> use Getopt::Std;
> # Options:
> # -c <n> : print n lines of context before & after changes
> # -l <n> : use n lines of lookahead
> # -x : use "complex" diff from Algorithm::Diff (see below)
> #
> our ($opt_c, $opt_l, $opt_x);
> getopts('c:l:x');
> #
< # Algorithm::Diff package. If you don't have this installed, or want
< # the script to run faster (like 3-4x faster, based on informal
< # observation), set $use_complexdiff to 0; then a built-in, simple,
< # and generally quite adequate algorithm will be used instead.
< my $use_complexdiff = 0;
> # Algorithm::Diff package. By default, a built-in, simple, and
> # generally quite adequate algorithm will be used. If you have
> # Algorithm::Diff installed on your system, and don't mind having the
> # script go slower (like 3-4x slower, based on informal observation),
> # then specify '-x' on the command line to use it.
> my $use_complexdiff = defined($opt_x);
< #if ($use_complexdiff) {
< # use Algorithm::Diff qw(traverse_sequences);
< #};
> if ($use_complexdiff) {
> # Don't use 'use', as that's a compile-time option and will fail
> # on systems that don't have Algorithm::Diff installed even if
> # $use_complexdiff is false. 'require' is evaluated at runtime,
> # so it's OK.
> require Algorithm::Diff;
> import Algorithm::Diff qw(traverse_sequences);
> };
< my $lookahead_lines = 200;
< my $precontext_lines = 3;
< my $postcontext_lines = 3;
> my $lookahead_lines = $opt_l || 200;
> # in theory you could have different amounts of context before and
> # after a diff, but until someone needs that there's only one arg to
> # set both.
> my $precontext_lines = $opt_c || 3;
> my $postcontext_lines = $precontext_lines;