7:4>, COND4))
366                            Rd = Rs2_or_imm11;
367                        else
368                            Rd = Rd;
369                    }});
370                }
371            }
372            0x2D: sdivx({{
373                if(Rs2_or_imm13.sdw == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
374                else Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw / Rs2_or_imm13.sdw;
375            }});
376            0x2E: decode RS1 {
377                0x0: IntOp::popc({{
378                    int64_t count = 0;
379                    uint64_t temp = Rs2_or_imm13;
380                    //Count the 1s in the front 4bits until none are left
381                    uint8_t oneBits[] = {0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4};
382                    while(temp)
383                    {
384                            count += oneBits[temp & 0xF];
385                            temp = temp >> 4;
386                    }
387                    Rd = count;
388                }});
389            }
390            0x2F: decode RCOND3
391            {
392                0x1: movreq({{Rd = (Rs1.sdw == 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
393                0x2: movrle({{Rd = (Rs1.sdw <= 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
394                0x3: movrl({{Rd = (Rs1.sdw < 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
395                0x5: movrne({{Rd = (Rs1.sdw != 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
396                0x6: movrg({{Rd = (Rs1.sdw > 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
397                0x7: movrge({{Rd = (Rs1.sdw >= 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
398            }
399            0x30: wrasr({{
400                xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(RD + AsrStart, Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);
401            }});
402            0x31: decode FCN {
403                0x0: BasicOperate::saved({{/*Boogy Boogy*/}});
404                0x1: BasicOperate::restored({{/*Boogy Boogy*/}});
405            }
406            0x32: Priv::wrpr({{
407                // XXX Need to protect with format that traps non-priv
408                // access
409                fault = xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(RD + PrStart, Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);
410            }});
411            0x33: HPriv::wrhpr({{
412                // XXX Need to protect with format that traps non-priv/priv
413                // access
414                fault = xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(RD + HprStart, Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);
415            }});
416            0x34: decode OPF{
417                format BasicOperate{
418                    0x01: fmovs({{
419                        Frd.sf = Frs2.sf;
420                        //fsr.ftt = fsr.cexc = 0
421                        Fsr &= ~(7 << 14);
422                        Fsr &= ~(0x1F);
423                    }});
424                    0x02: fmovd({{
425                        Frd.df = Frs2.df;
426                        //fsr.ftt = fsr.cexc = 0
427                        Fsr &= ~(7 << 14);
428                        Fsr &= ~(0x1F);
429                    }});
430                    0x03: Trap::fmovq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
431                    0x05: fnegs({{
432                        //XXX might want to explicitly flip the sign bit
433                        //So cases with Nan and +/-0 don't do weird things
434                        Frd.sf = -Frs2.sf;
435                        //fsr.ftt = fsr.cexc = 0
436                        Fsr &= ~(7 << 14);
437                        Fsr &= ~(0x1F);
438                    }});
439                    0x06: fnegd({{
440                        //XXX might want to explicitly flip the sign bit
441                        //So cases with Nan and +/-0 don't do weird things
442                        Frd.df = -Frs2.df;
443                        //fsr.ftt = fsr.cexc = 0
444                        Fsr &= ~(7 << 14);
445                        Fsr &= ~(0x1F);
446                    }});
447                    0x07: Trap::fnegq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
448                    0x09: fabss({{
449                        //XXX this instruction should be tested individually
450                        //Clear the sign bit
451                        Frd.sf = (float)(~(1 << 31) & ((uint32_t)Frs2.sf));
452                        //fsr.ftt = fsr.cexc = 0
453                        Fsr &= ~(7 << 14);
454                        Fsr &= ~(0x1F);
455                    }});
456                    0x0A: fabsd({{
457                        //XXX this instruction should be tested individually
458                        //Clear the sign bit
459                        Frd.df = (float)(~((uint64_t)1 << 63) & ((uint64_t)Frs2.df));
460                        //fsr.ftt = fsr.cexc = 0
461                        Fsr &= ~(7 << 14);
462                        Fsr &= ~(0x1F);
463                    }});
464                    0x0B: Trap::fabsq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
465                    0x29: fsqrts({{Frd.sf = sqrt(Frs2.sf);}});
466                    0x2A: fsqrtd({{Frd.df = sqrt(Frs2.df);}});
467                    0x2B: Trap::fsqrtq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
468                    0x41: fadds({{Frd.sf = Frs1.sf + Frs2.sf;}});
469                    0x42: faddd({{Frd.df = Frs1.df + Frs2.df;}});
470                    0x43: Trap::faddq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
471                    0x45: fsubs({{Frd.sf = Frs1.sf - Frs2.sf;}});
472                    0x46: fsubd({{Frd.df = Frs1.df - Frs2.df;}});
473                    0x47: Trap::fsubq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
474                    0x49: fmuls({{Frd.sf = Frs1.sf * Frs2.sf;}});
475                    0x4A: fmuld({{Frd.df = Frs1.df * Frs2.df;}});
476                    0x4B: Trap::fmulq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
477                    0x4D: fdivs({{Frd.sf = Frs1.sf / Frs2.sf;}});
478                    0x4E: fdivd({{Frd.df = Frs1.df / Frs2.df;}});
479                    0x4F: Trap::fdivq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
480                    0x69: fsmuld({{Frd.df = Frs1.sf * Frs2.sf;}});
481                    0x6E: Trap::fdmulq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
482                    0x81: fstox({{
483                            Frd.df = (double)static_cast<int64_t>(Frs2.sf);
484                    }});
485                    0x82: fdtox({{
486                            Frd.df = (double)static_cast<int64_t>(Frs2.df);
487                    }});
488                    0x83: Trap::fqtox({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
489                    0x84: fxtos({{
490                            Frd.sf = static_cast<float>((int64_t)Frs2.df);
491                    }});
492                    0x88: fxtod({{
493                            Frd.df = static_cast<double>((int64_t)Frs2.df);
494                    }});
495                    0x8C: Trap::fxtoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
496                    0xC4: fitos({{
497                            Frd.sf = static_cast<float>((int32_t)Frs2.sf);
498                    }});
499                    0xC6: fdtos({{Frd.sf = Frs2.df;}});
500                    0xC7: Trap::fqtos({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
501                    0xC8: fitod({{
502                            Frd.df = static_cast<double>((int32_t)Frs2.sf);
503                    }});
504                    0xC9: fstod({{Frd.df = Frs2.sf;}});
505                    0xCB: Trap::fqtod({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
506                    0xCC: Trap::fitoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
507                    0xCD: Trap::fstoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
508                    0xCE: Trap::fdtoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
509                    0xD1: fstoi({{
510                            Frd.sf = (float)static_cast<int32_t>(Frs2.sf);
511                    }});
512                    0xD2: fdtoi({{
513                            Frd.sf = (float)static_cast<int32_t>(Frs2.df);
514                    }});
515                    0xD3: Trap::fqtoi({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
516                    default: Trap::fpop1({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
517                }
518            }
519            0x35: Trap::fpop2({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
520            //This used to be just impdep1, but now it's a whole bunch
521            //of instructions
522            0x36: decode OPF{
523                0x00: Trap::edge8({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
524                0x01: Trap::edge8n({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
525                0x02: Trap::edge8l({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
526                0x03: Trap::edge8ln({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
527                0x04: Trap::edge16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
528                0x05: Trap::edge16n({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
529                0x06: Trap::edge16l({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
530                0x07: Trap::edge16ln({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
531                0x08: Trap::edge32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
532                0x09: Trap::edge32n({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
533                0x0A: Trap::edge32l({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
534                0x0B: Trap::edge32ln({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
535                0x10: Trap::array8({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
536                0x12: Trap::array16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
537                0x14: Trap::array32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
538                0x18: BasicOperate::alignaddr({{
539                    uint64_t sum = Rs1 + Rs2;
540                    Rd = sum & ~7;
541                    Gsr = (Gsr & ~7) | (sum & 7);
542                }});
543                0x19: Trap::bmask({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
544                0x1A: BasicOperate::alignaddresslittle({{
545                    uint64_t sum = Rs1 + Rs2;
546                    Rd = sum & ~7;
547                    Gsr = (Gsr & ~7) | ((~sum + 1) & 7);
548                }});
549                0x20: Trap::fcmple16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
550                0x22: Trap::fcmpne16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
551                0x24: Trap::fcmple32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
552                0x26: Trap::fcmpne32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
553                0x28: Trap::fcmpgt16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
554                0x2A: Trap::fcmpeq16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
555                0x2C: Trap::fcmpgt32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
556                0x2E: Trap::fcmpeq32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
557                0x31: Trap::fmul8x16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
558                0x33: Trap::fmul8x16au({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
559                0x35: Trap::fmul8x16al({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
560                0x36: Trap::fmul8sux16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
561                0x37: Trap::fmul8ulx16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
562                0x38: Trap::fmuld8sux16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
563                0x39: Trap::fmuld8ulx16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
564                0x3A: Trap::fpack32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
565                0x3B: Trap::fpack16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
566                0x3D: Trap::fpackfix({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
567                0x3E: Trap::pdist({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
568                0x48: BasicOperate::faligndata({{
569                        uint64_t msbX = (uint64_t)Frs1;
570                        uint64_t lsbX = (uint64_t)Frs2;
571                        uint64_t msbShift = Gsr<2:0> * 8;
572                        uint64_t lsbShift = (8 - Gsr<2:0>) * 8;
573                        uint64_t msbMask = ((uint64_t)(-1)) << msbShift;
574                        uint64_t lsbMask = ((uint64_t)(-1)) << lsbShift;
575                        Frd = ((msbX << msbShift) & msbMask) |
576                                ((lsbX << lsbShift) & lsbMask);
577                }});
578                0x4B: Trap::fpmerge({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
579                0x4C: Trap::bshuffle({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
580                0x4D: Trap::fexpand({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
581                0x50: Trap::fpadd16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
582                0x51: Trap::fpadd16s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
583                0x52: Trap::fpadd32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
584                0x53: Trap::fpadd32s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
585                0x54: Trap::fpsub16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
586                0x55: Trap::fpsub16s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
587                0x56: Trap::fpsub32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
588                0x57: Trap::fpsub32s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
589                0x60: BasicOperate::fzero({{Frd.df = 0;}});
590                0x61: BasicOperate::fzeros({{Frd.sf = 0;}});
591                0x62: Trap::fnor({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
592                0x63: Trap::fnors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
593                0x64: Trap::fandnot2({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
594                0x65: Trap::fandnot2s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
595                0x66: BasicOperate::fnot2({{
596                        Frd.df = (double)(~((uint64_t)Frs2.df));
597                }});
598                0x67: BasicOperate::fnot2s({{
599                        Frd.sf = (float)(~((uint32_t)Frs2.sf));
600                }});
601                0x68: Trap::fandnot1({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
602                0x69: Trap::fandnot1s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
603                0x6A: BasicOperate::fnot1({{
604                        Frd.df = (double)(~((uint64_t)Frs1.df));
605                }});
606                0x6B: BasicOperate::fnot1s({{
607                        Frd.sf = (float)(~((uint32_t)Frs1.sf));
608                }});
609                0x6C: Trap::fxor({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
610                0x6D: Trap::fxors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
611                0x6E: Trap::fnand({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
612                0x6F: Trap::fnands({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
613                0x70: Trap::fand({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
614                0x71: Trap::fands({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
615                0x72: Trap::fxnor({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
616                0x73: Trap::fxnors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
617                0x74: BasicOperate::fsrc1({{Frd.df = Frs1.df;}});
618                0x75: BasicOperate::fsrc1s({{Frd.sf = Frs1.sf;}});
619                0x76: Trap::fornot2({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
620                0x77: Trap::fornot2s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
621                0x78: BasicOperate::fsrc2({{Frd.df = Frs2.df;}});
622                0x79: BasicOperate::fsrc2s({{Frd.sf = Frs2.sf;}});
623                0x7A: Trap::fornot1({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
624                0x7B: Trap::fornot1s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
625                0x7C: Trap::for({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
626                0x7D: Trap::fors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
627                0x7E: Trap::fone({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
628                0x7F: Trap::fones({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
629                0x80: Trap::shutdown({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
630                0x81: Trap::siam({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
631            }
632            0x37: Trap::impdep2({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
633            0x38: Branch::jmpl({{
634                Addr target = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
635                if(target & 0x3)
636                    fault = new MemAddressNotAligned;
637                else
638                {
639                    Rd = xc->readPC();
640                    NNPC = target;
641                }
642            }});
643            0x39: Branch::return({{
644                //If both MemAddressNotAligned and
645                //a fill trap happen, it's not clear
646                //which one should be returned.
647                Addr target = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
648                if(target & 0x3)
649                    fault = new MemAddressNotAligned;
650                else
651                    NNPC = target;
652                if(fault == NoFault)
653                {
654                    //CWP should be set directly so that it always happens
655                    //Also, this will allow writing to the new window and
656                    //reading from the old one
657                    Cwp = (Cwp - 1 + NWindows) % NWindows;
658                    if(Canrestore == 0)
659                    {
660                        if(Otherwin)
661                            fault = new FillNOther(Wstate<5:3>);
662                        else
663                            fault = new FillNNormal(Wstate<2:0>);
664                    }
665                    else
666                    {
667                        Rd = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
668                        Cansave = Cansave + 1;
669                        Canrestore = Canrestore - 1;
670                    }
671                    //This is here to make sure the CWP is written
672                    //no matter what. This ensures that the results
673                    //are written in the new window as well.
674                    xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(MISCREG_CWP, Cwp);
675                }
676            }});
677            0x3A: decode CC
678            {
679                0x0: Trap::tcci({{
680                    if(passesCondition(Ccr<3:0>, COND2))
681                    {
683                        int lTrapNum = I ? (Rs1 + SW_TRAP) : (Rs1 + Rs2);
684                        DPRINTF(Sparc, "The trap number is %d\n", lTrapNum);
685                        fault = new TrapInstruction(lTrapNum);
687                        DPRINTF(Sparc, "The syscall number is %d\n", R1);
688                        xc->syscall(R1);
690                    }
691                }});
692                0x2: Trap::tccx({{
693                    if(passesCondition(Ccr<7:4>, COND2))
694                    {
696                        int lTrapNum = I ? (Rs1 + SW_TRAP) : (Rs1 + Rs2);
697                        DPRINTF(Sparc, "The trap number is %d\n", lTrapNum);
698                        fault = new TrapInstruction(lTrapNum);
700                        DPRINTF(Sparc, "The syscall number is %d\n", R1);
701                        xc->syscall(R1);
703                    }
704                }});
705            }
706            0x3B: Nop::flush({{/*Instruction memory flush*/}});
707            0x3C: save({{
708                //CWP should be set directly so that it always happens
709                //Also, this will allow writing to the new window and
710                //reading from the old one
711                if(Cansave == 0)
712                {
713                    if(Otherwin)
714                        fault = new SpillNOther(Wstate<5:3>);
715                    else
716                        fault = new SpillNNormal(Wstate<2:0>);
717                    Cwp = (Cwp + 2) % NWindows;
718                }
719                else if(Cleanwin - Canrestore == 0)
720                {
721                    Cwp = (Cwp + 1) % NWindows;
722                    fault = new CleanWindow;
723                }
724                else
725                {
726                    Cwp = (Cwp + 1) % NWindows;
727                    Rd = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
728                    Cansave = Cansave - 1;
729                    Canrestore = Canrestore + 1;
730                }
731                //This is here to make sure the CWP is written
732                //no matter what. This ensures that the results
733                //are written in the new window as well.
734                xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(MISCREG_CWP, Cwp);
735            }});
736            0x3D: restore({{
737                //CWP should be set directly so that it always happens
738                //Also, this will allow writing to the new window and
739                //reading from the old one
740                Cwp = (Cwp - 1 + NWindows) % NWindows;
741                if(Canrestore == 0)
742                {
743                    if(Otherwin)
744                        fault = new FillNOther(Wstate<5:3>);
745                    else
746                        fault = new FillNNormal(Wstate<2:0>);
747                }
748                else
749                {
750                    Rd = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
751                    Cansave = Cansave + 1;
752                    Canrestore = Canrestore - 1;
753                }
754                //This is here to make sure the CWP is written
755                //no matter what. This ensures that the results
756                //are written in the new window as well.
757                xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(MISCREG_CWP, Cwp);
758            }});
759            0x3E: decode FCN {
760                0x0: Priv::done({{
761                    if(Tl == 0)
762                        return new IllegalInstruction;
764                    Cwp = Tstate<4:0>;
765                    Pstate = Tstate<20:8>;
766                    Asi = Tstate<31:24>;
767                    Ccr = Tstate<39:32>;
768                    Gl = Tstate<42:40>;
769                    NPC = Tnpc;
770                    NNPC = Tnpc + 4;
771                    Tl = Tl - 1;
772                }});
773                0x1: Priv::retry({{
774                    if(Tl == 0)
775                        return new IllegalInstruction;
776                    Cwp = Tstate<4:0>;
777                    Pstate = Tstate<20:8>;
778                    Asi = Tstate<31:24>;
779                    Ccr = Tstate<39:32>;
780                    Gl = Tstate<42:40>;
781                    NPC = Tpc;
782                    NNPC = Tnpc + 4;
783                    Tl = Tl - 1;
784                }});
785            }
786        }
787    }
788    0x3: decode OP3 {
789        format Load {
790            0x00: lduw({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{32}});
791            0x01: ldub({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{8}});
792            0x02: lduh({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{16}});
793            0x03: ldd({{
794                uint64_t val = Mem;
795                RdLow = val<31:0>;
796                RdHigh = val<63:32>;
797            }}, {{64}});
798        }
799        format Store {
800            0x04: stw({{Mem = Rd.sw;}}, {{32}});
801            0x05: stb({{Mem =;}}, {{8}});
802            0x06: sth({{Mem = Rd.shw;}}, {{16}});
803            0x07: std({{Mem = RdLow<31:0> | RdHigh<31:0> << 32;}}, {{64}});
804        }
805        format Load {
806            0x08: ldsw({{Rd = (int32_t)Mem;}}, {{32}});
807            0x09: ldsb({{Rd = (int8_t)Mem;}}, {{8}});
808            0x0A: ldsh({{Rd = (int16_t)Mem;}}, {{16}});
809            0x0B: ldx({{Rd = (int64_t)Mem;}}, {{64}});
810            0x0D: ldstub({{
811                Rd = Mem;
812                Mem = 0xFF;
813            }}, {{8}});
814        }
815        0x0E: Store::stx({{Mem = Rd}}, {{64}});
816        0x0F: LoadStore::swap({{
817            uint32_t temp = Rd;
818            Rd = Mem;
819            Mem = temp;
820        }}, {{32}});
821        format Load {
822            0x10: lduwa({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{32}});
823            0x11: lduba({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{8}});
824            0x12: lduha({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{16}});
825            0x13: ldda({{
826                uint64_t val = Mem;
827                RdLow = val<31:0>;
828                RdHigh = val<63:32>;
829            }}, {{64}});
830        }
831        format Store {
832            0x14: stwa({{Mem = Rd;}}, {{32}});
833            0x15: stba({{Mem = Rd;}}, {{8}});
834            0x16: stha({{Mem = Rd;}}, {{16}});
835            0x17: stda({{Mem = RdLow<31:0> | RdHigh<31:0> << 32;}}, {{64}});
836        }
837        format Load {
838            0x18: ldswa({{Rd = (int32_t)Mem;}}, {{32}});
839            0x19: ldsba({{Rd = (int8_t)Mem;}}, {{8}});
840            0x1A: ldsha({{Rd = (int16_t)Mem;}}, {{16}});
841            0x1B: ldxa({{Rd = (int64_t)Mem;}}, {{64}});
842        }
843        0x1D: LoadStore::ldstuba({{
844            Rd = Mem;
845            Mem = 0xFF;
846        }}, {{8}});
847        0x1E: Store::stxa({{Mem = Rd}}, {{64}});
848        0x1F: LoadStore::swapa({{
849            uint32_t temp = Rd;
850            Rd = Mem;
851            Mem = temp;
852        }}, {{32}});
853        format Trap {
854            0x20: Load::ldf({{Frd.sf = ((float)Mem);}}, {{32}});
855            0x21: decode X {
856                0x0: Load::ldfsr({{Fsr = Mem<31:0> | Fsr<63:32>;}}, {{32}});
857                0x1: Load::ldxfsr({{Fsr = Mem;}}, {{64}});
858            }
859            0x22: ldqf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
860            0x23: Load::lddf({{Frd.df = ((double)Mem);}}, {{64}});
861            0x24: Store::stf({{Mem = ((int32_t)Frd.sf);}}, {{32}});
862            0x25: decode X {
863                0x0: Store::stfsr({{Mem = Fsr<31:0>;}}, {{32}});
864                0x1: Store::stxfsr({{Mem = Fsr;}}, {{64}});
865            }
866            0x26: stqf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
867            0x27: Store::stdf({{Mem = ((int64_t)Frd.df);}}, {{64}});
868            0x2D: Nop::prefetch({{ }});
869            0x30: Load::ldfa({{Frd.sf = ((float)Mem);}}, {{32}});
870            0x32: ldqfa({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
871            0x33: Load::lddfa({{Frd.df = ((double)Mem);}}, {{64}});
872            0x34: Store::stfa({{Mem = ((int32_t)Frd.sf);}}, {{32}});
873            0x36: stqfa({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
874            //XXX need to work in the ASI thing
875            0x37: Store::stdfa({{Mem = ((uint64_t)Frd.df);}}, {{64}});
876            0x3C: Cas::casa({{
877                uint64_t val = Mem.uw;
878                if(Rs2.uw == val)
879                        Mem.uw = Rd.uw;
880                Rd.uw = val;
881            }});
882            0x3D: Nop::prefetcha({{ }});
883            0x3E: Cas::casxa({{
884                uint64_t val = Mem.udw;
885                if(Rs2 == val)
886                        Mem.udw = Rd;
887                Rd = val;
888            }});
889        }
890    }