> * Andreas Sandberg
< #define m5_op 0xEE
> .text
> .macro simple_op name, func, subfunc
> .globl \name
> \name:
> /* First, try to trap into m5 using the m5-kvm hypercall
> * hack. The bxj will become a branch to the fallback code
> * if it is executed in the normal m5 environment.
> */
> push {lr}
> ldr lr, =1f
> ldr ip, =((((\func) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((\subfunc) & 0xFF))
> bxj lr
> pop {pc}
> /* Old-style m5 pseudo instruction using CP1 accesses */
> 1:
< #define INST(op, ra, rb, func) \
< .short (((op) << 8) | (func)); \
< .short (((ra) << 12) | (0x1 << 8) | (0x1 << 4) | (rb))
< /* m5ops m5func */
< /* ra coproc 1 op=1 rb */
> .short 0xEE00 | \func
> .short 0x0110 | (\subfunc << 12)
< .long (((op) << 24) | ((func) << 16) | ((ra) << 12) | (0x1 << 8) | (0x1 << 4) | (rb))
< /* m5ops m5func ra coproc 1 op=1 rb */
> .long (0xEE000110 | (\func << 16) | (\subfunc << 12)
> pop {pc}
> .endm
< #define LEAF(func) \
< .globl func; \
< func:
> #define SIMPLE_OP(name, func, subfunc) simple_op name, func, subfunc
< #define RET \
< mov pc,lr
> SIMPLE_OP(arm, arm_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(quiesce, quiesce_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(quiesceNs, quiescens_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(quiesceCycle, quiescecycle_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(quiesceTime, quiescetime_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(rpns, rpns_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(wakeCPU, wakecpu_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_exit, exit_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_initparam, initparam_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_loadsymbol, loadsymbol_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_reset_stats, resetstats_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_dump_stats, dumpstats_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_dumpreset_stats, dumprststats_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_checkpoint, ckpt_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_readfile, readfile_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_writefile, writefile_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_debugbreak, debugbreak_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_switchcpu, switchcpu_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_addsymbol, addsymbol_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_panic, panic_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_work_begin, work_begin_func, 0)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5_work_end, work_end_func, 0)
< #define END(func) \
< #define SIMPLE_OP(_f, _o) \
< LEAF(_f) \
< _o; \
< RET; \
< END(_f)
< #define ARM INST(m5_op, 0, 0, arm_func)
< #define QUIESCE INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiesce_func)
< #define QUIESCENS INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiescens_func)
< #define QUIESCECYC INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiescecycle_func)
< #define QUIESCETIME INST(m5_op, 0, 0, quiescetime_func)
< #define RPNS INST(m5_op, 0, 0, rpns_func)
< #define WAKE_CPU INST(m5_op, 0, 0, wakecpu_func)
< #define M5EXIT INST(m5_op, 0, 0, exit_func)
< #define INITPARAM INST(m5_op, 0, 0, initparam_func)
< #define LOADSYMBOL INST(m5_op, 0, 0, loadsymbol_func)
< #define RESET_STATS INST(m5_op, 0, 0, resetstats_func)
< #define DUMP_STATS INST(m5_op, 0, 0, dumpstats_func)
< #define DUMPRST_STATS INST(m5_op, 0, 0, dumprststats_func)
< #define CHECKPOINT INST(m5_op, 0, 0, ckpt_func)
< #define READFILE INST(m5_op, 0, 0, readfile_func)
< #define WRITEFILE INST(m5_op, 0, 0, writefile_func)
< #define DEBUGBREAK INST(m5_op, 0, 0, debugbreak_func)
< #define SWITCHCPU INST(m5_op, 0, 0, switchcpu_func)
< #define ADDSYMBOL INST(m5_op, 0, 0, addsymbol_func)
< #define PANIC INST(m5_op, 0, 0, panic_func)
< #define WORK_BEGIN INST(m5_op, 0, 0, work_begin_func)
< #define WORK_END INST(m5_op, 0, 0, work_end_func)
< #define AN_BSM INST(m5_op, an_bsm, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_ESM INST(m5_op, an_esm, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_BEGIN INST(m5_op, an_begin, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_END INST(m5_op, an_end, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_Q INST(m5_op, an_q, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_RQ INST(m5_op, an_rq, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_DQ INST(m5_op, an_dq, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_WF INST(m5_op, an_wf, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_WE INST(m5_op, an_we, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_WS INST(m5_op, an_ws, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_SQ INST(m5_op, an_sq, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_AQ INST(m5_op, an_aq, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_PQ INST(m5_op, an_pq, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_L INST(m5_op, an_l, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_IDENTIFY INST(m5_op, an_identify, 0, annotate_func)
< #define AN_GETID INST(m5_op, an_getid, 0, annotate_func)
< .text
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_exit, M5EXIT)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_initparam, INITPARAM)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_loadsymbol, LOADSYMBOL)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_reset_stats, RESET_STATS)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_dump_stats, DUMP_STATS)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_dumpreset_stats, DUMPRST_STATS)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_checkpoint, CHECKPOINT)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_readfile, READFILE)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_writefile, WRITEFILE)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_debugbreak, DEBUGBREAK)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_switchcpu, SWITCHCPU)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_addsymbol, ADDSYMBOL)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_panic, PANIC)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_work_begin, WORK_BEGIN)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5_work_end, WORK_END)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_bsm, AN_BSM)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_esm, AN_ESM)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_begin, AN_BEGIN)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_end, AN_END)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_q, AN_Q)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_rq, AN_RQ)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_dq, AN_DQ)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_wf, AN_WF)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_we, AN_WE)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_ws, AN_WS)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_sq, AN_SQ)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_aq, AN_AQ)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_pq, AN_PQ)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_l, AN_L)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_identify, AN_IDENTIFY)
< SIMPLE_OP(m5a_getid, AN_GETID)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_bsm, annotate_func, an_bsm)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_esm, annotate_func, an_esm)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_begin, annotate_func, an_begin)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_end, annotate_func, an_end)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_q, annotate_func, an_q)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_rq, annotate_func, an_rq)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_dq, annotate_func, an_dq)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_wf, annotate_func, an_wf)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_we, annotate_func, an_we)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_ws, annotate_func, an_ws)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_sq, annotate_func, an_sq)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_aq, annotate_func, an_aq)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_pq, annotate_func, an_pq)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_l, annotate_func, an_l)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_identify, annotate_func, an_identify)
> SIMPLE_OP(m5a_getid, annotate_func, an_getid)