Lines Matching refs:Int

60     simd_id = Param.Int(0, 'SIMD ID associated with this VRF')
61 num_regs_per_simd = Param.Int(2048, 'number of vector registers per SIMD')
62 wfSize = Param.Int(64, 'Wavefront size (in work items)')
63 min_alloc = Param.Int(4, 'min number of VGPRs allocated per WF')
70 simdId = Param.Int('SIMD id (0-ComputeUnit.num_SIMDs)')
71 wf_slot_id = Param.Int('wavefront id (0-ComputeUnit.max_wfs)')
72 wfSize = Param.Int(64, 'Wavefront size (in work items)')
80 wfSize = Param.Int(64, 'Wavefront size (in work items)')
81 num_SIMDs = Param.Int(4, 'number of SIMD units per CU')
83 spbypass_pipe_length = Param.Int(4, 'vector ALU Single Precision bypass '\
86 dpbypass_pipe_length = Param.Int(8, 'vector ALU Double Precision bypass '\
89 issue_period = Param.Int(4, 'number of cycles per issue period')
90 num_global_mem_pipes = Param.Int(1,'number of global memory pipes per CU')
91 num_shared_mem_pipes = Param.Int(1,'number of shared memory pipes per CU')
92 n_wf = Param.Int(1, 'Number of wavefront slots per SIMD')
93 mem_req_latency = Param.Int(9, "Latency for request from the cu to ruby. "\
96 mem_resp_latency = Param.Int(9, "Latency for responses from ruby to the "\
101 cu_id = Param.Int('CU id')
102 vrf_to_coalescer_bus_width = Param.Int(32, "VRF->Coalescer data bus width "\
104 coalescer_to_vrf_bus_width = Param.Int(32, "Coalescer->VRF data bus width "\
112 prefetch_depth = Param.Int(0, "Number of prefetches triggered at a time"\
114 prefetch_stride = Param.Int(1, "Fixed Prefetch Stride (1 means next-page)")
128 global_mem_queue_size = Param.Int(256, "Number of entries in the global "
130 local_mem_queue_size = Param.Int(256, "Number of entries in the local "
147 n_wf = Param.Int(1, 'Number of wavefront slots per SIMD')