(1881:fc205a7edd58) (1918:0c4f083eccc8)
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Regents of The University of Michigan
4# All rights reserved.
6# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
8# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright

--- 451 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

460 options.user = getpass.getuser()
461 options.runs = None
462 options.system = 'client'
463 options.get = None
464 options.binned = False
465 options.graph = False
466 options.ticks = False
467 options.printmode = 'G'
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Regents of The University of Michigan
4# All rights reserved.
6# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
8# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright

--- 451 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

460 options.user = getpass.getuser()
461 options.runs = None
462 options.system = 'client'
463 options.get = None
464 options.binned = False
465 options.graph = False
466 options.ticks = False
467 options.printmode = 'G'
468 jobfilename = ''
468 options.jobfile = None
469 options.all = False
469 options.jobfile = None
470 options.all = False
471 opts, args = getopts(sys.argv[1:], '-BEFG:ad:g:h:j:pr:s:u:T:')
472 opts, args = getopts(sys.argv[1:], '-BEFG:Jad:g:h:j:pr:s:u:T:')
472 for o,a in opts:
473 if o == '-B':
474 options.binned = True
475 if o == '-E':
476 options.printmode = 'E'
477 if o == '-F':
478 options.printmode = 'F'
479 if o == '-G':
480 options.get = a
481 if o == '-a':
482 options.all = True
483 if o == '-d':
484 options.db = a
485 if o == '-g':
486 options.graph = True;
487 options.graphdir = a
488 if o == '-h':
489 = a
473 for o,a in opts:
474 if o == '-B':
475 options.binned = True
476 if o == '-E':
477 options.printmode = 'E'
478 if o == '-F':
479 options.printmode = 'F'
480 if o == '-G':
481 options.get = a
482 if o == '-a':
483 options.all = True
484 if o == '-d':
485 options.db = a
486 if o == '-g':
487 options.graph = True;
488 options.graphdir = a
489 if o == '-h':
490 = a
491 if o == '-J':
492 jobfilename = None
490 if o == '-j':
493 if o == '-j':
491 options.jobfile = JobFile(a)
494 jobfilename = a
492 if o == '-p':
493 options.passwd = getpass.getpass()
494 if o == '-r':
495 options.runs = a
496 if o == '-u':
497 options.user = a
498 if o == '-s':
499 options.system = a
500 if o == '-T':
501 options.ticks = a
495 if o == '-p':
496 options.passwd = getpass.getpass()
497 if o == '-r':
498 options.runs = a
499 if o == '-u':
500 options.user = a
501 if o == '-s':
502 options.system = a
503 if o == '-T':
504 options.ticks = a
503 if options.jobfile:
506 if jobfilename:
507 options.jobfile = JobFile(jobfilename)
504 if not
505 = options.jobfile.dbhost
506 if not options.db:
507 options.db = options.jobfile.statdb
509 if not
510 sys.exit('Database server must be provided from a jobfile or -h')

--- 13 unchanged lines hidden ---
508 if not
509 = options.jobfile.dbhost
510 if not options.db:
511 options.db = options.jobfile.statdb
513 if not
514 sys.exit('Database server must be provided from a jobfile or -h')

--- 13 unchanged lines hidden ---