# Copyright (c) 2012 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood # Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Wisconsin # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Nilay Vaish and Dibakar Gope from m5.SimObject import SimObject from m5.params import * from m5.proxy import * class BranchPredictor(SimObject): type = 'BranchPredictor' cxx_class = 'BPredUnit' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/bpred_unit.hh" abstract = True numThreads = Param.Unsigned(Parent.numThreads, "Number of threads") BTBEntries = Param.Unsigned(4096, "Number of BTB entries") BTBTagSize = Param.Unsigned(16, "Size of the BTB tags, in bits") RASSize = Param.Unsigned(16, "RAS size") instShiftAmt = Param.Unsigned(2, "Number of bits to shift instructions by") useIndirect = Param.Bool(True, "Use indirect branch predictor") indirectHashGHR = Param.Bool(True, "Hash branch predictor GHR") indirectHashTargets = Param.Bool(True, "Hash path history targets") indirectSets = Param.Unsigned(256, "Cache sets for indirect predictor") indirectWays = Param.Unsigned(2, "Ways for indirect predictor") indirectTagSize = Param.Unsigned(16, "Indirect target cache tag bits") indirectPathLength = Param.Unsigned(3, "Previous indirect targets to use for path history") class LocalBP(BranchPredictor): type = 'LocalBP' cxx_class = 'LocalBP' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/2bit_local.hh" localPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned(2048, "Size of local predictor") localCtrBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Bits per counter") class TournamentBP(BranchPredictor): type = 'TournamentBP' cxx_class = 'TournamentBP' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tournament.hh" localPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned(2048, "Size of local predictor") localCtrBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Bits per counter") localHistoryTableSize = Param.Unsigned(2048, "size of local history table") globalPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned(8192, "Size of global predictor") globalCtrBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Bits per counter") choicePredictorSize = Param.Unsigned(8192, "Size of choice predictor") choiceCtrBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Bits of choice counters") class BiModeBP(BranchPredictor): type = 'BiModeBP' cxx_class = 'BiModeBP' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/bi_mode.hh" globalPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned(8192, "Size of global predictor") globalCtrBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Bits per counter") choicePredictorSize = Param.Unsigned(8192, "Size of choice predictor") choiceCtrBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Bits of choice counters") class TAGEBase(SimObject): type = 'TAGEBase' cxx_class = 'TAGEBase' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_base.hh" numThreads = Param.Unsigned(Parent.numThreads, "Number of threads") instShiftAmt = Param.Unsigned(Parent.instShiftAmt, "Number of bits to shift instructions by") nHistoryTables = Param.Unsigned(7, "Number of history tables") minHist = Param.Unsigned(5, "Minimum history size of TAGE") maxHist = Param.Unsigned(130, "Maximum history size of TAGE") tagTableTagWidths = VectorParam.Unsigned( [0, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12], "Tag size in TAGE tag tables") logTagTableSizes = VectorParam.Int( [13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9], "Log2 of TAGE table sizes") logRatioBiModalHystEntries = Param.Unsigned(2, "Log num of prediction entries for a shared hysteresis bit " \ "for the Bimodal") tagTableCounterBits = Param.Unsigned(3, "Number of tag table counter bits") tagTableUBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Number of tag table u bits") histBufferSize = Param.Unsigned(2097152, "A large number to track all branch histories(2MEntries default)") pathHistBits = Param.Unsigned(16, "Path history size") logUResetPeriod = Param.Unsigned(18, "Log period in number of branches to reset TAGE useful counters") numUseAltOnNa = Param.Unsigned(1, "Number of USE_ALT_ON_NA counters") useAltOnNaBits = Param.Unsigned(4, "Size of the USE_ALT_ON_NA counter(s)") maxNumAlloc = Param.Unsigned(1, "Max number of TAGE entries allocted on mispredict") # List of enabled TAGE tables. If empty, all are enabled noSkip = VectorParam.Bool([], "Vector of enabled TAGE tables") speculativeHistUpdate = Param.Bool(True, "Use speculative update for histories") # TAGE branch predictor as described in https://www.jilp.org/vol8/v8paper1.pdf # The default sizes below are for the 8C-TAGE configuration (63.5 Kbits) class TAGE(BranchPredictor): type = 'TAGE' cxx_class = 'TAGE' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage.hh" tage = Param.TAGEBase(TAGEBase(), "Tage object") class LTAGE_TAGE(TAGEBase): nHistoryTables = 12 minHist = 4 maxHist = 640 tagTableTagWidths = [0, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15] logTagTableSizes = [14, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9] logUResetPeriod = 19 class LoopPredictor(SimObject): type = 'LoopPredictor' cxx_class = 'LoopPredictor' cxx_header = 'cpu/pred/loop_predictor.hh' logSizeLoopPred = Param.Unsigned(8, "Log size of the loop predictor") withLoopBits = Param.Unsigned(7, "Size of the WITHLOOP counter") loopTableAgeBits = Param.Unsigned(8, "Number of age bits per loop entry") loopTableConfidenceBits = Param.Unsigned(2, "Number of confidence bits per loop entry") loopTableTagBits = Param.Unsigned(14, "Number of tag bits per loop entry") loopTableIterBits = Param.Unsigned(14, "Nuber of iteration bits per loop") logLoopTableAssoc = Param.Unsigned(2, "Log loop predictor associativity") # Parameters for enabling modifications to the loop predictor # They have been copied from TAGE-GSC-IMLI # (http://www.irisa.fr/alf/downloads/seznec/TAGE-GSC-IMLI.tar) # # All of them should be disabled to match the original LTAGE implementation # (http://hpca23.cse.tamu.edu/taco/camino/cbp2/cbp-src/realistic-seznec.h) # Add speculation useSpeculation = Param.Bool(False, "Use speculation") # Add hashing for calculating the loop table index useHashing = Param.Bool(False, "Use hashing") # Add a direction bit to the loop table entries useDirectionBit = Param.Bool(False, "Use direction info") # If true, use random to decide whether to allocate or not, and only try # with one entry restrictAllocation = Param.Bool(False, "Restrict the allocation conditions") initialLoopIter = Param.Unsigned(1, "Initial iteration number") initialLoopAge = Param.Unsigned(255, "Initial age value") optionalAgeReset = Param.Bool(True, "Reset age bits optionally in some cases") class TAGE_SC_L_TAGE(TAGEBase): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_TAGE' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_TAGE' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l.hh" abstract = True tagTableTagWidths = [0] numUseAltOnNa = 16 pathHistBits = 27 maxNumAlloc = 2 logUResetPeriod = 10 useAltOnNaBits = 5 # TODO No speculation implemented as of now speculativeHistUpdate = False # This size does not set the final sizes of the tables (it is just used # for some calculations) # Instead, the number of TAGE entries comes from shortTagsTageEntries and # longTagsTageEntries logTagTableSize = Param.Unsigned("Log size of each tag table") shortTagsTageFactor = Param.Unsigned( "Factor for calculating the total number of short tags TAGE entries") longTagsTageFactor = Param.Unsigned( "Factor for calculating the total number of long tags TAGE entries") shortTagsSize = Param.Unsigned(8, "Size of the short tags") longTagsSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of the long tags") firstLongTagTable = Param.Unsigned("First table with long tags") truncatePathHist = Param.Bool(True, "Truncate the path history to its configured size") class TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_64KB(TAGE_SC_L_TAGE): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_64KB' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_64KB' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l_64KB.hh" nHistoryTables = 36 minHist = 6 maxHist = 3000 tagTableUBits = 1 logTagTableSizes = [13] # This is used to handle the 2-way associativity # (all odd entries are set to one, and if the corresponding even entry # is set to one, then there is a 2-way associativity for this pair) # Entry 0 is for the bimodal and it is ignored # Note: For this implementation, some odd entries are also set to 0 to save # some bits noSkip = [0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1] logTagTableSize = 10 shortTagsTageFactor = 10 longTagsTageFactor = 20 longTagsSize = 12 firstLongTagTable = 13 class TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_8KB(TAGE_SC_L_TAGE): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_8KB' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_8KB' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l_8KB.hh" nHistoryTables = 30 minHist = 4 maxHist = 1000 logTagTableSize = 7 shortTagsTageFactor = 9 longTagsTageFactor = 17 longTagsSize = 12 logTagTableSizes = [12] firstLongTagTable = 11 truncatePathHist = False noSkip = [0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1] tagTableUBits = 2 # LTAGE branch predictor as described in # https://www.irisa.fr/caps/people/seznec/L-TAGE.pdf # It is basically a TAGE predictor plus a loop predictor # The differnt TAGE sizes are updated according to the paper values (256 Kbits) class LTAGE(TAGE): type = 'LTAGE' cxx_class = 'LTAGE' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/ltage.hh" tage = LTAGE_TAGE() loop_predictor = Param.LoopPredictor(LoopPredictor(), "Loop predictor") class TAGE_SC_L_LoopPredictor(LoopPredictor): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_LoopPredictor' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_LoopPredictor' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l.hh" loopTableAgeBits = 4 loopTableConfidenceBits = 4 loopTableTagBits = 10 loopTableIterBits = 10 useSpeculation = False useHashing = True useDirectionBit = True restrictAllocation = True initialLoopIter = 0 initialLoopAge = 7 optionalAgeReset = False class StatisticalCorrector(SimObject): type = 'StatisticalCorrector' cxx_class = 'StatisticalCorrector' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/statistical_corrector.hh" abstract = True # Statistical corrector parameters numEntriesFirstLocalHistories = Param.Unsigned( "Number of entries for first local histories") bwnb = Param.Unsigned("Num global backward branch GEHL lengths") bwm = VectorParam.Int("Global backward branch GEHL lengths") logBwnb = Param.Unsigned("Log num of global backward branch GEHL entries") lnb = Param.Unsigned("Num first local history GEHL lenghts") lm = VectorParam.Int("First local history GEHL lengths") logLnb = Param.Unsigned("Log number of first local history GEHL entries") inb = Param.Unsigned(1, "Num IMLI GEHL lenghts") im = VectorParam.Int([8], "IMLI history GEHL lengths") logInb = Param.Unsigned("Log number of IMLI GEHL entries") logBias = Param.Unsigned("Log size of Bias tables") logSizeUp = Param.Unsigned(6, "Log size of update threshold counters tables") chooserConfWidth = Param.Unsigned(7, "Number of bits for the chooser counters") updateThresholdWidth = Param.Unsigned(12, "Number of bits for the update threshold counter") pUpdateThresholdWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Number of bits for the pUpdate threshold counters") extraWeightsWidth = Param.Unsigned(6, "Number of bits for the extra weights") scCountersWidth = Param.Unsigned(6, "Statistical corrector counters width") # TAGE-SC-L branch predictor as desribed in # https://www.jilp.org/cbp2016/paper/AndreSeznecLimited.pdf # It is a modified LTAGE predictor plus a statistical corrector predictor # The TAGE modifications include bank interleaving and partial associativity # Two different sizes are proposed in the paper: # 8KB => See TAGE_SC_L_8KB below # 64KB => See TAGE_SC_L_64KB below # The TAGE_SC_L_8KB and TAGE_SC_L_64KB classes differ not only on the values # of some parameters, but also in some implementation details # Given this, the TAGE_SC_L class is left abstract # Note that as it is now, this branch predictor does not handle any type # of speculation: All the structures/histories are updated at commit time class TAGE_SC_L(LTAGE): type = 'TAGE_SC_L' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l.hh" abstract = True statistical_corrector = Param.StatisticalCorrector( "Statistical Corrector") class TAGE_SC_L_64KB_LoopPredictor(TAGE_SC_L_LoopPredictor): logSizeLoopPred = 5 class TAGE_SC_L_8KB_LoopPredictor(TAGE_SC_L_LoopPredictor): logSizeLoopPred = 3 class TAGE_SC_L_64KB_StatisticalCorrector(StatisticalCorrector): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_64KB_StatisticalCorrector' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_64KB_StatisticalCorrector' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l_64KB.hh" pnb = Param.Unsigned(3, "Num variation global branch GEHL lengths") pm = VectorParam.Int([25, 16, 9], "Variation global branch GEHL lengths") logPnb = Param.Unsigned(9, "Log number of variation global branch GEHL entries") snb = Param.Unsigned(3, "Num second local history GEHL lenghts") sm = VectorParam.Int([16, 11, 6], "Second local history GEHL lengths") logSnb = Param.Unsigned(9, "Log number of second local history GEHL entries") tnb = Param.Unsigned(2, "Num third local history GEHL lenghts") tm = VectorParam.Int([9, 4], "Third local history GEHL lengths") logTnb = Param.Unsigned(10, "Log number of third local history GEHL entries") imnb = Param.Unsigned(2, "Num second IMLI GEHL lenghts") imm = VectorParam.Int([10, 4], "Second IMLI history GEHL lengths") logImnb = Param.Unsigned(9, "Log number of second IMLI GEHL entries") numEntriesSecondLocalHistories = Param.Unsigned(16, "Number of entries for second local histories") numEntriesThirdLocalHistories = Param.Unsigned(16, "Number of entries for second local histories") numEntriesFirstLocalHistories = 256 logBias = 8 bwnb = 3 bwm = [40, 24, 10] logBwnb = 10 lnb = 3 lm = [11, 6, 3] logLnb = 10 logInb = 8 class TAGE_SC_L_8KB_StatisticalCorrector(StatisticalCorrector): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_8KB_StatisticalCorrector' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_8KB_StatisticalCorrector' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l_8KB.hh" gnb = Param.Unsigned(2, "Num global branch GEHL lengths") gm = VectorParam.Int([6, 3], "Global branch GEHL lengths") logGnb = Param.Unsigned(7, "Log number of global branch GEHL entries") numEntriesFirstLocalHistories = 64 logBias = 7 bwnb = 2 logBwnb = 7 bwm = [16, 8] lnb = 2 logLnb = 7 lm = [6, 3] logInb = 7 # 64KB TAGE-SC-L branch predictor as described in # http://www.jilp.org/cbp2016/paper/AndreSeznecLimited.pdf class TAGE_SC_L_64KB(TAGE_SC_L): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_64KB' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_64KB' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l_64KB.hh" tage = TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_64KB() loop_predictor = TAGE_SC_L_64KB_LoopPredictor() statistical_corrector = TAGE_SC_L_64KB_StatisticalCorrector() # 8KB TAGE-SC-L branch predictor as described in # http://www.jilp.org/cbp2016/paper/AndreSeznecLimited.pdf class TAGE_SC_L_8KB(TAGE_SC_L): type = 'TAGE_SC_L_8KB' cxx_class = 'TAGE_SC_L_8KB' cxx_header = "cpu/pred/tage_sc_l_8KB.hh" tage = TAGE_SC_L_TAGE_8KB() loop_predictor = TAGE_SC_L_8KB_LoopPredictor() statistical_corrector = TAGE_SC_L_8KB_StatisticalCorrector()