/***************************************************************************** * McPAT/CACTI * SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT * Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * All Rights Reserved * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.” * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "htree2.h" #include "wire.h" Htree2::Htree2( enum Wire_type wire_model, double mat_w, double mat_h, int a_bits, int d_inbits, int search_data_in, int d_outbits, int search_data_out, int bl, int wl, enum Htree_type htree_type, bool uca_tree_, bool search_tree_, TechnologyParameter::DeviceType *dt) :in_rise_time(0), out_rise_time(0), tree_type(htree_type), mat_width(mat_w), mat_height(mat_h), add_bits(a_bits), data_in_bits(d_inbits), search_data_in_bits(search_data_in),data_out_bits(d_outbits), search_data_out_bits(search_data_out), ndbl(bl), ndwl(wl), uca_tree(uca_tree_), search_tree(search_tree_), wt(wire_model), deviceType(dt) { assert(ndbl >= 2 && ndwl >= 2); // if (ndbl == 1 && ndwl == 1) // { // delay = 0; // power.readOp.dynamic = 0; // power.readOp.leakage = 0; // area.w = mat_w; // area.h = mat_h; // return; // } // if (ndwl == 1) ndwl++; // if (ndbl == 1) ndbl++; max_unpipelined_link_delay = 0; //TODO min_w_nmos = g_tp.min_w_nmos_; min_w_pmos = deviceType->n_to_p_eff_curr_drv_ratio * min_w_nmos; switch (htree_type) { case Add_htree: wire_bw = init_wire_bw = add_bits; in_htree(); break; case Data_in_htree: wire_bw = init_wire_bw = data_in_bits; in_htree(); break; case Data_out_htree: wire_bw = init_wire_bw = data_out_bits; out_htree(); break; case Search_in_htree: wire_bw = init_wire_bw = search_data_in_bits;//in_search_tree is broad cast, out_htree is not. in_htree(); break; case Search_out_htree: wire_bw = init_wire_bw = search_data_out_bits; out_htree(); break; default: assert(0); break; } power_bit = power; power.readOp.dynamic *= init_wire_bw; assert(power.readOp.dynamic >= 0); assert(power.readOp.leakage >= 0); } // nand gate sizing calculation void Htree2::input_nand(double s1, double s2, double l_eff) { Wire w1(wt, l_eff); double pton_size = deviceType->n_to_p_eff_curr_drv_ratio; // input capacitance of a repeater = input capacitance of nand. double nsize = s1*(1 + pton_size)/(2 + pton_size); nsize = (nsize < 1) ? 1 : nsize; double tc = 2*tr_R_on(nsize*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1) * (drain_C_(nsize*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def)*2 + 2 * gate_C(s2*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)); delay+= horowitz (w1.out_rise_time, tc, deviceType->Vth/deviceType->Vdd, deviceType->Vth/deviceType->Vdd, RISE); power.readOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (2*drain_C_(pton_size * nsize*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + drain_C_(nsize*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + 2*gate_C(s2*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd; power.searchOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (2*drain_C_(pton_size * nsize*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + drain_C_(nsize*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + 2*gate_C(s2*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd * wire_bw ; power.readOp.leakage += (wire_bw*cmos_Isub_leakage(min_w_nmos*(nsize*2), min_w_pmos * nsize * 2, 2, nand))*deviceType->Vdd; power.readOp.gate_leakage += (wire_bw*cmos_Ig_leakage(min_w_nmos*(nsize*2), min_w_pmos * nsize * 2, 2, nand))*deviceType->Vdd; } // tristate buffer model consisting of not, nand, nor, and driver transistors void Htree2::output_buffer(double s1, double s2, double l_eff) { Wire w1(wt, l_eff); double pton_size = deviceType->n_to_p_eff_curr_drv_ratio; // input capacitance of repeater = input capacitance of nand + nor. double size = s1*(1 + pton_size)/(2 + pton_size + 1 + 2*pton_size); double s_eff = //stage eff of a repeater in a wire (gate_C(s2*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0) + w1.wire_cap(l_eff*1e-6,true))/ gate_C(s2*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0); double tr_size = gate_C(s1*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0) * 1/2/(s_eff*gate_C(min_w_pmos, 0)); size = (size < 1) ? 1 : size; double res_nor = 2*tr_R_on(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1); double res_ptrans = tr_R_on(tr_size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1); double cap_nand_out = drain_C_(size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + drain_C_(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def)*2 + gate_C(tr_size*min_w_pmos, 0); double cap_ptrans_out = 2 *(drain_C_(tr_size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + drain_C_(tr_size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def)) + gate_C(s1*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0); double tc = res_nor * cap_nand_out + (res_nor + res_ptrans) * cap_ptrans_out; delay += horowitz (w1.out_rise_time, tc, deviceType->Vth/deviceType->Vdd, deviceType->Vth/deviceType->Vdd, RISE); //nand power.readOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (2*drain_C_(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + drain_C_(size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + gate_C(tr_size*(min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd; power.searchOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (2*drain_C_(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + drain_C_(size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + gate_C(tr_size*(min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd*init_wire_bw; //not power.readOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (drain_C_(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +drain_C_(size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +gate_C(size*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd; power.searchOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (drain_C_(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +drain_C_(size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +gate_C(size*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd*init_wire_bw; //nor power.readOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (drain_C_(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + 2*drain_C_(size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +gate_C(tr_size*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd; power.searchOp.dynamic += 0.5 * (drain_C_(size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) + 2*drain_C_(size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +gate_C(tr_size*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd*init_wire_bw; //output transistor power.readOp.dynamic += 0.5 * ((drain_C_(tr_size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +drain_C_(tr_size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def))*2 + gate_C(s1*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd; power.searchOp.dynamic += 0.5 * ((drain_C_(tr_size*min_w_pmos, PCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def) +drain_C_(tr_size*min_w_nmos, NCH, 1, 1, g_tp.cell_h_def))*2 + gate_C(s1*(min_w_nmos + min_w_pmos), 0)) * deviceType->Vdd * deviceType->Vdd*init_wire_bw; if(uca_tree) { power.readOp.leakage += cmos_Isub_leakage(min_w_nmos*tr_size*2, min_w_pmos*tr_size*2, 1, inv)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;/*inverter + output tr*/ power.readOp.leakage += cmos_Isub_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nand)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nand power.readOp.leakage += cmos_Isub_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nor)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nor power.readOp.gate_leakage += cmos_Ig_leakage(min_w_nmos*tr_size*2, min_w_pmos*tr_size*2, 1, inv)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;/*inverter + output tr*/ power.readOp.gate_leakage += cmos_Ig_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nand)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nand power.readOp.gate_leakage += cmos_Ig_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nor)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nor //power.readOp.gate_leakage *=; } else { power.readOp.leakage += cmos_Isub_leakage(min_w_nmos*tr_size*2, min_w_pmos*tr_size*2, 1, inv)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;/*inverter + output tr*/ power.readOp.leakage += cmos_Isub_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nand)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nand power.readOp.leakage += cmos_Isub_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nor)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nor power.readOp.gate_leakage += cmos_Ig_leakage(min_w_nmos*tr_size*2, min_w_pmos*tr_size*2, 1, inv)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;/*inverter + output tr*/ power.readOp.gate_leakage += cmos_Ig_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nand)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nand power.readOp.gate_leakage += cmos_Ig_leakage(min_w_nmos*size*3, min_w_pmos*size*3, 2, nor)*deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw;//nor //power.readOp.gate_leakage *=deviceType->Vdd*wire_bw; } } /* calculates the input h-tree delay/power * A nand gate is used at each node to * limit the signal * The area of an unbalanced htree (rows != columns) * depends on how data is traversed. * In the following function, if ( no. of rows < no. of columns), * then data first traverse in excess hor. links until vertical * and horizontal nodes are same. * If no. of rows is bigger, then data traverse in * a hor. link followed by a ver. link in a repeated * fashion (similar to a balanced tree) until there are no * hor. links left. After this it goes through the remaining vertical * links. */ void Htree2::in_htree() { //temp var double s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0; double l_eff = 0; Wire *wtemp1 = 0, *wtemp2 = 0, *wtemp3 = 0; double len = 0, ht = 0; int option = 0; int h = (int) _log2(ndwl/2); // horizontal nodes int v = (int) _log2(ndbl/2); // vertical nodes double len_temp; double ht_temp; if (uca_tree) {//Sheng: this computation do not consider the wires that route from edge to middle. ht_temp = (mat_height*ndbl/2 +/* since uca_tree models interbank tree, mat_height => bank height */ ((add_bits + data_in_bits + data_out_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * 2 * (1-pow(0.5,h))))/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + data_in_bits + data_out_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * 2 * (1-pow(0.5,v))))/2; } else { if (ndwl == ndbl) { ht_temp = ((mat_height*ndbl/2) + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits))* (ndbl/2-1) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * h) )/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * (ndwl/2-1) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * v))/2; } else if (ndwl > ndbl) { double excess_part = (_log2(ndwl/2) - _log2(ndbl/2)); ht_temp = ((mat_height*ndbl/2) + ((add_bits + + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * ((ndbl/2-1) + excess_part) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + (data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * (2*(1 - pow(0.5, h-v)) + pow(0.5, v-h) * v))/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits))* (ndwl/2-1) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * v))/2; } else { double excess_part = (_log2(ndbl/2) - _log2(ndwl/2)); ht_temp = ((mat_height*ndbl/2) + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits))* ((ndwl/2-1) + excess_part) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * h) )/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * ((ndwl/2-1) + excess_part) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + (data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * (h + 2*(1-pow(0.5, v-h))))/2; } } area.h = ht_temp * 2; area.w = len_temp * 2; delay = 0; power.readOp.dynamic = 0; power.readOp.leakage = 0; power.searchOp.dynamic =0; len = len_temp; ht = ht_temp/2; while (v > 0 || h > 0) { if (wtemp1) delete wtemp1; if (wtemp2) delete wtemp2; if (wtemp3) delete wtemp3; if (h > v) { //the iteration considers only one horizontal link wtemp1 = new Wire(wt, len); // hor wtemp2 = new Wire(wt, len/2); // ver len_temp = len; len /= 2; wtemp3 = 0; h--; option = 0; } else if (v>0 && h>0) { //considers one horizontal link and one vertical link wtemp1 = new Wire(wt, len); // hor wtemp2 = new Wire(wt, ht); // ver wtemp3 = new Wire(wt, len/2); // next hor len_temp = len; ht_temp = ht; len /= 2; ht /= 2; v--; h--; option = 1; } else { // considers only one vertical link assert(h == 0); wtemp1 = new Wire(wt, ht); // ver wtemp2 = new Wire(wt, ht/2); // hor ht_temp = ht; ht /= 2; wtemp3 = 0; v--; option = 2; } delay += wtemp1->delay; power.readOp.dynamic += wtemp1->power.readOp.dynamic; power.searchOp.dynamic += wtemp1->power.readOp.dynamic*wire_bw; power.readOp.leakage += wtemp1->power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw; power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp1->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; if ((uca_tree == false && option == 2) || search_tree==true) { wire_bw*=2; // wire bandwidth doubles only for vertical branches } if (uca_tree == false) { if (len_temp > wtemp1->repeater_spacing) { s1 = wtemp1->repeater_size; l_eff = wtemp1->repeater_spacing; } else { s1 = (len_temp/wtemp1->repeater_spacing) * wtemp1->repeater_size; l_eff = len_temp; } if (ht_temp > wtemp2->repeater_spacing) { s2 = wtemp2->repeater_size; } else { s2 = (len_temp/wtemp2->repeater_spacing) * wtemp2->repeater_size; } // first level input_nand(s1, s2, l_eff); } if (option != 1) { continue; } // second level delay += wtemp2->delay; power.readOp.dynamic += wtemp2->power.readOp.dynamic; power.searchOp.dynamic += wtemp2->power.readOp.dynamic*wire_bw; power.readOp.leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw; power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; if (uca_tree) { power.readOp.leakage += (wtemp2->power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw); power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; } else { power.readOp.leakage += (wtemp2->power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw); power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; wire_bw*=2; if (ht_temp > wtemp3->repeater_spacing) { s3 = wtemp3->repeater_size; l_eff = wtemp3->repeater_spacing; } else { s3 = (len_temp/wtemp3->repeater_spacing) * wtemp3->repeater_size; l_eff = ht_temp; } input_nand(s2, s3, l_eff); } } if (wtemp1) delete wtemp1; if (wtemp2) delete wtemp2; if (wtemp3) delete wtemp3; } /* a tristate buffer is used to handle fan-ins * The area of an unbalanced htree (rows != columns) * depends on how data is traversed. * In the following function, if ( no. of rows < no. of columns), * then data first traverse in excess hor. links until vertical * and horizontal nodes are same. * If no. of rows is bigger, then data traverse in * a hor. link followed by a ver. link in a repeated * fashion (similar to a balanced tree) until there are no * hor. links left. After this it goes through the remaining vertical * links. */ void Htree2::out_htree() { //temp var double s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0; double l_eff = 0; Wire *wtemp1 = 0, *wtemp2 = 0, *wtemp3 = 0; double len = 0, ht = 0; int option = 0; int h = (int) _log2(ndwl/2); int v = (int) _log2(ndbl/2); double len_temp; double ht_temp; if (uca_tree) { ht_temp = (mat_height*ndbl/2 +/* since uca_tree models interbank tree, mat_height => bank height */ ((add_bits + data_in_bits + data_out_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * 2 * (1-pow(0.5,h))))/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + data_in_bits + data_out_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * 2 * (1-pow(0.5,v))))/2; } else { if (ndwl == ndbl) { ht_temp = ((mat_height*ndbl/2) + ((add_bits+ (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * (ndbl/2-1) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * h) )/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * (ndwl/2-1) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * v))/2; } else if (ndwl > ndbl) { double excess_part = (_log2(ndwl/2) - _log2(ndbl/2)); ht_temp = ((mat_height*ndbl/2) + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits)) * ((ndbl/2-1) + excess_part) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + (data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * (2*(1 - pow(0.5, h-v)) + pow(0.5, v-h) * v))/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits))* (ndwl/2-1) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * v))/2; } else { double excess_part = (_log2(ndbl/2) - _log2(ndwl/2)); ht_temp = ((mat_height*ndbl/2) + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits))* ((ndwl/2-1) + excess_part) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + ((data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * h) )/2; len_temp = (mat_width*ndwl/2 + ((add_bits + (search_data_in_bits + search_data_out_bits))* ((ndwl/2-1) + excess_part) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch) + (data_in_bits + data_out_bits) * g_tp.wire_outside_mat.pitch * (h + 2*(1-pow(0.5, v-h))))/2; } } area.h = ht_temp * 2; area.w = len_temp * 2; delay = 0; power.readOp.dynamic = 0; power.readOp.leakage = 0; power.readOp.gate_leakage = 0; //cout<<"power.readOp.gate_leakage"< 0 || h > 0) { //finds delay/power of each link in the tree if (wtemp1) delete wtemp1; if (wtemp2) delete wtemp2; if (wtemp3) delete wtemp3; if(h > v) { //the iteration considers only one horizontal link wtemp1 = new Wire(wt, len); // hor wtemp2 = new Wire(wt, len/2); // ver len_temp = len; len /= 2; wtemp3 = 0; h--; option = 0; } else if (v>0 && h>0) { //considers one horizontal link and one vertical link wtemp1 = new Wire(wt, len); // hor wtemp2 = new Wire(wt, ht); // ver wtemp3 = new Wire(wt, len/2); // next hor len_temp = len; ht_temp = ht; len /= 2; ht /= 2; v--; h--; option = 1; } else { // considers only one vertical link assert(h == 0); wtemp1 = new Wire(wt, ht); // hor wtemp2 = new Wire(wt, ht/2); // ver ht_temp = ht; ht /= 2; wtemp3 = 0; v--; option = 2; } delay += wtemp1->delay; power.readOp.dynamic += wtemp1->power.readOp.dynamic; power.searchOp.dynamic += wtemp1->power.readOp.dynamic*init_wire_bw; power.readOp.leakage += wtemp1->power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw; power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp1->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; //cout<<"power.readOp.gate_leakage"< wtemp1->repeater_spacing) { s1 = wtemp1->repeater_size; l_eff = wtemp1->repeater_spacing; } else { s1 = (len_temp/wtemp1->repeater_spacing) * wtemp1->repeater_size; l_eff = len_temp; } if (ht_temp > wtemp2->repeater_spacing) { s2 = wtemp2->repeater_size; } else { s2 = (len_temp/wtemp2->repeater_spacing) * wtemp2->repeater_size; } // first level output_buffer(s1, s2, l_eff); } if (option != 1) { continue; } // second level delay += wtemp2->delay; power.readOp.dynamic += wtemp2->power.readOp.dynamic; power.searchOp.dynamic += wtemp2->power.readOp.dynamic*init_wire_bw; power.readOp.leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw; power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; //cout<<"power.readOp.gate_leakage"<power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw); power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; } else { power.readOp.leakage += (wtemp2->power.readOp.leakage*wire_bw); power.readOp.gate_leakage += wtemp2->power.readOp.gate_leakage*wire_bw; wire_bw*=2; if (ht_temp > wtemp3->repeater_spacing) { s3 = wtemp3->repeater_size; l_eff = wtemp3->repeater_spacing; } else { s3 = (len_temp/wtemp3->repeater_spacing) * wtemp3->repeater_size; l_eff = ht_temp; } output_buffer(s2, s3, l_eff); } //cout<<"power.readOp.leakage"<power.readOp.gate_leakage"<power.readOp.gate_leakage<