< #include <cstring>
< #include <string>
< #include "base/fiber.hh"
< #include "base/logging.hh"
< #include "sim/init.hh"
< #include "systemc/core/python.hh"
< #include "systemc/utils/report.hh"
< // This wrapper adapts the python version of sc_main to the c++ version.
< void
< sc_main(pybind11::args args)
< {
< panic_if(::sc_gem5::scMainFiber.called(),
< "sc_main called more than once.");
< int argc = args.size();
< char **argv = new char *[argc];
< // Initialize all the argvs to NULL so we can delete [] them
< // unconditionally.
< for (int idx = 0; idx < argc; idx++)
< argv[idx] = NULL;
< // Attempt to convert all the arguments to strings. If that fails, clean
< // up after ourselves. Also don't count this as a call to sc_main since
< // we never got to the c++ version of that function.
< try {
< for (int idx = 0; idx < argc; idx++) {
< std::string arg = args[idx].cast<std::string>();
< argv[idx] = new char[arg.length() + 1];
< strcpy(argv[idx], arg.c_str());
< }
< } catch (...) {
< // If that didn't work for some reason (probably a conversion error)
< // blow away argv and argc and pass on the exception.
< for (int idx = 0; idx < argc; idx++)
< delete [] argv[idx];
< delete [] argv;
< argc = 0;
< throw;
< }
< ::sc_gem5::scMainFiber.setArgs(argc, argv);
< ::sc_gem5::scMainFiber.run();
< }
< int
< sc_main_result_code()
< {
< return ::sc_gem5::scMainFiber.resultInt();
< }
< std::string
< sc_main_result_str()
< {
< return ::sc_gem5::scMainFiber.resultStr();
< }
< // Make our sc_main wrapper available in the internal _m5 python module under
< // the systemc submodule.
< struct InstallScMain : public ::sc_gem5::PythonInitFunc
< {
< void
< run(pybind11::module &systemc) override
< {
< systemc.def("sc_main", &sc_main);
< systemc.def("sc_main_result_code", &sc_main_result_code);
< systemc.def("sc_main_result_str", &sc_main_result_str);
< }
< } installScMain;