Lines Matching refs:pair

77 using std::pair;
1302 Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m = Key("foo");
1308 Matcher<pair<int, bool> > m = Key(GreaterThan(10));
1316 pair<int, std::string> p(25, "foo");
1326 pair<char, bool> p('a', true);
1358 Matcher<const pair<const char*, int>&> m1 = Pair("foo", 42);
1359 Matcher<const pair<const char*, int> > m2 = Pair("foo", 42);
1360 Matcher<pair<const char*, int> > m3 = Pair("foo", 42);
1362 Matcher<pair<int, const std::string> > m4 = Pair(25, "42");
1363 Matcher<pair<const std::string, int> > m5 = Pair("25", 42);
1367 Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m1 = Pair("foo", 42);
1375 Matcher<const pair<int, int>&> m2 = Not(Pair(Not(13), 42));
1384 const Matcher<pair<int, int> > m = Pair(GreaterThan(0), GreaterThan(0));
1406 const Matcher<pair<int, int> > explain_first = Pair(GreaterThan(0), 0);
1413 const Matcher<pair<int, int> > explain_second = Pair(0, GreaterThan(0));
1420 pair<int, std::string> p(25, "foo");
1442 pair<char, bool> p('a', true);
1943 EXPECT_EQ("are an equal pair", Describe(m));
1958 EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first >= the second", Describe(m));
1973 EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first > the second", Describe(m));
1988 EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first <= the second", Describe(m));
2003 EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first < the second", Describe(m));
2018 EXPECT_EQ("are an unequal pair", Describe(m));
5130 // Parameterized by a pair interpreted as (LhsSize, RhsSize).
5132 : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > {
5182 : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::pair<int, int> > {
5207 // Test argument is a std::pair<int, int> representing (nodes, iters).
5425 *os << "are a pair where the first is half of the second";
5429 *os << "are a pair where the first isn't half of the second";
5444 "in { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair where the first is half of the second",
5447 "index i where x and the i-th value of { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair "
5511 EXPECT_EQ("where the value pair (2, 6) at index #1 don't match, "
5546 " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
5548 " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
5550 " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",
5555 " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
5557 " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
5559 " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",