# Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited # All rights reserved # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Regents of The University of Michigan # Copyright (c) 2010 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Lisa Hsu import sys from os import getcwd from os.path import join as joinpath import CpuConfig import m5 from m5.defines import buildEnv from m5.objects import * from m5.util import * addToPath('../common') def getCPUClass(cpu_type): """Returns the required cpu class and the mode of operation.""" cls = CpuConfig.get(cpu_type) return cls, cls.memory_mode() def setCPUClass(options): """Returns two cpu classes and the initial mode of operation. Restoring from a checkpoint or fast forwarding through a benchmark can be done using one type of cpu, and then the actual simulation can be carried out using another type. This function returns these two types of cpus and the initial mode of operation depending on the options provided. """ TmpClass, test_mem_mode = getCPUClass(options.cpu_type) CPUClass = None if TmpClass.require_caches() and \ not options.caches and not options.ruby: fatal("%s must be used with caches" % options.cpu_type) if options.checkpoint_restore != None: if options.restore_with_cpu != options.cpu_type: CPUClass = TmpClass TmpClass, test_mem_mode = getCPUClass(options.restore_with_cpu) elif options.fast_forward: CPUClass = TmpClass TmpClass = AtomicSimpleCPU test_mem_mode = 'atomic' return (TmpClass, test_mem_mode, CPUClass) def setWorkCountOptions(system, options): if options.work_item_id != None: system.work_item_id = options.work_item_id if options.work_begin_cpu_id_exit != None: system.work_begin_cpu_id_exit = options.work_begin_cpu_id_exit if options.work_end_exit_count != None: system.work_end_exit_count = options.work_end_exit_count if options.work_end_checkpoint_count != None: system.work_end_ckpt_count = options.work_end_checkpoint_count if options.work_begin_exit_count != None: system.work_begin_exit_count = options.work_begin_exit_count if options.work_begin_checkpoint_count != None: system.work_begin_ckpt_count = options.work_begin_checkpoint_count if options.work_cpus_checkpoint_count != None: system.work_cpus_ckpt_count = options.work_cpus_checkpoint_count def findCptDir(options, maxtick, cptdir, testsys): """Figures out the directory from which the checkpointed state is read. There are two different ways in which the directories holding checkpoints can be named -- 1. cpt.. 2. cpt. This function parses through the options to figure out which one of the above should be used for selecting the checkpoint, and then figures out the appropriate directory. It also sets the value of the maximum tick value till which the simulation will run. """ from os.path import isdir, exists from os import listdir import re if not isdir(cptdir): fatal("checkpoint dir %s does not exist!", cptdir) if options.at_instruction or options.simpoint: inst = options.checkpoint_restore if options.simpoint: # assume workload 0 has the simpoint if testsys.cpu[0].workload[0].simpoint == 0: fatal('Unable to find simpoint') inst += int(testsys.cpu[0].workload[0].simpoint) checkpoint_dir = joinpath(cptdir, "cpt.%s.%s" % (options.bench, inst)) if not exists(checkpoint_dir): fatal("Unable to find checkpoint directory %s", checkpoint_dir) else: dirs = listdir(cptdir) expr = re.compile('cpt\.([0-9]*)') cpts = [] for dir in dirs: match = expr.match(dir) if match: cpts.append(match.group(1)) cpts.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(long(a), long(b))) cpt_num = options.checkpoint_restore if cpt_num > len(cpts): fatal('Checkpoint %d not found', cpt_num) maxtick = maxtick - int(cpts[cpt_num - 1]) checkpoint_dir = joinpath(cptdir, "cpt.%s" % cpts[cpt_num - 1]) return maxtick, checkpoint_dir def scriptCheckpoints(options, maxtick, cptdir): if options.at_instruction or options.simpoint: checkpoint_inst = int(options.take_checkpoints) # maintain correct offset if we restored from some instruction if options.checkpoint_restore != None: checkpoint_inst += options.checkpoint_restore print "Creating checkpoint at inst:%d" % (checkpoint_inst) exit_event = m5.simulate() exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() print "exit cause = %s" % exit_cause # skip checkpoint instructions should they exist while exit_cause == "checkpoint": exit_event = m5.simulate() exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() if exit_cause == "a thread reached the max instruction count": m5.checkpoint(joinpath(cptdir, "cpt.%s.%d" % \ (options.bench, checkpoint_inst))) print "Checkpoint written." else: when, period = options.take_checkpoints.split(",", 1) when = int(when) period = int(period) num_checkpoints = 0 exit_event = m5.simulate(when) exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() while exit_cause == "checkpoint": exit_event = m5.simulate(when - m5.curTick()) exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() if exit_cause == "simulate() limit reached": m5.checkpoint(joinpath(cptdir, "cpt.%d")) num_checkpoints += 1 sim_ticks = when max_checkpoints = options.max_checkpoints while num_checkpoints < max_checkpoints and \ exit_cause == "simulate() limit reached": if (sim_ticks + period) > maxtick: exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick - sim_ticks) exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() break else: exit_event = m5.simulate(period) exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() sim_ticks += period while exit_event.getCause() == "checkpoint": exit_event = m5.simulate(sim_ticks - m5.curTick()) if exit_event.getCause() == "simulate() limit reached": m5.checkpoint(joinpath(cptdir, "cpt.%d")) num_checkpoints += 1 return exit_event def benchCheckpoints(options, maxtick, cptdir): exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick) exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() num_checkpoints = 0 max_checkpoints = options.max_checkpoints while exit_cause == "checkpoint": m5.checkpoint(joinpath(cptdir, "cpt.%d")) num_checkpoints += 1 if num_checkpoints == max_checkpoints: exit_cause = "maximum %d checkpoints dropped" % max_checkpoints break exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick - m5.curTick()) exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() return exit_event def repeatSwitch(testsys, repeat_switch_cpu_list, maxtick, switch_freq): print "starting switch loop" while True: exit_event = m5.simulate(switch_freq) exit_cause = exit_event.getCause() if exit_cause != "simulate() limit reached": return exit_event m5.switchCpus(testsys, repeat_switch_cpu_list) tmp_cpu_list = [] for old_cpu, new_cpu in repeat_switch_cpu_list: tmp_cpu_list.append((new_cpu, old_cpu)) repeat_switch_cpu_list = tmp_cpu_list if (maxtick - m5.curTick()) <= switch_freq: exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick - m5.curTick()) return exit_event def run(options, root, testsys, cpu_class): if options.maxtick: maxtick = options.maxtick elif options.maxtime: simtime = m5.ticks.seconds(simtime) print "simulating for: ", simtime maxtick = simtime else: maxtick = m5.MaxTick if options.checkpoint_dir: cptdir = options.checkpoint_dir elif m5.options.outdir: cptdir = m5.options.outdir else: cptdir = getcwd() if options.fast_forward and options.checkpoint_restore != None: fatal("Can't specify both --fast-forward and --checkpoint-restore") if options.standard_switch and not options.caches: fatal("Must specify --caches when using --standard-switch") if options.standard_switch and options.repeat_switch: fatal("Can't specify both --standard-switch and --repeat-switch") if options.repeat_switch and options.take_checkpoints: fatal("Can't specify both --repeat-switch and --take-checkpoints") np = options.num_cpus switch_cpus = None if options.prog_interval: for i in xrange(np): testsys.cpu[i].progress_interval = options.prog_interval if options.maxinsts: for i in xrange(np): testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = options.maxinsts if cpu_class: switch_cpus = [cpu_class(switched_out=True, cpu_id=(i)) for i in xrange(np)] for i in xrange(np): if options.fast_forward: testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = int(options.fast_forward) switch_cpus[i].system = testsys switch_cpus[i].workload = testsys.cpu[i].workload switch_cpus[i].clock = testsys.cpu[i].clock # simulation period if options.maxinsts: switch_cpus[i].max_insts_any_thread = options.maxinsts # Add checker cpu if selected if options.checker: switch_cpus[i].addCheckerCpu() testsys.switch_cpus = switch_cpus switch_cpu_list = [(testsys.cpu[i], switch_cpus[i]) for i in xrange(np)] if options.repeat_switch: switch_class = getCPUClass(options.cpu_type)[0] if switch_class.require_caches() and \ not options.caches: print "%s: Must be used with caches" % str(switch_class) sys.exit(1) if not switch_class.support_take_over(): print "%s: CPU switching not supported" % str(switch_class) sys.exit(1) repeat_switch_cpus = [switch_class(switched_out=True, \ cpu_id=(i)) for i in xrange(np)] for i in xrange(np): repeat_switch_cpus[i].system = testsys repeat_switch_cpus[i].workload = testsys.cpu[i].workload repeat_switch_cpus[i].clock = testsys.cpu[i].clock if options.maxinsts: repeat_switch_cpus[i].max_insts_any_thread = options.maxinsts if options.checker: repeat_switch_cpus[i].addCheckerCpu() testsys.repeat_switch_cpus = repeat_switch_cpus if cpu_class: repeat_switch_cpu_list = [(switch_cpus[i], repeat_switch_cpus[i]) for i in xrange(np)] else: repeat_switch_cpu_list = [(testsys.cpu[i], repeat_switch_cpus[i]) for i in xrange(np)] if options.standard_switch: switch_cpus = [TimingSimpleCPU(switched_out=True, cpu_id=(i)) for i in xrange(np)] switch_cpus_1 = [DerivO3CPU(switched_out=True, cpu_id=(i)) for i in xrange(np)] for i in xrange(np): switch_cpus[i].system = testsys switch_cpus_1[i].system = testsys switch_cpus[i].workload = testsys.cpu[i].workload switch_cpus_1[i].workload = testsys.cpu[i].workload switch_cpus[i].clock = testsys.cpu[i].clock switch_cpus_1[i].clock = testsys.cpu[i].clock # if restoring, make atomic cpu simulate only a few instructions if options.checkpoint_restore != None: testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = 1 # Fast forward to specified location if we are not restoring elif options.fast_forward: testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = int(options.fast_forward) # Fast forward to a simpoint (warning: time consuming) elif options.simpoint: if testsys.cpu[i].workload[0].simpoint == 0: fatal('simpoint not found') testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = \ testsys.cpu[i].workload[0].simpoint # No distance specified, just switch else: testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = 1 # warmup period if options.warmup_insts: switch_cpus[i].max_insts_any_thread = options.warmup_insts # simulation period if options.maxinsts: switch_cpus_1[i].max_insts_any_thread = options.maxinsts # attach the checker cpu if selected if options.checker: switch_cpus[i].addCheckerCpu() switch_cpus_1[i].addCheckerCpu() testsys.switch_cpus = switch_cpus testsys.switch_cpus_1 = switch_cpus_1 switch_cpu_list = [(testsys.cpu[i], switch_cpus[i]) for i in xrange(np)] switch_cpu_list1 = [(switch_cpus[i], switch_cpus_1[i]) for i in xrange(np)] # set the checkpoint in the cpu before m5.instantiate is called if options.take_checkpoints != None and \ (options.simpoint or options.at_instruction): offset = int(options.take_checkpoints) # Set an instruction break point if options.simpoint: for i in xrange(np): if testsys.cpu[i].workload[0].simpoint == 0: fatal('no simpoint for testsys.cpu[%d].workload[0]', i) checkpoint_inst = int(testsys.cpu[i].workload[0].simpoint) + offset testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = checkpoint_inst # used for output below options.take_checkpoints = checkpoint_inst else: options.take_checkpoints = offset # Set all test cpus with the right number of instructions # for the upcoming simulation for i in xrange(np): testsys.cpu[i].max_insts_any_thread = offset checkpoint_dir = None if options.checkpoint_restore != None: maxtick, checkpoint_dir = findCptDir(options, maxtick, cptdir, testsys) m5.instantiate(checkpoint_dir) if options.standard_switch or cpu_class: if options.standard_switch: print "Switch at instruction count:%s" % \ str(testsys.cpu[0].max_insts_any_thread) exit_event = m5.simulate() elif cpu_class and options.fast_forward: print "Switch at instruction count:%s" % \ str(testsys.cpu[0].max_insts_any_thread) exit_event = m5.simulate() else: print "Switch at curTick count:%s" % str(10000) exit_event = m5.simulate(10000) print "Switched CPUS @ tick %s" % (m5.curTick()) m5.switchCpus(testsys, switch_cpu_list) if options.standard_switch: print "Switch at instruction count:%d" % \ (testsys.switch_cpus[0].max_insts_any_thread) #warmup instruction count may have already been set if options.warmup_insts: exit_event = m5.simulate() else: exit_event = m5.simulate(options.standard_switch) print "Switching CPUS @ tick %s" % (m5.curTick()) print "Simulation ends instruction count:%d" % \ (testsys.switch_cpus_1[0].max_insts_any_thread) m5.switchCpus(testsys, switch_cpu_list1) # If we're taking and restoring checkpoints, use checkpoint_dir # option only for finding the checkpoints to restore from. This # lets us test checkpointing by restoring from one set of # checkpoints, generating a second set, and then comparing them. if options.take_checkpoints and options.checkpoint_restore: if m5.options.outdir: cptdir = m5.options.outdir else: cptdir = getcwd() if options.take_checkpoints != None : # Checkpoints being taken via the command line at and at # subsequent periods of . Checkpoint instructions # received from the benchmark running are ignored and skipped in # favor of command line checkpoint instructions. exit_event = scriptCheckpoints(options, maxtick, cptdir) else: if options.fast_forward: m5.stats.reset() print "**** REAL SIMULATION ****" # If checkpoints are being taken, then the checkpoint instruction # will occur in the benchmark code it self. if options.repeat_switch and maxtick > options.repeat_switch: exit_event = repeatSwitch(testsys, repeat_switch_cpu_list, maxtick, options.repeat_switch) else: exit_event = benchCheckpoints(options, maxtick, cptdir) print 'Exiting @ tick %i because %s' % (m5.curTick(), exit_event.getCause()) if options.checkpoint_at_end: m5.checkpoint(joinpath(cptdir, "cpt.%d")) if not m5.options.interactive: sys.exit(exit_event.getCode())