< # if you read this, feel free to modify colors / style
< fillcolor = dot_gen_color(simNode), \
> fillcolor = dot_gen_colour(simNode), \
< # if you read this, feel free to modify colors / style.
< # leafs may have a different style => seperate function
< fillcolor = "#808080", \
> fillcolor = dot_gen_colour(simNode, True), \
< # generate color for nodes
< def dot_gen_color(simNode):
< # start off with white
< base = (256, 256, 256)
< # scale the color based on the depth
< depth = len(simNode.path().split('.'))
< # slightly arbitrary, but assume that the depth is less than six
< # levels
< r, g, b = map(lambda x: x * max(1 - depth / 6.0, 0.3), base)
> # an enumerator for different kinds of node types, at the moment we
> # discern the majority of node types, with the caches being the
> # notable exception
> class NodeType:
> SYS = 0
> CPU = 1
> BUS = 2
> MEM = 3
> DEV = 4
> OTHER = 5
> # based on the sim object, determine the node type
> def get_node_type(simNode):
> if isinstance(simNode, m5.objects.System):
> return NodeType.SYS
> # NULL ISA has no BaseCPU or PioDevice, so check if these names
> # exists before using them
> elif 'BaseCPU' in dir(m5.objects) and \
> isinstance(simNode, m5.objects.BaseCPU):
> return NodeType.CPU
> elif 'PioDevice' in dir(m5.objects) and \
> isinstance(simNode, m5.objects.PioDevice):
> return NodeType.DEV
> elif isinstance(simNode, m5.objects.BaseBus):
> return NodeType.BUS
> elif isinstance(simNode, m5.objects.AbstractMemory):
> return NodeType.MEM
> else:
> return NodeType.OTHER
> # based on the node type, determine the colour as an RGB tuple, the
> # palette is rather arbitrary at this point (some coherent natural
> # tones), and someone that feels artistic should probably have a look
> def get_type_colour(nodeType):
> if nodeType == NodeType.SYS:
> return (228, 231, 235)
> elif nodeType == NodeType.CPU:
> return (187, 198, 217)
> elif nodeType == NodeType.BUS:
> return (111, 121, 140)
> elif nodeType == NodeType.MEM:
> return (94, 89, 88)
> elif nodeType == NodeType.DEV:
> return (199, 167, 147)
> elif nodeType == NodeType.OTHER:
> # use a relatively gray shade
> return (186, 182, 174)
> # generate colour for a node, either corresponding to a sim object or a
> # port
> def dot_gen_colour(simNode, isPort = False):
> # determine the type of the current node, and also its parent, if
> # the node is not the same type as the parent then we use the base
> # colour for its type
> node_type = get_node_type(simNode)
> if simNode._parent:
> parent_type = get_node_type(simNode._parent)
> else:
> parent_type = NodeType.OTHER
> # if this node is the same type as the parent, then scale the
> # colour based on the depth such that the deeper levels in the
> # hierarchy get darker colours
> if node_type == parent_type:
> # start out with a depth of zero
> depth = 0
> parent = simNode._parent
> # find the closes parent that is not the same type
> while parent and get_node_type(parent) == parent_type:
> depth = depth + 1
> parent = parent._parent
> node_colour = get_type_colour(parent_type)
> # slightly arbitrary, but assume that the depth is less than
> # five levels
> r, g, b = map(lambda x: x * max(1 - depth / 7.0, 0.3), node_colour)
> else:
> node_colour = get_type_colour(node_type)
> r, g, b = node_colour
> # if we are colouring a port, then make it a slightly darker shade
> # than the node that encapsulates it, once again use a magic constant
> if isPort:
> r, g, b = map(lambda x: 0.8 * x, (r, g, b))
< warn("failed to generate pdf output from %s", dot_filename)
> warn("failed to generate dot output from %s", dot_filename)