< * Copyright (c) 2014 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
> * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
> * Brandon Potter
> #include "sim/fd_array.hh"
> #include "sim/fd_entry.hh"
< static int
< openFile(const string& filename, int flags, mode_t mode)
< {
< int sim_fd = open(filename.c_str(), flags, mode);
< if (sim_fd != -1)
< return sim_fd;
< fatal("Unable to open %s with mode %O", filename, mode);
< }
< static int
< openInputFile(const string &filename)
< {
< return openFile(filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
< }
< static int
< openOutputFile(const string &filename)
< {
< return openFile(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0664);
< }
< fd_array(make_shared<array<FDEntry, NUM_FDS>>()),
< imap {{"", -1},
< {"cin", STDIN_FILENO},
< {"stdin", STDIN_FILENO}},
< oemap{{"", -1},
< {"cout", STDOUT_FILENO},
< {"stdout", STDOUT_FILENO},
< {"cerr", STDERR_FILENO},
< {"stderr", STDERR_FILENO}},
< drivers(params->drivers)
> drivers(params->drivers),
> fds(make_shared<FDArray>(params->input, params->output, params->errout))
< int sim_fd;
< std::map<string,int>::iterator it;
< // Search through the input options and set fd if match is found;
< // otherwise, open an input file and seek to location.
< FDEntry *fde_stdin = getFDEntry(STDIN_FILENO);
< if ((it = imap.find(params->input)) != imap.end())
< sim_fd = it->second;
< else
< sim_fd = openInputFile(params->input);
< fde_stdin->set(sim_fd, params->input, O_RDONLY, -1, false);
< // Search through the output/error options and set fd if match is found;
< // otherwise, open an output file and seek to location.
< FDEntry *fde_stdout = getFDEntry(STDOUT_FILENO);
< if ((it = oemap.find(params->output)) != oemap.end())
< sim_fd = it->second;
< else
< sim_fd = openOutputFile(params->output);
< fde_stdout->set(sim_fd, params->output, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
< 0664, false);
< FDEntry *fde_stderr = getFDEntry(STDERR_FILENO);
< if (params->output == params->errout)
< // Reuse the same file descriptor if these match.
< sim_fd = fde_stdout->fd;
< else if ((it = oemap.find(params->errout)) != oemap.end())
< sim_fd = it->second;
< else
< sim_fd = openOutputFile(params->errout);
< fde_stderr->set(sim_fd, params->errout, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
< 0664, false);
< // other parameters will be initialized when the program is loaded
< void
< Process::inheritFDArray(Process *p)
< {
< fd_array = p->fd_array;
< }
< findFileOffsets();
> fds->updateFileOffsets();
< int
< Process::allocFD(int sim_fd, const string& filename, int flags, int mode,
< bool pipe)
< {
< for (int free_fd = 0; free_fd < fd_array->size(); free_fd++) {
< FDEntry *fde = getFDEntry(free_fd);
< if (fde->isFree()) {
< fde->set(sim_fd, filename, flags, mode, pipe);
< return free_fd;
< }
< }
< fatal("Out of target file descriptors");
< }
< Process::resetFDEntry(int tgt_fd)
< {
< FDEntry *fde = getFDEntry(tgt_fd);
< assert(fde->fd > -1);
< fde->reset();
< }
< int
< Process::getSimFD(int tgt_fd)
< {
< FDEntry *entry = getFDEntry(tgt_fd);
< return entry ? entry->fd : -1;
< }
< FDEntry *
< Process::getFDEntry(int tgt_fd)
< {
< assert(0 <= tgt_fd && tgt_fd < fd_array->size());
< return &(*fd_array)[tgt_fd];
< }
< int
< Process::getTgtFD(int sim_fd)
< {
< for (int index = 0; index < fd_array->size(); index++)
< if ((*fd_array)[index].fd == sim_fd)
< return index;
< return -1;
< }
< void
< Process::fixFileOffsets()
< {
< auto seek = [] (FDEntry *fde)
< {
< if (lseek(fde->fd, fde->fileOffset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
< fatal("Unable to see to location in %s", fde->filename);
< };
< std::map<string,int>::iterator it;
< // Search through the input options and set fd if match is found;
< // otherwise, open an input file and seek to location.
< FDEntry *fde_stdin = getFDEntry(STDIN_FILENO);
< // Check if user has specified a different input file, and if so, use it
< // instead of the file specified in the checkpoint. This also resets the
< // file offset from the checkpointed value
< string new_in = ((ProcessParams*)params())->input;
< if (new_in != fde_stdin->filename) {
< warn("Using new input file (%s) rather than checkpointed (%s)\n",
< new_in, fde_stdin->filename);
< fde_stdin->filename = new_in;
< fde_stdin->fileOffset = 0;
< }
< if ((it = imap.find(fde_stdin->filename)) != imap.end()) {
< fde_stdin->fd = it->second;
< } else {
< fde_stdin->fd = openInputFile(fde_stdin->filename);
< seek(fde_stdin);
< }
< // Search through the output/error options and set fd if match is found;
< // otherwise, open an output file and seek to location.
< FDEntry *fde_stdout = getFDEntry(STDOUT_FILENO);
< // Check if user has specified a different output file, and if so, use it
< // instead of the file specified in the checkpoint. This also resets the
< // file offset from the checkpointed value
< string new_out = ((ProcessParams*)params())->output;
< if (new_out != fde_stdout->filename) {
< warn("Using new output file (%s) rather than checkpointed (%s)\n",
< new_out, fde_stdout->filename);
< fde_stdout->filename = new_out;
< fde_stdout->fileOffset = 0;
< }
< if ((it = oemap.find(fde_stdout->filename)) != oemap.end()) {
< fde_stdout->fd = it->second;
< } else {
< fde_stdout->fd = openOutputFile(fde_stdout->filename);
< seek(fde_stdout);
< }
< FDEntry *fde_stderr = getFDEntry(STDERR_FILENO);
< // Check if user has specified a different error file, and if so, use it
< // instead of the file specified in the checkpoint. This also resets the
< // file offset from the checkpointed value
< string new_err = ((ProcessParams*)params())->errout;
< if (new_err != fde_stderr->filename) {
< warn("Using new error file (%s) rather than checkpointed (%s)\n",
< new_err, fde_stderr->filename);
< fde_stderr->filename = new_err;
< fde_stderr->fileOffset = 0;
< }
< if (fde_stdout->filename == fde_stderr->filename) {
< // Reuse the same file descriptor if these match.
< fde_stderr->fd = fde_stdout->fd;
< } else if ((it = oemap.find(fde_stderr->filename)) != oemap.end()) {
< fde_stderr->fd = it->second;
< } else {
< fde_stderr->fd = openOutputFile(fde_stderr->filename);
< seek(fde_stderr);
< }
< for (int tgt_fd = 3; tgt_fd < fd_array->size(); tgt_fd++) {
< FDEntry *fde = getFDEntry(tgt_fd);
< if (fde->fd == -1)
< continue;
< if (fde->isPipe) {
< if (fde->filename == "PIPE-WRITE")
< continue;
< assert(fde->filename == "PIPE-READ");
< int fds[2];
< if (pipe(fds) < 0)
< fatal("Unable to create new pipe");
< fde->fd = fds[0];
< FDEntry *fde_write = getFDEntry(fde->readPipeSource);
< assert(fde_write->filename == "PIPE-WRITE");
< fde_write->fd = fds[1];
< } else {
< fde->fd = openFile(fde->filename.c_str(), fde->flags, fde->mode);
< seek(fde);
< }
< }
< }
< void
< Process::findFileOffsets()
< {
< for (auto& fde : *fd_array) {
< if (fde.fd != -1)
< fde.fileOffset = lseek(fde.fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
< }
< }
< void
< Process::setReadPipeSource(int read_pipe_fd, int source_fd)
< {
< FDEntry *fde = getFDEntry(read_pipe_fd);
< assert(source_fd >= -1);
< fde->readPipeSource = source_fd;
< }
< void
< for (int x = 0; x < fd_array->size(); x++) {
< (*fd_array)[x].serializeSection(cp, csprintf("FDEntry%d", x));
< }
> /**
> * Checkpoints for file descriptors currently do not work. Need to
> * come back and fix them at a later date.
> */
> warn("Checkpoints for file descriptors currently do not work.");
> #if 0
> for (int x = 0; x < fds->getSize(); x++)
> (*fds)[x].serializeSection(cp, csprintf("FDEntry%d", x));
> #endif
< for (int x = 0; x < fd_array->size(); x++) {
< FDEntry *fde = getFDEntry(x);
< fde->unserializeSection(cp, csprintf("FDEntry%d", x));
< }
< fixFileOffsets();
> /**
> * Checkpoints for file descriptors currently do not work. Need to
> * come back and fix them at a later date.
> */
> warn("Checkpoints for file descriptors currently do not work.");
> #if 0
> for (int x = 0; x < fds->getSize(); x++)
> (*fds)[x]->unserializeSection(cp, csprintf("FDEntry%d", x));
> fds->restoreFileOffsets();
> #endif