aarch64.isa revision 12714
1// Copyright (c) 2011-2018 ARM Limited
2// All rights reserved
4// The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
5// not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
6// property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
7// to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
8// licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
9// terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
10// unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
11// modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
13// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
14// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
15// met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
16// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
17// redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
18// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
19// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
20// neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
21// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
22// this software without specific prior written permission.
36// Authors: Gabe Black
37//          Thomas Grocutt
38//          Mbou Eyole
39//          Giacomo Gabrielli
41output header {{
42namespace Aarch64
44    StaticInstPtr decodeDataProcImm(ExtMachInst machInst);
45    StaticInstPtr decodeBranchExcSys(ExtMachInst machInst);
46    StaticInstPtr decodeLoadsStores(ExtMachInst machInst);
47    StaticInstPtr decodeDataProcReg(ExtMachInst machInst);
49    template <typename DecoderFeatures>
50    StaticInstPtr decodeFpAdvSIMD(ExtMachInst machInst);
51    StaticInstPtr decodeFp(ExtMachInst machInst);
52    template <typename DecoderFeatures>
53    StaticInstPtr decodeAdvSIMD(ExtMachInst machInst);
54    StaticInstPtr decodeAdvSIMDScalar(ExtMachInst machInst);
56    StaticInstPtr decodeGem5Ops(ExtMachInst machInst);
60output decoder {{
61namespace Aarch64
63    StaticInstPtr
64    decodeDataProcImm(ExtMachInst machInst)
65    {
66        IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
67        IntRegIndex rdsp = makeSP(rd);
68        IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
69        IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
70        IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
72        uint8_t opc = bits(machInst, 30, 29);
73        bool sf = bits(machInst, 31);
74        bool n = bits(machInst, 22);
75        uint8_t immr = bits(machInst, 21, 16);
76        uint8_t imms = bits(machInst, 15, 10);
77        switch (bits(machInst, 25, 23)) {
78          case 0x0:
79          case 0x1:
80          {
81            uint64_t immlo = bits(machInst, 30, 29);
82            uint64_t immhi = bits(machInst, 23, 5);
83            uint64_t imm = (immlo << 0) | (immhi << 2);
84            if (bits(machInst, 31) == 0)
85                return new AdrXImm(machInst, rdzr, INTREG_ZERO, sext<21>(imm));
86            else
87                return new AdrpXImm(machInst, rdzr, INTREG_ZERO,
88                                    sext<33>(imm << 12));
89          }
90          case 0x2:
91          case 0x3:
92          {
93            uint32_t imm12 = bits(machInst, 21, 10);
94            uint8_t shift = bits(machInst, 23, 22);
95            uint32_t imm;
96            if (shift == 0x0)
97                imm = imm12 << 0;
98            else if (shift == 0x1)
99                imm = imm12 << 12;
100            else
101                return new Unknown64(machInst);
102            switch (opc) {
103              case 0x0:
104                return new AddXImm(machInst, rdsp, rnsp, imm);
105              case 0x1:
106                return new AddXImmCc(machInst, rdzr, rnsp, imm);
107              case 0x2:
108                return new SubXImm(machInst, rdsp, rnsp, imm);
109              case 0x3:
110                return new SubXImmCc(machInst, rdzr, rnsp, imm);
111              default:
112                M5_UNREACHABLE;
113            }
114          }
115          case 0x4:
116          {
117            if (!sf && n)
118                return new Unknown64(machInst);
119            // len = MSB(n:NOT(imms)), len < 1 is undefined.
120            uint8_t len = 0;
121            if (n) {
122                len = 6;
123            } else if (imms == 0x3f || imms == 0x3e) {
124                return new Unknown64(machInst);
125            } else {
126                len = findMsbSet(imms ^ 0x3f);
127            }
128            // Generate r, s, and size.
129            uint64_t r = bits(immr, len - 1, 0);
130            uint64_t s = bits(imms, len - 1, 0);
131            uint8_t size = 1 << len;
132            if (s == size - 1)
133                return new Unknown64(machInst);
134            // Generate the pattern with s 1s, rotated by r, with size bits.
135            uint64_t pattern = mask(s + 1);
136            if (r) {
137                pattern = (pattern >> r) | (pattern << (size - r));
138                pattern &= mask(size);
139            }
140            uint8_t width = sf ? 64 : 32;
141            // Replicate that to fill up the immediate.
142            for (unsigned i = 1; i < (width / size); i *= 2)
143                pattern |= (pattern << (i * size));
144            uint64_t imm = pattern;
146            switch (opc) {
147              case 0x0:
148                return new AndXImm(machInst, rdsp, rn, imm);
149              case 0x1:
150                return new OrrXImm(machInst, rdsp, rn, imm);
151              case 0x2:
152                return new EorXImm(machInst, rdsp, rn, imm);
153              case 0x3:
154                return new AndXImmCc(machInst, rdzr, rn, imm);
155              default:
156                M5_UNREACHABLE;
157            }
158          }
159          case 0x5:
160          {
161            IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
162            IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
163            uint32_t imm16 = bits(machInst, 20, 5);
164            uint32_t hw = bits(machInst, 22, 21);
165            switch (opc) {
166              case 0x0:
167                return new Movn(machInst, rdzr, imm16, hw * 16);
168              case 0x1:
169                return new Unknown64(machInst);
170              case 0x2:
171                return new Movz(machInst, rdzr, imm16, hw * 16);
172              case 0x3:
173                return new Movk(machInst, rdzr, imm16, hw * 16);
174              default:
175                M5_UNREACHABLE;
176            }
177          }
178          case 0x6:
179            if ((sf != n) || (!sf && (bits(immr, 5) || bits(imms, 5))))
180                return new Unknown64(machInst);
181            switch (opc) {
182              case 0x0:
183                return new Sbfm64(machInst, rdzr, rn, immr, imms);
184              case 0x1:
185                return new Bfm64(machInst, rdzr, rn, immr, imms);
186              case 0x2:
187                return new Ubfm64(machInst, rdzr, rn, immr, imms);
188              case 0x3:
189                return new Unknown64(machInst);
190              default:
191                M5_UNREACHABLE;
192            }
193          case 0x7:
194          {
195            IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
196            if (opc || bits(machInst, 21))
197                return new Unknown64(machInst);
198            else
199                return new Extr64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imms);
200          }
201        }
202        return new FailUnimplemented("Unhandled Case8", machInst);
203    }
207output decoder {{
208namespace Aarch64
210    StaticInstPtr
211    decodeBranchExcSys(ExtMachInst machInst)
212    {
213        switch (bits(machInst, 30, 29)) {
214          case 0x0:
215          {
216            int64_t imm = sext<26>(bits(machInst, 25, 0)) << 2;
217            if (bits(machInst, 31) == 0)
218                return new B64(machInst, imm);
219            else
220                return new Bl64(machInst, imm);
221          }
222          case 0x1:
223          {
224            IntRegIndex rt = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
225            if (bits(machInst, 25) == 0) {
226                int64_t imm = sext<19>(bits(machInst, 23, 5)) << 2;
227                if (bits(machInst, 24) == 0)
228                    return new Cbz64(machInst, imm, rt);
229                else
230                    return new Cbnz64(machInst, imm, rt);
231            } else {
232                uint64_t bitmask = 0x1;
233                bitmask <<= bits(machInst, 23, 19);
234                int64_t imm = sext<14>(bits(machInst, 18, 5)) << 2;
235                if (bits(machInst, 31))
236                    bitmask <<= 32;
237                if (bits(machInst, 24) == 0)
238                    return new Tbz64(machInst, bitmask, imm, rt);
239                else
240                    return new Tbnz64(machInst, bitmask, imm, rt);
241            }
242          }
243          case 0x2:
244            // bit 30:26=10101
245            if (bits(machInst, 31) == 0) {
246                if (bits(machInst, 25, 24) || bits(machInst, 4))
247                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
248                int64_t imm = sext<19>(bits(machInst, 23, 5)) << 2;
249                ConditionCode condCode =
250                    (ConditionCode)(uint8_t)(bits(machInst, 3, 0));
251                return new BCond64(machInst, imm, condCode);
252            } else if (bits(machInst, 25, 24) == 0x0) {
254                if (bits(machInst, 4, 2))
255                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
257                auto imm16 = bits(machInst, 20, 5);
258                uint8_t decVal = (bits(machInst, 1, 0) << 0) |
259                                 (bits(machInst, 23, 21) << 2);
261                switch (decVal) {
262                  case 0x01:
263                    return new Svc64(machInst, imm16);
264                  case 0x02:
265                    return new Hvc64(machInst, imm16);
266                  case 0x03:
267                    return new Smc64(machInst, imm16);
268                  case 0x04:
269                    return new Brk64(machInst, imm16);
270                  case 0x08:
271                    return new Hlt64(machInst, imm16);
272                  case 0x15:
273                    return new FailUnimplemented("dcps1", machInst);
274                  case 0x16:
275                    return new FailUnimplemented("dcps2", machInst);
276                  case 0x17:
277                    return new FailUnimplemented("dcps3", machInst);
278                  default:
279                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
280                }
281            } else if (bits(machInst, 25, 22) == 0x4) {
282                // bit 31:22=1101010100
283                bool l = bits(machInst, 21);
284                uint8_t op0 = bits(machInst, 20, 19);
285                uint8_t op1 = bits(machInst, 18, 16);
286                uint8_t crn = bits(machInst, 15, 12);
287                uint8_t crm = bits(machInst, 11, 8);
288                uint8_t op2 = bits(machInst, 7, 5);
289                IntRegIndex rt = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
290                switch (op0) {
291                  case 0x0:
292                    if (rt != 0x1f || l)
293                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
294                    if (crn == 0x2 && op1 == 0x3) {
295                        switch (op2) {
296                          case 0x0:
297                            return new NopInst(machInst);
298                          case 0x1:
299                            return new YieldInst(machInst);
300                          case 0x2:
301                            return new WfeInst(machInst);
302                          case 0x3:
303                            return new WfiInst(machInst);
304                          case 0x4:
305                            return new SevInst(machInst);
306                          case 0x5:
307                            return new SevlInst(machInst);
308                          default:
309                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
310                        }
311                    } else if (crn == 0x3 && op1 == 0x3) {
312                        switch (op2) {
313                          case 0x2:
314                            return new Clrex64(machInst);
315                          case 0x4:
316                            return new Dsb64(machInst);
317                          case 0x5:
318                            return new Dmb64(machInst);
319                          case 0x6:
320                            return new Isb64(machInst);
321                          default:
322                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
323                        }
324                    } else if (crn == 0x4) {
325                        // MSR immediate
326                        switch (op1 << 3 | op2) {
327                          case 0x5:
328                            // SP
329                            return new MsrSP64(machInst,
330                                               (IntRegIndex) MISCREG_SPSEL,
331                                               INTREG_ZERO,
332                                               crm & 0x1);
333                          case 0x1e:
334                            // DAIFSet
335                            return new MsrDAIFSet64(
336                                machInst,
337                                (IntRegIndex) MISCREG_DAIF,
338                                INTREG_ZERO,
339                                crm);
340                          case 0x1f:
341                            // DAIFClr
342                            return new MsrDAIFClr64(
343                                machInst,
344                                (IntRegIndex) MISCREG_DAIF,
345                                INTREG_ZERO,
346                                crm);
347                          default:
348                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
349                        }
350                    } else {
351                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
352                    }
353                    break;
354                  case 0x1:
355                  case 0x2:
356                  case 0x3:
357                  {
358                    // bit 31:22=1101010100, 20:19=11
359                    bool read = l;
360                    MiscRegIndex miscReg =
361                        decodeAArch64SysReg(op0, op1, crn, crm, op2);
362                    if (read) {
363                        if ((miscReg == MISCREG_DC_CIVAC_Xt) ||
364                            (miscReg == MISCREG_DC_CVAC_Xt) ||
365                            (miscReg == MISCREG_DC_IVAC_Xt)  ||
366                            (miscReg == MISCREG_DC_ZVA_Xt)) {
367                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
368                        }
369                    }
370                    // Check for invalid registers
371                    if (miscReg == MISCREG_UNKNOWN) {
372                        auto full_mnemonic =
373                            csprintf("%s op0:%d op1:%d crn:%d crm:%d op2:%d",
374                                     read ? "mrs" : "msr",
375                                     op0, op1, crn, crm, op2);
377                        return new FailUnimplemented(read ? "mrs" : "msr",
378                            machInst, full_mnemonic);
380                    } else if (miscReg == MISCREG_IMPDEF_UNIMPL) {
381                        auto full_mnemonic =
382                            csprintf("%s op0:%d op1:%d crn:%d crm:%d op2:%d",
383                                     read ? "mrs" : "msr",
384                                     op0, op1, crn, crm, op2);
386                        if (miscRegInfo[miscReg][MISCREG_WARN_NOT_FAIL]) {
387                            return new WarnUnimplemented(read ? "mrs" : "msr",
388                                machInst, full_mnemonic + " treated as NOP");
389                        } else {
390                            return new FailUnimplemented(read ? "mrs" : "msr",
391                                machInst, full_mnemonic);
392                        }
394                    } else if (miscRegInfo[miscReg][MISCREG_IMPLEMENTED]) {
395                        if (miscReg == MISCREG_NZCV) {
396                            if (read)
397                                return new MrsNZCV64(machInst, rt, (IntRegIndex) miscReg);
398                            else
399                                return new MsrNZCV64(machInst, (IntRegIndex) miscReg, rt);
400                        }
401                        uint32_t iss = msrMrs64IssBuild(read, op0, op1, crn, crm, op2, rt);
402                        if (read) {
403                            StaticInstPtr si = new Mrs64(machInst, rt, miscReg, iss);
404                            if (miscRegInfo[miscReg][MISCREG_UNVERIFIABLE])
405                                si->setFlag(StaticInst::IsUnverifiable);
406                            return si;
407                        } else {
408                            switch (miscReg) {
409                              case MISCREG_DC_ZVA_Xt:
410                                return new Dczva(machInst, rt, miscReg, iss);
411                              case MISCREG_DC_CVAU_Xt:
412                                return new Dccvau(machInst, rt, miscReg, iss);
413                              case MISCREG_DC_CVAC_Xt:
414                                return new Dccvac(machInst, rt, miscReg, iss);
415                              case MISCREG_DC_CIVAC_Xt:
416                                return new Dccivac(machInst, rt, miscReg, iss);
417                              case MISCREG_DC_IVAC_Xt:
418                                return new Dcivac(machInst, rt, miscReg, iss);
419                              default:
420                                return new Msr64(machInst, miscReg, rt, iss);
421                            }
422                        }
423                    } else if (miscRegInfo[miscReg][MISCREG_WARN_NOT_FAIL]) {
424                        std::string full_mnem = csprintf("%s %s",
425                            read ? "mrs" : "msr", miscRegName[miscReg]);
426                        return new WarnUnimplemented(read ? "mrs" : "msr",
427                                                     machInst, full_mnem);
428                    } else {
429                        return new FailUnimplemented(read ? "mrs" : "msr",
430                                    machInst,
431                                    csprintf("%s %s",
432                                      read ? "mrs" : "msr",
433                                      miscRegName[miscReg]));
434                    }
435                  }
436                  break;
437                  default:
438                    M5_UNREACHABLE;
439                }
440            } else if (bits(machInst, 25) == 0x1) {
441                uint8_t opc = bits(machInst, 24, 21);
442                uint8_t op2 = bits(machInst, 20, 16);
443                uint8_t op3 = bits(machInst, 15, 10);
444                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
445                uint8_t op4 = bits(machInst, 4, 0);
446                if (op2 != 0x1f || op3 != 0x0 || op4 != 0x0)
447                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
448                switch (opc) {
449                  case 0x0:
450                    return new Br64(machInst, rn);
451                  case 0x1:
452                    return new Blr64(machInst, rn);
453                  case 0x2:
454                    return new Ret64(machInst, rn);
455                  case 0x4:
456                    if (rn != 0x1f)
457                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
458                    return new Eret64(machInst);
459                  case 0x5:
460                    if (rn != 0x1f)
461                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
462                    return new FailUnimplemented("dret", machInst);
463                  default:
464                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
465                }
466            }
467          M5_FALLTHROUGH;
468          default:
469            return new Unknown64(machInst);
470        }
471        return new FailUnimplemented("Unhandled Case7", machInst);
472    }
476output decoder {{
477namespace Aarch64
479    StaticInstPtr
480    decodeLoadsStores(ExtMachInst machInst)
481    {
482        // bit 27,25=10
483        switch (bits(machInst, 29, 28)) {
484          case 0x0:
485            if (bits(machInst, 26) == 0) {
486                if (bits(machInst, 24) != 0)
487                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
488                IntRegIndex rt = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
489                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
490                IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
491                IntRegIndex rt2 = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 14, 10);
492                IntRegIndex rs = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
493                uint8_t opc = (bits(machInst, 15) << 0) |
494                              (bits(machInst, 23, 21) << 1);
495                uint8_t size = bits(machInst, 31, 30);
496                switch (opc) {
497                  case 0x0:
498                    switch (size) {
499                      case 0x0:
500                        return new STXRB64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
501                      case 0x1:
502                        return new STXRH64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
503                      case 0x2:
504                        return new STXRW64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
505                      case 0x3:
506                        return new STXRX64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
507                      default:
508                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
509                    }
510                  case 0x1:
511                    switch (size) {
512                      case 0x0:
513                        return new STLXRB64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
514                      case 0x1:
515                        return new STLXRH64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
516                      case 0x2:
517                        return new STLXRW64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
518                      case 0x3:
519                        return new STLXRX64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
520                      default:
521                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
522                    }
523                  case 0x2:
524                    switch (size) {
525                      case 0x0:
526                      case 0x1:
527                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
528                      case 0x2:
529                        return new STXPW64(machInst, rs, rt, rt2, rnsp);
530                      case 0x3:
531                        return new STXPX64(machInst, rs, rt, rt2, rnsp);
532                      default:
533                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
534                    }
536                  case 0x3:
537                    switch (size) {
538                      case 0x0:
539                      case 0x1:
540                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
541                      case 0x2:
542                        return new STLXPW64(machInst, rs, rt, rt2, rnsp);
543                      case 0x3:
544                        return new STLXPX64(machInst, rs, rt, rt2, rnsp);
545                      default:
546                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
547                    }
549                  case 0x4:
550                    switch (size) {
551                      case 0x0:
552                        return new LDXRB64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
553                      case 0x1:
554                        return new LDXRH64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
555                      case 0x2:
556                        return new LDXRW64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
557                      case 0x3:
558                        return new LDXRX64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
559                      default:
560                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
561                    }
562                  case 0x5:
563                    switch (size) {
564                      case 0x0:
565                        return new LDAXRB64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
566                      case 0x1:
567                        return new LDAXRH64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
568                      case 0x2:
569                        return new LDAXRW64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
570                      case 0x3:
571                        return new LDAXRX64(machInst, rt, rnsp, rs);
572                      default:
573                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
574                    }
575                  case 0x6:
576                    switch (size) {
577                      case 0x0:
578                      case 0x1:
579                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
580                      case 0x2:
581                        return new LDXPW64(machInst, rt, rt2, rnsp);
582                      case 0x3:
583                        return new LDXPX64(machInst, rt, rt2, rnsp);
584                      default:
585                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
586                    }
588                  case 0x7:
589                    switch (size) {
590                      case 0x0:
591                      case 0x1:
592                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
593                      case 0x2:
594                        return new LDAXPW64(machInst, rt, rt2, rnsp);
595                      case 0x3:
596                        return new LDAXPX64(machInst, rt, rt2, rnsp);
597                      default:
598                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
599                    }
601                  case 0x9:
602                    switch (size) {
603                      case 0x0:
604                        return new STLRB64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
605                      case 0x1:
606                        return new STLRH64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
607                      case 0x2:
608                        return new STLRW64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
609                      case 0x3:
610                        return new STLRX64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
611                      default:
612                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
613                    }
614                  case 0xd:
615                    switch (size) {
616                      case 0x0:
617                        return new LDARB64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
618                      case 0x1:
619                        return new LDARH64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
620                      case 0x2:
621                        return new LDARW64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
622                      case 0x3:
623                        return new LDARX64(machInst, rt, rnsp);
624                      default:
625                        M5_UNREACHABLE;
626                    }
627                  default:
628                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
629                }
630            } else if (bits(machInst, 31)) {
631                return new Unknown64(machInst);
632            } else {
633                return decodeNeonMem(machInst);
634            }
635          case 0x1:
636          {
637            if (bits(machInst, 24) != 0)
638                return new Unknown64(machInst);
639            uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 26) << 0) |
640                                (bits(machInst, 31, 30) << 1);
641            int64_t imm = sext<19>(bits(machInst, 23, 5)) << 2;
642            IntRegIndex rt = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
643            switch (switchVal) {
644              case 0x0:
645                return new LDRWL64_LIT(machInst, rt, imm);
646              case 0x1:
647                return new LDRSFP64_LIT(machInst, rt, imm);
648              case 0x2:
649                return new LDRXL64_LIT(machInst, rt, imm);
650              case 0x3:
651                return new LDRDFP64_LIT(machInst, rt, imm);
652              case 0x4:
653                return new LDRSWL64_LIT(machInst, rt, imm);
654              case 0x5:
655                return new BigFpMemLit("ldr", machInst, rt, imm);
656              case 0x6:
657                return new PRFM64_LIT(machInst, rt, imm);
658              default:
659                return new Unknown64(machInst);
660            }
661          }
662          case 0x2:
663          {
664            uint8_t opc = bits(machInst, 31, 30);
665            if (opc >= 3)
666                return new Unknown64(machInst);
667            uint32_t size = 0;
668            bool fp = bits(machInst, 26);
669            bool load = bits(machInst, 22);
670            if (fp) {
671                size = 4 << opc;
672            } else {
673                if ((opc == 1) && !load)
674                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
675                size = (opc == 0 || opc == 1) ? 4 : 8;
676            }
677            uint8_t type = bits(machInst, 24, 23);
678            int64_t imm = sext<7>(bits(machInst, 21, 15)) * size;
680            IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
681            IntRegIndex rt = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
682            IntRegIndex rt2 = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 14, 10);
684            bool noAlloc = (type == 0);
685            bool signExt = !noAlloc && !fp && opc == 1;
686            PairMemOp::AddrMode mode;
687            const char *mnemonic = NULL;
688            switch (type) {
689              case 0x0:
690              case 0x2:
691                mode = PairMemOp::AddrMd_Offset;
692                break;
693              case 0x1:
694                mode = PairMemOp::AddrMd_PostIndex;
695                break;
696              case 0x3:
697                mode = PairMemOp::AddrMd_PreIndex;
698                break;
699              default:
700                return new Unknown64(machInst);
701            }
702            if (load) {
703                if (noAlloc)
704                    mnemonic = "ldnp";
705                else if (signExt)
706                    mnemonic = "ldpsw";
707                else
708                    mnemonic = "ldp";
709            } else {
710                if (noAlloc)
711                    mnemonic = "stnp";
712                else
713                    mnemonic = "stp";
714            }
716            return new LdpStp(mnemonic, machInst, size, fp, load, noAlloc,
717                    signExt, false, false, imm, mode, rn, rt, rt2);
718          }
719          // bit 29:27=111, 25=0
720          case 0x3:
721          {
722            uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 23, 22) << 0) |
723                                (bits(machInst, 26) << 2) |
724                                (bits(machInst, 31, 30) << 3);
725            if (bits(machInst, 24) == 1) {
726                uint64_t imm12 = bits(machInst, 21, 10);
727                IntRegIndex rt = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
728                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
729                IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
730                switch (switchVal) {
731                  case 0x00:
732                    return new STRB64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12);
733                  case 0x01:
734                    return new LDRB64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12);
735                  case 0x02:
736                    return new LDRSBX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12);
737                  case 0x03:
738                    return new LDRSBW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12);
739                  case 0x04:
740                    return new STRBFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12);
741                  case 0x05:
742                    return new LDRBFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12);
743                  case 0x06:
744                    return new BigFpMemImm("str", machInst, false,
745                                           rt, rnsp, imm12 << 4);
746                  case 0x07:
747                    return new BigFpMemImm("ldr", machInst, true,
748                                           rt, rnsp, imm12 << 4);
749                  case 0x08:
750                    return new STRH64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 1);
751                  case 0x09:
752                    return new LDRH64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 1);
753                  case 0x0a:
754                    return new LDRSHX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 1);
755                  case 0x0b:
756                    return new LDRSHW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 1);
757                  case 0x0c:
758                    return new STRHFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 1);
759                  case 0x0d:
760                    return new LDRHFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 1);
761                  case 0x10:
762                    return new STRW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 2);
763                  case 0x11:
764                    return new LDRW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 2);
765                  case 0x12:
766                    return new LDRSW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 2);
767                  case 0x14:
768                    return new STRSFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 2);
769                  case 0x15:
770                    return new LDRSFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 2);
771                  case 0x18:
772                    return new STRX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 3);
773                  case 0x19:
774                    return new LDRX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 3);
775                  case 0x1a:
776                    return new PRFM64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 3);
777                  case 0x1c:
778                    return new STRDFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 3);
779                  case 0x1d:
780                    return new LDRDFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm12 << 3);
781                  default:
782                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
783                }
784            } else if (bits(machInst, 21) == 1) {
785                if (bits(machInst, 11, 10) != 0x2)
786                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
787                if (!bits(machInst, 14))
788                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
789                IntRegIndex rt = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
790                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
791                IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
792                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
793                ArmExtendType type =
794                    (ArmExtendType)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 13);
795                uint8_t s = bits(machInst, 12);
796                switch (switchVal) {
797                  case 0x00:
798                    return new STRB64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, 0);
799                  case 0x01:
800                    return new LDRB64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, 0);
801                  case 0x02:
802                    return new LDRSBX64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, 0);
803                  case 0x03:
804                    return new LDRSBW64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, 0);
805                  case 0x04:
806                    return new STRBFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, 0);
807                  case 0x05:
808                    return new LDRBFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, 0);
809                  case 0x6:
810                    return new BigFpMemReg("str", machInst, false,
811                                           rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 4);
812                  case 0x7:
813                    return new BigFpMemReg("ldr", machInst, true,
814                                           rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 4);
815                  case 0x08:
816                    return new STRH64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s);
817                  case 0x09:
818                    return new LDRH64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s);
819                  case 0x0a:
820                    return new LDRSHX64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s);
821                  case 0x0b:
822                    return new LDRSHW64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s);
823                  case 0x0c:
824                    return new STRHFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s);
825                  case 0x0d:
826                    return new LDRHFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s);
827                  case 0x10:
828                    return new STRW64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 2);
829                  case 0x11:
830                    return new LDRW64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 2);
831                  case 0x12:
832                    return new LDRSW64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 2);
833                  case 0x14:
834                    return new STRSFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 2);
835                  case 0x15:
836                    return new LDRSFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 2);
837                  case 0x18:
838                    return new STRX64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 3);
839                  case 0x19:
840                    return new LDRX64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 3);
841                  case 0x1a:
842                    return new PRFM64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 3);
843                  case 0x1c:
844                    return new STRDFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 3);
845                  case 0x1d:
846                    return new LDRDFP64_REG(machInst, rt, rnsp, rm, type, s * 3);
847                  default:
848                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
849                }
850            } else {
851                // bit 29:27=111, 25:24=00, 21=0
852                switch (bits(machInst, 11, 10)) {
853                  case 0x0:
854                  {
855                    IntRegIndex rt =
856                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
857                    IntRegIndex rn =
858                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
859                    IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
860                    uint64_t imm = sext<9>(bits(machInst, 20, 12));
861                    switch (switchVal) {
862                      case 0x00:
863                        return new STURB64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
864                      case 0x01:
865                        return new LDURB64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
866                      case 0x02:
867                        return new LDURSBX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
868                      case 0x03:
869                        return new LDURSBW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
870                      case 0x04:
871                        return new STURBFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
872                      case 0x05:
873                        return new LDURBFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
874                      case 0x06:
875                        return new BigFpMemImm("stur", machInst, false,
876                                               rt, rnsp, imm);
877                      case 0x07:
878                        return new BigFpMemImm("ldur", machInst, true,
879                                               rt, rnsp, imm);
880                      case 0x08:
881                        return new STURH64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
882                      case 0x09:
883                        return new LDURH64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
884                      case 0x0a:
885                        return new LDURSHX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
886                      case 0x0b:
887                        return new LDURSHW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
888                      case 0x0c:
889                        return new STURHFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
890                      case 0x0d:
891                        return new LDURHFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
892                      case 0x10:
893                        return new STURW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
894                      case 0x11:
895                        return new LDURW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
896                      case 0x12:
897                        return new LDURSW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
898                      case 0x14:
899                        return new STURSFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
900                      case 0x15:
901                        return new LDURSFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
902                      case 0x18:
903                        return new STURX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
904                      case 0x19:
905                        return new LDURX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
906                      case 0x1a:
907                        return new PRFUM64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
908                      case 0x1c:
909                        return new STURDFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
910                      case 0x1d:
911                        return new LDURDFP64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
912                      default:
913                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
914                    }
915                  }
916                  // bit 29:27=111, 25:24=00, 21=0, 11:10=01
917                  case 0x1:
918                  {
919                    IntRegIndex rt =
920                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
921                    IntRegIndex rn =
922                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
923                    IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
924                    uint64_t imm = sext<9>(bits(machInst, 20, 12));
925                    switch (switchVal) {
926                      case 0x00:
927                        return new STRB64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
928                      case 0x01:
929                        return new LDRB64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
930                      case 0x02:
931                        return new LDRSBX64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
932                      case 0x03:
933                        return new LDRSBW64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
934                      case 0x04:
935                        return new STRBFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
936                      case 0x05:
937                        return new LDRBFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
938                      case 0x06:
939                        return new BigFpMemPost("str", machInst, false,
940                                                rt, rnsp, imm);
941                      case 0x07:
942                        return new BigFpMemPost("ldr", machInst, true,
943                                                rt, rnsp, imm);
944                      case 0x08:
945                        return new STRH64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
946                      case 0x09:
947                        return new LDRH64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
948                      case 0x0a:
949                        return new LDRSHX64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
950                      case 0x0b:
951                        return new LDRSHW64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
952                      case 0x0c:
953                        return new STRHFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
954                      case 0x0d:
955                        return new LDRHFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
956                      case 0x10:
957                        return new STRW64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
958                      case 0x11:
959                        return new LDRW64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
960                      case 0x12:
961                        return new LDRSW64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
962                      case 0x14:
963                        return new STRSFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
964                      case 0x15:
965                        return new LDRSFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
966                      case 0x18:
967                        return new STRX64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
968                      case 0x19:
969                        return new LDRX64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
970                      case 0x1c:
971                        return new STRDFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
972                      case 0x1d:
973                        return new LDRDFP64_POST(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
974                      default:
975                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
976                    }
977                  }
978                  case 0x2:
979                  {
980                    IntRegIndex rt =
981                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
982                    IntRegIndex rn =
983                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
984                    IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
985                    uint64_t imm = sext<9>(bits(machInst, 20, 12));
986                    switch (switchVal) {
987                      case 0x00:
988                        return new STTRB64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
989                      case 0x01:
990                        return new LDTRB64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
991                      case 0x02:
992                        return new LDTRSBX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
993                      case 0x03:
994                        return new LDTRSBW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
995                      case 0x08:
996                        return new STTRH64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
997                      case 0x09:
998                        return new LDTRH64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
999                      case 0x0a:
1000                        return new LDTRSHX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1001                      case 0x0b:
1002                        return new LDTRSHW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1003                      case 0x10:
1004                        return new STTRW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1005                      case 0x11:
1006                        return new LDTRW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1007                      case 0x12:
1008                        return new LDTRSW64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1009                      case 0x18:
1010                        return new STTRX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1011                      case 0x19:
1012                        return new LDTRX64_IMM(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1013                      default:
1014                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1015                    }
1016                  }
1017                  case 0x3:
1018                  {
1019                    IntRegIndex rt =
1020                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1021                    IntRegIndex rn =
1022                        (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1023                    IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
1024                    uint64_t imm = sext<9>(bits(machInst, 20, 12));
1025                    switch (switchVal) {
1026                      case 0x00:
1027                        return new STRB64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1028                      case 0x01:
1029                        return new LDRB64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1030                      case 0x02:
1031                        return new LDRSBX64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1032                      case 0x03:
1033                        return new LDRSBW64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1034                      case 0x04:
1035                        return new STRBFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1036                      case 0x05:
1037                        return new LDRBFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1038                      case 0x06:
1039                        return new BigFpMemPre("str", machInst, false,
1040                                               rt, rnsp, imm);
1041                      case 0x07:
1042                        return new BigFpMemPre("ldr", machInst, true,
1043                                               rt, rnsp, imm);
1044                      case 0x08:
1045                        return new STRH64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1046                      case 0x09:
1047                        return new LDRH64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1048                      case 0x0a:
1049                        return new LDRSHX64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1050                      case 0x0b:
1051                        return new LDRSHW64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1052                      case 0x0c:
1053                        return new STRHFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1054                      case 0x0d:
1055                        return new LDRHFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1056                      case 0x10:
1057                        return new STRW64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1058                      case 0x11:
1059                        return new LDRW64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1060                      case 0x12:
1061                        return new LDRSW64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1062                      case 0x14:
1063                        return new STRSFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1064                      case 0x15:
1065                        return new LDRSFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1066                      case 0x18:
1067                        return new STRX64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1068                      case 0x19:
1069                        return new LDRX64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1070                      case 0x1c:
1071                        return new STRDFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1072                      case 0x1d:
1073                        return new LDRDFP64_PRE(machInst, rt, rnsp, imm);
1074                      default:
1075                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1076                    }
1077                  }
1078                  default:
1079                    M5_UNREACHABLE;
1080                }
1081            }
1082          }
1083          default:
1084            M5_UNREACHABLE;
1085        }
1086        return new FailUnimplemented("Unhandled Case1", machInst);
1087    }
1091output decoder {{
1092namespace Aarch64
1094    StaticInstPtr
1095    decodeDataProcReg(ExtMachInst machInst)
1096    {
1097        uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 28) << 1) |
1098                            (bits(machInst, 24) << 0);
1099        switch (switchVal) {
1100          case 0x0:
1101          {
1102            uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 21) << 0) |
1103                                (bits(machInst, 30, 29) << 1);
1104            ArmShiftType type = (ArmShiftType)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 23, 22);
1105            uint8_t imm6 = bits(machInst, 15, 10);
1106            bool sf = bits(machInst, 31);
1107            if (!sf && (imm6 & 0x20))
1108                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1109            IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1110            IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
1111            IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1112            IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1114            switch (switchVal) {
1115              case 0x0:
1116                return new AndXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1117              case 0x1:
1118                return new BicXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1119              case 0x2:
1120                return new OrrXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1121              case 0x3:
1122                return new OrnXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1123              case 0x4:
1124                return new EorXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1125              case 0x5:
1126                return new EonXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1127              case 0x6:
1128                return new AndXSRegCc(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1129              case 0x7:
1130                return new BicXSRegCc(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1131              default:
1132                M5_UNREACHABLE;
1133            }
1134          }
1135          case 0x1:
1136          {
1137            uint8_t switchVal = bits(machInst, 30, 29);
1138            if (bits(machInst, 21) == 0) {
1139                ArmShiftType type =
1140                    (ArmShiftType)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 23, 22);
1141                if (type == ROR)
1142                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1143                uint8_t imm6 = bits(machInst, 15, 10);
1144                if (!bits(machInst, 31) && bits(imm6, 5))
1145                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1146                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1147                IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
1148                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1149                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1150                switch (switchVal) {
1151                  case 0x0:
1152                    return new AddXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1153                  case 0x1:
1154                    return new AddXSRegCc(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1155                  case 0x2:
1156                    return new SubXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1157                  case 0x3:
1158                    return new SubXSRegCc(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, imm6, type);
1159                  default:
1160                    M5_UNREACHABLE;
1161                }
1162            } else {
1163                if (bits(machInst, 23, 22) != 0 || bits(machInst, 12, 10) > 0x4)
1164                   return new Unknown64(machInst);
1165                ArmExtendType type =
1166                    (ArmExtendType)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 15, 13);
1167                uint8_t imm3 = bits(machInst, 12, 10);
1168                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1169                IntRegIndex rdsp = makeSP(rd);
1170                IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
1171                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1172                IntRegIndex rnsp = makeSP(rn);
1173                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1175                switch (switchVal) {
1176                  case 0x0:
1177                    return new AddXEReg(machInst, rdsp, rnsp, rm, type, imm3);
1178                  case 0x1:
1179                    return new AddXERegCc(machInst, rdzr, rnsp, rm, type, imm3);
1180                  case 0x2:
1181                    return new SubXEReg(machInst, rdsp, rnsp, rm, type, imm3);
1182                  case 0x3:
1183                    return new SubXERegCc(machInst, rdzr, rnsp, rm, type, imm3);
1184                  default:
1185                    M5_UNREACHABLE;
1186                }
1187            }
1188          }
1189          case 0x2:
1190          {
1191            if (bits(machInst, 21) == 1)
1192                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1193            IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1194            IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
1195            IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1196            IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1197            switch (bits(machInst, 23, 22)) {
1198              case 0x0:
1199              {
1200                if (bits(machInst, 15, 10))
1201                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1202                uint8_t switchVal = bits(machInst, 30, 29);
1203                switch (switchVal) {
1204                  case 0x0:
1205                    return new AdcXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
1206                  case 0x1:
1207                    return new AdcXSRegCc(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
1208                  case 0x2:
1209                    return new SbcXSReg(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
1210                  case 0x3:
1211                    return new SbcXSRegCc(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
1212                  default:
1213                    M5_UNREACHABLE;
1214                }
1215              }
1216              case 0x1:
1217              {
1218                if ((bits(machInst, 4) == 1) ||
1219                        (bits(machInst, 10) == 1) ||
1220                        (bits(machInst, 29) == 0)) {
1221                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1222                }
1223                ConditionCode cond =
1224                    (ConditionCode)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
1225                uint8_t flags = bits(machInst, 3, 0);
1226                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1227                if (bits(machInst, 11) == 0) {
1228                    IntRegIndex rm =
1229                        (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1230                    if (bits(machInst, 30) == 0) {
1231                        return new CcmnReg64(machInst, rn, rm, cond, flags);
1232                    } else {
1233                        return new CcmpReg64(machInst, rn, rm, cond, flags);
1234                    }
1235                } else {
1236                    uint8_t imm5 = bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1237                    if (bits(machInst, 30) == 0) {
1238                        return new CcmnImm64(machInst, rn, imm5, cond, flags);
1239                    } else {
1240                        return new CcmpImm64(machInst, rn, imm5, cond, flags);
1241                    }
1242                }
1243              }
1244              case 0x2:
1245              {
1246                if (bits(machInst, 29) == 1 ||
1247                        bits(machInst, 11) == 1) {
1248                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1249                }
1250                uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 10) << 0) |
1251                                    (bits(machInst, 30) << 1);
1252                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1253                IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
1254                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1255                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1256                ConditionCode cond =
1257                    (ConditionCode)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
1258                switch (switchVal) {
1259                  case 0x0:
1260                    return new Csel64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, cond);
1261                  case 0x1:
1262                    return new Csinc64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, cond);
1263                  case 0x2:
1264                    return new Csinv64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, cond);
1265                  case 0x3:
1266                    return new Csneg64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm, cond);
1267                  default:
1268                    M5_UNREACHABLE;
1269                }
1270              }
1271              case 0x3:
1272                if (bits(machInst, 30) == 0) {
1273                    if (bits(machInst, 29) != 0)
1274                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1275                    uint8_t switchVal = bits(machInst, 15, 10);
1276                    switch (switchVal) {
1277                      case 0x2:
1278                        return new Udiv64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1279                      case 0x3:
1280                        return new Sdiv64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1281                      case 0x8:
1282                        return new Lslv64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1283                      case 0x9:
1284                        return new Lsrv64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1285                      case 0xa:
1286                        return new Asrv64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1287                      case 0xb:
1288                        return new Rorv64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1289                      case 0x10:
1290                        return new Crc32b64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1291                      case 0x11:
1292                        return new Crc32h64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1293                      case 0x12:
1294                        return new Crc32w64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1295                      case 0x13:
1296                        return new Crc32x64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1297                      case 0x14:
1298                        return new Crc32cb64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1299                      case 0x15:
1300                        return new Crc32ch64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1301                      case 0x16:
1302                        return new Crc32cw64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1303                      case 0x17:
1304                        return new Crc32cx64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1305                      default:
1306                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1307                    }
1308                } else {
1309                    if (bits(machInst, 20, 16) != 0 ||
1310                            bits(machInst, 29) != 0) {
1311                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1312                    }
1313                    uint8_t switchVal = bits(machInst, 15, 10);
1314                    switch (switchVal) {
1315                      case 0x0:
1316                        return new Rbit64(machInst, rdzr, rn);
1317                      case 0x1:
1318                        return new Rev1664(machInst, rdzr, rn);
1319                      case 0x2:
1320                        if (bits(machInst, 31) == 0)
1321                            return new Rev64(machInst, rdzr, rn);
1322                        else
1323                            return new Rev3264(machInst, rdzr, rn);
1324                      case 0x3:
1325                        if (bits(machInst, 31) != 1)
1326                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1327                        return new Rev64(machInst, rdzr, rn);
1328                      case 0x4:
1329                        return new Clz64(machInst, rdzr, rn);
1330                      case 0x5:
1331                        return new Cls64(machInst, rdzr, rn);
1332                      default:
1333                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1334                    }
1335                }
1336              default:
1337                M5_UNREACHABLE;
1338            }
1339          }
1340          case 0x3:
1341          {
1342            if (bits(machInst, 30, 29) != 0x0 ||
1343                    (bits(machInst, 23, 21) != 0 && bits(machInst, 31) == 0))
1344                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1345            IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1346            IntRegIndex rdzr = makeZero(rd);
1347            IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1348            IntRegIndex ra = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 14, 10);
1349            IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint8_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1350            switch (bits(machInst, 23, 21)) {
1351              case 0x0:
1352                if (bits(machInst, 15) == 0)
1353                    return new Madd64(machInst, rdzr, ra, rn, rm);
1354                else
1355                    return new Msub64(machInst, rdzr, ra, rn, rm);
1356              case 0x1:
1357                if (bits(machInst, 15) == 0)
1358                    return new Smaddl64(machInst, rdzr, ra, rn, rm);
1359                else
1360                    return new Smsubl64(machInst, rdzr, ra, rn, rm);
1361              case 0x2:
1362                if (bits(machInst, 15) != 0)
1363                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1364                return new Smulh64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1365              case 0x5:
1366                if (bits(machInst, 15) == 0)
1367                    return new Umaddl64(machInst, rdzr, ra, rn, rm);
1368                else
1369                    return new Umsubl64(machInst, rdzr, ra, rn, rm);
1370              case 0x6:
1371                if (bits(machInst, 15) != 0)
1372                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1373                return new Umulh64(machInst, rdzr, rn, rm);
1374              default:
1375                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1376            }
1377          }
1378          default:
1379            M5_UNREACHABLE;
1380        }
1381        return new FailUnimplemented("Unhandled Case2", machInst);
1382    }
1386output decoder {{
1387namespace Aarch64
1389    template <typename DecoderFeatures>
1390    StaticInstPtr
1391    decodeAdvSIMD(ExtMachInst machInst)
1392    {
1393        if (bits(machInst, 24) == 1) {
1394            if (bits(machInst, 10) == 0) {
1395                return decodeNeonIndexedElem<DecoderFeatures>(machInst);
1396            } else if (bits(machInst, 23) == 1) {
1397                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1398            } else {
1399                if (bits(machInst, 22, 19)) {
1400                    return decodeNeonShiftByImm(machInst);
1401                } else {
1402                    return decodeNeonModImm(machInst);
1403                }
1404            }
1405        } else if (bits(machInst, 21) == 1) {
1406            if (bits(machInst, 10) == 1) {
1407                return decodeNeon3Same<DecoderFeatures>(machInst);
1408            } else if (bits(machInst, 11) == 0) {
1409                return decodeNeon3Diff(machInst);
1410            } else if (bits(machInst, 20, 17) == 0x0) {
1411                return decodeNeon2RegMisc(machInst);
1412            } else if (bits(machInst, 20, 17) == 0x8) {
1413                return decodeNeonAcrossLanes(machInst);
1414            } else {
1415                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1416            }
1417        } else if (bits(machInst, 24) ||
1418                   bits(machInst, 21) ||
1419                   bits(machInst, 15)) {
1420            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1421        } else if (bits(machInst, 10) == 1) {
1422            if (bits(machInst, 23, 22))
1423                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1424            return decodeNeonCopy(machInst);
1425        } else if (bits(machInst, 29) == 1) {
1426            return decodeNeonExt(machInst);
1427        } else if (bits(machInst, 11) == 1) {
1428            return decodeNeonZipUzpTrn(machInst);
1429        } else if (bits(machInst, 23, 22) == 0x0) {
1430            return decodeNeonTblTbx(machInst);
1431        } else {
1432            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1433        }
1434        return new FailUnimplemented("Unhandled Case3", machInst);
1435    }
1440output decoder {{
1441namespace Aarch64
1443    StaticInstPtr
1444    // bit 30=0, 28:25=1111
1445    decodeFp(ExtMachInst machInst)
1446    {
1447        if (bits(machInst, 24) == 1) {
1448            if (bits(machInst, 31) || bits(machInst, 29))
1449                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1450            IntRegIndex rd    = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1451            IntRegIndex rn    = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1452            IntRegIndex rm    = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1453            IntRegIndex ra    = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 14, 10);
1454            uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 23, 21) << 1) |
1455                                (bits(machInst, 15)     << 0);
1456            switch (switchVal) {
1457              case 0x0: // FMADD Sd = Sa + Sn*Sm
1458                return new FMAddS(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1459              case 0x1: // FMSUB Sd = Sa + (-Sn)*Sm
1460                return new FMSubS(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1461              case 0x2: // FNMADD Sd = (-Sa) + (-Sn)*Sm
1462                return new FNMAddS(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1463              case 0x3: // FNMSUB Sd = (-Sa) + Sn*Sm
1464                return new FNMSubS(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1465              case 0x4: // FMADD Dd = Da + Dn*Dm
1466                return new FMAddD(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1467              case 0x5: // FMSUB Dd = Da + (-Dn)*Dm
1468                return new FMSubD(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1469              case 0x6: // FNMADD Dd = (-Da) + (-Dn)*Dm
1470                return new FNMAddD(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1471              case 0x7: // FNMSUB Dd = (-Da) + Dn*Dm
1472                return new FNMSubD(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
1473              default:
1474                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1475            }
1476        } else if (bits(machInst, 21) == 0) {
1477            bool s = bits(machInst, 29);
1478            if (s)
1479                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1480            uint8_t switchVal = bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1481            uint8_t type      = bits(machInst, 23, 22);
1482            uint8_t scale     = bits(machInst, 15, 10);
1483            IntRegIndex rd    = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1484            IntRegIndex rn    = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1485            if (bits(machInst, 18, 17) == 3 && scale != 0)
1486                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1487            // 30:24=0011110, 21=0
1488            switch (switchVal) {
1489              case 0x00:
1490                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtns", machInst);
1491              case 0x01:
1492                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtnu", machInst);
1493              case 0x02:
1494                switch ( (bits(machInst, 31) << 2) | type ) {
1495                  case 0: // SCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Wn/(2^fbits))
1496                    return new FcvtSFixedFpSW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1497                  case 1: // SCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Wn/(2^fbits))
1498                    return new FcvtSFixedFpDW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1499                  case 4: // SCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Xn/(2^fbits))
1500                    return new FcvtSFixedFpSX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1501                  case 5: // SCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Xn/(2^fbits))
1502                    return new FcvtSFixedFpDX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1503                  default:
1504                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1505                }
1506              case 0x03:
1507                switch ( (bits(machInst, 31) << 2) | type ) {
1508                  case 0: // UCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Wn/(2^fbits))
1509                    return new FcvtUFixedFpSW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1510                  case 1: // UCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Wn/(2^fbits))
1511                    return new FcvtUFixedFpDW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1512                  case 4: // UCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Xn/(2^fbits))
1513                    return new FcvtUFixedFpSX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1514                  case 5: // UCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Xn/(2^fbits))
1515                    return new FcvtUFixedFpDX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1516                  default:
1517                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1518                }
1519              case 0x04:
1520                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtas", machInst);
1521              case 0x05:
1522                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtau", machInst);
1523              case 0x08:
1524                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtps", machInst);
1525              case 0x09:
1526                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtpu", machInst);
1527              case 0x0e:
1528                return new FailUnimplemented("fmov elem. to 64", machInst);
1529              case 0x0f:
1530                return new FailUnimplemented("fmov 64 bit", machInst);
1531              case 0x10:
1532                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtms", machInst);
1533              case 0x11:
1534                return new FailUnimplemented("fcvtmu", machInst);
1535              case 0x18:
1536                switch ( (bits(machInst, 31) << 2) | type ) {
1537                  case 0: // FCVTZS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn*(2^fbits))
1538                    return new FcvtFpSFixedSW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1539                  case 1: // FCVTZS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn*(2^fbits))
1540                    return new FcvtFpSFixedDW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1541                  case 4: // FCVTZS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn*(2^fbits))
1542                    return new FcvtFpSFixedSX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1543                  case 5: // FCVTZS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn*(2^fbits))
1544                    return new FcvtFpSFixedDX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1545                  default:
1546                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1547                }
1548              case 0x19:
1549                switch ( (bits(machInst, 31) << 2) | type ) {
1550                  case 0: // FCVTZU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn*(2^fbits))
1551                    return new FcvtFpUFixedSW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1552                  case 1: // FCVTZU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn*(2^fbits))
1553                    return new FcvtFpUFixedDW(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1554                  case 4: // FCVTZU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn*(2^fbits))
1555                    return new FcvtFpUFixedSX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1556                  case 5: // FCVTZU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn*(2^fbits))
1557                    return new FcvtFpUFixedDX(machInst, rd, rn, scale);
1558                  default:
1559                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1560                }
1561              default:
1562                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1563            }
1564        } else {
1565            // 30=0, 28:24=11110, 21=1
1566            uint8_t type   = bits(machInst, 23, 22);
1567            uint8_t imm8   = bits(machInst, 20, 13);
1568            IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 4, 0);
1569            IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1570            switch (bits(machInst, 11, 10)) {
1571              case 0x0:
1572                if (bits(machInst, 12) == 1) {
1573                    if (bits(machInst, 31) ||
1574                            bits(machInst, 29) ||
1575                            bits(machInst, 9, 5)) {
1576                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1577                    }
1578                    // 31:29=000, 28:24=11110, 21=1, 12:10=100
1579                    if (type == 0) {
1580                        // FMOV S[d] = imm8<7>:NOT(imm8<6>):Replicate(imm8<6>,5)
1581                        //             :imm8<5:0>:Zeros(19)
1582                        uint32_t imm = vfp_modified_imm(imm8, false);
1583                        return new FmovImmS(machInst, rd, imm);
1584                    } else if (type == 1) {
1585                        // FMOV D[d] = imm8<7>:NOT(imm8<6>):Replicate(imm8<6>,8)
1586                        //             :imm8<5:0>:Zeros(48)
1587                        uint64_t imm = vfp_modified_imm(imm8, true);
1588                        return new FmovImmD(machInst, rd, imm);
1589                    } else {
1590                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1591                    }
1592                } else if (bits(machInst, 13) == 1) {
1593                    if (bits(machInst, 31) ||
1594                            bits(machInst, 29) ||
1595                            bits(machInst, 15, 14) ||
1596                            bits(machInst, 23) ||
1597                            bits(machInst, 2, 0)) {
1598                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1599                    }
1600                    uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 4, 3) << 0) |
1601                                        (bits(machInst, 22) << 2);
1602                    IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)
1603                                        bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1604                    // 28:23=000111100, 21=1, 15:10=001000, 2:0=000
1605                    switch (switchVal) {
1606                      case 0x0:
1607                        // FCMP flags = compareQuiet(Sn,Sm)
1608                        return new FCmpRegS(machInst, rn, rm);
1609                      case 0x1:
1610                        // FCMP flags = compareQuiet(Sn,0.0)
1611                        return new FCmpImmS(machInst, rn, 0);
1612                      case 0x2:
1613                        // FCMPE flags = compareSignaling(Sn,Sm)
1614                        return new FCmpERegS(machInst, rn, rm);
1615                      case 0x3:
1616                        // FCMPE flags = compareSignaling(Sn,0.0)
1617                        return new FCmpEImmS(machInst, rn, 0);
1618                      case 0x4:
1619                        // FCMP flags = compareQuiet(Dn,Dm)
1620                        return new FCmpRegD(machInst, rn, rm);
1621                      case 0x5:
1622                        // FCMP flags = compareQuiet(Dn,0.0)
1623                        return new FCmpImmD(machInst, rn, 0);
1624                      case 0x6:
1625                        // FCMPE flags = compareSignaling(Dn,Dm)
1626                        return new FCmpERegD(machInst, rn, rm);
1627                      case 0x7:
1628                        // FCMPE flags = compareSignaling(Dn,0.0)
1629                        return new FCmpEImmD(machInst, rn, 0);
1630                      default:
1631                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1632                    }
1633                } else if (bits(machInst, 14) == 1) {
1634                    if (bits(machInst, 31) || bits(machInst, 29))
1635                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1636                    uint8_t opcode = bits(machInst, 20, 15);
1637                    // Bits 31:24=00011110, 21=1, 14:10=10000
1638                    switch (opcode) {
1639                      case 0x0:
1640                        if (type == 0)
1641                            // FMOV Sd = Sn
1642                            return new FmovRegS(machInst, rd, rn);
1643                        else if (type == 1)
1644                            // FMOV Dd = Dn
1645                            return new FmovRegD(machInst, rd, rn);
1646                        break;
1647                      case 0x1:
1648                        if (type == 0)
1649                            // FABS Sd = abs(Sn)
1650                            return new FAbsS(machInst, rd, rn);
1651                        else if (type == 1)
1652                            // FABS Dd = abs(Dn)
1653                            return new FAbsD(machInst, rd, rn);
1654                        break;
1655                      case 0x2:
1656                        if (type == 0)
1657                            // FNEG Sd = -Sn
1658                            return new FNegS(machInst, rd, rn);
1659                        else if (type == 1)
1660                            // FNEG Dd = -Dn
1661                            return new FNegD(machInst, rd, rn);
1662                        break;
1663                      case 0x3:
1664                        if (type == 0)
1665                            // FSQRT Sd = sqrt(Sn)
1666                            return new FSqrtS(machInst, rd, rn);
1667                        else if (type == 1)
1668                            // FSQRT Dd = sqrt(Dn)
1669                            return new FSqrtD(machInst, rd, rn);
1670                        break;
1671                      case 0x4:
1672                        if (type == 1)
1673                            // FCVT Sd = convertFormat(Dn)
1674                            return new FcvtFpDFpS(machInst, rd, rn);
1675                        else if (type == 3)
1676                            // FCVT Sd = convertFormat(Hn)
1677                            return new FcvtFpHFpS(machInst, rd, rn);
1678                        break;
1679                      case 0x5:
1680                        if (type == 0)
1681                            // FCVT Dd = convertFormat(Sn)
1682                            return new FCvtFpSFpD(machInst, rd, rn);
1683                        else if (type == 3)
1684                            // FCVT Dd = convertFormat(Hn)
1685                            return new FcvtFpHFpD(machInst, rd, rn);
1686                        break;
1687                      case 0x7:
1688                        if (type == 0)
1689                            // FCVT Hd = convertFormat(Sn)
1690                            return new FcvtFpSFpH(machInst, rd, rn);
1691                        else if (type == 1)
1692                            // FCVT Hd = convertFormat(Dn)
1693                            return new FcvtFpDFpH(machInst, rd, rn);
1694                        break;
1695                      case 0x8:
1696                        if (type == 0) // FRINTN Sd = roundToIntegralTiesToEven(Sn)
1697                            return new FRIntNS(machInst, rd, rn);
1698                        else if (type == 1) // FRINTN Dd = roundToIntegralTiesToEven(Dn)
1699                            return new FRIntND(machInst, rd, rn);
1700                        break;
1701                      case 0x9:
1702                        if (type == 0) // FRINTP Sd = roundToIntegralTowardPlusInf(Sn)
1703                            return new FRIntPS(machInst, rd, rn);
1704                        else if (type == 1) // FRINTP Dd = roundToIntegralTowardPlusInf(Dn)
1705                            return new FRIntPD(machInst, rd, rn);
1706                        break;
1707                      case 0xa:
1708                        if (type == 0) // FRINTM Sd = roundToIntegralTowardMinusInf(Sn)
1709                            return new FRIntMS(machInst, rd, rn);
1710                        else if (type == 1) // FRINTM Dd = roundToIntegralTowardMinusInf(Dn)
1711                            return new FRIntMD(machInst, rd, rn);
1712                        break;
1713                      case 0xb:
1714                        if (type == 0) // FRINTZ Sd = roundToIntegralTowardZero(Sn)
1715                            return new FRIntZS(machInst, rd, rn);
1716                        else if (type == 1) // FRINTZ Dd = roundToIntegralTowardZero(Dn)
1717                            return new FRIntZD(machInst, rd, rn);
1718                        break;
1719                      case 0xc:
1720                        if (type == 0) // FRINTA Sd = roundToIntegralTiesToAway(Sn)
1721                            return new FRIntAS(machInst, rd, rn);
1722                        else if (type == 1) // FRINTA Dd = roundToIntegralTiesToAway(Dn)
1723                            return new FRIntAD(machInst, rd, rn);
1724                        break;
1725                      case 0xe:
1726                        if (type == 0) // FRINTX Sd = roundToIntegralExact(Sn)
1727                            return new FRIntXS(machInst, rd, rn);
1728                        else if (type == 1) // FRINTX Dd = roundToIntegralExact(Dn)
1729                            return new FRIntXD(machInst, rd, rn);
1730                        break;
1731                      case 0xf:
1732                        if (type == 0) // FRINTI Sd = roundToIntegral(Sn)
1733                            return new FRIntIS(machInst, rd, rn);
1734                        else if (type == 1) // FRINTI Dd = roundToIntegral(Dn)
1735                            return new FRIntID(machInst, rd, rn);
1736                        break;
1737                      default:
1738                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1739                    }
1740                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1741                } else if (bits(machInst, 15) == 1) {
1742                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1743                } else {
1744                    if (bits(machInst, 29))
1745                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1746                    uint8_t rmode      = bits(machInst, 20, 19);
1747                    uint8_t switchVal1 = bits(machInst, 18, 16);
1748                    uint8_t switchVal2 = (type << 1) | bits(machInst, 31);
1749                    // 30:24=0011110, 21=1, 15:10=000000
1750                    switch (switchVal1) {
1751                      case 0x0:
1752                        switch ((switchVal2 << 2) | rmode) {
1753                          case 0x0: //FCVTNS Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Sn)
1754                            return new FcvtFpSIntWSN(machInst, rd, rn);
1755                          case 0x1: //FCVTPS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Sn)
1756                            return new FcvtFpSIntWSP(machInst, rd, rn);
1757                          case 0x2: //FCVTMS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Sn)
1758                            return new FcvtFpSIntWSM(machInst, rd, rn);
1759                          case 0x3: //FCVTZS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn)
1760                            return new FcvtFpSIntWSZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1761                          case 0x4: //FCVTNS Xd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Sn)
1762                            return new FcvtFpSIntXSN(machInst, rd, rn);
1763                          case 0x5: //FCVTPS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Sn)
1764                            return new FcvtFpSIntXSP(machInst, rd, rn);
1765                          case 0x6: //FCVTMS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Sn)
1766                            return new FcvtFpSIntXSM(machInst, rd, rn);
1767                          case 0x7: //FCVTZS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn)
1768                            return new FcvtFpSIntXSZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1769                          case 0x8: //FCVTNS Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Dn)
1770                            return new FcvtFpSIntWDN(machInst, rd, rn);
1771                          case 0x9: //FCVTPS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Dn)
1772                            return new FcvtFpSIntWDP(machInst, rd, rn);
1773                          case 0xA: //FCVTMS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Dn)
1774                            return new FcvtFpSIntWDM(machInst, rd, rn);
1775                          case 0xB: //FCVTZS Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn)
1776                            return new FcvtFpSIntWDZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1777                          case 0xC: //FCVTNS Xd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Dn)
1778                            return new FcvtFpSIntXDN(machInst, rd, rn);
1779                          case 0xD: //FCVTPS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Dn)
1780                            return new FcvtFpSIntXDP(machInst, rd, rn);
1781                          case 0xE: //FCVTMS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Dn)
1782                            return new FcvtFpSIntXDM(machInst, rd, rn);
1783                          case 0xF: //FCVTZS Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn)
1784                            return new FcvtFpSIntXDZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1785                          default:
1786                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1787                        }
1788                      case 0x1:
1789                        switch ((switchVal2 << 2) | rmode) {
1790                          case 0x0: //FCVTNU Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Sn)
1791                            return new FcvtFpUIntWSN(machInst, rd, rn);
1792                          case 0x1: //FCVTPU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Sn)
1793                            return new FcvtFpUIntWSP(machInst, rd, rn);
1794                          case 0x2: //FCVTMU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Sn)
1795                            return new FcvtFpUIntWSM(machInst, rd, rn);
1796                          case 0x3: //FCVTZU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn)
1797                            return new FcvtFpUIntWSZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1798                          case 0x4: //FCVTNU Xd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Sn)
1799                            return new FcvtFpUIntXSN(machInst, rd, rn);
1800                          case 0x5: //FCVTPU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Sn)
1801                            return new FcvtFpUIntXSP(machInst, rd, rn);
1802                          case 0x6: //FCVTMU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Sn)
1803                            return new FcvtFpUIntXSM(machInst, rd, rn);
1804                          case 0x7: //FCVTZU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Sn)
1805                            return new FcvtFpUIntXSZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1806                          case 0x8: //FCVTNU Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Dn)
1807                            return new FcvtFpUIntWDN(machInst, rd, rn);
1808                          case 0x9: //FCVTPU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Dn)
1809                            return new FcvtFpUIntWDP(machInst, rd, rn);
1810                          case 0xA: //FCVTMU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Dn)
1811                            return new FcvtFpUIntWDM(machInst, rd, rn);
1812                          case 0xB: //FCVTZU Wd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn)
1813                            return new FcvtFpUIntWDZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1814                          case 0xC: //FCVTNU Xd = convertToIntExactTiesToEven(Dn)
1815                            return new FcvtFpUIntXDN(machInst, rd, rn);
1816                          case 0xD: //FCVTPU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardPlusInf(Dn)
1817                            return new FcvtFpUIntXDP(machInst, rd, rn);
1818                          case 0xE: //FCVTMU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardMinusInf(Dn)
1819                            return new FcvtFpUIntXDM(machInst, rd, rn);
1820                          case 0xF: //FCVTZU Xd = convertToIntExactTowardZero(Dn)
1821                            return new FcvtFpUIntXDZ(machInst, rd, rn);
1822                          default:
1823                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1824                        }
1825                      case 0x2:
1826                        if (rmode != 0)
1827                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1828                        switch (switchVal2) {
1829                          case 0: // SCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Wn)
1830                            return new FcvtWSIntFpS(machInst, rd, rn);
1831                          case 1: // SCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Xn)
1832                            return new FcvtXSIntFpS(machInst, rd, rn);
1833                          case 2: // SCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Wn)
1834                            return new FcvtWSIntFpD(machInst, rd, rn);
1835                          case 3: // SCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Xn)
1836                            return new FcvtXSIntFpD(machInst, rd, rn);
1837                          default:
1838                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1839                        }
1840                      case 0x3:
1841                        switch (switchVal2) {
1842                          case 0: // UCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Wn)
1843                            return new FcvtWUIntFpS(machInst, rd, rn);
1844                          case 1: // UCVTF Sd = convertFromInt(Xn)
1845                            return new FcvtXUIntFpS(machInst, rd, rn);
1846                          case 2: // UCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Wn)
1847                            return new FcvtWUIntFpD(machInst, rd, rn);
1848                          case 3: // UCVTF Dd = convertFromInt(Xn)
1849                            return new FcvtXUIntFpD(machInst, rd, rn);
1850                          default:
1851                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1852                        }
1853                      case 0x4:
1854                        if (rmode != 0)
1855                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1856                        switch (switchVal2) {
1857                          case 0: // FCVTAS Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Sn)
1858                            return new FcvtFpSIntWSA(machInst, rd, rn);
1859                          case 1: // FCVTAS Xd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Sn)
1860                            return new FcvtFpSIntXSA(machInst, rd, rn);
1861                          case 2: // FCVTAS Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Dn)
1862                            return new FcvtFpSIntWDA(machInst, rd, rn);
1863                          case 3: // FCVTAS Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Dn)
1864                            return new FcvtFpSIntXDA(machInst, rd, rn);
1865                          default:
1866                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1867                        }
1868                      case 0x5:
1869                        switch (switchVal2) {
1870                          case 0: // FCVTAU Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Sn)
1871                            return new FcvtFpUIntWSA(machInst, rd, rn);
1872                          case 1: // FCVTAU Xd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Sn)
1873                            return new FcvtFpUIntXSA(machInst, rd, rn);
1874                          case 2: // FCVTAU Wd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Dn)
1875                            return new FcvtFpUIntWDA(machInst, rd, rn);
1876                          case 3: // FCVTAU Xd = convertToIntExactTiesToAway(Dn)
1877                            return new FcvtFpUIntXDA(machInst, rd, rn);
1878                          default:
1879                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1880                        }
1881                      case 0x06:
1882                        switch (switchVal2) {
1883                          case 0: // FMOV Wd = Sn
1884                            if (rmode != 0)
1885                                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1886                            return new FmovRegCoreW(machInst, rd, rn);
1887                          case 3: // FMOV Xd = Dn
1888                            if (rmode != 0)
1889                                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1890                            return new FmovRegCoreX(machInst, rd, rn);
1891                          case 5: // FMOV Xd = Vn<127:64>
1892                            if (rmode != 1)
1893                                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1894                            return new FmovURegCoreX(machInst, rd, rn);
1895                          default:
1896                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1897                        }
1898                        break;
1899                      case 0x07:
1900                        switch (switchVal2) {
1901                          case 0: // FMOV Sd = Wn
1902                            if (rmode != 0)
1903                                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1904                            return new FmovCoreRegW(machInst, rd, rn);
1905                          case 3: // FMOV Xd = Dn
1906                            if (rmode != 0)
1907                                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1908                            return new FmovCoreRegX(machInst, rd, rn);
1909                          case 5: // FMOV Xd = Vn<127:64>
1910                            if (rmode != 1)
1911                                return new Unknown64(machInst);
1912                            return new FmovUCoreRegX(machInst, rd, rn);
1913                          default:
1914                            return new Unknown64(machInst);
1915                        }
1916                        break;
1917                      default: // Warning! missing cases in switch statement above, that still need to be added
1918                        return new Unknown64(machInst);
1919                    }
1920                }
1921                M5_UNREACHABLE;
1922              case 0x1:
1923              {
1924                if (bits(machInst, 31) ||
1925                    bits(machInst, 29) ||
1926                    bits(machInst, 23)) {
1927                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1928                }
1929                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t) bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1930                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t) bits(machInst, 9, 5);
1931                uint8_t    imm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t) bits(machInst, 3, 0);
1932                ConditionCode cond =
1933                    (ConditionCode)(uint8_t)(bits(machInst, 15, 12));
1934                uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 4) << 0) |
1935                                    (bits(machInst, 22) << 1);
1936                // 31:23=000111100, 21=1, 11:10=01
1937                switch (switchVal) {
1938                  case 0x0:
1939                    // FCCMP flags = if cond the compareQuiet(Sn,Sm) else #nzcv
1940                    return new FCCmpRegS(machInst, rn, rm, cond, imm);
1941                  case 0x1:
1942                    // FCCMP flags = if cond then compareSignaling(Sn,Sm)
1943                    //               else #nzcv
1944                    return new FCCmpERegS(machInst, rn, rm, cond, imm);
1945                  case 0x2:
1946                    // FCCMP flags = if cond then compareQuiet(Dn,Dm) else #nzcv
1947                    return new FCCmpRegD(machInst, rn, rm, cond, imm);
1948                  case 0x3:
1949                    // FCCMP flags = if cond then compareSignaling(Dn,Dm)
1950                    //               else #nzcv
1951                    return new FCCmpERegD(machInst, rn, rm, cond, imm);
1952                  default:
1953                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1954                }
1955              }
1956              case 0x2:
1957              {
1958                if (bits(machInst, 31) ||
1959                        bits(machInst, 29) ||
1960                        bits(machInst, 23)) {
1961                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
1962                }
1963                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst,  4,  0);
1964                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst,  9,  5);
1965                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
1966                uint8_t switchVal = (bits(machInst, 15, 12) << 0) |
1967                                    (bits(machInst, 22) << 4);
1968                switch (switchVal) {
1969                  case 0x00: // FMUL Sd = Sn * Sm
1970                    return new FMulS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1971                  case 0x10: // FMUL Dd = Dn * Dm
1972                    return new FMulD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1973                  case 0x01: // FDIV Sd = Sn / Sm
1974                    return new FDivS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1975                  case 0x11: // FDIV Dd = Dn / Dm
1976                    return new FDivD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1977                  case 0x02: // FADD Sd = Sn + Sm
1978                    return new FAddS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1979                  case 0x12: // FADD Dd = Dn + Dm
1980                    return new FAddD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1981                  case 0x03: // FSUB Sd = Sn - Sm
1982                    return new FSubS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1983                  case 0x13: // FSUB Dd = Dn - Dm
1984                    return new FSubD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1985                  case 0x04: // FMAX Sd = max(Sn, Sm)
1986                    return new FMaxS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1987                  case 0x14: // FMAX Dd = max(Dn, Dm)
1988                    return new FMaxD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1989                  case 0x05: // FMIN Sd = min(Sn, Sm)
1990                    return new FMinS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1991                  case 0x15: // FMIN Dd = min(Dn, Dm)
1992                    return new FMinD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1993                  case 0x06: // FMAXNM Sd = maxNum(Sn, Sm)
1994                    return new FMaxNMS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1995                  case 0x16: // FMAXNM Dd = maxNum(Dn, Dm)
1996                    return new FMaxNMD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1997                  case 0x07: // FMINNM Sd = minNum(Sn, Sm)
1998                    return new FMinNMS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
1999                  case 0x17: // FMINNM Dd = minNum(Dn, Dm)
2000                    return new FMinNMD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
2001                  case 0x08: // FNMUL Sd = -(Sn * Sm)
2002                    return new FNMulS(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
2003                  case 0x18: // FNMUL Dd = -(Dn * Dm)
2004                    return new FNMulD(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
2005                  default:
2006                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
2007                }
2008              }
2009              case 0x3:
2010              {
2011                if (bits(machInst, 31) || bits(machInst, 29))
2012                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
2013                uint8_t type = bits(machInst, 23, 22);
2014                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst,  4,  0);
2015                IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst,  9,  5);
2016                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 20, 16);
2017                ConditionCode cond =
2018                    (ConditionCode)(uint8_t)(bits(machInst, 15, 12));
2019                if (type == 0) // FCSEL Sd = if cond then Sn else Sm
2020                    return new FCSelS(machInst, rd, rn, rm, cond);
2021                else if (type == 1) // FCSEL Dd = if cond then Dn else Dm
2022                    return new FCSelD(machInst, rd, rn, rm, cond);
2023                else
2024                    return new Unknown64(machInst);
2025              }
2026              default:
2027                M5_UNREACHABLE;
2028            }
2029        }
2030        M5_UNREACHABLE;
2031    }
2035output decoder {{
2036namespace Aarch64
2038    StaticInstPtr
2039    decodeAdvSIMDScalar(ExtMachInst machInst)
2040    {
2041        if (bits(machInst, 24) == 1) {
2042            if (bits(machInst, 10) == 0) {
2043                return decodeNeonScIndexedElem(machInst);
2044            } else if (bits(machInst, 23) == 0) {
2045                return decodeNeonScShiftByImm(machInst);
2046            }
2047        } else if (bits(machInst, 21) == 1) {
2048            if (bits(machInst, 10) == 1) {
2049                return decodeNeonSc3Same(machInst);
2050            } else if (bits(machInst, 11) == 0) {
2051                return decodeNeonSc3Diff(machInst);
2052            } else if (bits(machInst, 20, 17) == 0x0) {
2053                return decodeNeonSc2RegMisc(machInst);
2054            } else if (bits(machInst, 20, 17) == 0x8) {
2055                return decodeNeonScPwise(machInst);
2056            } else {
2057                return new Unknown64(machInst);
2058            }
2059        } else if (bits(machInst, 23, 22) == 0 &&
2060                   bits(machInst, 15) == 0 &&
2061                   bits(machInst, 10) == 1) {
2062            return decodeNeonScCopy(machInst);
2063        } else {
2064            return new Unknown64(machInst);
2065        }
2066        return new FailUnimplemented("Unhandled Case6", machInst);
2067    }
2071output decoder {{
2072namespace Aarch64
2074    template <typename DecoderFeatures>
2075    StaticInstPtr
2076    decodeFpAdvSIMD(ExtMachInst machInst)
2077    {
2079        if (bits(machInst, 28) == 0) {
2080            if (bits(machInst, 31) == 0) {
2081                return decodeAdvSIMD<DecoderFeatures>(machInst);
2082            } else {
2083                return new Unknown64(machInst);
2084            }
2085        } else if (bits(machInst, 30) == 0) {
2086            return decodeFp(machInst);
2087        } else if (bits(machInst, 31) == 0) {
2088            return decodeAdvSIMDScalar(machInst);
2089        } else {
2090            return new Unknown64(machInst);
2091        }
2092    }
2096let {{
2097    decoder_output ='''
2098namespace Aarch64
2100    for decoderFlavour, type_dict in decoders.iteritems():
2101        decoder_output +='''
2102template StaticInstPtr decodeFpAdvSIMD<%(df)sDecoder>(ExtMachInst machInst);
2103''' % { "df" : decoderFlavour }
2104    decoder_output +='''
2108output decoder {{
2109namespace Aarch64
2111    StaticInstPtr
2112    decodeGem5Ops(ExtMachInst machInst)
2113    {
2114        const uint32_t m5func = bits(machInst, 23, 16);
2115        switch (m5func) {
2116          case M5OP_ARM: return new Arm(machInst);
2117          case M5OP_QUIESCE: return new Quiesce(machInst);
2118          case M5OP_QUIESCE_NS: return new QuiesceNs64(machInst);
2119          case M5OP_QUIESCE_CYCLE: return new QuiesceCycles64(machInst);
2120          case M5OP_QUIESCE_TIME: return new QuiesceTime64(machInst);
2121          case M5OP_RPNS: return new Rpns64(machInst);
2122          case M5OP_WAKE_CPU: return new WakeCPU64(machInst);
2123          case M5OP_DEPRECATED1: return new Deprecated_ivlb(machInst);
2124          case M5OP_DEPRECATED2: return new Deprecated_ivle(machInst);
2125          case M5OP_DEPRECATED3: return new Deprecated_exit (machInst);
2126          case M5OP_EXIT: return new M5exit64(machInst);
2127          case M5OP_FAIL: return new M5fail64(machInst);
2128          case M5OP_LOAD_SYMBOL: return new Loadsymbol(machInst);
2129          case M5OP_INIT_PARAM: return new Initparam64(machInst);
2130          case M5OP_RESET_STATS: return new Resetstats64(machInst);
2131          case M5OP_DUMP_STATS: return new Dumpstats64(machInst);
2132          case M5OP_DUMP_RESET_STATS: return new Dumpresetstats64(machInst);
2133          case M5OP_CHECKPOINT: return new M5checkpoint64(machInst);
2134          case M5OP_WRITE_FILE: return new M5writefile64(machInst);
2135          case M5OP_READ_FILE: return new M5readfile64(machInst);
2136          case M5OP_DEBUG_BREAK: return new M5break(machInst);
2137          case M5OP_SWITCH_CPU: return new M5switchcpu(machInst);
2138          case M5OP_ADD_SYMBOL: return new M5addsymbol64(machInst);
2139          case M5OP_PANIC: return new M5panic(machInst);
2140          case M5OP_WORK_BEGIN: return new M5workbegin64(machInst);
2141          case M5OP_WORK_END: return new M5workend64(machInst);
2142          default: return new Unknown64(machInst);
2143        }
2144    }
2148def format Aarch64() {{
2149    decode_block = '''
2150    {
2151        using namespace Aarch64;
2152        if (bits(machInst, 27) == 0x0) {
2153            if (bits(machInst, 28) == 0x0)
2154                return new Unknown64(machInst);
2155            else if (bits(machInst, 26) == 0)
2156                // bit 28:26=100
2157                return decodeDataProcImm(machInst);
2158            else
2159                // bit 28:26=101
2160                return decodeBranchExcSys(machInst);
2161        } else if (bits(machInst, 25) == 0) {
2162            // bit 27=1, 25=0
2163            return decodeLoadsStores(machInst);
2164        } else if (bits(machInst, 26) == 0) {
2165            // bit 27:25=101
2166            return decodeDataProcReg(machInst);
2167        } else if (bits(machInst, 24) == 1 &&
2168                   bits(machInst, 31, 28) == 0xF) {
2169            return decodeGem5Ops(machInst);
2170        } else {
2171            // bit 27:25=111
2172            switch(decoderFlavour){
2173            default:
2174                return decodeFpAdvSIMD<GenericDecoder>(machInst);
2175            }
2176        }
2177    }
2178    '''