# Copyright (c) 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # This file contains the model for photonic devices/circuits PhotonicsName = Photonics # ALL PARAMETERS IN SI UNITS!!! (J, W, m, F, dB, A) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Waveguide # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waveguide->LossPerMeter = 100 # dB/m Waveguide->Pitch = 4e-6 # m Splitter->Loss = 1.00 # dB Coupler->Loss = 1.00 # dB # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Laser # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Continuous wave off-chip (always on) laser Laser->CW->Efficiency = 0.25 # P_Laser/P_Electrical Laser->CW->LaserDiodeLoss = 1.00 # Laser diode loss Laser->CW->Area = 0 # Gated on-chip (data-dependent) laser Laser->GatedCW->Efficiency = 0.25 # P_Laser/P_Electrical Laser->GatedCW->LaserDiodeLoss = 1.00 # Laser diode loss Laser->GatedCW->Area = 200e-12 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modulators # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ring Modulator Modulator->Ring->SupplyBoostRatio = 1.2 # Boost the supply voltage above required reverse bias voltage by this ratio Modulator->Ring->ParasiticRes = 100 # ohm Modulator->Ring->ParasiticCap = 5e-15 # F Modulator->Ring->FCPDEffect = 3e-27 # Free carrier plasma dispersion effect, delta_n/delta_c (m^-3) Modulator->Ring->Tn = 0.01 # Transmisivity at the bottom of the notch Modulator->Ring->NA = 3e24 # m^3, p doping Modulator->Ring->ND = 1e24 # m^3, n doping Modulator->Ring->ni = 1e16 # m^3, intrinsic free carriers Modulator->Ring->JunctionRatio = 0.8 # Junction ratio to total optical length Modulator->Ring->Height = 500e-9 # Height of the junction (m) Modulator->Ring->Width = 500e-9 # Modulator width (m) Modulator->Ring->ConfinementFactor = 0.3 # Modulator confinement factor # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ring Resonator # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ring->Area = 100e-12 # m2 Ring->Lambda = 1300e-9 # Resonant wavelength range Ring->GroupIndex = 4 # Group index Ring->Radius = 3e-6 # Bend radius of the ring Ring->ConfinementFactor = 0.3 # Confinement factor Ring->ThroughLoss = 0.01 # [dB] Ring->DropLoss = 1.0 # [dB] Ring->MaxQualityFactor = 150e3 # Maximum quality factor Ring->HeatingEfficiency = 100000 # Ring heating efficiency [K/W] Ring->TuningEfficiency = 10e9 # Ring tuning efficiency [Hz/K] Ring->LocalVariationSigma = 40e9 # Ring resonance frequency local mismatch sigma [Hz] Ring->SystematicVariationSigma = 200e9 # Ring resonance frequency systematic mismatch sigma [Hz] Ring->TemperatureMax = 380 # Maximum temperature that the tuning mechanism must still be able to work at [K] Ring->TemperatureMin = 280 # Minimum temperature that the tuning mechanism must still be able to work at [K] Ring->MaxElectricallyTunableFreq = 50e9 # Maximum electrically tunable range when allowing for electrically assisted tuning [Hz] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Photodetector # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photodetector->Responsivity = 1.1 #(A/W) Photodetector->Area = 10e-12 # m2 Photodetector->Cap = 0 # F Photodetector->ParasiticCap = 5e-15 # F Photodetector->Loss = 1.00 # dB Photodetector->MinExtinctionRatio = 3 # dB Photodetector->AvalancheGain = 1 # avalanche gain # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Receivers # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sense amplifier (common to all receivers) SenseAmp->BER = 1e-15 # Target bit error rate SenseAmp->CMRR = 5 # Common-mode rejection ratio SenseAmp->OffsetCompensationBits = 5 # Number of bits used for fine-tuning offset compensation SenseAmp->OffsetRatio = 0.04 # Offset mismatch (as a fraction of VDD) SenseAmp->SupplyNoiseRandRatio = 0.01 # Random supply noise (as a fraction VDD) SenseAmp->SupplyNoiseDetRatio = 0.05 # Deterministic supply noise (as a fraction VDD) SenseAmp->NoiseMargin = 0.02 # Extra noise margin SenseAmp->JitterRatio = 0.01 # Jitter (as a fraction of Tbit) Receiver->Int->IntegrationTimeRatio = 0.7 # Integration time (as a fraction of Tbit)