/***************************************************************************** Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** sc_nbfriends.inc -- Friend functions for both sc_signed and sc_unsigned classes. The vec_* functions are called through either these functions or those in sc_nbexterns.cpp. These functions perform their work on two inputs u and v, and return the result object. The functions in sc_nbexterns.cpp perform their work on one of their inputs. The functions here try to use faster algorithms in case the input numbers are small. The bitwise functions (and, or, and xor) need the 2's complement representations of their inputs. Instead of complementing their inputs first and then processing, they complement their inputs while processing without allocating extra temporary memory. Original Author: Ali Dasdan, Synopsys, Inc. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and changes you are making here. Name, Affiliation, Date: Description of Modification: *****************************************************************************/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Naming conventions: // For sc_signed or sc_unsigned number u: // us : u's sign, unb : u's number of bits, // und : u's number of digits, ud : u's digits array. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION: Friend functions for PLUS operators. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles cases 3 and 4 and returns the result. CLASS_TYPE ADD_HELPER(small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd) { und = vec_skip_leading_zeros(und, ud); vnd = vec_skip_leading_zeros(vnd, vd); int nb = sc_max(unb, vnb); int nd = sc_max(und, vnd) + 1; #ifdef SC_MAX_NBITS test_bound(nb); sc_digit d[MAX_NDIGITS]; #else sc_digit *d = new sc_digit[nd]; #endif d[nd - 1] = d[nd - 2] = 0; // case 3 if (us == vs) { ++nb; if ((und == 1) && (vnd == 1)) { sc_digit carry = (*ud) + (*vd); d[0] = carry & DIGIT_MASK; d[1] = carry >> BITS_PER_DIGIT; } else if (und >= vnd) vec_add(und, ud, vnd, vd, d); else vec_add(vnd, vd, und, ud, d); } // case 4 else { int cmp_res = vec_cmp(und, ud, vnd, vd); if (cmp_res == 0) { // u == v #ifndef SC_MAX_NBITS delete[] d; #endif return CLASS_TYPE(); } if (cmp_res > 0) { // u > v if ((und == 1) && (vnd == 1)) d[0] = (*ud) - (*vd); else vec_sub(und, ud, vnd, vd, d); } else { // u < v us = -us; if ((und == 1) && (vnd == 1)) d[0] = (*vd) - (*ud); else vec_sub(vnd, vd, und, ud, d); } } return CLASS_TYPE(us, nb, nd, d); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION: Friend functions of MULTIPLICATION operators. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles the case 4 and returns the result. CLASS_TYPE MUL_HELPER(small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd) { und = vec_skip_leading_zeros(und, ud); vnd = vec_skip_leading_zeros(vnd, vd); int nb = unb + vnb; int nd = und + vnd; #ifdef SC_MAX_NBITS test_bound(nb); sc_digit d[MAX_NDIGITS]; #else sc_digit *d = new sc_digit[nd]; #endif vec_zero(nd, d); sc_digit ud0 = (*ud); sc_digit vd0 = (*vd); if ((vnd == 1) && (vd0 == 1)) vec_copy(und, d, ud); else if ((und == 1) && (ud0 == 1)) vec_copy(vnd, d, vd); else if ((und == 1) && (vnd == 1) && (ud0 < HALF_DIGIT_RADIX) && (vd0 < HALF_DIGIT_RADIX)) d[0] = ud0 * vd0; else if ((und == 1) && (ud0 < HALF_DIGIT_RADIX)) vec_mul_small(vnd, vd, ud0, d); else if ((vnd == 1) && (vd0 < HALF_DIGIT_RADIX)) vec_mul_small(und, ud, vd0, d); else if (vnd < und) vec_mul(und, ud, vnd, vd, d); else vec_mul(vnd, vd, und, ud, d); return CLASS_TYPE(s, nb, nd, d); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION: Friend functions for DIVISION operators. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles the cases 3-4 and returns the result. CLASS_TYPE DIV_HELPER(small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd) { und = vec_skip_leading_zeros(und, ud); vnd = vec_skip_leading_zeros(vnd, vd); int cmp_res = vec_cmp(und, ud, vnd, vd); // u < v => u / v = 0 - case 4 if (cmp_res < 0) return CLASS_TYPE(); // One extra digit for d is allocated to simplify vec_div_*(). int nd = sc_max(und, vnd) + 1; #ifdef SC_MAX_NBITS sc_digit d[MAX_NDIGITS + 1]; #else sc_digit *d = new sc_digit[nd]; #endif vec_zero(nd, d); sc_digit vd0 = (*vd); // u = v => u / v = 1 - case 3 if (cmp_res == 0) d[0] = 1; // else if u > v - case 5 else if ((vnd == 1) && (vd0 == 1)) vec_copy(und, d, ud); else if ((vnd == 1) && (und == 1)) d[0] = (*ud) / vd0; else if ((vnd == 1) && (vd0 < HALF_DIGIT_RADIX)) vec_div_small(und, ud, vd0, d); else vec_div_large(und, ud, vnd, vd, d); return CLASS_TYPE(s, sc_max(unb, vnb), nd - 1, d); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION: Friend functions for MOD operators. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles the cases 3-4 and returns the result. CLASS_TYPE MOD_HELPER(small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd) { und = vec_skip_leading_zeros(und, ud); vnd = vec_skip_leading_zeros(vnd, vd); int cmp_res = vec_cmp(und, ud, vnd, vd); // u = v => u % v = 0 - case 3 if (cmp_res == 0) return CLASS_TYPE(); sc_digit vd0 = (*vd); if ((cmp_res > 0) && (vnd == 1) && (vd0 == 1)) return CLASS_TYPE(); // One extra digit for d is allocated to simplify vec_div_*(). int nd = sc_max(und, vnd) + 1; #ifdef SC_MAX_NBITS sc_digit d[MAX_NDIGITS + 1]; #else sc_digit *d = new sc_digit[nd]; #endif vec_zero(nd, d); // u < v => u % v = u - case 4 if (cmp_res < 0) vec_copy(und, d, ud); // else if u > v - case 5 else if ((vnd == 1) && (und == 1)) d[0] = (*ud) % vd0; else if ((vnd == 1) && (vd0 < HALF_DIGIT_RADIX)) d[0] = vec_rem_small(und, ud, vd0); else vec_rem_large(und, ud, vnd, vd, d); us = check_for_zero(us, nd - 1, d); if (us == SC_ZERO) { #ifndef SC_MAX_NBITS delete[] d; #endif return CLASS_TYPE(); } else return CLASS_TYPE(us, sc_min(unb, vnb), nd - 1, d); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION: Friend functions for AND operators. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles the cases 2-5 and returns the result. CLASS_TYPE AND_HELPER(small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd) { int nb = sc_max(unb, vnb); int nd = sc_max(und, vnd); #ifdef SC_MAX_NBITS sc_digit dbegin[MAX_NDIGITS]; #else sc_digit *dbegin = new sc_digit[nd]; #endif sc_digit *d = dbegin; const sc_digit *x; const sc_digit *y; int xnd; int ynd; small_type xs; small_type ys; if (und >= vnd) { x = ud; y = vd; xnd = und; ynd = vnd; xs = us; ys = vs; } else { y = ud; x = vd; ynd = und; xnd = vnd; ys = us; xs = vs; } const sc_digit *xend = (x + xnd); const sc_digit *yend = (y + ynd); // x is longer than y. small_type s = mul_signs(xs, ys); if (s > 0) { if (xs > 0) { // case 2 while (y < yend) (*d++) = (*x++) & (*y++); while (x++ < xend) (*d++) = 0; } else { // case 3 sc_digit xcarry = 1; sc_digit ycarry = 1; while (y < yend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); ycarry += (~(*y++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = (xcarry & ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); ycarry += DIGIT_MASK; (*d++) = (xcarry & ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } } else { if (xs > 0) { // case 4 sc_digit ycarry = 1; while (y < yend) { ycarry += (~(*y++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = ((*x++) & ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { ycarry += DIGIT_MASK; (*d++) = ((*x++) & ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } else { // case 5 sc_digit xcarry = 1; while (y < yend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = (xcarry & (*y++)) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x++ < xend) (*d++) = 0; } } s = convert_signed_2C_to_SM(nb, nd, dbegin); return CLASS_TYPE(s, nb, nd, dbegin); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION: Friend functions for OR operators. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles the cases 3-5 and returns the result. CLASS_TYPE OR_HELPER(small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd) { int nb = sc_max(unb, vnb); int nd = sc_max(und, vnd); #ifdef SC_MAX_NBITS sc_digit dbegin[MAX_NDIGITS]; #else sc_digit *dbegin = new sc_digit[nd]; #endif sc_digit *d = dbegin; const sc_digit *x; const sc_digit *y; int xnd; int ynd; small_type xs; small_type ys; if (und >= vnd) { x = ud; y = vd; xnd = und; ynd = vnd; xs = us; ys = vs; } else { y = ud; x = vd; ynd = und; xnd = vnd; ys = us; xs = vs; } const sc_digit *xend = (x + xnd); const sc_digit *yend = (y + ynd); // x is longer than y. small_type s = mul_signs(xs, ys); if (s > 0) { if (xs > 0) { // case 3 while (y < yend) (*d++) = (*x++) | (*y++); while (x < xend) (*d++) = (*x++); } else { // case 4 sc_digit xcarry = 1; sc_digit ycarry = 1; while (y < yend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); ycarry += (~(*y++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = (xcarry | ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); ycarry += DIGIT_MASK; (*d++) = (xcarry | ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } } else { if (xs > 0) { // case 5 sc_digit ycarry = 1; while (y < yend) { ycarry += (~(*y++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = ((*x++) | ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { ycarry += DIGIT_MASK; (*d++) = ((*x++) | ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } else { // case 6 sc_digit xcarry = 1; while (y < yend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = (xcarry | (*y++)) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = xcarry & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } } s = convert_signed_2C_to_SM(nb, nd, dbegin); return CLASS_TYPE(s, nb, nd, dbegin); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION: Friend functions for XOR operators. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles the cases 3-5 and returns the result. CLASS_TYPE XOR_HELPER(small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd) { int nb = sc_max(unb, vnb); int nd = sc_max(und, vnd); #ifdef SC_MAX_NBITS sc_digit dbegin[MAX_NDIGITS]; #else sc_digit *dbegin = new sc_digit[nd]; #endif sc_digit *d = dbegin; const sc_digit *x; const sc_digit *y; int xnd; int ynd; small_type xs; small_type ys; if (und >= vnd) { x = ud; y = vd; xnd = und; ynd = vnd; xs = us; ys = vs; } else { y = ud; x = vd; ynd = und; xnd = vnd; ys = us; xs = vs; } const sc_digit *xend = (x + xnd); const sc_digit *yend = (y + ynd); // x is longer than y. small_type s = mul_signs(xs, ys); if (s > 0) { if (xs > 0) { // case 3 while (y < yend) (*d++) = ((*x++) ^ (*y++)) & DIGIT_MASK; while (x < xend) (*d++) = (*x++); } else { // case 4 sc_digit xcarry = 1; sc_digit ycarry = 1; while (y < yend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); ycarry += (~(*y++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = (xcarry ^ ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); ycarry += DIGIT_MASK; (*d++) = (xcarry ^ ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } } else { if (xs > 0) { // case 5 sc_digit ycarry = 1; while (y < yend) { ycarry += (~(*y++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = ((*x++) ^ ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { ycarry += DIGIT_MASK; (*d++) = ((*x++) ^ ycarry) & DIGIT_MASK; ycarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } else { // case 6 sc_digit xcarry = 1; while (y < yend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = (xcarry ^ (*y++)) & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } while (x < xend) { xcarry += (~(*x++) & DIGIT_MASK); (*d++) = xcarry & DIGIT_MASK; xcarry >>= BITS_PER_DIGIT; } } } s = convert_signed_2C_to_SM(nb, nd, dbegin); return CLASS_TYPE(s, nb, nd, dbegin); } // End of file.