< // file descriptor remapping support
< static const int MAX_FD = 256; // max legal fd value
< FdMap fd_map[MAX_FD+1];
> static const int NUM_FDS = 1024;
> // File descriptor remapping support.
> FdMap *fd_map;
< // map simulator fd sim_fd to target fd tgt_fd
< void dup_fd(int sim_fd, int tgt_fd);
< // free target fd (e.g., after close)
< void free_fd(int tgt_fd);
> // disassociate target fd with simulator fd and cleanup subsidiary fields
> void free_fdmap_entry(int tgt_fd);
> // look up target fd for given host fd
> // Assumes a 1:1 mapping between target file descriptor and host file
> // descriptor. Given the current API, this must be true given that it's
> // not possible to map multiple target file descriptors to the same host
> // file descriptor
> int tgt_fd(int sim_fd);