> def _test_args(subparsers):
> parser = subparsers.add_parser(
> "test",
> formatter_class=ParagraphHelpFormatter,
> help='Probe test results and set exit code',
> epilog="""
> Load one or more pickled test file and return an exit code
> corresponding to the test outcome. The following exit codes
> can be returned:
> 0: All tests were successful or skipped.
> 1: General fault in the script such as incorrect parameters or
> failing to parse a pickle file.
> 2: At least one test failed to run. This is what the summary
> formatter usually shows as a 'FAILED'.
> 3: All tests ran correctly, but at least one failed to
> verify its output. When displaying test output using the
> summary formatter, such a test would show up as 'CHANGED'.
> """)
> _add_format_args(parser)
> parser.add_argument("result", type=argparse.FileType("rb"), nargs="*",
> help="Pickled test results")
> def _test(args):
> suites = sum([ pickle.load(f) for f in args.result ], [])
> if all(s for s in suites):
> sys.exit(0)
> elif any([ s.failed_run() for s in suites ]):
> sys.exit(2)
> elif any([ s.changed() for s in suites ]):
> sys.exit(3)
> else:
> assert False, "Unexpected return status from test"
> "test" : (_test, _test_args),