< def test_builder(env, category, cpu_list=[], os_list=[], refdir='ref',
< timeout=15):
< """Define a test.
> def test_builder(env, ref_dir):
> """Define a test."""
< Args:
< category -- string describing test category (e.g., 'quick')
< cpu_list -- list of CPUs to runs this test on (blank means all compiled CPUs)
< os_list -- list of OSs to run this test on
< refdir -- subdirectory containing reference output (default 'ref')
< timeout -- test timeout in minutes (only enforced on pool)
> (category, name, _ref, isa, opsys, config) = ref_dir.split('/')
> assert(_ref == 'ref')
< """
> # target path (where test output goes) is the same except without
> # the 'ref' component
> tgt_dir = os.path.join(category, name, isa, opsys, config)
< default_refdir = False
< if refdir == 'ref':
< default_refdir = True
< valid_cpu_list = []
< if len(cpu_list) == 0:
< valid_cpu_list = env['CPU_MODELS']
< else:
< for i in cpu_list:
< if i in env['CPU_MODELS']:
< valid_cpu_list.append(i)
< cpu_list = valid_cpu_list
< if env['TEST_CPU_MODELS']:
< valid_cpu_list = []
< for i in env['TEST_CPU_MODELS']:
< if i in cpu_list:
< valid_cpu_list.append(i)
< cpu_list = valid_cpu_list
< # Code commented out that shows the general structure if we want to test
< # different OS's as well.
< # if len(os_list) == 0:
< # for test_cpu in cpu_list:
< # build_cpu_test(env, category, '', test_cpu, refdir, timeout)
< # else:
< # for test_os in os_list:
< # for test_cpu in cpu_list:
< # build_cpu_test(env, category, test_os, test_cpu, refdir,
< # timeout)
< # Loop through CPU models and generate proper options, ref directories
< for cpu in cpu_list:
< test_os = ''
< if cpu == "AtomicSimpleCPU":
< cpu_option = ('','atomic/')
< elif cpu == "TimingSimpleCPU":
< cpu_option = ('--timing','timing/')
< elif cpu == "O3CPU":
< cpu_option = ('--detailed','detailed/')
< else:
< raise TypeError, "Unknown CPU model specified"
> # prepend file name with tgt_dir
> def tgt(f):
> return os.path.join(tgt_dir, f)
< if default_refdir:
< # Reference stats located in ref/arch/os/cpu or ref/arch/cpu
< # if no OS specified
< test_refdir = os.path.join(refdir, env['TARGET_ISA'])
< if test_os != '':
< test_refdir = os.path.join(test_refdir, test_os)
< cpu_refdir = os.path.join(test_refdir, cpu_option[1])
> ref_stats = os.path.join(ref_dir, 'm5stats.txt')
> new_stats = tgt('m5stats.txt')
> status_file = tgt('status')
< ref_stats = os.path.join(cpu_refdir, 'm5stats.txt')
> # Base command for running test. We mess around with indirectly
> # referring to files via SOURCES and TARGETS so that scons can
> # mess with paths all it wants to and we still get the right
> # files.
> base_cmd = '${SOURCES[0]} -d $TARGET.dir ${SOURCES[1]} %s' % tgt_dir
> # stdout and stderr files
> cmd_stdout = '${TARGETS[0]}'
> cmd_stderr = '${TARGETS[1]}'
< # base command for running test
< base_cmd = '${SOURCES[0]} -d $TARGET.dir ${SOURCES[1]}'
< base_cmd = base_cmd + ' ' + cpu_option[0]
< # stdout and stderr files
< cmd_stdout = '${TARGETS[0]}'
< cmd_stderr = '${TARGETS[1]}'
< stdout_string = cpu_option[1] + 'stdout'
< stderr_string = cpu_option[1] + 'stderr'
< m5stats_string = cpu_option[1] + 'm5stats.txt'
< outdiff_string = cpu_option[1] + 'outdiff'
< statsdiff_string = cpu_option[1] + 'statsdiff'
< status_string = cpu_option[1] + 'status'
< # Prefix test run with batch job submission command if appropriate.
< # Output redirection is also different for batch runs.
< # Batch command also supports timeout arg (in seconds, not minutes).
< if env['BATCH']:
< cmd = [env['BATCH_CMD'], '-t', str(timeout * 60),
< '-o', cmd_stdout, '-e', cmd_stderr, base_cmd]
< else:
< cmd = [base_cmd, '>', cmd_stdout, '2>', cmd_stderr]
> # Prefix test run with batch job submission command if appropriate.
> # Output redirection is also different for batch runs.
> # Batch command also supports timeout arg (in seconds, not minutes).
> if env['BATCH']:
> cmd = [env['BATCH_CMD'], '-t', str(timeout * 60),
> '-o', cmd_stdout, '-e', cmd_stderr, base_cmd]
> else:
> cmd = [base_cmd, '>', cmd_stdout, '2>', cmd_stderr]
< env.Command([stdout_string, stderr_string, m5stats_string],
< [env.M5Binary, 'run.py'], ' '.join(cmd))
> env.Command([tgt('stdout'), tgt('stderr'), new_stats],
> [env.M5Binary, 'run.py'], ' '.join(cmd))
< # order of targets is important... see check_test
< env.Command([outdiff_string, statsdiff_string, status_string],
< [ref_stats, m5stats_string],
< testAction)
> # order of targets is important... see check_test
> env.Command([tgt('outdiff'), tgt('statsdiff'), status_file],
> [ref_stats, new_stats],
> testAction)
< # phony target to echo status
< if env['update_ref']:
< p = env.Command(cpu_option[1] + '_update',
< [ref_stats, m5stats_string, status_string],
< updateAction)
< else:
< p = env.Command(cpu_option[1] + '_print', [status_string],
< printAction)
< env.AlwaysBuild(p)
> # phony target to echo status
> if env['update_ref']:
> p = env.Command(tgt('_update'),
> [ref_stats, new_stats, status_file],
> updateAction)
> else:
> p = env.Command(tgt('_print'), [status_file], printAction)
< env.Tests.setdefault(category, [])
< env.Tests[category] += p
> env.AlwaysBuild(p)
< # Make test_builder a "wrapper" function. See SCons wiki page at
< # http://www.scons.org/cgi-bin/wiki/WrapperFunctions.
< SConsEnvironment.Test = test_builder
< scripts = glob.glob('*/SConscript')
> for config in ['simple-atomic']:
> dirs = glob.glob('*/*/ref/%s/*/%s' % (env['TARGET_ISA'], config))
> for d in dirs:
> test_builder(env, d)
< for s in scripts:
< SConscript(s, exports = 'env', duplicate = False)
< # Set up phony commands for various test categories
< allTests = []
< for (key, val) in env.Tests.iteritems():
< env.Command(key, val, env.NoAction)
< allTests += val
< # The 'all' target is redundant since just specifying the test
< # directory name (e.g., ALPHA_SE/test/opt) has the same effect.
< env.Command('all', allTests, env.NoAction)