decoder.isa revision 2224
3// The actual decoder specification
6decode OP default Trap::unknown({{IllegalInstruction}}) {
8        0x0: decode OP2 {
9            0x0: Trap::illtrap({{illegal_instruction}});  //ILLTRAP
10            0x1: Branch::bpcc({{
11                switch((CC12 << 1) | CC02)
12                {
13                  case 1:
14                  case 3:
15                    fault = new IllegalInstruction;
16                  case 0:
17                    if(passesCondition(xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.icc, COND2))
18                        ;//branchHere
19                    break;
20                  case 2:
21                    if(passesCondition(xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.xcc, COND2))
22                        ;//branchHere
23                    break;
24                }
25            }});//BPcc
26            0x2: Branch::bicc({{
27                if(passesCondition(xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.icc, COND2))
28                    ;//branchHere
29            }});//Bicc
30            0x3: Branch::bpr({{
31                switch(RCOND)
32                {
33                  case 0:
34                  case 4:
35                    fault = new IllegalInstruction;
36                  case 1:
37                    if(Rs1 == 0)
38                        ;//branchHere
39                    break;
40                  case 2:
41                    if(Rs1 <= 0)
42                        ;//branchHere
43                    break;
44                  case 3:
45                    if(Rs1 < 0)
46                        ;//branchHere
47                    break;
48                  case 5:
49                    if(Rs1 != 0)
50                        ;//branchHere
51                    break;
52                  case 6:
53                    if(Rs1 > 0)
54                        ;//branchHere
55                    break;
56                  case 7:
57                    if(Rs1 >= 0)
58                        ;//branchHere
59                    break;
60                }
61                }});    //BPr
62                //SETHI (or NOP if rd == 0 and imm == 0)
63                0x4: IntegerOp::sethi({{Rd = (IMM22 << 10) & 0xFFFFFC00;}});
64                0x5: Trap::fbpfcc({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //FBPfcc
65                0x6: Trap::fbfcc({{throw fp_disabled;}});  //FBfcc
66        }
67        0x1: Branch::call({{
68                //branch here
69                Rd = xc->pc;
70        }});
71        0x2: decode OP3 {
72            format IntegerOp {
73                0x00: add({{
74                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
75                    Rd = Rs1.sdw + val2;
76                }});//ADD
77                0x01: and({{
78                    uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
79                    Rd = Rs1.udw & val2;
80                }});//AND
81                0x02: or({{
82                    uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
83                    Rd = Rs1.udw | val2;
84                }});//OR
85                0x03: xor({{
86                    uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
87                    Rd = Rs1.udw ^ val2;
88                }});//XOR
89                0x04: sub({{
90                    int64_t val2 = ~((uint64_t)(I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw))+1;
91                    Rd = Rs1.sdw + val2;
92                }});//SUB
93                0x05: andn({{
94                    uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
95                    Rd = Rs1.udw & ~val2;
96                }});//ANDN
97                0x06: orn({{
98                    uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
99                    Rd = Rs1.udw | ~val2;
100                }});//ORN
101                0x07: xnor({{
102                    uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
103                    Rd = ~(Rs1.udw ^ val2);
104                }});//XNOR
105                0x08: addc({{
106                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
107                    int64_t carryin = xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrfields.iccfields.c;
108                    Rd = Rs1.sdw + val2 + carryin;
109                }});//ADDC
110                0x09: mulx({{
111                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
112                    Rd = Rs1 * val2;
113                }});//MULX
114                0x0A: umul({{
115                    uint64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
116                    Rd = resTemp = Rs1.udw<31:0> * val2<31:0>;
117                    xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value = resTemp<63:32>;
118                }});//UMUL
119                0x0B: smul({{
120                    int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
121                    rd.sdw = resTemp = Rs1.sdw<31:0> * val2<31:0>;
122                    xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value = resTemp<63:32>;
123                }});//SMUL
124                0x0C: subc({{
125                    int64_t val2 = ~((int64_t)(I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw))+1;
126                    int64_t carryin = xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrfields.iccfields.c;
127                    Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw + val2 + carryin;
128                }});//SUBC
129                0x0D: udivx({{
130                    uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
131                    if(val2 == 0) throw division_by_zero;
132                    Rd.udw = Rs1.udw / val2;
133                }});//UDIVX
134                0x0E: udiv({{
135                    uint32_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sw : Rs2.udw<31:0>);
136                    if(val2 == 0)
137                        fault = new DivisionByZero;
138                    resTemp = (uint64_t)((xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value << 32)
139                        | Rs1.udw<31:0>) / val2;
140                    int32_t overflow = (resTemp<63:32> != 0);
141                    if(overflow)
142                        rd.udw = resTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
143                    else
144                        rd.udw = resTemp;
145                }});   //UDIV
146                0x0F: sdiv({{
147                    int32_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sw : Rs2.sdw<31:0>);
148                    if(val2 == 0)
149                        fault = new DivisionByZero;
151                    Rd.sdw = (int64_t)((xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value << 32) |
152                        Rs1.sdw<31:0>) / val2;
153                    resTemp = Rd.sdw;
154                    int32_t overflow = (resTemp<63:31> != 0);
155                    int32_t underflow =
156                        (resTemp<63:> && resTemp<62:31> != 0xFFFFFFFF);
157                    if(overflow)
158                        rd.udw = resTemp = 0x7FFFFFFF;
159                    else if(underflow)
160                        rd.udw = resTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000;
161                    else
162                        rd.udw = resTemp;
163                }});//SDIV
164            }
165            format IntegerOpCc {
166                0x10: addcc({{
167                    int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
168                    Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;}},
169                    {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
170                    {{Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
171                    {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
172                    {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
173                    );//ADDcc
174                0x11: andcc({{
175                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
176                    Rd = Rs1 & val2;}},
177                    {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//ANDcc
178                0x12: orcc({{
179                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
180                    Rd = Rs1 | val2;}},
181                    {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//ORcc
182                0x13: xorcc({{
183                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
184                    Rd = Rs1 ^ val2;}},
185                    {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//XORcc
186                0x14: subcc({{
187                    int64_t resTemp, val2 = (int64_t)(I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
188                    Rd = resTemp = Rs1 - val2;}},
189                    {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + (~val2) & 0xFFFFFFFF + 1) >> 31)}},
190                    {{Rs1<31:> != val2<31:> && Rs1<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
191                    {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (~val2) >> 1) +
192                        ((Rs1 | ~val2) & 0x1))<63:>}},
193                    {{Rs1<63:> != val2<63:> && Rs1<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
194                );//SUBcc
195                0x15: andncc({{
196                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
197                    Rd = Rs1 & ~val2;}},
198                    {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//ANDNcc
199                0x16: orncc({{
200                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
201                    Rd = Rs1 | ~val2;}},
202                    {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//ORNcc
203                0x17: xnorcc({{
204                    int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
205                    Rd = ~(Rs1 ^ val2);}},
206                    {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//XNORcc
207                0x18: addccc({{
208                    int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
209                    int64_t carryin = xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrfields.iccfields.c;
210                    Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2 + carryin;}},
211                    {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31
212                        + carryin)}},
213                    {{Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
214                    {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) +
215                        ((Rs1 & val2) | (carryin & (Rs1 | val2)) & 0x1))<63:>}},
216                    {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
217                );//ADDCcc
218                0x1A: umulcc({{
219                    uint64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
220                    Rd = resTemp = Rs1.udw<31:0> * val2<31:0>;
221                    xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value = resTemp<63:32>;}},
222                    {{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//UMULcc
223                        0x1B: smulcc({{
224                                int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
225                                Rd = resTemp = Rs1.sdw<31:0> * val2<31:0>;
226                                xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value = resTemp<63:32>;}}
227                        ,{{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//SMULcc
228                        0x1C: subccc({{
229                                int64_t resTemp, val2 = (int64_t)(I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
230                                int64_t carryin = xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrfields.iccfields.c;
231                                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + ~(val2 + carryin) + 1;}},
232                                {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + (~(val2 + carryin)) & 0xFFFFFFFF + 1) >> 31)}},
233                                {{Rs1<31:> != val2<31:> && Rs1<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
234                                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (~(val2 + carryin)) >> 1) + ((Rs1 | ~(val2+carryin)) & 0x1))<63:>}},
235                                {{Rs1<63:> != val2<63:> && Rs1<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
236                        );//SUBCcc
237                        0x1D: udivxcc({{
238                                uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.udw);
239                                if(val2 == 0) throw division_by_zero;
240                                Rd.udw = Rs1.udw / val2;}}
241                        ,{{0}},{{0}},{{0}},{{0}});//UDIVXcc
242                        0x1E: udivcc({{
243                                uint32_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sw : Rs2.udw<31:0>);
244                                if(val2 == 0) throw division_by_zero;
245                                resTemp = (uint64_t)((xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value << 32) | Rs1.udw<31:0>) / val2;
246                                int32_t overflow = (resTemp<63:32> != 0);
247                                if(overflow) rd.udw = resTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
248                                else rd.udw = resTemp;}},
249                                {{0}},
250                                {{overflow}},
251                                {{0}},
252                                {{0}}
253                        );//UDIVcc
254                        0x1F: sdivcc({{
255                                int32_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sw : Rs2.sdw<31:0>);
256                                if(val2 == 0) throw division_by_zero;
257                                Rd.sdw = resTemp = (int64_t)((xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value << 32) | Rs1.sdw<31:0>) / val2;
258                                int32_t overflow = (resTemp<63:31> != 0);
259                                int32_t underflow = (resTemp<63:> && resTemp<62:31> != 0xFFFFFFFF);
260                                if(overflow) rd.udw = resTemp = 0x7FFFFFFF;
261                                else if(underflow) rd.udw = resTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000;
262                                else rd.udw = resTemp;}},
263                                {{0}},
264                                {{overflow || underflow}},
265                                {{0}},
266                                {{0}}
267                        );//SDIVcc
268                        0x20: taddcc({{
269                                int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
270                                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
271                                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);}},
272                                {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
273                                {{overflow}},
274                                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
275                                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
276                        );//TADDcc
277                        0x21: tsubcc({{
278                                int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
279                                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
280                                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);}},
281                                {{(Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
282                                {{overflow}},
283                                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
284                                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
285                        );//TSUBcc
286                        0x22: taddcctv({{
287                                int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
288                                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
289                                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);
290                                if(overflow) throw tag_overflow;}},
291                                {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
292                                {{overflow}},
293                                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
294                                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
295                        );//TADDccTV
296                        0x23: tsubcctv({{
297                                int64_t resTemp, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
298                                Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
299                                int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);
300                                if(overflow) throw tag_overflow;}},
301                                {{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
302                                {{overflow}},
303                                {{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
304                                {{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
305                        );//TSUBccTV
306                        0x24: mulscc({{
307                                int64_t resTemp, multiplicand = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2);
308                                int32_t multiplier = Rs1<31:0>;
309                                int32_t savedLSB = Rs1<0:>;
310                                multiplier = multipler<31:1> |
311                                        ((xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.iccFields.n
312                                        ^ xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.iccFields.v) << 32);
313                                if(!xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value<0:>)
314                                        multiplicand = 0;
315                                Rd = resTemp = multiplicand + multiplier;
316                                xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value = xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value<31:1> | (savedLSB << 31);}},
317                                {{((multiplicand & 0xFFFFFFFF + multiplier & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
318                                {{multiplicand<31:> == multiplier<31:> && multiplier<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
319                                {{((multiplicand >> 1) + (multiplier >> 1) + (multiplicand & multiplier & 0x1))<63:>}},
320                                {{multiplicand<63:> == multiplier<63:> && multiplier<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
321                        );//MULScc
322                }
323                format IntegerOp
324                {
325                        0x25: decode X {
326                                0x0: sll({{Rd = Rs1 << (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}}); //SLL
327                                0x1: sllx({{Rd = Rs1 << (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}}); //SLLX
328                        }
329                        0x26: decode X {
330                                0x0: srl({{Rd = Rs1.udw<31:0> >> (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}}); //SRL
331                                0x1: srlx({{Rd = Rs1.udw >> (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});//SRLX
332                        }
333                        0x27: decode X {
334                                0x0: sra({{Rd = Rs1.sdw<31:0> >> (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}}); //SRA
335                                0x1: srax({{Rd = Rs1.sdw >> (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});//SRAX
336                        }
337                        0x28: decode RS1 {
338                                0x0: rdy({{Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.yFields.value;}}); //RDY
339                                0x2: rdccr({{Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccr;}}); //RDCCR
340                                0x3: rdasi({{Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.asi;}}); //RDASI
341                                0x4: rdtick({{
342                                        if(xc->regs.MiscRegs.pstateFields.priv == 0 &&
343                                                xc->regs.MiscRegs.tickFields.npt == 1)
344                                                throw privileged_action;
345                                        Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.tick;
346                                }});//RDTICK
347                                0x5: rdpc({{Rd = xc->regs.pc;}}); //RDPC
348                                0x6: rdfprs({{Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.fprs;}}); //RDFPRS
349                                0xF: decode I {
350                                        0x0: Noop::membar({{//Membar isn't needed yet}}); //MEMBAR
351                                        0x1: Noop::stbar({{//Stbar isn/'t needed yet}}); //STBAR
352                                }
353                        }
355                        0x2A: decode RS1 {
356                                0x0: rdprtpc({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.tpc[xc->];}});
357                                0x1: rdprtnpc({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.tnpc[xc->];}});
358                                0x2: rdprtstate({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.tstate[xc->];}});
359                                0x3: rdprtt({{checkPriv Rd = xc->[xc->];}});
360                                0x4: rdprtick({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.tick;}});
361                                0x5: rdprtba({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.tba;}});
362                                0x6: rdprpstate({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.pstate;}});
363                                0x7: rdprtl({{checkPriv Rd = xc->;}});
364                                0x8: rdprpil({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.pil;}});
365                                0x9: rdprcwp({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.cwp;}});
366                                0xA: rdprcansave({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.cansave;}});
367                                0xB: rdprcanrestore({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.canrestore;}});
368                                0xC: rdprcleanwin({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.cleanwin;}});
369                                0xD: rdprotherwin({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.otherwin;}});
370                                0xE: rdprwstate({{checkPriv Rd = xc->regs.MiscRegs.wstate;}});
371                                0xF: rdprfq({{throw illegal_instruction;}}); //The floating point queue isn't implemented right now.
372                        }
373                        0x2B: BasicOperate::flushw({{\\window toilet}}); //FLUSHW
374                        0x2C: movcc({{
375                                ccBank = (CC24 << 2) | (CC14 << 1) | (CC04 << 0);
376                                switch(ccBank)
377                                {
378                                        case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3:
379                                                throw fp_disabled;
380                                        break;
381                                        case 5: case 7:
382                                                throw illegal_instruction;
383                                        break;
384                                        case 4:
385                                                if(passesCondition(xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.icc, COND4))
386                                                        Rd = (I ? SIMM11.sdw : RS2);
387                                        break;
388                                        case 6:
389                                                if(passesCondition(xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.xcc, COND4))
390                                                        Rd = (I ? SIMM11.sdw : RS2);
391                                        break;
392                                }
393                        }});//MOVcc
394                        0x2D: sdivx({{
395                                int64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
396                                if(val2 == 0) throw division_by_zero;
397                                Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw / val2;
398                        }});//SDIVX
399                        0x2E: decode RS1 {
400                                0x0: IntegerOp::popc({{
401                                int64_t count = 0, val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
402                                uint8_t oneBits[] = {0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4}
403                                for(unsigned int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
404                                {
405                                        count += oneBits[val2 & 0xF];
406                                        val2 >> 4;
407                                }
408                                }});//POPC
409                        }
410                        0x2F: movr({{
411                                uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM10.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
412                                switch(RCOND)
413                                {
414                                        case 0: case 4:
415                                                throw illegal_instruction;
416                                        break;
417                                        case 1:
418                                                if(Rs1 == 0) Rd = val2;
419                                        break;
420                                        case 2:
421                                                if(Rs1 <= 0) Rd = val2;
422                                        break;
423                                        case 3:
424                                                if(Rs1 = 0) Rd = val2;
425                                        break;
426                                        case 5:
427                                                if(Rs1 != 0) Rd = val2;
428                                        break;
429                                        case 6:
430                                                if(Rs1 > 0) Rd = val2;
431                                        break;
432                                        case 7:
433                                                if(Rs1 >= 0) Rd = val2;
434                                        break;
435                                }
436                        }});//MOVR
437                        0x30: decode RD {
438                                0x0: wry({{
439                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
440                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.y = Rs1 ^ val2;
441                                }});//WRY
442                                0x2: wrccr({{
443                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
444                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccr = Rs1 ^ val2;
445                                }});//WRCCR
446                                0x3: wrasi({{
447                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
448                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.asi = Rs1 ^ val2;
449                                }});//WRASI
450                                0x6: wrfprs({{
451                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
452                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.asi = Rs1 ^ val2;
453                                }});//WRFPRS
454                                0xF: Trap::sir({{software_initiated_reset}}); //SIR
455                        }
456                        0x31: decode FCN {
457                                0x0: BasicOperate::saved({{\\Boogy Boogy}}); //SAVED
458                                0x1: BasicOperate::restored({{\\Boogy Boogy}}); //RESTORED
459                        }
460                        0x32: decode RD {
461                                0x0: wrprtpc({{checkPriv
462                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
463                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.tpc[xc->] = Rs1 ^ val2;
464                                }});
465                                0x1: wrprtnpc({{checkPriv
466                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
467                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.tnpc[xc->] = Rs1 ^ val2;
468                                }});
469                                0x2: wrprtstate({{checkPriv
470                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
471                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.tstate[xc->] = Rs1 ^ val2;
472                                }});
473                                0x3: wrprtt({{checkPriv
474                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
475                                        xc->[xc->] = Rs1 ^ val2;
476                                }});
477                                0x4: wrprtick({{checkPriv
478                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
479                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.tick = Rs1 ^ val2;
480                                }});
481                                0x5: wrprtba({{checkPriv
482                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
483                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.tba = Rs1 ^ val2;
484                                }});
485                                0x6: wrprpstate({{checkPriv
486                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
487                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.pstate = Rs1 ^ val2;
488                                }});
489                                0x7: wrprtl({{checkPriv
490                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
491                                        xc-> = Rs1 ^ val2;
492                                }});
493                                0x8: wrprpil({{checkPriv
494                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
495                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.pil = Rs1 ^ val2;
496                                }});
497                                0x9: wrprcwp({{checkPriv
498                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
499                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.cwp = Rs1 ^ val2;
500                                }});
501                                0xA: wrprcansave({{checkPriv
502                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
503                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.cansave = Rs1 ^ val2;
504                                }});
505                                0xB: wrprcanrestore({{checkPriv
506                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
507                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.canrestore = Rs1 ^ val2;
508                                }});
509                                0xC: wrprcleanwin({{checkPriv
510                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
511                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.cleanwin = Rs1 ^ val2;
512                                }});
513                                0xD: wrprotherwin({{checkPriv
514                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
515                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.otherwin = Rs1 ^ val2;
516                                }});
517                                0xE: wrprwstate({{checkPriv
518                                        uint64_t val2 = (I ? SIMM13.sdw : Rs2.sdw);
519                                        xc->regs.MiscRegs.wstate = Rs1 ^ val2;
520                                }});
521                        }
523                        0x34: Trap::fpop1({{Throw fp_disabled;}}); //FPOP1
524                        0x35: Trap::fpop2({{Throw fp_disabled;}}); //FPOP2
527                        0x38: Branch::jmpl({{//Stuff}}); //JMPL
528                        0x39: Branch::return({{//Other Stuff}}); //RETURN
529                        0x3A: Trap::tcc({{
530                                switch((CC14 << 1) | (CC04 << 0))
531                                {
532                                        case 1: case 3:
533                                                throw illegal_instruction;
534                                        case 0:
535                                                if(passesCondition(xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.icc, machInst<25:28>))
536                                                        throw trap_instruction;
537                                        break;
538                                        case 2:
539                                                if(passesCondition(xc->regs.MiscRegs.ccrFields.xcc, machInst<25:28>))
540                                                        throw trap_instruction;
541                                        break;
542                                }
543                        }}); //Tcc
544                        0x3B: BasicOperate::flush({{//Lala}}); //FLUSH
545                        0x3C: BasicOperate::save({{//leprechauns); //SAVE
546                        0x3D: BasicOperate::restore({{//Eat my short int}}); //RESTORE
547                        0x3E: decode FCN {
548                                0x1: BasicOperate::done({{//Done thing}}); //DONE
549                                0x2: BasicOperate::retry({{//Retry thing}}); //RETRY
550                        }
551                }
552        }
553        0x3: decode OP3 {
554                format Mem {
555                        0x00: lduw({{Rd.uw = Mem.uw;}}); //LDUW
556                        0x01: ldub({{Rd.ub = Mem.ub;}}); //LDUB
557                        0x02: lduh({{Rd.uhw = Mem.uhw;}}); //LDUH
558                        0x03: ldd({{
559                                uint64_t val = Mem.udw;
560                                setIntReg(RD & (~1), val<31:0>);
561                                setIntReg(RD | 1, val<63:32>);
562                        }});//LDD
563                        0x04: stw({{Mem.sw = Rd.sw;}}); //STW
564                        0x05: stb({{ =;}}); //STB
565                        0x06: sth({{Mem.shw = Rd.shw;}}); //STH
566                        0x07: std({{
567                                Mem.udw = readIntReg(RD & (~1))<31:0> | (readIntReg(RD | 1)<31:0> << 32);
568                        }});//STD
569                        0x08: ldsw({{Rd.sw = Mem.sw;}}); //LDSW
570                        0x09: ldsb({{ =;}}); //LDSB
571                        0x0A: ldsh({{Rd.shw = Mem.shw;}}); //LDSH
572                        0x0B: ldx({{Rd.udw = Mem.udw;}}); //LDX
574                        0x0D: ldstub({{
575                                Rd.ub = Mem.ub;
576                                Mem.ub = 0xFF;
577                        }}); //LDSTUB
578                        0x0E: stx({{Rd.udw = Mem.udw;}}); //STX
579                        0x0F: swap({{
580                                uint32_t temp = Rd.uw;
581                                Rd.uw = Mem.uw;
582                                Mem.uw = temp;
583                        }}); //SWAP
584                        0x10: lduwa({{Rd.uw = Mem.uw;}}); //LDUWA
585                        0x11: lduba({{Rd.ub = Mem.ub;}}); //LDUBA
586                        0x12: lduha({{Rd.uhw = Mem.uhw;}}); //LDUHA
587                        0x13: ldda({{
588                                uint64_t val = Mem.udw;
589                                setIntReg(RD & (~1), val<31:0>);
590                                setIntReg(RD | 1, val<63:32>);
591                        }}); //LDDA
592                        0x14: stwa({{Mem.uw = Rd.uw;}}); //STWA
593                        0x15: stba({{Mem.ub = Rd.ub;}}); //STBA
594                        0x16: stha({{Mem.uhw = Rd.uhw;}}); //STHA
595                        0x17: stda({{
596                                Mem.udw = readIntReg(RD & (~1))<31:0> | (readIntReg(RD | 1)<31:0> << 32);
597                        }}); //STDA
598                        0x18: ldswa({{Rd.sw = Mem.sw;}}); //LDSWA
599                        0x19: ldsba({{ =;}}); //LDSBA
600                        0x1A: ldsha({{Rd.shw = Mem.shw;}}); //LDSHA
601                        0x1B: ldxa({{Rd.sdw = Mem.sdw;}}); //LDXA
603                        0x1D: ldstuba({{
604                                Rd.ub = Mem.ub;
605                                Mem.ub = 0xFF;
606                        }}); //LDSTUBA
607                        0x1E: stxa({{Mem.sdw = Rd.sdw}}); //STXA
608                        0x1F: swapa({{
609                                uint32_t temp = Rd.uw;
610                                Rd.uw = Mem.uw;
611                                Mem.uw = temp;
612                        }}); //SWAPA
613                        0x20: Trap::ldf({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDF
614                        0x21: decode X {
615                                0x0: Trap::ldfsr({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDFSR
616                                0x1: Trap::ldxfsr({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDXFSR
617                        }
618                        0x22: Trap::ldqf({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDQF
619                        0x23: Trap::lddf({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDDF
620                        0x24: Trap::stf({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STF
621                        0x25: decode X {
622                                0x0: Trap::stfsr({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STFSR
623                                0x1: Trap::stxfsr({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STXFSR
624                        }
625                        0x26: Trap::stqf({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STQF
626                        0x27: Trap::stdf({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STDF
632                        0x2D: Noop::prefetch({{ }}); //PREFETCH
635                        0x30: Trap::ldfa({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDFA
637                        0x32: Trap::ldqfa({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDQFA
638                        0x33: Trap::lddfa({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //LDDFA
639                        0x34: Trap::stfa({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STFA
640                        0x35: Trap::stqfa({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STQFA
641                        0x36: Trap::stdfa({{throw fp_disabled;}}); //STDFA
647                        0x3C: Cas::casa(
648                                {{uint64_t val = Mem.uw;
649                                if(Rs2.uw == val)
650                                        Mem.uw = Rd.uw;
651                                Rd.uw = val;
652                        }}); //CASA
653                        0x3D: Noop::prefetcha({{ }}); //PREFETCHA
654                        0x3E: Cas::casxa(
655                                {{uint64_t val = Mem.udw;
656                                if(Rs2 == val)
657                                        Mem.udw = Rd;
658                                Rd = val;
659                        }}); //CASXA
660                }
661        }