changelog.rst revision 11986:c12e4625ab56
1.. _changelog:
6Starting with version 1.8, pybind11 releases use a
7[semantic versioning]( policy.
9Breaking changes queued for v2.0.0 (Not yet released)
11* Redesigned virtual call mechanism and user-facing syntax (see
14* Remove ```` method
161.9.0 (Not yet released)
18* Queued changes: map indexing suite, documentation for indexing suites.
19* Mapping a stateless C++ function to Python and back is now "for free" (i.e. no call overheads)
20* Support for translation of arbitrary C++ exceptions to Python counterparts
21* Added ``eval`` and ``eval_file`` functions for evaluating expressions and
22  statements from a string or file
23* eigen.h type converter fixed for non-contiguous arrays (e.g. slices)
24* Print more informative error messages when ``make_tuple()`` or ``cast()`` fail
25* ``std::enable_shared_from_this<>`` now also works for ``const`` values
26* A return value policy can now be passed to ``handle::operator()``
27* ``make_iterator()`` improvements for better compatibility with various types
28  (now uses prefix increment operator); it now also accepts iterators with
29  different begin/end types as long as they are equality comparable.
30* ``arg()`` now accepts a wider range of argument types for default values
31* Added ``py::repr()`` function which is equivalent to Python's builtin ``repr()``.
32* Added support for registering structured dtypes via ``PYBIND11_NUMPY_DTYPE()`` macro.
33* Added ``PYBIND11_STR_TYPE`` macro which maps to the ``builtins.str`` type.
34* Added a simplified ``buffer_info`` constructor for 1-dimensional buffers.
35* Format descriptor strings should now be accessed via ``format_descriptor::format()``
36  (for compatibility purposes, the old syntax ``format_descriptor::value`` will still
37  work for non-structured data types).
38* Added a class wrapping NumPy array descriptors: ``dtype``.
39* Added buffer/NumPy support for ``char[N]`` and ``std::array<char, N>`` types.
40* ``array`` gained new constructors accepting dtype objects.
41* Added constructors for ``array`` and ``array_t`` explicitly accepting shape and
42  strides; if strides are not provided, they are deduced assuming C-contiguity.
43  Also added simplified constructors for 1-dimensional case.
44* Added constructors for ``str`` from ``bytes`` and for ``bytes`` from ``str``.
45  This will do the UTF-8 decoding/encoding as required.
46* Added constructors for ``str`` and ``bytes`` from zero-terminated char pointers,
47  and from char pointers and length.
48* Added ``memoryview`` wrapper type which is constructible from ``buffer_info``.
49* New syntax to call a Python function from C++ using keyword arguments and unpacking,
50  e.g. ``foo(1, 2, "z"_a=3)`` or ``bar(1, *args, "z"_a=3, **kwargs)``.
51* Added ``py::print()`` function which replicates Python's API and writes to Python's
52  ``sys.stdout`` by default (as opposed to C's ``stdout`` like ``std::cout``).
53* Added ``py::dict`` keyword constructor:``auto d = dict("number"_a=42, "name"_a="World");``
54* Added ``py::str::format()`` method and ``_s`` literal:
55  ``py::str s = "1 + 2 = {}"_s.format(3);``
56* Attribute and item accessors now have a more complete interface which makes it possible
57  to chain attributes ``obj.attr("a")[key].attr("b").attr("method")(1, 2, 3)```.
58* Added built-in support for ``std::shared_ptr`` holder type. There is no more need
59  to do it manually via ``PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, std::shared_ptr<T>)``.
60* Default return values policy changes: non-static properties now use ``reference_internal``
61  and static properties use ``reference`` (previous default was ``automatic``, i.e. ``copy``).
62* Support for ``std::experimental::optional<T>`` and ``std::optional<T>`` (C++17).
63* Various minor improvements of library internals (no user-visible changes)
651.8.1 (July 12, 2016)
67* Fixed a rare but potentially very severe issue when the garbage collector ran
68  during pybind11 type creation.
701.8.0 (June 14, 2016)
72* Redesigned CMake build system which exports a convenient
73  ``pybind11_add_module`` function to parent projects.
74* ``std::vector<>`` type bindings analogous to Boost.Python's ``indexing_suite``
75* Transparent conversion of sparse and dense Eigen matrices and vectors (``eigen.h``)
76* Added an ``ExtraFlags`` template argument to the NumPy ``array_t<>`` wrapper
77  to disable an enforced cast that may lose precision, e.g. to create overloads
78  for different precisions and complex vs real-valued matrices.
79* Prevent implicit conversion of floating point values to integral types in
80  function arguments
81* Fixed incorrect default return value policy for functions returning a shared
82  pointer
83* Don't allow registering a type via ``class_`` twice
84* Don't allow casting a ``None`` value into a C++ lvalue reference
85* Fixed a crash in ``enum_::operator==`` that was triggered by the ``help()`` command
86* Improved detection of whether or not custom C++ types can be copy/move-constructed
87* Extended ``str`` type to also work with ``bytes`` instances
88* Added a ``"name"_a`` user defined string literal that is equivalent to ``py::arg("name")``.
89* When specifying function arguments via ``py::arg``, the test that verifies
90  the number of arguments now runs at compile time.
91* Added ``[[noreturn]]`` attribute to ``pybind11_fail()`` to quench some
92  compiler warnings
93* List function arguments in exception text when the dispatch code cannot find
94  a matching overload
95* Added ``PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_NAME`` and ``PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE_NAME`` macros which
96  can be used to override virtual methods whose name differs in C++ and Python
97  (e.g. ``__call__`` and ``operator()``)
98* Various minor ``iterator`` and ``make_iterator()`` improvements
99* Transparently support ``__bool__`` on Python 2.x and Python 3.x
100* Fixed issue with destructor of unpickled object not being called
101* Minor CMake build system improvements on Windows
102* New ``pybind11::args`` and ``pybind11::kwargs`` types to create functions which
103  take an arbitrary number of arguments and keyword arguments
104* New syntax to call a Python function from C++ using ``*args`` and ``*kwargs``
105* The functions ``def_property_*`` now correctly process docstring arguments (these
106  formerly caused a segmentation fault)
107* Many ```` improvements (enumerations, template arguments, ``DOC()``
108  macro accepts more arguments)
109* Cygwin support
110* Documentation improvements (pickling support, ``keep_alive``, macro usage)
1121.7 (April 30, 2016)
114* Added a new ``move`` return value policy that triggers C++11 move semantics.
115  The automatic return value policy falls back to this case whenever a rvalue
116  reference is encountered
117* Significantly more general GIL state routines that are used instead of
118  Python's troublesome ``PyGILState_Ensure`` and ``PyGILState_Release`` API
119* Redesign of opaque types that drastically simplifies their usage
120* Extended ability to pass values of type ``[const] void *``
121* ``keep_alive`` fix: don't fail when there is no patient
122* ``functional.h``: acquire the GIL before calling a Python function
123* Added Python RAII type wrappers ``none`` and ``iterable``
124* Added ``*args`` and ``*kwargs`` pass-through parameters to
125  ``pybind11.get_include()`` function
126* Iterator improvements and fixes
127* Documentation on return value policies and opaque types improved
1291.6 (April 30, 2016)
131* Skipped due to upload to PyPI gone wrong and inability to recover
132  (
1341.5 (April 21, 2016)
136* For polymorphic types, use RTTI to try to return the closest type registered with pybind11
137* Pickling support for serializing and unserializing C++ instances to a byte stream in Python
138* Added a convenience routine ``make_iterator()`` which turns a range indicated
139  by a pair of C++ iterators into a iterable Python object
140* Added ``len()`` and a variadic ``make_tuple()`` function
141* Addressed a rare issue that could confuse the current virtual function
142  dispatcher and another that could lead to crashes in multi-threaded
143  applications
144* Added a ``get_include()`` function to the Python module that returns the path
145  of the directory containing the installed pybind11 header files
146* Documentation improvements: import issues, symbol visibility, pickling, limitations
147* Added casting support for ``std::reference_wrapper<>``
1491.4 (April 7, 2016)
151* Transparent type conversion for ``std::wstring`` and ``wchar_t``
152* Allow passing ``nullptr``-valued strings
153* Transparent passing of ``void *`` pointers using capsules
154* Transparent support for returning values wrapped in ``std::unique_ptr<>``
155* Improved docstring generation for compatibility with Sphinx
156* Nicer debug error message when default parameter construction fails
157* Support for "opaque" types that bypass the transparent conversion layer for STL containers
158* Redesigned type casting interface to avoid ambiguities that could occasionally cause compiler errors
159* Redesigned property implementation; fixes crashes due to an unfortunate default return value policy
160* Anaconda package generation support
1621.3 (March 8, 2016)
165* Added support for the Intel C++ compiler (v15+)
166* Added support for the STL unordered set/map data structures
167* Added support for the STL linked list data structure
168* NumPy-style broadcasting support in ``pybind11::vectorize``
169* pybind11 now displays more verbose error messages when ``arg::operator=()`` fails
170* pybind11 internal data structures now live in a version-dependent namespace to avoid ABI issues
171* Many, many bugfixes involving corner cases and advanced usage
1731.2 (February 7, 2016)
176* Optional: efficient generation of function signatures at compile time using C++14
177* Switched to a simpler and more general way of dealing with function default
178  arguments. Unused keyword arguments in function calls are now detected and
179  cause errors as expected
180* New ``keep_alive`` call policy analogous to Boost.Python's ``with_custodian_and_ward``
181* New ``pybind11::base<>`` attribute to indicate a subclass relationship
182* Improved interface for RAII type wrappers in ``pytypes.h``
183* Use RAII type wrappers consistently within pybind11 itself. This
184  fixes various potential refcount leaks when exceptions occur
185* Added new ``bytes`` RAII type wrapper (maps to ``string`` in Python 2.7)
186* Made handle and related RAII classes const correct, using them more
187  consistently everywhere now
188* Got rid of the ugly ``__pybind11__`` attributes on the Python side---they are
189  now stored in a C++ hash table that is not visible in Python
190* Fixed refcount leaks involving NumPy arrays and bound functions
191* Vastly improved handling of shared/smart pointers
192* Removed an unnecessary copy operation in ``pybind11::vectorize``
193* Fixed naming clashes when both pybind11 and NumPy headers are included
194* Added conversions for additional exception types
195* Documentation improvements (using multiple extension modules, smart pointers,
196  other minor clarifications)
197* unified infrastructure for parsing variadic arguments in ``class_`` and cpp_function
198* Fixed license text (was: ZLIB, should have been: 3-clause BSD)
199* Python 3.2 compatibility
200* Fixed remaining issues when accessing types in another plugin module
201* Added enum comparison and casting methods
202* Improved SFINAE-based detection of whether types are copy-constructible
203* Eliminated many warnings about unused variables and the use of ``offsetof()``
204* Support for ``std::array<>`` conversions
2061.1 (December 7, 2015)
209* Documentation improvements (GIL, wrapping functions, casting, fixed many typos)
210* Generalized conversion of integer types
211* Improved support for casting function objects
212* Improved support for ``std::shared_ptr<>`` conversions
213* Initial support for ``std::set<>`` conversions
214* Fixed type resolution issue for types defined in a separate plugin module
215* Cmake build system improvements
216* Factored out generic functionality to non-templated code (smaller code size)
217* Added a code size / compile time benchmark vs Boost.Python
218* Added an appveyor CI script
2201.0 (October 15, 2015)
222* Initial release