< import heapq
< import os
< import re
> import os
> from os.path import join as joinpath
< from os.path import dirname, join as joinpath
< from itertools import count
< from mercurial import bdiff, mdiff, commands
< current_dir = dirname(__file__)
> current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
< sys.path.insert(1, joinpath(dirname(current_dir), 'src', 'python'))
< from m5.util import neg_inf, pos_inf, Region, Regions
< import sort_includes
< from file_types import lang_type
> from style.verifiers import all_verifiers
> from style.validators import all_validators
> from style.file_types import lang_type
> from style.style import MercurialUI, check_ignores
> from style.region import *
< all_regions = Regions(Region(neg_inf, pos_inf))
> from mercurial import bdiff, mdiff, commands
< tabsize = 8
< lead = re.compile(r'^([ \t]+)')
< trail = re.compile(r'([ \t]+)$')
< any_control = re.compile(r'\b(if|while|for)([ \t]*)\(')
< format_types = set(('C', 'C++'))
< def re_ignore(expr):
< """Helper function to create regular expression ignore file
< matcher functions"""
< rex = re.compile(expr)
< def match_re(fname):
< return rex.match(fname)
< return match_re
< # This list contains a list of functions that are called to determine
< # if a file should be excluded from the style matching rules or
< # not. The functions are called with the file name relative to the
< # repository root (without a leading slash) as their argument. A file
< # is excluded if any function in the list returns true.
< style_ignores = [
< # Ignore external projects as they are unlikely to follow the gem5
< # coding convention.
< re_ignore("^ext/"),
< ]
< def check_ignores(fname):
< """Check if a file name matches any of the ignore rules"""
< for rule in style_ignores:
< if rule(fname):
< return True
< return False
< class UserInterface(object):
< def __init__(self, verbose=False):
< self.verbose = verbose
< def prompt(self, prompt, results, default):
< while True:
< result = self.do_prompt(prompt, results, default)
< if result in results:
< return result
< class MercurialUI(UserInterface):
< def __init__(self, ui, *args, **kwargs):
< super(MercurialUI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
< self.ui = ui
< def do_prompt(self, prompt, results, default):
< return self.ui.prompt(prompt, default=default)
< def write(self, string):
< self.ui.write(string)
< class StdioUI(UserInterface):
< def do_prompt(self, prompt, results, default):
< return raw_input(prompt) or default
< def write(self, string):
< sys.stdout.write(string)
< class Verifier(object):
< """Base class for style verifier objects
< Subclasses must define these class attributes:
< languages = set of strings identifying applicable languages
< test_name = long descriptive name of test, will be used in
< messages such as "error in <foo>" or "invalid <foo>"
< opt_name = short name used to generate command-line options to
< control the test (--fix-<foo>, --ignore-<foo>, etc.)
< """
< def __init__(self, ui, repo, opts):
< self.ui = ui
< self.repo = repo
< # opt_name must be defined as a class attribute of derived classes.
< # Check test-specific opts first as these have precedence.
< self.opt_fix = opts.get('fix_' + self.opt_name, False)
< self.opt_ignore = opts.get('ignore_' + self.opt_name, False)
< self.opt_skip = opts.get('skip_' + self.opt_name, False)
< # If no test-specific opts were set, then set based on "-all" opts.
< if not (self.opt_fix or self.opt_ignore or self.opt_skip):
< self.opt_fix = opts.get('fix_all', False)
< self.opt_ignore = opts.get('ignore_all', False)
< self.opt_skip = opts.get('skip_all', False)
< def __getattr__(self, attr):
< if attr in ('prompt', 'write'):
< return getattr(self.ui, attr)
< if attr == 'wctx':
< try:
< wctx = repo.workingctx()
< except:
< from mercurial import context
< wctx = context.workingctx(repo)
< self.wctx = wctx
< return wctx
< raise AttributeError
< def open(self, filename, mode):
< filename = self.repo.wjoin(filename)
< try:
< f = file(filename, mode)
< except OSError, msg:
< print 'could not open file %s: %s' % (filename, msg)
< return None
< return f
< def skip(self, filename):
< filename = self.repo.wjoin(filename)
< # We never want to handle symlinks, so always skip them: If the location
< # pointed to is a directory, skip it. If the location is a file inside
< # the gem5 directory, it will be checked as a file, so symlink can be
< # skipped. If the location is a file outside gem5, we don't want to
< # check it anyway.
< if os.path.islink(filename):
< return True
< return lang_type(filename) not in self.languages
< def check(self, filename, regions=all_regions):
< """Check specified regions of file 'filename'.
< Line-by-line checks can simply provide a check_line() method
< that returns True if the line is OK and False if it has an
< error. Verifiers that need a multi-line view (like
< SortedIncludes) must override this entire function.
< Returns a count of errors (0 if none), though actual non-zero
< count value is not currently used anywhere.
< """
< f = self.open(filename, 'r')
< errors = 0
< for num,line in enumerate(f):
< if num not in regions:
< continue
< line = line.rstrip('\n')
< if not self.check_line(line):
< self.write("invalid %s in %s:%d\n" % \
< (self.test_name, filename, num + 1))
< if self.ui.verbose:
< self.write(">>%s<<\n" % line[:-1])
< errors += 1
< return errors
< def fix(self, filename, regions=all_regions):
< """Fix specified regions of file 'filename'.
< Line-by-line fixes can simply provide a fix_line() method that
< returns the fixed line. Verifiers that need a multi-line view
< (like SortedIncludes) must override this entire function.
< """
< f = self.open(filename, 'r+')
< lines = list(f)
< f.seek(0)
< f.truncate()
< for i,line in enumerate(lines):
< if i in regions:
< line = self.fix_line(line)
< f.write(line)
< f.close()
< def apply(self, filename, regions=all_regions):
< """Possibly apply to specified regions of file 'filename'.
< Verifier is skipped if --skip-<test> option was provided or if
< file is not of an applicable type. Otherwise file is checked
< and error messages printed. Errors are fixed or ignored if
< the corresponding --fix-<test> or --ignore-<test> options were
< provided. If neither, the user is prompted for an action.
< Returns True to abort, False otherwise.
< """
< if not (self.opt_skip or self.skip(filename)):
< errors = self.check(filename, regions)
< if errors and not self.opt_ignore:
< if self.opt_fix:
< self.fix(filename, regions)
< else:
< result = self.ui.prompt("(a)bort, (i)gnore, or (f)ix?",
< 'aif', 'a')
< if result == 'f':
< self.fix(filename, regions)
< elif result == 'a':
< return True # abort
< return False
< class Whitespace(Verifier):
< """Check whitespace.
< Specifically:
< - No tabs used for indent
< - No trailing whitespace
< """
< languages = set(('C', 'C++', 'swig', 'python', 'asm', 'isa', 'scons'))
< test_name = 'whitespace'
< opt_name = 'white'
< def check_line(self, line):
< match = lead.search(line)
< if match and match.group(1).find('\t') != -1:
< return False
< match = trail.search(line)
< if match:
< return False
< return True
< def fix_line(self, line):
< if lead.search(line):
< newline = ''
< for i,c in enumerate(line):
< if c == ' ':
< newline += ' '
< elif c == '\t':
< newline += ' ' * (tabsize - len(newline) % tabsize)
< else:
< newline += line[i:]
< break
< line = newline
< return line.rstrip() + '\n'
< class ControlSpace(Verifier):
< """Check for exactly one space after if/while/for"""
< languages = set(('C', 'C++'))
< test_name = 'spacing after if/while/for'
< opt_name = 'control'
< def check_line(self, line):
< match = any_control.search(line)
< return not (match and match.group(2) != " ")
< def fix_line(self, line):
< new_line = any_control.sub(r'\1 (', line)
< return new_line
< class SortedIncludes(Verifier):
< """Check for proper sorting of include statements"""
< languages = sort_includes.default_languages
< test_name = 'include file order'
< opt_name = 'include'
< def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
< super(SortedIncludes, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
< self.sort_includes = sort_includes.SortIncludes()
< def check(self, filename, regions=all_regions):
< f = self.open(filename, 'r')
< lines = [ l.rstrip('\n') for l in f.xreadlines() ]
< old = ''.join(line + '\n' for line in lines)
< f.close()
< if len(lines) == 0:
< return 0
< language = lang_type(filename, lines[0])
< sort_lines = list(self.sort_includes(lines, filename, language))
< new = ''.join(line + '\n' for line in sort_lines)
< mod = modified_regions(old, new)
< modified = mod & regions
< if modified:
< self.write("invalid sorting of includes in %s\n" % (filename))
< if self.ui.verbose:
< for start, end in modified.regions:
< self.write("bad region [%d, %d)\n" % (start, end))
< return 1
< return 0
< def fix(self, filename, regions=all_regions):
< f = self.open(filename, 'r+')
< old = f.readlines()
< lines = [ l.rstrip('\n') for l in old ]
< language = lang_type(filename, lines[0])
< sort_lines = list(self.sort_includes(lines, filename, language))
< new = ''.join(line + '\n' for line in sort_lines)
< f.seek(0)
< f.truncate()
< for i,line in enumerate(sort_lines):
< f.write(line)
< f.write('\n')
< f.close()
< def linelen(line):
< tabs = line.count('\t')
< if not tabs:
< return len(line)
< count = 0
< for c in line:
< if c == '\t':
< count += tabsize - count % tabsize
< else:
< count += 1
< return count
< class LineLength(Verifier):
< languages = set(('C', 'C++', 'swig', 'python', 'asm', 'isa', 'scons'))
< test_name = 'line length'
< opt_name = 'length'
< def check_line(self, line):
< return linelen(line) <= 78
< def fix(self, filename, regions=all_regions):
< self.write("Warning: cannot automatically fix overly long lines.\n")
< class BoolCompare(Verifier):
< languages = set(('C', 'C++', 'python'))
< test_name = 'boolean comparison'
< opt_name = 'boolcomp'
< regex = re.compile(r'\s*==\s*([Tt]rue|[Ff]alse)\b')
< def check_line(self, line):
< return self.regex.search(line) == None
< def fix_line(self, line):
< match = self.regex.search(line)
< if match:
< if match.group(1) in ('true', 'True'):
< line = self.regex.sub('', line)
< else:
< self.write("Warning: cannot automatically fix "
< "comparisons with false/False.\n")
< return line
< # list of all verifier classes
< all_verifiers = [
< Whitespace,
< ControlSpace,
< LineLength,
< BoolCompare,
< SortedIncludes
< ]
< class ValidationStats(object):
< def __init__(self):
< self.toolong = 0
< self.toolong80 = 0
< self.leadtabs = 0
< self.trailwhite = 0
< self.badcontrol = 0
< self.cret = 0
< def dump(self):
< print '''\
< %d violations of lines over 79 chars. %d of which are 80 chars exactly.
< %d cases of whitespace at the end of a line.
< %d cases of tabs to indent.
< %d bad parens after if/while/for.
< %d carriage returns found.
< ''' % (self.toolong, self.toolong80, self.trailwhite, self.leadtabs,
< self.badcontrol, self.cret)
< def __nonzero__(self):
< return self.toolong or self.toolong80 or self.leadtabs or \
< self.trailwhite or self.badcontrol or self.cret
< def validate(filename, stats, verbose, exit_code):
> def validate(filename, verbose, exit_code):
< if lang not in format_types:
> if lang not in ('C', 'C++'):
< def msg(lineno, line, message):
< print '%s:%d>' % (filename, lineno + 1), message
< if verbose > 2:
< print line
< return
> return None
< for i,line in enumerate(f):
> vals = [ v(filename, verbose=(verbose > 1), language=lang)
> for v in all_validators ]
> for i, line in enumerate(f):
> for v in vals:
> v.validate_line(i, line)
< # no carriage returns
< if line.find('\r') != -1:
< self.cret += 1
< if verbose > 1:
< msg(i, line, 'carriage return found')
< bad()
< # lines max out at 79 chars
< llen = linelen(line)
< if llen > 79:
< stats.toolong += 1
< if llen == 80:
< stats.toolong80 += 1
< if verbose > 1:
< msg(i, line, 'line too long (%d chars)' % llen)
< bad()
> return vals
< # no tabs used to indent
< match = lead.search(line)
< if match and match.group(1).find('\t') != -1:
< stats.leadtabs += 1
< if verbose > 1:
< msg(i, line, 'using tabs to indent')
< bad()
< # no trailing whitespace
< if trail.search(line):
< stats.trailwhite +=1
< if verbose > 1:
< msg(i, line, 'trailing whitespace')
< bad()
< # for c++, exactly one space betwen if/while/for and (
< if lang == 'C++':
< match = any_control.search(line)
< if match and match.group(2) != " ":
< stats.badcontrol += 1
< if verbose > 1:
< msg(i, line, 'improper spacing after %s' % match.group(1))
< bad()
< verifiers = [v(ui, repo, opts) for v in all_verifiers]
> verifiers = [v(ui, opts, base=repo.root) for v in all_verifiers]
< if verifier.apply(fname, mod_regions):
> if verifier.apply(joinpath(repo.root, fname), mod_regions):
< stats = ValidationStats()
< validate(joinpath(repo.root, fname), stats, verbose, None)
< if stats:
> vals = validate(joinpath(repo.root, fname), verbose, None)
> if vals is None:
> return True
> elif any([not v for v in vals]):
< stats.dump()
> for v in vals:
> v.dump()
< stats = ValidationStats()
< validate(filename, stats=stats, verbose=args.verbose, exit_code=1)
> vals = validate(filename, verbose=args.verbose,
> exit_code=1)
< if args.verbose > 0:
< stats.dump()
> if args.verbose > 0 and vals is not None:
> for v in vals:
> v.dump()