# Copyright (c) 2012-2018 ARM Limited # All rights reserved. # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani # Copyright (c) 2015 University of Kaiserslautern # Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Bologna # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Andreas Hansson # Ani Udipi # Omar Naji # Matthias Jung # Erfan Azarkhish from m5.params import * from m5.proxy import * from m5.objects.AbstractMemory import * from m5.objects.QoSMemCtrl import * # Enum for memory scheduling algorithms, currently First-Come # First-Served and a First-Row Hit then First-Come First-Served class MemSched(Enum): vals = ['fcfs', 'frfcfs'] # Enum for the address mapping. With Ch, Ra, Ba, Ro and Co denoting # channel, rank, bank, row and column, respectively, and going from # MSB to LSB. Available are RoRaBaChCo and RoRaBaCoCh, that are # suitable for an open-page policy, optimising for sequential accesses # hitting in the open row. For a closed-page policy, RoCoRaBaCh # maximises parallelism. class AddrMap(Enum): vals = ['RoRaBaChCo', 'RoRaBaCoCh', 'RoCoRaBaCh'] # Enum for the page policy, either open, open_adaptive, close, or # close_adaptive. class PageManage(Enum): vals = ['open', 'open_adaptive', 'close', 'close_adaptive'] # DRAMCtrl is a single-channel single-ported DRAM controller model # that aims to model the most important system-level performance # effects of a DRAM without getting into too much detail of the DRAM # itself. class DRAMCtrl(QoSMemCtrl): type = 'DRAMCtrl' cxx_header = "mem/dram_ctrl.hh" # single-ported on the system interface side, instantiate with a # bus in front of the controller for multiple ports port = SlavePort("Slave port") # the basic configuration of the controller architecture, note # that each entry corresponds to a burst for the specific DRAM # configuration (e.g. x32 with burst length 8 is 32 bytes) and not # the cacheline size or request/packet size write_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(64, "Number of write queue entries") read_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of read queue entries") # threshold in percent for when to forcefully trigger writes and # start emptying the write buffer write_high_thresh_perc = Param.Percent(85, "Threshold to force writes") # threshold in percentage for when to start writes if the read # queue is empty write_low_thresh_perc = Param.Percent(50, "Threshold to start writes") # minimum write bursts to schedule before switching back to reads min_writes_per_switch = Param.Unsigned(16, "Minimum write bursts before " "switching to reads") # scheduler, address map and page policy mem_sched_policy = Param.MemSched('frfcfs', "Memory scheduling policy") addr_mapping = Param.AddrMap('RoRaBaCoCh', "Address mapping policy") page_policy = Param.PageManage('open_adaptive', "Page management policy") # enforce a limit on the number of accesses per row max_accesses_per_row = Param.Unsigned(16, "Max accesses per row before " "closing"); # size of DRAM Chip in Bytes device_size = Param.MemorySize("Size of DRAM chip") # pipeline latency of the controller and PHY, split into a # frontend part and a backend part, with reads and writes serviced # by the queues only seeing the frontend contribution, and reads # serviced by the memory seeing the sum of the two static_frontend_latency = Param.Latency("10ns", "Static frontend latency") static_backend_latency = Param.Latency("10ns", "Static backend latency") # the physical organisation of the DRAM device_bus_width = Param.Unsigned("data bus width in bits for each DRAM "\ "device/chip") burst_length = Param.Unsigned("Burst lenght (BL) in beats") device_rowbuffer_size = Param.MemorySize("Page (row buffer) size per "\ "device/chip") devices_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of devices/chips per rank") ranks_per_channel = Param.Unsigned("Number of ranks per channel") # default to 0 bank groups per rank, indicating bank group architecture # is not used # update per memory class when bank group architecture is supported bank_groups_per_rank = Param.Unsigned(0, "Number of bank groups per rank") banks_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of banks per rank") # only used for the address mapping as the controller by # construction is a single channel and multiple controllers have # to be instantiated for a multi-channel configuration channels = Param.Unsigned(1, "Number of channels") # Enable DRAM powerdown states if True. This is False by default due to # performance being lower when enabled enable_dram_powerdown = Param.Bool(False, "Enable powerdown states") # For power modelling we need to know if the DRAM has a DLL or not dll = Param.Bool(True, "DRAM has DLL or not") # DRAMPower provides in addition to the core power, the possibility to # include RD/WR termination and IO power. This calculation assumes some # default values. The integration of DRAMPower with gem5 does not include # IO and RD/WR termination power by default. This might be added as an # additional feature in the future. # timing behaviour and constraints - all in nanoseconds # the base clock period of the DRAM tCK = Param.Latency("Clock period") # the amount of time in nanoseconds from issuing an activate command # to the data being available in the row buffer for a read/write tRCD = Param.Latency("RAS to CAS delay") # the time from issuing a read/write command to seeing the actual data tCL = Param.Latency("CAS latency") # minimum time between a precharge and subsequent activate tRP = Param.Latency("Row precharge time") # minimum time between an activate and a precharge to the same row tRAS = Param.Latency("ACT to PRE delay") # minimum time between a write data transfer and a precharge tWR = Param.Latency("Write recovery time") # minimum time between a read and precharge command tRTP = Param.Latency("Read to precharge") # time to complete a burst transfer, typically the burst length # divided by two due to the DDR bus, but by making it a parameter # it is easier to also evaluate SDR memories like WideIO. # This parameter has to account for burst length. # Read/Write requests with data size larger than one full burst are broken # down into multiple requests in the controller # tBURST is equivalent to the CAS-to-CAS delay (tCCD) # With bank group architectures, tBURST represents the CAS-to-CAS # delay for bursts to different bank groups (tCCD_S) tBURST = Param.Latency("Burst duration (for DDR burst length / 2 cycles)") # CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to the same bank group # only utilized with bank group architectures; set to 0 for default case # tBURST is equivalent to tCCD_S; no explicit parameter required # for CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to different bank groups tCCD_L = Param.Latency("0ns", "Same bank group CAS to CAS delay") # Write-to-Write delay for bursts to the same bank group # only utilized with bank group architectures; set to 0 for default case # This will be used to enable different same bank group delays # for writes versus reads tCCD_L_WR = Param.Latency(Self.tCCD_L, "Same bank group Write to Write delay") # time taken to complete one refresh cycle (N rows in all banks) tRFC = Param.Latency("Refresh cycle time") # refresh command interval, how often a "ref" command needs # to be sent. It is 7.8 us for a 64ms refresh requirement tREFI = Param.Latency("Refresh command interval") # write-to-read, same rank turnaround penalty tWTR = Param.Latency("Write to read, same rank switching time") # read-to-write, same rank turnaround penalty tRTW = Param.Latency("Read to write, same rank switching time") # rank-to-rank bus delay penalty # this does not correlate to a memory timing parameter and encompasses: # 1) RD-to-RD, 2) WR-to-WR, 3) RD-to-WR, and 4) WR-to-RD # different rank bus delay tCS = Param.Latency("Rank to rank switching time") # minimum row activate to row activate delay time tRRD = Param.Latency("ACT to ACT delay") # only utilized with bank group architectures; set to 0 for default case tRRD_L = Param.Latency("0ns", "Same bank group ACT to ACT delay") # time window in which a maximum number of activates are allowed # to take place, set to 0 to disable tXAW = Param.Latency("X activation window") activation_limit = Param.Unsigned("Max number of activates in window") # time to exit power-down mode # Exit power-down to next valid command delay tXP = Param.Latency("0ns", "Power-up Delay") # Exit Powerdown to commands requiring a locked DLL tXPDLL = Param.Latency("0ns", "Power-up Delay with locked DLL") # time to exit self-refresh mode tXS = Param.Latency("0ns", "Self-refresh exit latency") # time to exit self-refresh mode with locked DLL tXSDLL = Param.Latency("0ns", "Self-refresh exit latency DLL") # Currently rolled into other params ###################################################################### # tRC - assumed to be tRAS + tRP # Power Behaviour and Constraints # DRAMs like LPDDR and WideIO have 2 external voltage domains. These are # defined as VDD and VDD2. Each current is defined for each voltage domain # separately. For example, current IDD0 is active-precharge current for # voltage domain VDD and current IDD02 is active-precharge current for # voltage domain VDD2. # By default all currents are set to 0mA. Users who are only interested in # the performance of DRAMs can leave them at 0. # Operating 1 Bank Active-Precharge current IDD0 = Param.Current("0mA", "Active precharge current") # Operating 1 Bank Active-Precharge current multiple voltage Range IDD02 = Param.Current("0mA", "Active precharge current VDD2") # Precharge Power-down Current: Slow exit IDD2P0 = Param.Current("0mA", "Precharge Powerdown slow") # Precharge Power-down Current: Slow exit multiple voltage Range IDD2P02 = Param.Current("0mA", "Precharge Powerdown slow VDD2") # Precharge Power-down Current: Fast exit IDD2P1 = Param.Current("0mA", "Precharge Powerdown fast") # Precharge Power-down Current: Fast exit multiple voltage Range IDD2P12 = Param.Current("0mA", "Precharge Powerdown fast VDD2") # Precharge Standby current IDD2N = Param.Current("0mA", "Precharge Standby current") # Precharge Standby current multiple voltage range IDD2N2 = Param.Current("0mA", "Precharge Standby current VDD2") # Active Power-down current: slow exit IDD3P0 = Param.Current("0mA", "Active Powerdown slow") # Active Power-down current: slow exit multiple voltage range IDD3P02 = Param.Current("0mA", "Active Powerdown slow VDD2") # Active Power-down current : fast exit IDD3P1 = Param.Current("0mA", "Active Powerdown fast") # Active Power-down current : fast exit multiple voltage range IDD3P12 = Param.Current("0mA", "Active Powerdown fast VDD2") # Active Standby current IDD3N = Param.Current("0mA", "Active Standby current") # Active Standby current multiple voltage range IDD3N2 = Param.Current("0mA", "Active Standby current VDD2") # Burst Read Operating Current IDD4R = Param.Current("0mA", "READ current") # Burst Read Operating Current multiple voltage range IDD4R2 = Param.Current("0mA", "READ current VDD2") # Burst Write Operating Current IDD4W = Param.Current("0mA", "WRITE current") # Burst Write Operating Current multiple voltage range IDD4W2 = Param.Current("0mA", "WRITE current VDD2") # Refresh Current IDD5 = Param.Current("0mA", "Refresh current") # Refresh Current multiple voltage range IDD52 = Param.Current("0mA", "Refresh current VDD2") # Self-Refresh Current IDD6 = Param.Current("0mA", "Self-refresh Current") # Self-Refresh Current multiple voltage range IDD62 = Param.Current("0mA", "Self-refresh Current VDD2") # Main voltage range of the DRAM VDD = Param.Voltage("0V", "Main Voltage Range") # Second voltage range defined by some DRAMs VDD2 = Param.Voltage("0V", "2nd Voltage Range") # A single DDR3-1600 x64 channel (one command and address bus), with # timings based on a DDR3-1600 4 Gbit datasheet (Micron MT41J512M8) in # an 8x8 configuration. class DDR3_1600_8x8(DRAMCtrl): # size of device in bytes device_size = '512MB' # 8x8 configuration, 8 devices each with an 8-bit interface device_bus_width = 8 # DDR3 is a BL8 device burst_length = 8 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1 Kbyte (1K columns x8) device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB' # 8x8 configuration, so 8 devices devices_per_rank = 8 # Use two ranks ranks_per_channel = 2 # DDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations banks_per_rank = 8 # 800 MHz tCK = '1.25ns' # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 800 MHz tBURST = '5ns' # DDR3-1600 11-11-11 tRCD = '13.75ns' tCL = '13.75ns' tRP = '13.75ns' tRAS = '35ns' tRRD = '6ns' tXAW = '30ns' activation_limit = 4 tRFC = '260ns' tWR = '15ns' # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns tWTR = '7.5ns' # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns tRTP = '7.5ns' # Default same rank rd-to-wr bus turnaround to 2 CK, @800 MHz = 2.5 ns tRTW = '2.5ns' # Default different rank bus delay to 2 CK, @800 MHz = 2.5 ns tCS = '2.5ns' # <=85C, half for >85C tREFI = '7.8us' # active powerdown and precharge powerdown exit time tXP = '6ns' # self refresh exit time tXS = '270ns' # Current values from datasheet Die Rev E,J IDD0 = '55mA' IDD2N = '32mA' IDD3N = '38mA' IDD4W = '125mA' IDD4R = '157mA' IDD5 = '235mA' IDD3P1 = '38mA' IDD2P1 = '32mA' IDD6 = '20mA' VDD = '1.5V' # A single HMC-2500 x32 model based on: # [1] DRAMSpec: a high-level DRAM bank modelling tool # developed at the University of Kaiserslautern. This high level tool # uses RC (resistance-capacitance) and CV (capacitance-voltage) models to # estimate the DRAM bank latency and power numbers. # [2] High performance AXI-4.0 based interconnect for extensible smart memory # cubes (E. Azarkhish et. al) # Assumed for the HMC model is a 30 nm technology node. # The modelled HMC consists of 4 Gbit layers which sum up to 2GB of memory (4 # layers). # Each layer has 16 vaults and each vault consists of 2 banks per layer. # In order to be able to use the same controller used for 2D DRAM generations # for HMC, the following analogy is done: # Channel (DDR) => Vault (HMC) # device_size (DDR) => size of a single layer in a vault # ranks per channel (DDR) => number of layers # banks per rank (DDR) => banks per layer # devices per rank (DDR) => devices per layer ( 1 for HMC). # The parameters for which no input is available are inherited from the DDR3 # configuration. # This configuration includes the latencies from the DRAM to the logic layer # of the HMC class HMC_2500_1x32(DDR3_1600_8x8): # size of device # two banks per device with each bank 4MB [2] device_size = '8MB' # 1x32 configuration, 1 device with 32 TSVs [2] device_bus_width = 32 # HMC is a BL8 device [2] burst_length = 8 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 256 bytes [2] device_rowbuffer_size = '256B' # 1x32 configuration, so 1 device [2] devices_per_rank = 1 # 4 layers so 4 ranks [2] ranks_per_channel = 4 # HMC has 2 banks per layer [2] # Each layer represents a rank. With 4 layers and 8 banks in total, each # layer has 2 banks; thus 2 banks per rank. banks_per_rank = 2 # 1250 MHz [2] tCK = '0.8ns' # 8 beats across an x32 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 1250 MHz tBURST = '3.2ns' # Values using DRAMSpec HMC model [1] tRCD = '10.2ns' tCL = '9.9ns' tRP = '7.7ns' tRAS = '21.6ns' # tRRD depends on the power supply network for each vendor. # We assume a tRRD of a double bank approach to be equal to 4 clock # cycles (Assumption) tRRD = '3.2ns' # activation limit is set to 0 since there are only 2 banks per vault # layer. activation_limit = 0 # Values using DRAMSpec HMC model [1] tRFC = '59ns' tWR = '8ns' tRTP = '4.9ns' # Default different rank bus delay assumed to 1 CK for TSVs, @1250 MHz = # 0.8 ns (Assumption) tCS = '0.8ns' # Value using DRAMSpec HMC model [1] tREFI = '3.9us' # The default page policy in the vault controllers is simple closed page # [2] nevertheless 'close' policy opens and closes the row multiple times # for bursts largers than 32Bytes. For this reason we use 'close_adaptive' page_policy = 'close_adaptive' # RoCoRaBaCh resembles the default address mapping in HMC addr_mapping = 'RoCoRaBaCh' min_writes_per_switch = 8 # These parameters do not directly correlate with buffer_size in real # hardware. Nevertheless, their value has been tuned to achieve a # bandwidth similar to the cycle-accurate model in [2] write_buffer_size = 32 read_buffer_size = 32 # The static latency of the vault controllers is estimated to be smaller # than a full DRAM channel controller static_backend_latency='4ns' static_frontend_latency='4ns' # A single DDR3-2133 x64 channel refining a selected subset of the # options for the DDR-1600 configuration, based on the same DDR3-1600 # 4 Gbit datasheet (Micron MT41J512M8). Most parameters are kept # consistent across the two configurations. class DDR3_2133_8x8(DDR3_1600_8x8): # 1066 MHz tCK = '0.938ns' # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 1066 MHz tBURST = '3.752ns' # DDR3-2133 14-14-14 tRCD = '13.09ns' tCL = '13.09ns' tRP = '13.09ns' tRAS = '33ns' tRRD = '5ns' tXAW = '25ns' # Current values from datasheet IDD0 = '70mA' IDD2N = '37mA' IDD3N = '44mA' IDD4W = '157mA' IDD4R = '191mA' IDD5 = '250mA' IDD3P1 = '44mA' IDD2P1 = '43mA' IDD6 ='20mA' VDD = '1.5V' # A single DDR4-2400 x64 channel (one command and address bus), with # timings based on a DDR4-2400 8 Gbit datasheet (Micron MT40A2G4) # in an 16x4 configuration. # Total channel capacity is 32GB # 16 devices/rank * 2 ranks/channel * 1GB/device = 32GB/channel class DDR4_2400_16x4(DRAMCtrl): # size of device device_size = '1GB' # 16x4 configuration, 16 devices each with a 4-bit interface device_bus_width = 4 # DDR4 is a BL8 device burst_length = 8 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 512 byte (1K columns x4) device_rowbuffer_size = '512B' # 16x4 configuration, so 16 devices devices_per_rank = 16 # Match our DDR3 configurations which is dual rank ranks_per_channel = 2 # DDR4 has 2 (x16) or 4 (x4 and x8) bank groups # Set to 4 for x4 case bank_groups_per_rank = 4 # DDR4 has 16 banks(x4,x8) and 8 banks(x16) (4 bank groups in all # configurations). Currently we do not capture the additional # constraints incurred by the bank groups banks_per_rank = 16 # override the default buffer sizes and go for something larger to # accommodate the larger bank count write_buffer_size = 128 read_buffer_size = 64 # 1200 MHz tCK = '0.833ns' # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 1200 MHz # tBURST is equivalent to the CAS-to-CAS delay (tCCD) # With bank group architectures, tBURST represents the CAS-to-CAS # delay for bursts to different bank groups (tCCD_S) tBURST = '3.332ns' # @2400 data rate, tCCD_L is 6 CK # CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to the same bank group # tBURST is equivalent to tCCD_S; no explicit parameter required # for CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to different bank groups tCCD_L = '5ns'; # DDR4-2400 17-17-17 tRCD = '14.16ns' tCL = '14.16ns' tRP = '14.16ns' tRAS = '32ns' # RRD_S (different bank group) for 512B page is MAX(4 CK, 3.3ns) tRRD = '3.332ns' # RRD_L (same bank group) for 512B page is MAX(4 CK, 4.9ns) tRRD_L = '4.9ns'; # tFAW for 512B page is MAX(16 CK, 13ns) tXAW = '13.328ns' activation_limit = 4 # tRFC is 350ns tRFC = '350ns' tWR = '15ns' # Here using the average of WTR_S and WTR_L tWTR = '5ns' # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns tRTP = '7.5ns' # Default same rank rd-to-wr bus turnaround to 2 CK, @1200 MHz = 1.666 ns tRTW = '1.666ns' # Default different rank bus delay to 2 CK, @1200 MHz = 1.666 ns tCS = '1.666ns' # <=85C, half for >85C tREFI = '7.8us' # active powerdown and precharge powerdown exit time tXP = '6ns' # self refresh exit time # exit delay to ACT, PRE, PREALL, REF, SREF Enter, and PD Enter is: # tRFC + 10ns = 340ns tXS = '340ns' # Current values from datasheet IDD0 = '43mA' IDD02 = '3mA' IDD2N = '34mA' IDD3N = '38mA' IDD3N2 = '3mA' IDD4W = '103mA' IDD4R = '110mA' IDD5 = '250mA' IDD3P1 = '32mA' IDD2P1 = '25mA' IDD6 = '30mA' VDD = '1.2V' VDD2 = '2.5V' # A single DDR4-2400 x64 channel (one command and address bus), with # timings based on a DDR4-2400 8 Gbit datasheet (Micron MT40A1G8) # in an 8x8 configuration. # Total channel capacity is 16GB # 8 devices/rank * 2 ranks/channel * 1GB/device = 16GB/channel class DDR4_2400_8x8(DDR4_2400_16x4): # 8x8 configuration, 8 devices each with an 8-bit interface device_bus_width = 8 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1 Kbyte (1K columns x8) device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB' # 8x8 configuration, so 8 devices devices_per_rank = 8 # RRD_L (same bank group) for 1K page is MAX(4 CK, 4.9ns) tRRD_L = '4.9ns'; tXAW = '21ns' # Current values from datasheet IDD0 = '48mA' IDD3N = '43mA' IDD4W = '123mA' IDD4R = '135mA' IDD3P1 = '37mA' # A single DDR4-2400 x64 channel (one command and address bus), with # timings based on a DDR4-2400 8 Gbit datasheet (Micron MT40A512M16) # in an 4x16 configuration. # Total channel capacity is 4GB # 4 devices/rank * 1 ranks/channel * 1GB/device = 4GB/channel class DDR4_2400_4x16(DDR4_2400_16x4): # 4x16 configuration, 4 devices each with an 16-bit interface device_bus_width = 16 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 2 Kbyte (1K columns x16) device_rowbuffer_size = '2kB' # 4x16 configuration, so 4 devices devices_per_rank = 4 # Single rank for x16 ranks_per_channel = 1 # DDR4 has 2 (x16) or 4 (x4 and x8) bank groups # Set to 2 for x16 case bank_groups_per_rank = 2 # DDR4 has 16 banks(x4,x8) and 8 banks(x16) (4 bank groups in all # configurations). Currently we do not capture the additional # constraints incurred by the bank groups banks_per_rank = 8 # RRD_S (different bank group) for 2K page is MAX(4 CK, 5.3ns) tRRD = '5.3ns' # RRD_L (same bank group) for 2K page is MAX(4 CK, 6.4ns) tRRD_L = '6.4ns'; tXAW = '30ns' # Current values from datasheet IDD0 = '80mA' IDD02 = '4mA' IDD2N = '34mA' IDD3N = '47mA' IDD4W = '228mA' IDD4R = '243mA' IDD5 = '280mA' IDD3P1 = '41mA' # A single LPDDR2-S4 x32 interface (one command/address bus), with # default timings based on a LPDDR2-1066 4 Gbit part (Micron MT42L128M32D1) # in a 1x32 configuration. class LPDDR2_S4_1066_1x32(DRAMCtrl): # No DLL in LPDDR2 dll = False # size of device device_size = '512MB' # 1x32 configuration, 1 device with a 32-bit interface device_bus_width = 32 # LPDDR2_S4 is a BL4 and BL8 device burst_length = 8 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1KB # (this depends on the memory density) device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB' # 1x32 configuration, so 1 device devices_per_rank = 1 # Use a single rank ranks_per_channel = 1 # LPDDR2-S4 has 8 banks in all configurations banks_per_rank = 8 # 533 MHz tCK = '1.876ns' # Fixed at 15 ns tRCD = '15ns' # 8 CK read latency, 4 CK write latency @ 533 MHz, 1.876 ns cycle time tCL = '15ns' # Pre-charge one bank 15 ns (all banks 18 ns) tRP = '15ns' tRAS = '42ns' tWR = '15ns' tRTP = '7.5ns' # 8 beats across an x32 DDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 533 MHz. # Note this is a BL8 DDR device. # Requests larger than 32 bytes are broken down into multiple requests # in the controller tBURST = '7.5ns' # LPDDR2-S4, 4 Gbit tRFC = '130ns' tREFI = '3.9us' # active powerdown and precharge powerdown exit time tXP = '7.5ns' # self refresh exit time tXS = '140ns' # Irrespective of speed grade, tWTR is 7.5 ns tWTR = '7.5ns' # Default same rank rd-to-wr bus turnaround to 2 CK, @533 MHz = 3.75 ns tRTW = '3.75ns' # Default different rank bus delay to 2 CK, @533 MHz = 3.75 ns tCS = '3.75ns' # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade tRRD = '10.0ns' # Irrespective of density, tFAW is 50 ns tXAW = '50ns' activation_limit = 4 # Current values from datasheet IDD0 = '15mA' IDD02 = '70mA' IDD2N = '2mA' IDD2N2 = '30mA' IDD3N = '2.5mA' IDD3N2 = '30mA' IDD4W = '10mA' IDD4W2 = '190mA' IDD4R = '3mA' IDD4R2 = '220mA' IDD5 = '40mA' IDD52 = '150mA' IDD3P1 = '1.2mA' IDD3P12 = '8mA' IDD2P1 = '0.6mA' IDD2P12 = '0.8mA' IDD6 = '1mA' IDD62 = '3.2mA' VDD = '1.8V' VDD2 = '1.2V' # A single WideIO x128 interface (one command and address bus), with # default timings based on an estimated WIO-200 8 Gbit part. class WideIO_200_1x128(DRAMCtrl): # No DLL for WideIO dll = False # size of device device_size = '1024MB' # 1x128 configuration, 1 device with a 128-bit interface device_bus_width = 128 # This is a BL4 device burst_length = 4 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 4KB # (this depends on the memory density) device_rowbuffer_size = '4kB' # 1x128 configuration, so 1 device devices_per_rank = 1 # Use one rank for a one-high die stack ranks_per_channel = 1 # WideIO has 4 banks in all configurations banks_per_rank = 4 # 200 MHz tCK = '5ns' # WIO-200 tRCD = '18ns' tCL = '18ns' tRP = '18ns' tRAS = '42ns' tWR = '15ns' # Read to precharge is same as the burst tRTP = '20ns' # 4 beats across an x128 SDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 200 MHz. # Note this is a BL4 SDR device. tBURST = '20ns' # WIO 8 Gb tRFC = '210ns' # WIO 8 Gb, <=85C, half for >85C tREFI = '3.9us' # Greater of 2 CK or 15 ns, 2 CK @ 200 MHz = 10 ns tWTR = '15ns' # Default same rank rd-to-wr bus turnaround to 2 CK, @200 MHz = 10 ns tRTW = '10ns' # Default different rank bus delay to 2 CK, @200 MHz = 10 ns tCS = '10ns' # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade tRRD = '10.0ns' # Two instead of four activation window tXAW = '50ns' activation_limit = 2 # The WideIO specification does not provide current information # A single LPDDR3 x32 interface (one command/address bus), with # default timings based on a LPDDR3-1600 4 Gbit part (Micron # EDF8132A1MC) in a 1x32 configuration. class LPDDR3_1600_1x32(DRAMCtrl): # No DLL for LPDDR3 dll = False # size of device device_size = '512MB' # 1x32 configuration, 1 device with a 32-bit interface device_bus_width = 32 # LPDDR3 is a BL8 device burst_length = 8 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 4KB device_rowbuffer_size = '4kB' # 1x32 configuration, so 1 device devices_per_rank = 1 # Technically the datasheet is a dual-rank package, but for # comparison with the LPDDR2 config we stick to a single rank ranks_per_channel = 1 # LPDDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations banks_per_rank = 8 # 800 MHz tCK = '1.25ns' tRCD = '18ns' # 12 CK read latency, 6 CK write latency @ 800 MHz, 1.25 ns cycle time tCL = '15ns' tRAS = '42ns' tWR = '15ns' # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns, 4 CK @ 800 MHz = 5 ns tRTP = '7.5ns' # Pre-charge one bank 18 ns (all banks 21 ns) tRP = '18ns' # 8 beats across a x32 DDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 800 MHz. # Note this is a BL8 DDR device. # Requests larger than 32 bytes are broken down into multiple requests # in the controller tBURST = '5ns' # LPDDR3, 4 Gb tRFC = '130ns' tREFI = '3.9us' # active powerdown and precharge powerdown exit time tXP = '7.5ns' # self refresh exit time tXS = '140ns' # Irrespective of speed grade, tWTR is 7.5 ns tWTR = '7.5ns' # Default same rank rd-to-wr bus turnaround to 2 CK, @800 MHz = 2.5 ns tRTW = '2.5ns' # Default different rank bus delay to 2 CK, @800 MHz = 2.5 ns tCS = '2.5ns' # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade tRRD = '10.0ns' # Irrespective of size, tFAW is 50 ns tXAW = '50ns' activation_limit = 4 # Current values from datasheet IDD0 = '8mA' IDD02 = '60mA' IDD2N = '0.8mA' IDD2N2 = '26mA' IDD3N = '2mA' IDD3N2 = '34mA' IDD4W = '2mA' IDD4W2 = '190mA' IDD4R = '2mA' IDD4R2 = '230mA' IDD5 = '28mA' IDD52 = '150mA' IDD3P1 = '1.4mA' IDD3P12 = '11mA' IDD2P1 = '0.8mA' IDD2P12 = '1.8mA' IDD6 = '0.5mA' IDD62 = '1.8mA' VDD = '1.8V' VDD2 = '1.2V' # A single GDDR5 x64 interface, with # default timings based on a GDDR5-4000 1 Gbit part (SK Hynix # H5GQ1H24AFR) in a 2x32 configuration. class GDDR5_4000_2x32(DRAMCtrl): # size of device device_size = '128MB' # 2x32 configuration, 1 device with a 32-bit interface device_bus_width = 32 # GDDR5 is a BL8 device burst_length = 8 # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 2Kbits (256Bytes) device_rowbuffer_size = '256B' # 2x32 configuration, so 2 devices devices_per_rank = 2 # assume single rank ranks_per_channel = 1 # GDDR5 has 4 bank groups bank_groups_per_rank = 4 # GDDR5 has 16 banks with 4 bank groups banks_per_rank = 16 # 1000 MHz tCK = '1ns' # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 2 clocks @ 1000 MHz # Data bus runs @2000 Mhz => DDR ( data runs at 4000 MHz ) # 8 beats at 4000 MHz = 2 beats at 1000 MHz # tBURST is equivalent to the CAS-to-CAS delay (tCCD) # With bank group architectures, tBURST represents the CAS-to-CAS # delay for bursts to different bank groups (tCCD_S) tBURST = '2ns' # @1000MHz data rate, tCCD_L is 3 CK # CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to the same bank group # tBURST is equivalent to tCCD_S; no explicit parameter required # for CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to different bank groups tCCD_L = '3ns'; tRCD = '12ns' # tCL is not directly found in datasheet and assumed equal tRCD tCL = '12ns' tRP = '12ns' tRAS = '28ns' # RRD_S (different bank group) # RRD_S is 5.5 ns in datasheet. # rounded to the next multiple of tCK tRRD = '6ns' # RRD_L (same bank group) # RRD_L is 5.5 ns in datasheet. # rounded to the next multiple of tCK tRRD_L = '6ns' tXAW = '23ns' # tXAW < 4 x tRRD. # Therefore, activation limit is set to 0 activation_limit = 0 tRFC = '65ns' tWR = '12ns' # Here using the average of WTR_S and WTR_L tWTR = '5ns' # Read-to-Precharge 2 CK tRTP = '2ns' # Assume 2 cycles tRTW = '2ns' # A single HBM x128 interface (one command and address bus), with # default timings based on data publically released # ("HBM: Memory Solution for High Performance Processors", MemCon, 2014), # IDD measurement values, and by extrapolating data from other classes. # Architecture values based on published HBM spec # A 4H stack is defined, 2Gb per die for a total of 1GB of memory. class HBM_1000_4H_1x128(DRAMCtrl): # HBM gen1 supports up to 8 128-bit physical channels # Configuration defines a single channel, with the capacity # set to (full_ stack_capacity / 8) based on 2Gb dies # To use all 8 channels, set 'channels' parameter to 8 in # system configuration # 128-bit interface legacy mode device_bus_width = 128 # HBM supports BL4 and BL2 (legacy mode only) burst_length = 4 # size of channel in bytes, 4H stack of 2Gb dies is 1GB per stack; # with 8 channels, 128MB per channel device_size = '128MB' device_rowbuffer_size = '2kB' # 1x128 configuration devices_per_rank = 1 # HBM does not have a CS pin; set rank to 1 ranks_per_channel = 1 # HBM has 8 or 16 banks depending on capacity # 2Gb dies have 8 banks banks_per_rank = 8 # depending on frequency, bank groups may be required # will always have 4 bank groups when enabled # current specifications do not define the minimum frequency for # bank group architecture # setting bank_groups_per_rank to 0 to disable until range is defined bank_groups_per_rank = 0 # 500 MHz for 1Gbps DDR data rate tCK = '2ns' # use values from IDD measurement in JEDEC spec # use tRP value for tRCD and tCL similar to other classes tRP = '15ns' tRCD = '15ns' tCL = '15ns' tRAS = '33ns' # BL2 and BL4 supported, default to BL4 # DDR @ 500 MHz means 4 * 2ns / 2 = 4ns tBURST = '4ns' # value for 2Gb device from JEDEC spec tRFC = '160ns' # value for 2Gb device from JEDEC spec tREFI = '3.9us' # extrapolate the following from LPDDR configs, using ns values # to minimize burst length, prefetch differences tWR = '18ns' tRTP = '7.5ns' tWTR = '10ns' # start with 2 cycles turnaround, similar to other memory classes # could be more with variations across the stack tRTW = '4ns' # single rank device, set to 0 tCS = '0ns' # from MemCon example, tRRD is 4ns with 2ns tCK tRRD = '4ns' # from MemCon example, tFAW is 30ns with 2ns tCK tXAW = '30ns' activation_limit = 4 # 4tCK tXP = '8ns' # start with tRFC + tXP -> 160ns + 8ns = 168ns tXS = '168ns' # A single HBM x64 interface (one command and address bus), with # default timings based on HBM gen1 and data publically released # A 4H stack is defined, 8Gb per die for a total of 4GB of memory. # Note: This defines a pseudo-channel with a unique controller # instantiated per pseudo-channel # Stay at same IO rate (1Gbps) to maintain timing relationship with # HBM gen1 class (HBM_1000_4H_x128) where possible class HBM_1000_4H_1x64(HBM_1000_4H_1x128): # For HBM gen2 with pseudo-channel mode, configure 2X channels. # Configuration defines a single pseudo channel, with the capacity # set to (full_ stack_capacity / 16) based on 8Gb dies # To use all 16 pseudo channels, set 'channels' parameter to 16 in # system configuration # 64-bit pseudo-channle interface device_bus_width = 64 # HBM pseudo-channel only supports BL4 burst_length = 4 # size of channel in bytes, 4H stack of 8Gb dies is 4GB per stack; # with 16 channels, 256MB per channel device_size = '256MB' # page size is halved with pseudo-channel; maintaining the same same number # of rows per pseudo-channel with 2X banks across 2 channels device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB' # HBM has 8 or 16 banks depending on capacity # Starting with 4Gb dies, 16 banks are defined banks_per_rank = 16 # reset tRFC for larger, 8Gb device # use HBM1 4Gb value as a starting point tRFC = '260ns' # start with tRFC + tXP -> 160ns + 8ns = 168ns tXS = '268ns' # Default different rank bus delay to 2 CK, @1000 MHz = 2 ns tCS = '2ns' tREFI = '3.9us' # active powerdown and precharge powerdown exit time tXP = '10ns' # self refresh exit time tXS = '65ns'