/***************************************************************************** Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** sc_vector.h - A vector of named (SystemC) objects (modules, ports, channels) Original Author: Philipp A. Hartmann, OFFIS CHANGE LOG AT END OF FILE *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_VECTOR_H_INCLUDED_ #define SC_VECTOR_H_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include // std::swap #include "sysc/kernel/sc_object.h" #include //#define SC_VECTOR_HEADER_ONLY_ namespace sc_core { namespace sc_meta { using ::std::enable_if; using ::std::remove_const; using ::std::is_same; using ::std::is_const; template< typename CT, typename T > struct is_more_const { static constexpr bool value = ( is_same< typename remove_const::type , typename remove_const::type >::value && ( is_const::value >= is_const::value ) ); }; } // namespace sc_meta // forward declarations template< typename T > class sc_vector; template< typename T, typename MT > class sc_vector_assembly; template< typename T, typename MT > class sc_vector_iter; // implementation-defined template< typename Container, typename ArgumentIterator > typename Container::iterator sc_vector_do_bind( Container & cont , ArgumentIterator first , ArgumentIterator last , typename Container::iterator from ); // implementation-defined template< typename Container, typename ArgumentIterator > typename Container::iterator sc_vector_do_operator_paren( Container & cont , ArgumentIterator first , ArgumentIterator last , typename Container::iterator from ); class sc_vector_base : public sc_object { template friend class sc_vector_assembly; template friend class sc_vector_iter; public: typedef std::vector< void* > storage_type; typedef storage_type::size_type size_type; typedef storage_type::difference_type difference_type; const char * kind() const { return "sc_vector"; } std::vector const & get_elements() const; size_type size() const { return vec_.size(); } protected: // begin implementation defined typedef storage_type::iterator iterator; typedef storage_type::const_iterator const_iterator; sc_vector_base(); sc_vector_base( const char* prefix ) : sc_object( prefix ) , vec_() , objs_vec_(0) {} ~sc_vector_base() { delete objs_vec_; } void * & at( size_type i ) { return vec_[i]; } void const * at( size_type i ) const { return vec_[i]; } void reserve( size_type n ) { vec_.reserve(n); } void clear() { vec_.clear(); } void push_back( void* item ) { vec_.push_back(item); } void check_index( size_type i ) const; bool check_init( size_type n ) const; static std::string make_name( const char* prefix, size_type index ); iterator begin() { return vec_.begin(); } iterator end() { return vec_.end(); } const_iterator begin() const { return vec_.begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return vec_.end(); } virtual sc_object* object_cast( void* ) const = 0; sc_object* implicit_cast( sc_object* p ) const { return p; } sc_object* implicit_cast( ... /* incompatible */ ) const; public: void report_empty_bind( const char* kind_, bool dst_range_ ) const; private: storage_type vec_; mutable std::vector< sc_object* >* objs_vec_; // disabled sc_vector_base( const sc_vector_base& ); sc_vector_base& operator=( const sc_vector_base& ); }; // sc_vector_base // iterator access adapters template< typename ElementType > struct sc_direct_access { typedef ElementType element_type; typedef element_type type; typedef typename sc_meta::remove_const::type plain_type; typedef sc_direct_access< type > policy; typedef sc_direct_access< plain_type > non_const_policy; typedef sc_direct_access< const plain_type > const_policy; sc_direct_access(){} sc_direct_access( const non_const_policy& ) {} // convert from any policy to (const) direct policy template sc_direct_access(const U&, typename sc_meta::enable_if::value>::type* = NULL) {} type* get( type* this_ ) const { return this_; } }; // iterator access adapters template< typename ElementType , typename AccessType > class sc_member_access { public: template< typename, typename > friend class sc_member_access; typedef ElementType element_type; typedef AccessType access_type; typedef access_type (ElementType::*member_type); typedef access_type type; typedef typename sc_meta::remove_const::type plain_type; typedef typename sc_meta::remove_const::type plain_elem_type; typedef sc_member_access< element_type, access_type > policy; typedef sc_member_access< plain_elem_type, plain_type > non_const_policy; typedef sc_member_access< const plain_elem_type, const plain_type > const_policy; sc_member_access( member_type ptr ) : ptr_(ptr) {} sc_member_access( const non_const_policy& other ) : ptr_(other.ptr_) {} access_type * get( element_type* this_ ) const { return &(this_->*ptr_); } private: member_type ptr_; }; // sc_member_access template< typename ElementType , typename AccessPolicy = sc_direct_access > class sc_vector_iter : public std::iterator< std::random_access_iterator_tag , typename AccessPolicy::type > , private AccessPolicy { typedef ElementType element_type; typedef typename AccessPolicy::policy access_policy; typedef typename AccessPolicy::non_const_policy non_const_policy; typedef typename AccessPolicy::const_policy const_policy; typedef typename access_policy::type access_type; typedef typename sc_meta::remove_const::type plain_type; typedef const plain_type const_plain_type; friend class sc_vector< plain_type >; template< typename, typename > friend class sc_vector_assembly; template< typename, typename > friend class sc_vector_iter; typedef std::iterator< std::random_access_iterator_tag, access_type > base_type; typedef sc_vector_iter this_type; typedef sc_vector vector_type; typedef sc_vector_base::storage_type storage_type; // select correct base-type iterator template< typename U > struct select_iter { typedef typename storage_type::iterator type; }; template< typename U > struct select_iter< const U > { typedef typename storage_type::const_iterator type; }; typedef typename select_iter::type raw_iterator; typedef sc_vector_iter< const_plain_type, const_policy > const_iterator; // underlying vector iterator raw_iterator it_; sc_vector_iter( raw_iterator it, access_policy acc = access_policy() ) : access_policy(acc), it_(it) {} access_policy const & get_policy() const { return *this; } public: // interface for Random Access Iterator category, // see ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E), 24.1 [lib.iterator.requirements] typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename base_type::reference reference; typedef typename base_type::pointer pointer; sc_vector_iter() : access_policy(), it_() {} // iterator conversions to more const, and/or direct iterators template< typename OtherElement, typename OtherPolicy > sc_vector_iter( const sc_vector_iter& it , typename sc_meta::enable_if::value>::type* = NULL) : access_policy( it.get_policy() ), it_( it.it_ ) {} // step this_type& operator++(){ ++it_; return *this; } this_type& operator--(){ --it_; return *this; } this_type operator++(int){ this_type old(*this); ++it_; return old; } this_type operator--(int){ this_type old(*this); --it_; return old; } // advance this_type operator+( difference_type n ) const { return this_type( it_ + n, get_policy()); } this_type operator-( difference_type n ) const { return this_type( it_ - n, get_policy()); } this_type& operator+=( difference_type n ) { it_+=n; return *this; } this_type& operator-=( difference_type n ) { it_-=n; return *this; } // relations bool operator== ( const this_type& that ) const { return it_ == that.it_; } bool operator!= ( const this_type& that ) const { return it_ != that.it_; } bool operator<= ( const this_type& that ) const { return it_ <= that.it_; } bool operator>= ( const this_type& that ) const { return it_ >= that.it_; } bool operator< ( const this_type& that ) const { return it_ < that.it_; } bool operator> ( const this_type& that ) const { return it_ > that.it_; } // dereference reference operator*() const { return *access_policy::get( static_cast(*it_) ); } pointer operator->() const { return access_policy::get( static_cast(*it_) ); } reference operator[]( difference_type n ) const { return *access_policy::get( static_cast(it_[n]) ); } // distance difference_type operator-( this_type const& that ) const { return it_-that.it_; } }; // sc_vector_iter template< typename T > class sc_vector : public sc_vector_base { typedef sc_vector_base base_type; typedef sc_vector this_type; public: typedef T element_type; typedef sc_vector_iter< element_type > iterator; typedef sc_vector_iter< const element_type > const_iterator; sc_vector(){} explicit sc_vector( const char* prefix ) : base_type( prefix ) {} explicit sc_vector( const char* prefix, size_type n ) : base_type( prefix ) { init(n); } template< typename Creator > sc_vector( const char* prefix, size_type n, Creator creator ) : base_type( prefix ) { init( n, creator ); } virtual ~sc_vector(); element_type& operator[]( size_type i ) { return *static_cast( base_type::at(i) ); } element_type& at( size_type i ) { check_index(i); return (*this)[i]; } const element_type& operator[]( size_type i ) const { return *static_cast( base_type::at(i) ); } const element_type& at( size_type i ) const { check_index(i); return (*this)[i]; } void init( size_type n ) { init( n, &this_type::create_element ); } template< typename Creator > void init( size_type n, Creator c ); static element_type * create_element( const char* prefix, size_type index ); iterator begin() { return base_type::begin(); } iterator end() { return base_type::end(); } const_iterator begin() const { return base_type::begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return base_type::end(); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return base_type::begin(); } const_iterator cend() const { return base_type::end(); } template< typename ContainerType, typename ArgumentType > iterator bind( sc_vector_assembly c ) { return bind( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename BindableContainer > iterator bind( BindableContainer & c ) { return bind( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename BindableIterator > iterator bind( BindableIterator first, BindableIterator last ) { return bind( first, last, this->begin() ); } template< typename BindableIterator > iterator bind( BindableIterator first, BindableIterator last , iterator from ) { return sc_vector_do_bind( *this, first, last, from ); } template< typename ContainerType, typename ArgumentType > iterator operator()( sc_vector_assembly c ) { return operator()( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename ArgumentContainer > iterator operator()( ArgumentContainer & c ) { return operator()( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename ArgumentIterator > iterator operator()( ArgumentIterator first, ArgumentIterator last ) { return operator()( first, last, this->begin() ); } template< typename ArgumentIterator > iterator operator()( ArgumentIterator first, ArgumentIterator last , iterator from ) { return sc_vector_do_operator_paren( *this, first, last, from ); } // member-wise access template< typename MT > sc_vector_assembly assemble( MT (T::*member_ptr) ) { return sc_vector_assembly( *this, member_ptr ); } protected: void clear(); virtual sc_object* object_cast( void* p ) const { return implicit_cast( static_cast(p) ); } }; template< typename T, typename MT > class sc_vector_assembly { template< typename U > friend class sc_vector; public: typedef sc_vector base_type; typedef sc_vector_iter< T, sc_member_access > iterator; typedef sc_vector_iter< const T , sc_member_access > const_iterator; typedef T element_type; typedef MT access_type; typedef typename base_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename iterator::reference reference; typedef typename iterator::pointer pointer; typedef typename const_iterator::reference const_reference; typedef typename const_iterator::pointer const_pointer; typedef access_type (T::*member_type); const char* name() const { return vec_->name(); } const char* kind() const { return "sc_vector_assembly"; } iterator begin() { return iterator( (*vec_).begin().it_, ptr_ ); } iterator end() { return iterator( (*vec_).end().it_, ptr_ ); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator( (*vec_).cbegin().it_, ptr_ ); } const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator( (*vec_).cend().it_, ptr_ ); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator( (*vec_).begin().it_, ptr_ ); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator( (*vec_).end().it_, ptr_ ); } size_type size() const { return vec_->size(); } const std::vector< sc_object* > & get_elements() const; reference operator[]( size_type idx ) { return (*vec_)[idx].*ptr_; } reference at( size_type idx ) { return vec_->at(idx).*ptr_; } const_reference operator[]( size_type idx ) const { return (*vec_)[idx].*ptr_; } const_reference at( size_type idx ) const { return vec_->at(idx).*ptr_; } template< typename ContainerType, typename ArgumentType > iterator bind( sc_vector_assembly c ) { return bind( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename BindableContainer > iterator bind( BindableContainer & c ) { return bind( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename BindableIterator > iterator bind( BindableIterator first, BindableIterator last ) { return bind( first, last, this->begin() ); } template< typename BindableIterator > iterator bind( BindableIterator first, BindableIterator last , iterator from ) { return sc_vector_do_bind( *this, first, last, from ); } template< typename BindableIterator > iterator bind( BindableIterator first, BindableIterator last , typename base_type::iterator from ) { return bind( first, last, iterator(from.it_, ptr_) ); } template< typename ContainerType, typename ArgumentType > iterator operator()( sc_vector_assembly c ) { return operator()( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename ArgumentContainer > iterator operator()( ArgumentContainer & c ) { return operator()( c.begin(), c.end() ); } template< typename ArgumentIterator > iterator operator()( ArgumentIterator first, ArgumentIterator last ) { return operator()( first, last, this->begin() ); } template< typename ArgumentIterator > iterator operator()( ArgumentIterator first, ArgumentIterator last , iterator from ) { return sc_vector_do_operator_paren( *this, first, last, from ); } template< typename ArgumentIterator > iterator operator()( ArgumentIterator first, ArgumentIterator last , typename base_type::iterator from ) { return operator()( first, last, iterator(from.it_, ptr_) ); } sc_vector_assembly( const sc_vector_assembly & other ) : vec_( other.vec_ ) , ptr_( other.ptr_ ) , child_vec_(0) {} sc_vector_assembly& operator=( sc_vector_assembly other_copy ) { swap( other_copy ); return *this; } void swap( sc_vector_assembly & that ) { using std::swap; swap( vec_, that.vec_ ); swap( ptr_, that.ptr_ ); swap( child_vec_, that.child_vec_ ); } void report_empty_bind( const char* kind_, bool dst_empty_ ) const { vec_->report_empty_bind( kind_, dst_empty_ ); } ~sc_vector_assembly() { delete child_vec_; } private: sc_vector_assembly( base_type & v, member_type ptr ) : vec_(&v) , ptr_(ptr) , child_vec_(0) {} sc_object* object_cast( pointer p ) const { return vec_->implicit_cast( p ); } base_type * vec_; member_type ptr_; mutable std::vector< sc_object* >* child_vec_; }; template< typename T, typename MT > sc_vector_assembly sc_assemble_vector( sc_vector & vec, MT (T::*ptr) ) { return vec.assemble( ptr ); } template< typename T > typename sc_vector::element_type * sc_vector::create_element( const char* name, size_type /* idx */ ) { return new T( name ); } template< typename T > template< typename Creator > void sc_vector::init( size_type n, Creator c ) { if ( base_type::check_init(n) ) { base_type::reserve( n ); try { for ( size_type i = 0; i void sc_vector::clear() { size_type i = size(); while ( i --> 0 ) { delete &( (*this)[i] ); base_type::at(i) = 0; } base_type::clear(); } template< typename Container, typename ArgumentIterator > typename Container::iterator sc_vector_do_bind( Container & cont , ArgumentIterator first , ArgumentIterator last , typename Container::iterator from ) { typename Container::iterator end = cont.end(); if( !cont.size() || from == end || first == last ) cont.report_empty_bind( cont.kind(), from == end ); while( from!=end && first != last ) (*from++).bind( *first++ ); return from; } template< typename Container, typename ArgumentIterator > typename Container::iterator sc_vector_do_operator_paren( Container& cont , ArgumentIterator first , ArgumentIterator last , typename Container::iterator from ) { typename Container::iterator end = cont.end(); if( !cont.size() || from == end || first == last ) cont.report_empty_bind( cont.kind(), from == end ); while( from!=end && first != last ) (*from++)( *first++ ); return from; } template< typename T > sc_vector::~sc_vector() { clear(); } template< typename T, typename MT > std::vector< sc_object* > const & sc_vector_assembly::get_elements() const { if( !child_vec_ ) child_vec_ = new std::vector< sc_object* >; if( child_vec_->size() || !size() ) return *child_vec_; child_vec_->reserve( size() ); for( const_iterator it=begin(); it != end(); ++it ) if( sc_object * obj = object_cast( const_cast(&*it) ) ) child_vec_->push_back( obj ); return *child_vec_; } } // namespace sc_core #undef SC_RPTYPE_ #undef SC_ENABLE_IF_ // $Log: sc_vector.h,v $ // Revision 1.17 2011/08/26 20:46:20 acg // Andy Goodrich: moved the modification log to the end of the file to // eliminate source line number skew when check-ins are done. // // Revision 1.16 2011/07/25 10:21:17 acg // Andy Goodrich: check in aftermath of call to automake. // // Revision 1.15 2011/04/02 00:04:32 acg // Philipp A. Hartmann: fix distance from member iterators, and // add iterator conversions. // // Revision 1.14 2011/04/01 22:35:19 acg // Andy Goodrich: spelling fix. // // Revision 1.13 2011/03/28 13:03:09 acg // Andy Goodrich: Philipp's latest update. // // Revision 1.12 2011/03/23 16:16:28 acg // Philipp A. Hartmann: rebase implementation on void* // - supports virtual inheritance from sc_object again // - build up get_elements result on demand // - still requires element type to be derived from sc_object // // Revision 1.11 2011/02/19 16:46:36 acg // Andy Goodrich: finally get the update from Philipp correct! // #endif // SC_VECTOR_H_INCLUDED_ // Taf!