# Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood # Copyright (c) 2009 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from m5.util import code_formatter, orderdict from slicc.util import PairContainer from slicc.symbols.Symbol import Symbol class DataMember(PairContainer): def __init__(self, ident, type, pairs, init_code): super(DataMember, self).__init__(pairs) self.ident = ident self.type = type self.init_code = init_code class Enumeration(PairContainer): def __init__(self, ident, pairs): super(Enumeration, self).__init__(pairs) self.ident = ident class Method(object): def __init__(self, return_type, param_types): self.return_type = return_type self.param_types = param_types class Type(Symbol): def __init__(self, table, ident, location, pairs, machine=None): super(Type, self).__init__(table, ident, location, pairs) self.c_ident = ident if machine: if self.isExternal or self.isPrimitive: if "external_name" in self: self.c_ident = self["external_name"] else: # Append with machine name self.c_ident = "%s_%s" % (machine, ident) self.pairs.setdefault("desc", "No description avaliable") # check for interface that this Type implements if "interface" in self: interface = self["interface"] if interface in ("Message", "NetworkMessage"): self["message"] = "yes" if interface == "NetworkMessage": self["networkmessage"] = "yes" # FIXME - all of the following id comparisons are fragile hacks if self.ident in ("CacheMemory", "NewCacheMemory", "TLCCacheMemory", "DNUCACacheMemory", "DNUCABankCacheMemory", "L2BankCacheMemory", "CompressedCacheMemory", "PrefetchCacheMemory"): self["cache"] = "yes" if self.ident in ("TBETable", "DNUCATBETable", "DNUCAStopTable"): self["tbe"] = "yes" if self.ident == "NewTBETable": self["newtbe"] = "yes" if self.ident == "TimerTable": self["timer"] = "yes" if self.ident == "DirectoryMemory": self["dir"] = "yes" if self.ident == "PersistentTable": self["persistent"] = "yes" if self.ident == "Prefetcher": self["prefetcher"] = "yes" if self.ident == "DNUCA_Movement": self["mover"] = "yes" self.isMachineType = (ident == "MachineType") self.data_members = orderdict() # Methods self.methods = {} # Enums self.enums = orderdict() @property def isPrimitive(self): return "primitive" in self @property def isNetworkMessage(self): return "networkmessage" in self @property def isMessage(self): return "message" in self @property def isBuffer(self): return "buffer" in self @property def isInPort(self): return "inport" in self @property def isOutPort(self): return "outport" in self @property def isEnumeration(self): return "enumeration" in self @property def isExternal(self): return "external" in self @property def isGlobal(self): return "global" in self @property def isInterface(self): return "interface" in self # Return false on error def dataMemberAdd(self, ident, type, pairs, init_code): if ident in self.data_members: return False member = DataMember(ident, type, pairs, init_code) self.data_members[ident] = member return True def dataMemberType(self, ident): return self.data_members[ident].type def methodId(self, name, param_type_vec): return '_'.join([name] + [ pt.c_ident for pt in param_type_vec ]) def methodAdd(self, name, return_type, param_type_vec): ident = self.methodId(name, param_type_vec) if ident in self.methods: return False self.methods[ident] = Method(return_type, param_type_vec) return True def enumAdd(self, ident, pairs): if ident in self.enums: return False self.enums[ident] = Enumeration(ident, pairs) # Add default if "default" not in self: self["default"] = "%s_NUM" % self.c_ident return True def writeCodeFiles(self, path): if self.isExternal: # Do nothing pass elif self.isEnumeration: self.printEnumHH(path) self.printEnumCC(path) else: # User defined structs and messages self.printTypeHH(path) self.printTypeCC(path) def printTypeHH(self, path): code = code_formatter() code(''' /** \\file ${{self.c_ident}}.hh * * * Auto generated C++ code started by $__file__:$__line__ */ #ifndef ${{self.c_ident}}_H #define ${{self.c_ident}}_H #include "mem/ruby/common/Global.hh" #include "mem/gems_common/Allocator.hh" ''') for dm in self.data_members.values(): if not dm.type.isPrimitive: code('#include "mem/protocol/$0.hh"', dm.type.c_ident) parent = "" if "interface" in self: code('#include "mem/protocol/$0.hh"', self["interface"]) parent = " : public %s" % self["interface"] code(''' $klass ${{self.c_ident}}$parent { public: ${{self.c_ident}}() ''', klass="class") # Call superclass constructor if "interface" in self: code(' : ${{self["interface"]}}()') code.indent() code("{") if not self.isGlobal: code.indent() for dm in self.data_members.values(): ident = dm.ident if "default" in dm: # look for default value code('m_$ident = ${{dm["default"]}}; // default for this field') elif "default" in dm.type: # Look for the type default tid = dm.type.c_ident code('m_$ident = ${{dm.type["default"]}}; // default value of $tid') else: code('// m_$ident has no default') code.dedent() code('}') # ******** Default destructor ******** code('~${{self.c_ident}}() { };') # ******** Full init constructor ******** if not self.isGlobal: params = [ 'const %s& local_%s' % (dm.type.c_ident, dm.ident) \ for dm in self.data_members.itervalues() ] if self.isMessage: params.append('const unsigned local_proc_id') params = ', '.join(params) code('${{self.c_ident}}($params)') # Call superclass constructor if "interface" in self: code(' : ${{self["interface"]}}()') code('{') code.indent() for dm in self.data_members.values(): code('m_${{dm.ident}} = local_${{dm.ident}};') if "nextLineCallHack" in dm: code('m_${{dm.ident}}${{dm["nextLineCallHack"]}};') if self.isMessage: code('proc_id = local_proc_id;') code.dedent() code('}') # create a static factory method if "interface" in self: code(''' static ${{self["interface"]}}* create() { return new ${{self.c_ident}}(); } ''') # ******** Message member functions ******** # FIXME: those should be moved into slicc file, slicc should # support more of the c++ class inheritance if self.isMessage: code(''' Message* clone() const { checkAllocator(); return s_allocator_ptr->allocate(*this); } void destroy() { checkAllocator(); s_allocator_ptr->deallocate(this); } static Allocator<${{self.c_ident}}>* s_allocator_ptr; static void checkAllocator() { if (s_allocator_ptr == NULL) { s_allocator_ptr = new Allocator<${{self.c_ident}}>; }} ''') if not self.isGlobal: # const Get methods for each field code('// Const accessors methods for each field') for dm in self.data_members.values(): code(''' /** \\brief Const accessor method for ${{dm.ident}} field. * \\return ${{dm.ident}} field */ const ${{dm.type.c_ident}}& get${{dm.ident}}() const { return m_${{dm.ident}}; } ''') # Non-const Get methods for each field code('// Non const Accessors methods for each field') for dm in self.data_members.values(): code(''' /** \\brief Non-const accessor method for ${{dm.ident}} field. * \\return ${{dm.ident}} field */ ${{dm.type.c_ident}}& get${{dm.ident}}() { return m_${{dm.ident}}; } ''') #Set methods for each field code('// Mutator methods for each field') for dm in self.data_members.values(): code(''' /** \\brief Mutator method for ${{dm.ident}} field */ void set${{dm.ident}}(const ${{dm.type.c_ident}}& local_${{dm.ident}}) { m_${{dm.ident}} = local_${{dm.ident}}; } ''') code('void print(ostream& out) const;') code.dedent() code(' //private:') code.indent() # Data members for each field for dm in self.data_members.values(): if "abstract" not in dm: const = "" init = "" # global structure if self.isGlobal: const = "static const " # init value if dm.init_code: # only global structure can have init value here assert self.isGlobal init = " = %s" % (dm.init_code) desc = "" if "desc" in dm: desc = '/**< %s */' % dm["desc"] code('$const${{dm.type.c_ident}} m_${{dm.ident}}$init; $desc') if self.isMessage: code('unsigned proc_id;') code.dedent() code('};') code(''' // Output operator declaration ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj); // Output operator definition extern inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj) { obj.print(out); out << flush; return out; } #endif // ${{self.c_ident}}_H ''') code.write(path, "%s.hh" % self.c_ident) def printTypeCC(self, path): code = code_formatter() code(''' /** \\file ${{self.c_ident}}.cc * * Auto generated C++ code started by $__file__:$__line__ */ #include "mem/protocol/${{self.c_ident}}.hh" ''') if self.isMessage: code('Allocator<${{self.c_ident}}>* ${{self.c_ident}}::s_allocator_ptr = NULL;') code(''' /** \\brief Print the state of this object */ void ${{self.c_ident}}::print(ostream& out) const { out << "[${{self.c_ident}}: "; ''') # For each field code.indent() for dm in self.data_members.values(): code('out << "${{dm.ident}} = " << m_${{dm.ident}} << " ";''') if self.isMessage: code('out << "Time = " << getTime() << " ";') code.dedent() # Trailer code(''' out << "]"; }''') code.write(path, "%s.cc" % self.c_ident) def printEnumHH(self, path): code = code_formatter() code(''' /** \\file ${{self.c_ident}}.hh * * Auto generated C++ code started by $__file__:$__line__ */ #ifndef ${{self.c_ident}}_H #define ${{self.c_ident}}_H #include "mem/ruby/common/Global.hh" /** \\enum ${{self.c_ident}} * \\brief ${{self.desc}} */ enum ${{self.c_ident}} { ${{self.c_ident}}_FIRST, ''') code.indent() # For each field for i,(ident,enum) in enumerate(self.enums.iteritems()): desc = enum.get("desc", "No description avaliable") init = ' = %s_FIRST' % self.c_ident if i == 0 else '' code('${{self.c_ident}}_${{enum.ident}}$init, /**< $desc */') code.dedent() code(''' ${{self.c_ident}}_NUM }; ${{self.c_ident}} string_to_${{self.c_ident}}(const string& str); string ${{self.c_ident}}_to_string(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj); ${{self.c_ident}} &operator++(${{self.c_ident}} &e); ''') # MachineType hack used to set the base component id for each Machine if self.isMachineType: code(''' int ${{self.c_ident}}_base_level(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj); MachineType ${{self.c_ident}}_from_base_level(int); int ${{self.c_ident}}_base_number(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj); int ${{self.c_ident}}_base_count(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj); ''') for enum in self.enums.itervalues(): code('#define MACHINETYPE_${{enum.ident}} 1') # Trailer code(''' ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj); #endif // ${{self.c_ident}}_H ''') code.write(path, "%s.hh" % self.c_ident) def printEnumCC(self, path): code = code_formatter() code(''' /** \\file ${{self.c_ident}}.hh * * Auto generated C++ code started by $__file__:$__line__ */ #include "mem/protocol/${{self.c_ident}}.hh" ''') if self.isMachineType: code('#include "mem/protocol/ControllerFactory.hh"') for enum in self.enums.itervalues(): code('#include "mem/protocol/${{enum.ident}}_Controller.hh"') code(''' ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj) { out << ${{self.c_ident}}_to_string(obj); out << flush; return out; } string ${{self.c_ident}}_to_string(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj) { switch(obj) { ''') # For each field code.indent() for enum in self.enums.itervalues(): code(' case ${{self.c_ident}}_${{enum.ident}}:') code(' return "${{enum.ident}}";') code.dedent() # Trailer code(''' default: ERROR_MSG("Invalid range for type ${{self.c_ident}}"); return ""; } } ${{self.c_ident}} string_to_${{self.c_ident}}(const string& str) { ''') # For each field code.indent() code("if (false) {") start = "} else " for enum in self.enums.itervalues(): code('${start}if (str == "${{enum.ident}}") {') code(' return ${{self.c_ident}}_${{enum.ident}};') code.dedent() code(''' } else { WARN_EXPR(str); ERROR_MSG("Invalid string conversion for type ${{self.c_ident}}"); } } ${{self.c_ident}}& operator++(${{self.c_ident}}& e) { assert(e < ${{self.c_ident}}_NUM); return e = ${{self.c_ident}}(e+1); } ''') # MachineType hack used to set the base level and number of # components for each Machine if self.isMachineType: code(''' /** \\brief returns the base vector index for each machine type to be used by NetDest * * \\return the base vector index for each machine type to be used by NetDest * \\see NetDest.hh */ int ${{self.c_ident}}_base_level(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj) { switch(obj) { ''') # For each field code.indent() for i,enum in enumerate(self.enums.itervalues()): code(' case ${{self.c_ident}}_${{enum.ident}}:') code(' return $i;') code.dedent() # total num code(''' case ${{self.c_ident}}_NUM: return ${{len(self.enums)}}; default: ERROR_MSG("Invalid range for type ${{self.c_ident}}"); return -1; } } /** \\brief returns the machine type for each base vector index used by NetDest * * \\return the MachineTYpe */ MachineType ${{self.c_ident}}_from_base_level(int type) { switch(type) { ''') # For each field code.indent() for i,enum in enumerate(self.enums.itervalues()): code(' case $i:') code(' return ${{self.c_ident}}_${{enum.ident}};') code.dedent() # Trailer code(''' default: ERROR_MSG("Invalid range for type ${{self.c_ident}}"); return MachineType_NUM; } } /** \\brief The return value indicates the number of components created * before a particular machine\'s components * * \\return the base number of components for each machine */ int ${{self.c_ident}}_base_number(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj) { int base = 0; switch(obj) { ''') # For each field code.indent() code(' case ${{self.c_ident}}_NUM:') for enum in reversed(self.enums.values()): code(' base += ${{enum.ident}}_Controller::getNumControllers();') code(' case ${{self.c_ident}}_${{enum.ident}}:') code(' break;') code.dedent() code(''' default: ERROR_MSG("Invalid range for type ${{self.c_ident}}"); return -1; } return base; } /** \\brief returns the total number of components for each machine * \\return the total number of components for each machine */ int ${{self.c_ident}}_base_count(const ${{self.c_ident}}& obj) { switch(obj) { ''') # For each field for enum in self.enums.itervalues(): code(''' case ${{self.c_ident}}_${{enum.ident}}: return ${{enum.ident}}_Controller::getNumControllers(); ''') # total num code(''' case ${{self.c_ident}}_NUM: default: ERROR_MSG("Invalid range for type ${{self.c_ident}}"); return -1; } } ''') # Write the file code.write(path, "%s.cc" % self.c_ident) __all__ = [ "Type" ]