< static SyscallReturn
< openFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, Process *process,
< ThreadContext *tc, int index)
> SyscallReturn
> openImpl(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, Process *p, ThreadContext *tc,
> bool isopenat)
< std::string path;
> int index = 0;
> int tgt_dirfd = -1;
< if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
< process->getSyscallArg(tc, index)))
> /**
> * If using the openat variant, read in the target directory file
> * descriptor from the simulated process.
> */
> if (isopenat)
> tgt_dirfd = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
> /**
> * Retrieve the simulated process' memory proxy and then read in the path
> * string from that memory space into the host's working memory space.
> */
> std::string path;
> if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path, p->getSyscallArg(tc, index)))
< int tgtFlags = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
< int mode = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
< int hostFlags = 0;
< // translate open flags
> #ifdef __CYGWIN32__
> int host_flags = O_BINARY;
> #else
> int host_flags = 0;
> #endif
> /**
> * Translate target flags into host flags. Flags exist which are not
> * ported between architectures which can cause check failures.
> */
> int tgt_flags = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
< if (tgtFlags & OS::openFlagTable[i].tgtFlag) {
< tgtFlags &= ~OS::openFlagTable[i].tgtFlag;
< hostFlags |= OS::openFlagTable[i].hostFlag;
> if (tgt_flags & OS::openFlagTable[i].tgtFlag) {
> tgt_flags &= ~OS::openFlagTable[i].tgtFlag;
> host_flags |= OS::openFlagTable[i].hostFlag;
< // any target flags left?
< if (tgtFlags != 0)
< warn("Syscall: open: cannot decode flags 0x%x", tgtFlags);
> if (tgt_flags) {
> warn("open%s: cannot decode flags 0x%x",
> isopenat ? "at" : "", tgt_flags);
> }
< hostFlags |= O_BINARY;
> host_flags |= O_BINARY;
< // Adjust path for current working directory
< path = process->fullPath(path);
> int mode = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
< DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose, "opening file %s\n", path.c_str());
> /**
> * If the simulated process called open or openat with AT_FDCWD specified,
> * take the current working directory value which was passed into the
> * process class as a Python parameter and append the current path to
> * create a full path.
> * Otherwise, openat with a valid target directory file descriptor has
> * been called. If the path option, which was passed in as a parameter,
> * is not absolute, retrieve the directory file descriptor's path and
> * prepend it to the path passed in as a parameter.
> * In every case, we should have a full path (which is relevant to the
> * host) to work with after this block has been passed.
> */
> if (!isopenat || (isopenat && tgt_dirfd == OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)) {
> path = p->fullPath(path);
> } else if (!startswith(path, "/")) {
> std::shared_ptr<FDEntry> fdep = ((*p->fds)[tgt_dirfd]);
> auto ffdp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<FileFDEntry>(fdep);
> if (!ffdp)
> return -EBADF;
> path.insert(0, ffdp->getFileName());
> }
> /**
> * Since this is an emulated environment, we create pseudo file
> * descriptors for device requests that have been registered with
> * the process class through Python; this allows us to create a file
> * descriptor for subsequent ioctl or mmap calls.
> */
< if (filename == "sysdev0") {
< // This is a memory-mapped high-resolution timer device on Alpha.
< // We don't support it, so just punt.
< warn("Ignoring open(%s, ...)\n", path);
< return -ENOENT;
< }
< EmulatedDriver *drv = process->findDriver(filename);
> EmulatedDriver *drv = p->findDriver(filename);
< // the driver's open method will allocate a fd from the
< // process if necessary.
< return drv->open(process, tc, mode, hostFlags);
> DPRINTF_SYSCALL(Verbose, "open%s: passing call to "
> "driver open with path[%s]\n",
> isopenat ? "at" : "", path.c_str());
> return drv->open(p, tc, mode, host_flags);
> /**
> * Fall through here for pass through to host devices, such
> * as /dev/zero
> */
> }
< // fall through here for pass through to host devices, such as
< // /dev/zero
> /**
> * Some special paths and files cannot be called on the host and need
> * to be handled as special cases inside the simulator.
> * If the full path that was created above does not match any of the
> * special cases, pass it through to the open call on the host to let
> * the host open the file on our behalf.
> * If the host cannot open the file, return the host's error code back
> * through the system call to the simulated process.
> */
> int sim_fd = -1;
> std::vector<std::string> special_paths =
> { "/proc/", "/system/", "/sys/", "/platform/", "/etc/passwd" };
> for (auto entry : special_paths) {
> if (startswith(path, entry))
> sim_fd = OS::openSpecialFile(path, p, tc);
> if (sim_fd == -1) {
> sim_fd = open(path.c_str(), host_flags, mode);
> }
> if (sim_fd == -1) {
> int local = -errno;
> DPRINTF_SYSCALL(Verbose, "open%s: failed -> path:%s\n",
> isopenat ? "at" : "", path.c_str());
> return local;
> }
< int fd;
< int local_errno;
< if (startswith(path, "/proc/") || startswith(path, "/system/") ||
< startswith(path, "/platform/") || startswith(path, "/sys/")) {
< // It's a proc/sys entry and requires special handling
< fd = OS::openSpecialFile(path, process, tc);
< local_errno = ENOENT;
< } else {
< // open the file
< fd = open(path.c_str(), hostFlags, mode);
< local_errno = errno;
< }
< if (fd == -1)
< return -local_errno;
< std::shared_ptr<FileFDEntry> ffdp =
< std::make_shared<FileFDEntry>(fd, hostFlags, path.c_str(), false);
< return process->fds->allocFD(ffdp);
> /**
> * The file was opened successfully and needs to be recorded in the
> * process' file descriptor array so that it can be retrieved later.
> * The target file descriptor that is chosen will be the lowest unused
> * file descriptor.
> * Return the indirect target file descriptor back to the simulated
> * process to act as a handle for the opened file.
> */
> auto ffdp = std::make_shared<FileFDEntry>(sim_fd, host_flags, path, 0);
> int tgt_fd = p->fds->allocFD(ffdp);
> DPRINTF_SYSCALL(Verbose, "open%s: sim_fd[%d], target_fd[%d] -> path:%s\n",
> isopenat ? "at" : "", sim_fd, tgt_fd, path.c_str());
> return tgt_fd;
< return openFunc<OS>(desc, callnum, process, tc, 0);
> return openImpl<OS>(desc, callnum, process, tc, false);
< int index = 0;
< int dirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
< if (dirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
< warn("openat: first argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
< return openFunc<OS>(desc, callnum, process, tc, 1);
> return openImpl<OS>(desc, callnum, process, tc, true);