db.py (1306:7908551ae2a8) db.py (1309:7daf185ddae8)
1import MySQLdb, re, string
3def statcmp(a, b):
4 v1 = a.split('.')
5 v2 = b.split('.')
7 last = min(len(v1), len(v2)) - 1
8 for i,j in zip(v1[0:last], v2[0:last]):

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202 print '%-40s %-10s %-5s' % ('run name', 'user', 'id')
203 print '-' * 62
204 for run in self.allRuns:
205 if user == None or user == run.user:
206 print '%-40s %-10s %-10d' % (run.name, run.user, run.run)
208 # Name: listTicks
209 # Desc: Prints all samples for a given run
1import MySQLdb, re, string
3def statcmp(a, b):
4 v1 = a.split('.')
5 v2 = b.split('.')
7 last = min(len(v1), len(v2)) - 1
8 for i,j in zip(v1[0:last], v2[0:last]):

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202 print '%-40s %-10s %-5s' % ('run name', 'user', 'id')
203 print '-' * 62
204 for run in self.allRuns:
205 if user == None or user == run.user:
206 print '%-40s %-10s %-10d' % (run.name, run.user, run.run)
208 # Name: listTicks
209 # Desc: Prints all samples for a given run
210 def listTicks(self, run=None):
210 def listTicks(self, runs=None):
211 print "tick"
212 print "----------------------------------------"
211 print "tick"
212 print "----------------------------------------"
213 sql = 'select distinct dt_tick from data where dt_stat=1950'
214 #if run != None:
215 # sql += ' where dt_run=%d' % run
213 sql = 'select distinct dt_tick from data where dt_stat=1180 and ('
214 if runs != None:
215 first = True
216 for run in runs:
217 if first:
218 # sql += ' where'
219 first = False
220 else:
221 sql += ' or'
222 sql += ' dt_run=%s' % run.run
223 sql += ')'
216 self.query(sql)
217 for r in self.cursor.fetchall():
218 print r[0]
224 self.query(sql)
225 for r in self.cursor.fetchall():
226 print r[0]
228 # Name: retTicks
229 # Desc: Prints all samples for a given run
230 def retTicks(self, runs=None):
231 sql = 'select distinct dt_tick from data where dt_stat=1180 and ('
232 if runs != None:
233 first = True
234 for run in runs:
235 if first:
236 first = False
237 else:
238 sql += ' or'
239 sql += ' dt_run=%s' % run.run
240 sql += ')'
241 self.query(sql)
242 ret = []
243 for r in self.cursor.fetchall():
244 ret.append(r[0])
245 return ret
220 # Name: liststats
221 # Desc: Prints all statistics that appear in the database,
222 # the optional argument is a regular expression that can
223 # be used to prune the result set
224 def listStats(self, regex=None):
225 print '%-60s %-8s %-10s' % ('stat name', 'id', 'type')
226 print '-' * 80

--- 188 unchanged lines hidden ---
247 # Name: liststats
248 # Desc: Prints all statistics that appear in the database,
249 # the optional argument is a regular expression that can
250 # be used to prune the result set
251 def listStats(self, regex=None):
252 print '%-60s %-8s %-10s' % ('stat name', 'id', 'type')
253 print '-' * 80

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