Lines Matching refs:self

75     def create(self, size, assoc, options):
76 self.size = MemorySize(size)
77 self.assoc = assoc
78 self.replacement_policy = PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy()
85 def create(self, size, assoc, options):
86 self.size = MemorySize(size)
87 self.assoc = assoc
88 self.replacement_policy = PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy()
92 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
93 self.version = self.versionCount()
95 self.L1Icache = L1Cache()
96 self.L1Icache.create(options.l1i_size, options.l1i_assoc, options)
97 self.L1D0cache = L1Cache()
98 self.L1D0cache.create(options.l1d_size, options.l1d_assoc, options)
99 self.L1D1cache = L1Cache()
100 self.L1D1cache.create(options.l1d_size, options.l1d_assoc, options)
101 self.L2cache = L2Cache()
102 self.L2cache.create(options.l2_size, options.l2_assoc, options)
104 self.sequencer = RubySequencer()
105 self.sequencer.version = self.seqCount()
106 self.sequencer.icache = self.L1Icache
107 self.sequencer.dcache = self.L1D0cache
108 self.sequencer.ruby_system = ruby_system
109 self.sequencer.coreid = 0
110 self.sequencer.is_cpu_sequencer = True
112 self.sequencer1 = RubySequencer()
113 self.sequencer1.version = self.seqCount()
114 self.sequencer1.icache = self.L1Icache
115 self.sequencer1.dcache = self.L1D1cache
116 self.sequencer1.ruby_system = ruby_system
117 self.sequencer1.coreid = 1
118 self.sequencer1.is_cpu_sequencer = True
120 self.issue_latency = 1
121 self.send_evictions = send_evicts(options)
123 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
126 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
135 def create(self, options):
136 self.size = MemorySize(options.tcp_size)
137 self.dataArrayBanks = 16
138 self.tagArrayBanks = 16
139 self.dataAccessLatency = 4
140 self.tagAccessLatency = 1
141 self.resourceStalls = options.no_tcc_resource_stalls
142 self.replacement_policy = PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy(assoc = self.assoc)
146 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
147 self.version = self.versionCount()
148 self.L1cache = TCPCache(dataAccessLatency = options.TCP_latency)
149 self.L1cache.create(options)
150 self.issue_latency = 1
152 self.coalescer = VIPERCoalescer()
153 self.coalescer.version = self.seqCount()
154 self.coalescer.icache = self.L1cache
155 self.coalescer.dcache = self.L1cache
156 self.coalescer.ruby_system = ruby_system
157 self.coalescer.support_inst_reqs = False
158 self.coalescer.is_cpu_sequencer = False
160 self.sequencer = RubySequencer()
161 self.sequencer.version = self.seqCount()
162 self.sequencer.icache = self.L1cache
163 self.sequencer.dcache = self.L1cache
164 self.sequencer.ruby_system = ruby_system
165 self.sequencer.is_cpu_sequencer = True
167 self.use_seq_not_coal = False
169 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
171 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
179 def create(self, options):
180 self.size = MemorySize(options.sqc_size)
181 self.assoc = options.sqc_assoc
182 self.replacement_policy = PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy(assoc = self.assoc)
186 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
187 self.version = self.versionCount()
188 self.L1cache = SQCCache()
189 self.L1cache.create(options)
190 self.L1cache.resourceStalls = False
191 self.sequencer = RubySequencer()
192 self.sequencer.version = self.seqCount()
193 self.sequencer.icache = self.L1cache
194 self.sequencer.dcache = self.L1cache
195 self.sequencer.ruby_system = ruby_system
196 self.sequencer.support_data_reqs = False
197 self.sequencer.is_cpu_sequencer = False
198 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
200 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
208 def create(self, options):
209 self.assoc = options.tcc_assoc
214 self.size = MemorySize(tcc_size)
215 self.dataArrayBanks = 64
216 self.tagArrayBanks = 64
218 self.size = MemorySize(options.tcc_size)
219 self.dataArrayBanks = 256 / options.num_tccs #number of data banks
220 self.tagArrayBanks = 256 / options.num_tccs #number of tag banks
221 self.size.value = self.size.value / options.num_tccs
222 if ((self.size.value / long(self.assoc)) < 128):
223 self.size.value = long(128 * self.assoc)
224 self.start_index_bit = math.log(options.cacheline_size, 2) + \
226 self.replacement_policy = PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy(assoc = self.assoc)
229 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
230 self.version = self.versionCount()
231 self.L2cache = TCC()
232 self.L2cache.create(options)
233 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
235 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
241 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
242 self.size = MemorySize(options.l3_size)
243 self.size.value /= options.num_dirs
244 self.assoc = options.l3_assoc
245 self.dataArrayBanks /= options.num_dirs
246 self.tagArrayBanks /= options.num_dirs
247 self.dataArrayBanks /= options.num_dirs
248 self.tagArrayBanks /= options.num_dirs
249 self.dataAccessLatency = options.l3_data_latency
250 self.tagAccessLatency = options.l3_tag_latency
251 self.resourceStalls = False
252 self.replacement_policy = PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy(assoc = self.assoc)
255 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
256 self.version = self.versionCount()
257 self.L3cache = L3Cache()
258 self.L3cache.create(options, ruby_system, system)
259 self.l3_response_latency = \
260 max(self.L3cache.dataAccessLatency, self.L3cache.tagAccessLatency)
261 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
263 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
265 def connectWireBuffers(self, req_to_dir, resp_to_dir, l3_unblock_to_dir,
267 self.reqToDir = req_to_dir
268 self.respToDir = resp_to_dir
269 self.l3UnblockToDir = l3_unblock_to_dir
270 self.reqToL3 = req_to_l3
271 self.probeToL3 = probe_to_l3
272 self.respToL3 = resp_to_l3
278 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
279 self.version = self.versionCount()
284 self.size = dir_size
293 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
294 self.version = self.versionCount()
295 self.response_latency = 25
296 self.response_latency_regionDir = 1
297 = DirMem()
298, ruby_system, system)
299 self.L3CacheMemory = L3Cache()
300 self.L3CacheMemory.create(options, ruby_system, system)
301 self.l3_hit_latency = \
302 max(self.L3CacheMemory.dataAccessLatency,
303 self.L3CacheMemory.tagAccessLatency)
305 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
307 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
309 def connectWireBuffers(self, req_to_dir, resp_to_dir, l3_unblock_to_dir,
311 self.reqToDir = req_to_dir
312 self.respToDir = resp_to_dir
313 self.l3UnblockToDir = l3_unblock_to_dir
314 self.reqToL3 = req_to_l3
315 self.probeToL3 = probe_to_l3
316 self.respToL3 = resp_to_l3
321 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
322 self.block_size = "%dB" % (64 * options.blocks_per_region)
323 self.size = options.region_dir_entries * \
324 self.block_size * options.num_compute_units
325 self.assoc = 8
326 self.tagArrayBanks = 8
327 self.tagAccessLatency = options.dir_tag_latency
328 self.dataAccessLatency = 1
329 self.resourceStalls = options.no_resource_stalls
330 self.start_index_bit = 6 + int(math.log(options.blocks_per_region, 2))
331 self.replacement_policy = PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy(assoc = self.assoc)
335 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
336 self.version = self.versionCount()
337 self.cacheMemory = RegionDir()
338 self.cacheMemory.create(options, ruby_system, system)
339 self.blocksPerRegion = options.blocks_per_region
340 self.toDirLatency = \
341 max(self.cacheMemory.dataAccessLatency,
342 self.cacheMemory.tagAccessLatency)
343 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
344 self.always_migrate = options.always_migrate
345 self.sym_migrate = options.symmetric_migrate
346 self.asym_migrate = options.asymmetric_migrate
347 if self.always_migrate:
348 assert(not self.asym_migrate and not self.sym_migrate)
349 if self.sym_migrate:
350 assert(not self.always_migrate and not self.asym_migrate)
351 if self.asym_migrate:
352 assert(not self.always_migrate and not self.sym_migrate)
354 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
367 def create(self, options, ruby_system, system):
368 self.version = self.versionCount()
369 self.cacheMemory = RegionBuffer()
370 self.cacheMemory.resourceStalls = options.no_tcc_resource_stalls
371 self.cacheMemory.dataArrayBanks = 64
372 self.cacheMemory.tagArrayBanks = 64
373 self.blocksPerRegion = options.blocks_per_region
374 self.cacheMemory.block_size = "%dB" % (64 * self.blocksPerRegion)
375 self.cacheMemory.start_index_bit = \
376 6 + int(math.log(self.blocksPerRegion, 2))
377 self.cacheMemory.size = options.region_buffer_entries * \
378 self.cacheMemory.block_size * options.num_compute_units
379 self.toDirLatency = options.gpu_to_dir_latency
380 self.toRegionDirLatency = options.cpu_to_dir_latency
381 self.noTCCdir = True
383 self.TCC_select_num_bits = TCC_bits
384 self.ruby_system = ruby_system
387 self.recycle_latency = options.recycle_latency
388 self.cacheMemory.replacement_policy = \
389 PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy(assoc = self.cacheMemory.assoc)