> * Copyright (c) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices
> * Gabe Black
< #include "params/Root.hh"
< #include "sim/sim_object.hh"
> #include "sim/core.hh"
> #include "sim/root.hh"
< // Dummy Object
< struct Root : public SimObject
> Root *Root::_root = NULL;
> /*
> * This function is called periodically by an event in M5 and ensures that
> * at least as much real time has passed between invocations as simulated time.
> * If not, the function either sleeps, or if the difference is small enough
> * spin waits.
> */
> void
> Root::timeSync()
< Root(RootParams *params) : SimObject(params) {}
< };
> Time cur_time, diff, period = timeSyncPeriod();
> do {
> cur_time.setTimer();
> diff = cur_time - lastTime;
> Time remainder = period - diff;
> if (diff < period && remainder > _spinThreshold) {
> DPRINTF(TimeSync, "Sleeping to sync with real time.\n");
> // Sleep until the end of the period, or until a signal.
> sleep(remainder);
> // Refresh the current time.
> cur_time.setTimer();
> }
> } while (diff < period);
> lastTime = cur_time;
> schedule(&syncEvent, curTick() + _periodTick);
> }
> void
> Root::timeSyncEnable(bool en)
> {
> if (en == _enabled)
> return;
> _enabled = en;
> if (_enabled) {
> // Get event going.
> Tick periods = ((curTick() + _periodTick - 1) / _periodTick);
> Tick nextPeriod = periods * _periodTick;
> schedule(&syncEvent, nextPeriod);
> } else {
> // Stop event.
> deschedule(&syncEvent);
> }
> }
> /// Configure the period for time sync events.
> void
> Root::timeSyncPeriod(Time newPeriod)
> {
> bool en = timeSyncEnabled();
> _period = newPeriod;
> _periodTick = _period.nsec() * SimClock::Int::ns +
> _period.sec() * SimClock::Int::s;
> timeSyncEnable(en);
> }
> /// Set the threshold for time remaining to spin wait.
> void
> Root::timeSyncSpinThreshold(Time newThreshold)
> {
> bool en = timeSyncEnabled();
> _spinThreshold = newThreshold;
> timeSyncEnable(en);
> }
> Root::Root(RootParams *p) : SimObject(p), _enabled(false),
> _periodTick(p->time_sync_period), syncEvent(this)
> {
> uint64_t nsecs = p->time_sync_period / SimClock::Int::ns;
> _period.set(nsecs / Time::NSEC_PER_SEC, nsecs % Time::NSEC_PER_SEC);
> nsecs = p->time_sync_spin_threshold / SimClock::Int::ns;
> _spinThreshold.set(nsecs / Time::NSEC_PER_SEC,
> nsecs % Time::NSEC_PER_SEC);
> assert(_root == NULL);
> _root = this;
> lastTime.setTimer();
> timeSyncEnable(p->time_sync_enable);
> }