< * TODO: there's a bit more involved here since file descriptors created with
< * dup are supposed to share a file description. So, there is a problem with
< * maintaining fields like file offset or flags since an update to such a
< * field won't be reflected in the metadata for the fd entries that we
< * maintain to hold metadata for checkpoint restoration.
> * FIXME: The file description is not shared among file descriptors created
> * with dup. Really, it's difficult to maintain fields like file offset or
> * flags since an update to such a field won't be reflected in the metadata
> * for the fd entries that we maintain for checkpoint restoration.
< int local_errno = errno;
> if (result == -1)
> return -errno;
< std::shared_ptr<FDEntry> new_fdep = old_hbfdp->clone();
< auto new_hbfdp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HBFDEntry>(new_fdep);
> auto new_hbfdp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HBFDEntry>(old_hbfdp->clone());
> new_hbfdp->setCOE(false);
> return p->fds->allocFD(new_hbfdp);
> }
< return (result == -1) ? -local_errno : p->fds->allocFD(new_fdep);
> SyscallReturn
> dup2Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, Process *p, ThreadContext *tc)
> {
> int index = 0;
> int old_tgt_fd = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
> auto old_hbp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HBFDEntry>((*p->fds)[old_tgt_fd]);
> if (!old_hbp)
> return -EBADF;
> int old_sim_fd = old_hbp->getSimFD();
> /**
> * We need a valid host file descriptor number to be able to pass into
> * the second parameter for dup2 (newfd), but we don't know what the
> * viable numbers are; we execute the open call to retrieve one.
> */
> int res_fd = dup2(old_sim_fd, open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY));
> if (res_fd == -1)
> return -errno;
> int new_tgt_fd = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
> auto new_hbp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HBFDEntry>((*p->fds)[new_tgt_fd]);
> if (new_hbp)
> p->fds->closeFDEntry(new_tgt_fd);
> new_hbp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HBFDEntry>(old_hbp->clone());
> new_hbp->setSimFD(res_fd);
> new_hbp->setCOE(false);
> return p->fds->allocFD(new_hbp);
< pipePseudoFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, Process *process,
< ThreadContext *tc)
> pipeImpl(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, Process *p, ThreadContext *tc,
> bool pseudoPipe)
> Addr tgt_addr = 0;
> if (!pseudoPipe) {
> int index = 0;
> tgt_addr = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
> }
< if (pipe_retval < 0)
< return pipe_retval;
> if (pipe_retval == -1)
> return -errno;
> tgt_fds[0] = p->fds->allocFD(rpfd);
> tgt_fds[1] = p->fds->allocFD(wpfd);
< tgt_fds[0] = process->fds->allocFD(rpfd);
< tgt_fds[1] = process->fds->allocFD(wpfd);
< tc->setIntReg(SyscallPseudoReturnReg, tgt_fds[1]);
< return sim_fds[0];
> if (pseudoPipe) {
> tc->setIntReg(SyscallPseudoReturnReg, tgt_fds[1]);
> return tgt_fds[0];
> }
> /**
> * Copy the target file descriptors into buffer space and then copy
> * the buffer space back into the target address space.
> */
> BufferArg tgt_handle(tgt_addr, sizeof(int[2]));
> int *buf_ptr = (int*)tgt_handle.bufferPtr();
> buf_ptr[0] = tgt_fds[0];
> buf_ptr[1] = tgt_fds[1];
> tgt_handle.copyOut(tc->getMemProxy());
> return 0;
> pipePseudoFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, Process *process,
> ThreadContext *tc)
> {
> return pipeImpl(desc, callnum, process, tc, true);
> }
> SyscallReturn
> pipeFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, Process *process, ThreadContext *tc)
> {
> return pipeImpl(desc, callnum, process, tc, false);
> }
> SyscallReturn