Lines Matching refs:__SINIC_VAL64

47 #define __SINIC_VAL64(NAME, OFFSET, WIDTH) \
124 __SINIC_VAL64(RxData_NoDelay, 61, 1) // Don't Delay this copy
125 __SINIC_VAL64(RxData_Vaddr, 60, 1) // Addr is virtual
126 __SINIC_VAL64(RxData_Len, 40, 20) // 0 - 256k
127 __SINIC_VAL64(RxData_Addr, 0, 40) // Address 1TB
130 __SINIC_VAL64(TxData_More, 63, 1) // Packet not complete (will dma more)
131 __SINIC_VAL64(TxData_Checksum, 62, 1) // do checksum
132 __SINIC_VAL64(TxData_Vaddr, 60, 1) // Addr is virtual
133 __SINIC_VAL64(TxData_Len, 40, 20) // 0 - 256k
134 __SINIC_VAL64(TxData_Addr, 0, 40) // Address 1TB
137 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_Packets, 32, 16) // number of packets in rx fifo
138 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_Busy, 31, 1) // receive dma busy copying
139 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_Complete, 30, 1) // valid data (packet complete)
140 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_More, 29, 1) // Packet has more data (dma again)
141 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_Empty, 28, 1) // rx fifo is empty
142 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_High, 27, 1) // rx fifo is above the watermark
143 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_NotHigh, 26, 1) // rxfifo never hit the high watermark
144 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_TcpError, 25, 1) // TCP packet error (bad checksum)
145 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_UdpError, 24, 1) // UDP packet error (bad checksum)
146 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_IpError, 23, 1) // IP packet error (bad checksum)
147 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_TcpPacket, 22, 1) // this is a TCP packet
148 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_UdpPacket, 21, 1) // this is a UDP packet
149 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_IpPacket, 20, 1) // this is an IP packet
150 __SINIC_VAL64(RxDone_CopyLen, 0, 20) // up to 256k
153 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Packets, 32, 16) // number of packets in tx fifo
154 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Busy, 31, 1) // transmit dma busy copying
155 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Complete, 30, 1) // valid data (packet complete)
156 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Full, 29, 1) // tx fifo is full
157 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Low, 28, 1) // tx fifo is below the watermark
158 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res0, 27, 1) // reserved
159 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res1, 26, 1) // reserved
160 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res2, 25, 1) // reserved
161 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res3, 24, 1) // reserved
162 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res4, 23, 1) // reserved
163 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res5, 22, 1) // reserved
164 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res6, 21, 1) // reserved
165 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_Res7, 20, 1) // reserved
166 __SINIC_VAL64(TxDone_CopyLen, 0, 20) // up to 256k
168 __SINIC_VAL64(RxStatus_Dirty, 48, 16)
169 __SINIC_VAL64(RxStatus_Mapped, 32, 16)
170 __SINIC_VAL64(RxStatus_Busy, 16, 16)
171 __SINIC_VAL64(RxStatus_Head, 0, 16)